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synced 2024-08-30 18:32:25 +00:00
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132 lines
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Parse and manipulate m3u8 playlists.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generator, Optional, OrderedDict
import click
import m3u8
from twitchdl import utils
from twitchdl.output import bold, dim
class Playlist:
name: str
resolution: Optional[str]
url: str
class Vod:
index: int
"""Ordinal number of the VOD in the playlist"""
path: str
"""Path part of the VOD URL"""
duration: int
"""Segment duration in seconds"""
def parse_playlists(playlists_m3u8: str):
def _parse(source: str) -> Generator[Playlist, None, None]:
document = load_m3u8(source)
for p in document.playlists:
if p.stream_info.resolution:
name = p.media[0].name
resolution = "x".join(str(r) for r in p.stream_info.resolution)
name = p.media[0].group_id
resolution = None
yield Playlist(name, resolution, p.uri)
# Move audio to bottom, it has no resolution
return sorted(_parse(playlists_m3u8), key=lambda p: p.resolution is None)
def load_m3u8(playlist_m3u8: str) -> m3u8.M3U8:
return m3u8.loads(playlist_m3u8)
def enumerate_vods(
document: m3u8.M3U8,
start: Optional[int] = None,
end: Optional[int] = None,
) -> list[Vod]:
"""Extract VODs for download from document."""
vods = []
vod_start = 0
for index, segment in enumerate(document.segments):
vod_end = vod_start + segment.duration
# `vod_end > start` is used here becuase it's better to download a bit
# more than a bit less, similar for the end condition
start_condition = not start or vod_end > start
end_condition = not end or vod_start < end
if start_condition and end_condition:
vods.append(Vod(index, segment.uri, segment.duration))
vod_start = vod_end
return vods
def make_join_playlist(
playlist: m3u8.M3U8,
vods: list[Vod],
targets: list[str],
) -> m3u8.Playlist:
Make a modified playlist which references downloaded VODs
Keep only the downloaded segments and skip the rest
org_segments = playlist.segments.copy()
path_map = OrderedDict(zip([v.path for v in vods], targets))
for segment in org_segments:
if segment.uri in path_map:
segment.uri = path_map[segment.uri]
return playlist
def select_playlist(playlists: list[Playlist], quality: Optional[str]) -> Playlist:
return (
select_playlist_by_name(playlists, quality)
if quality is not None
else select_playlist_interactive(playlists)
def select_playlist_by_name(playlists: list[Playlist], quality: str) -> Playlist:
if quality == "source":
return playlists[0]
for playlist in playlists:
if playlist.name == quality:
return playlist
available = ", ".join([p.name for p in playlists])
msg = f"Quality '{quality}' not found. Available qualities are: {available}"
raise click.ClickException(msg)
def select_playlist_interactive(playlists: list[Playlist]) -> Playlist:
click.echo("\nAvailable qualities:")
for n, playlist in enumerate(playlists):
if playlist.resolution:
click.echo(f"{n + 1}) {bold(playlist.name)} {dim(f'({playlist.resolution})')}")
click.echo(f"{n + 1}) {bold(playlist.name)}")
no = utils.read_int("Choose quality", min=1, max=len(playlists) + 1, default=1)
playlist = playlists[no - 1]
return playlist