* Feel free to change [20-dns.conflist](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/20-dns.conflist) to change the IP address of the container. Make sure to update all ip references and the iptables rules in [on_boot.sh](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/on_boot.sh). The IP address can be anywhere from x.x.x.3 to x.x.x.254. .1 is reserved for the gateway and .2 is reserved for the macvlan bridge.
* If you don't want to use vlan5, just replace br5 with br(vlanid) in [on_boot.sh](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/on_boot.sh) and [20-dns.conflist](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/20-dns.conflist), also update all the ips accordingly
1. On your controller, make a Corporate network with no DHCP server and give it a vlan. For this example we are using vlan 5.
2. Install the CNI plugins with by executing [install-cni-plugins.sh](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/install-cni-plugins.sh) on your UDM
3. Copy [20-dns.conflist](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/20-dns.conflist) to /mnt/data/podman/cni (or a place of your choosing and update [on_boot.sh](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/on_boot.sh) symlink). This will create your podman macvlan network
4. Update your on_boot.sh to include the commands in [on_boot.sh](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/blob/master/run-pihole/udm-files/on_boot.sh). You can leave out the iptables rules if you don't want to DNAT all DNS calls to your PiHole
5. Execute on_boot.sh
6. Run the pihole docker container, be sure to make the directories for your persistent pihole configuration. They are mounted as volumes in the command below.