#!/bin/bash ################################################################### #Script Name : interactive_setup #Description : This script guides you through creating a custom container on UnifiOS 3.0+ using systemd-nspawn. # It includes steps for configuring the container, ensuring persistence across firmware updates, # and installing custom services such as pihole (Not Yet) or adguard home. # The process involves installing systemd-container and debootstrap and using them to create # a base debian system in /data/custom/machines directory. #Author : Apo-mak #Last Date Edited : 09-04-2023 ################################################################### set -e dnsfile="10-dns.sh" container_name="debian-custom" container_root_pasword="12345678" vlan_id="5" vlan_address="" vlan_gateway="" ## # Color Variables ## green='\e[32m' blue='\e[34m' clear='\e[0m' ## # Color Functions ## ColorGreen(){ echo -ne $green$1$clear } ColorBlue(){ echo -ne $blue$1$clear } ############################################## function set_variables(){ read -p "Enter the container name [$container_name]: " container_name container_name=${container_name:-"debian-custom"} read -p "Enter the container root password [$container_root_pasword]: " container_root_pasword container_root_pasword=${container_root_pasword:-"12345678"} } function set_container_network_variables(){ read -p "Enter the container vlan_id [$vlan_id]: " vlan_id vlan_id=${vlan_id:-"5"} read -p "Enter the container vlan_address [$vlan_address]: " vlan_address vlan_address=${vlan_address:-""} read -p "Enter the container vlan_gateway [$vlan_gateway]: " vlan_gateway vlan_gateway=${vlan_gateway:-""} } function echo_variables(){ echo "#### Printing set Variables: ###" echo "Container Name: $container_name " echo "Container Root Password: $container_root_pasword " echo "Network Vlan ID: $vlan_id " echo "Container $vlan_address " echo "Network Getway: $vlan_gateway " } function create_custom_ontainer_simple(){ echo "You have selected to setup a container that has access to all the host network interfaces and full capabilities to do anything to the system" read -p "Press enter to continue OR ctrl + c to cancel." create_custom_ontainer ; setup_networking_simple ; setup_persistence ; setup_backup_dpkg_files } function create_custom_ontainer_macvlan(){ echo "You have selected to setup a container to use an Isolated MacVLAN Network AKA Vlan." read -p "Press enter to continue OR ctrl + c to cancel." create_custom_ontainer ; setup_networking_MACVLAN ; setup_persistence ; setup_backup_dpkg_files } function create_custom_ontainer() { echo "" echo " Creating a Custom Container on UnifiOS 3.x" echo "" #### check if directory exists and abort if [ -d "/data/custom/machines/$container_name" ] then echo "Directory /data/custom/machines/$container_name already exists... aborting the setup ... try manual setup or setup with new container name." exit 1 fi ### Step 1. Create the Container echo " Installing the systemd-container and debootstrap" apt -y install systemd-container debootstrap ### create a directory called "$container_name" with a base debian system in /data/custom/machines echo "Creating container required directories" mkdir -p /data/custom/machines cd /data/custom/machines debootstrap --include=systemd,dbus unstable "$container_name" ### Finally, let's bring up a shell on this container echo "Set container Root password, Network setting and enable systemd-networkd" #systemd-nspawn -M "$container_name" -D /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" #systemd-nspawn -M "$container_name" -D /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" echo "This Echo is from inside the new Container ..." systemd-nspawn -M "$container_name" -D /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" /bin/bash -c "echo 'root:${container_root_pasword}' | chpasswd" echo "In container start network" systemd-nspawn -M "$container_name" -D /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" /bin/bash -c systemctl enable systemd-networkd echo "in container set default DNS" systemd-nspawn -M "$container_name" -D /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" /bin/bash -c echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf \ echo ""$container_name"" > /etc/hostname #### we will link the container to /var/lib/machines so we can control it with machinectl echo "Linking the