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These tests depend on the channel having some videos and clips published.
import httpx
import pytest
from twitchdl import twitch
from twitchdl.commands.download import get_clip_authenticated_url
from twitchdl.commands.videos import get_game_ids
from twitchdl.exceptions import ConsoleError
from twitchdl.playlists import enumerate_vods, load_m3u8, parse_playlists
TEST_CHANNEL = "bananasaurus_rex"
def test_get_videos():
videos = twitch.get_channel_videos(TEST_CHANNEL, 3, "time")
assert videos["pageInfo"]
assert len(videos["edges"]) > 0
video_id = videos["edges"][0]["node"]["id"]
video = twitch.get_video(video_id)
assert video is not None
assert video["id"] == video_id
access_token = twitch.get_access_token(video_id)
assert "signature" in access_token
assert "value" in access_token
playlists_txt = twitch.get_playlists(video_id, access_token)
assert playlists_txt.startswith("#EXTM3U")
playlists = parse_playlists(playlists_txt)
playlist_url = playlists[0].url
playlist_txt = httpx.get(playlist_url).text
assert playlist_txt.startswith("#EXTM3U")
playlist_m3u8 = load_m3u8(playlist_txt)
vods = enumerate_vods(playlist_m3u8)
assert vods[0].path == "0.ts"
def test_get_clips():
This test depends on the channel having some videos published.
clips = twitch.get_channel_clips(TEST_CHANNEL, "all_time", 3)
assert clips["pageInfo"]
assert len(clips["edges"]) > 0
slug = clips["edges"][0]["node"]["slug"]
clip = twitch.get_clip(slug)
assert clip is not None
assert clip["slug"] == slug
assert get_clip_authenticated_url(slug, "source")
def test_get_games():
assert get_game_ids([]) == []
assert get_game_ids(["Bioshock"]) == ["15866"]
assert get_game_ids(["Bioshock", "Portal"]) == ["15866", "6187"]
def test_get_games_not_found():
with pytest.raises(ConsoleError) as ex:
get_game_ids(["the game which does not exist"])
assert str(ex.value) == "Game 'the game which does not exist' not found"