2. You have applied [container-common](https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/tree/master/container-common) change to prevent UDM storage to fill up with Homebridge logs and addon error messages that can move fast.
- Update [90-homebridge.conflist](cni/90-homebridge.conflist) to match your network:
- Change `"bridge": "br0"` to the appropriate VLAN for your network.
- Update `"subnet"` and `"gateway"` to match that VLAN.
- If you want a specific IP assigned, update `"rangeStart"` and `"rangeEnd"`. Otherwise those properties can be deleted.
### Steps
1.`mkdir -p /mnt/data/homebridge/run`
2. Copy [25-homebridge.sh](on_boot.d/25-homebridge.sh) to `/mnt/data/on_boot.d`.
3. Copy [90-homebridge.conflist](cni/90-homebridge.conflist) to `/mnt/data/podman/cni`. This will create the podman network that bridges the container to your VLAN.
4. Run the Homebridge docker container. Change the timezone (`-e TZ`) to match your timezone, and DNS (`--dns`) to match your VLAN gateway.
```shell script
podman run -d --restart always \
--privileged \
--name homebridge \
--net homebridge \
--dns \
--dns-search lan \
-e TZ=America/Chicago \
-e PGID=0 -e PUID=0 \
-v "/mnt/data/homebridge/:/homebridge/" \
-v "/mnt/data/homebridge/run/:/run/" \
5. Access the Homebridge UI based on the IP you assigned, like [](
6. If using the UDM Pro, the `homebridge-unifi-protect` plugin can be installed via the Homebridge UI to integrate Unifi Protect cameras.