container to /var/lib/machines" mkdir -p /var/lib/machines ln -s /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" /var/lib/machines/ } function setup_networking_simple() { echo "" echo " Setting up networking Simple" echo "" ##### we will create a "$container_name".nspawn file in /etc/systemd/nspawn to configure parameters for the container ######(such as network, bind mounts, etc) echo "configuring parameters for the container " mkdir -p /etc/systemd/nspawn cat < /etc/systemd/nspawn/"$container_name".nspawn [Exec] Boot=on Capability=all [Network] Private=off VirtualEthernet=off ResolvConf=off EOF } function setup_networking_MACVLAN() { echo "" echo " Setting up networking MACVLAN" echo "" #####we will create a "$container_name".nspawn file in /etc/systemd/nspawn to configure parameters for the container ######(such as network, bind mounts, etc) echo "configuring parameters for the container " mkdir -p /etc/systemd/nspawn cat < /etc/systemd/nspawn/"$container_name".nspawn [Exec] Boot=on [Network] MACVLAN=br$vlan_id ResolvConf=off EOF ##### Configure the Container to use an Isolated MacVLAN Network echo " Configuring the Container to use an Isolated MacVLAN Network" cd /data/on_boot.d if [ -f "$file" ] ; then rm "$file" fi curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peacey/unifios-utilities/nspawn/nspawn-container/scripts/10-setup-network.sh chmod +x 10-setup-network.sh cat < /etc/systemd/nspawn/"$container_name".nspawn [Exec] Boot=on [Network] MACVLAN=br$vlan_id ResolvConf=off EOF #####Configure your container to set the IP and gateway you defined in 10-setup-network.sh cd /data/custom/machines/"$container_name"/etc/systemd/network cat < mv-br5.network [Match] Name=mv-br$vlan_id [Network] IPForward=yes Address=$vlan_address Gateway=$vlan_gateway EOF #### Run the 10-setup-network.sh script to setup the network interface /data/on_boot.d/10-setup-network.sh machinectl stop "$container_name" machinectl start "$container_name" } function setup_adguard() { echo "You have selected to setup a AdGuardHome in container $container_name" read -p "Press enter to continue OR ctrl + c to cancel." echo "" echo " Setting up adguard" echo "" ############ install addguard ####### systemd-nspawn -M "$container_name" -D /data/custom/machines/"$container_name" /bin/bash -c "apt -y install curl && curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/master/scripts/install.sh | sh -s -- -v" echo "Go to http://${vlan_address}:3000 to configure AdGuard Home (or whatever IP your container has if you had select simple install)." read -p "Press enter to continue" } function setup_persistence() { echo "" echo " Configuring Persistence Across Firmware Updates" echo "" #### Configure Persistence Across Firmware Updates echo "Configuring Persistence Across Firmware Updates" cd /data/on_boot.d curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peacey/unifios-utilities/nspawn/nspawn-container/scripts/0-setup-system.sh chmod +x 0-setup-system.sh mv 0-setup-system.sh 02-setup-system.sh } function setup_backup_dpkg_files() { echo "" echo " Downloading the backup dpkg package files" echo "" #### Download the backup dpkg package files for systemd-container and dependencies into /data/custom/dpkg. #####These packages will only be used as a backup install in case the Internet is down after the first boot after an update. echo "Configuring backup install" mkdir -p /data/custom/dpkg && cd /data/custom/dpkg apt download systemd-container libnss-mymachines debootstrap arch-test echo " Container setup has ended .. :) " } menu(){ echo -ne " Create a container with systemd-nspawn Select your option from below: $(ColorGreen '1)') Create a Custom Container Simple $(ColorGreen '2)') Create a Custom Container Mac Vlan $(ColorGreen '3)') Install Adguard in existing container. $(ColorGreen '4)') Print set Variables. $(ColorGreen '5)') Set Container Variables (name & Root Password). $(ColorGreen '6)') Set Container Network Variables. (Vlan ID & IP address). $(ColorGreen '0)') Exit $(ColorBlue 'Choose an option:') " read a case $a in 1) create_custom_ontainer_simple ; menu ;; 2) create_custom_ontainer_macvlan ; menu ;; 3) setup_adguard ; menu ;; 4) echo_variables ; menu ;; 5) set_variables ; menu ;; 6) set_container_network_variables ; menu ;; 0) exit 0 ;; *) echo -e $red"Wrong option."$clear; WrongCommand;; esac } # Call the menu function menu