#!/usr/bin/env sh # A change in the name udm-boot would need to be reflected as well in systemctl calls. SYSTEMCTL_PATH="/etc/systemd/system/udm-boot.service" SYMLINK_SYSTEMCTL="/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/udm-boot.service" CNI_PLUGINS_SCRIPT_RAW_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/HEAD/cni-plugins/05-install-cni-plugins.sh" CNI_PLUGINS_ON_BOOT_FILENAME="$(basename "$CNI_PLUGINS_SCRIPT_RAW_URL")" CNI_BRIDGE_SCRIPT_RAW_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/main/on-boot-script/examples/udm-networking/on_boot.d/06-cni-bridge.sh" CNI_BRIDGE_ON_BOOT_FILENAME="$(basename "$CNI_BRIDGE_SCRIPT_RAW_URL")" GITHUB_API_URL="https://api.github.com/repos" GITHUB_REPOSITORY="unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities" # --- Functions --- header() { cat << EOF _ _ ___ __ __ ___ _ | | | | \| \/ | | _ ) ___ ___| |_ | |_| | |) | |\/| | | _ \/ _ \/ _ \ _| \___/|___/|_| |_| |___/\___/\___/\__| Execute any script when your udm system starts. EOF } command_exists() { command -v "${1:-}" >/dev/null 2>&1 } depends_on() { ! command_exists "${1:-}" && echo "Missing dependencie(s): \`$*\`" 1>&2 && exit 1 } udm_model() { case "$(ubnt-device-info model || true)" in "UniFi Dream Machine SE") echo "udmse" ;; "UniFi Dream Machine Pro") echo "udmpro" ;; "UniFi Dream Machine") echo "udm" ;; "UniFi Dream Router") echo "udr" ;; *) echo "unknown" ;; esac } get_persistent_path() { IFS_COPY="$IFS" IFS="/" if [ -d "/mnt/data" ]; then DATA_DIR="/mnt/data${*:+/$*}" elif [ -d "/data" ]; then DATA_DIR="/data${*:+/$*}" else echo "ERROR: No persistent storage found." 1>&2 exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR" echo "$DATA_DIR" IFS="$IFS_COPY" unset IFS_COPY DATA_DIR } get_latest_download_url() { depends_on awk curl -fsL "${GITHUB_API_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/releases/latest" | awk '$0 ~ /"browser_download_url"/ {sub(/.*:\s*"/,"",$0); gsub("\"", "", $0); print $0}' } # download_on_path download_on_path() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "Missing arguments: \`$*\`" 1>&2 && return 1 curl -sLJo "$1" "$2" [ -r "$1" ] } install_on_boot_udm_series() { download_url="$(get_latest_download_url)" tmp_path="/tmp/$(basename "${download_url}")" podman exec unifi-os systemctl disable udmboot >/dev/null 2>&1 || true podman exec unifi-os systemctl disable udm-boot >/dev/null 2>&1 || true podman exec unifi-os systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || true podman exec unifi-os rm -rf /etc/init.d/udm.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 || true podman exec unifi-os rm -f "/etc/systemd/system/udmboot.service" "/etc/systemd/system/udm-boot.service" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true echo "Downloading UDM boot package..." podman exec unifi-os curl -sLJo "$tmp_path" "$download_url" || return 1 echo sleep 1s echo "Installing UDM boot package..." podman exec unifi-os dpkg -i "$tmp_path" || return 1 echo unset download_url tmp_path } # Credits @peacey: https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/issues/214#issuecomment-886869295 udmse_on_boot_systemd() { cat << EOF [Unit] Description=Run On Startup UDM Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=bash -c 'mkdir -p /mnt/data/on_boot.d && find -L /mnt/data/on_boot.d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -r -n 1 -- bash -c \'if test -x "\$0"; then echo "%n: running \$0"; "\$0"; else case "\$0" in *.sh) echo "%n: sourcing \$0"; . "\$0";; *) echo "%n: ignoring \$0";; esac; fi\'' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF } install_on_boot_udr_se() { systemctl disable udm-boot systemctl daemon-reload rm -f "$SYMLINK_SYSTEMCTL" echo "Creating systemctl service file" udmse_on_boot_systemd > "$SYSTEMCTL_PATH" || return 1 sleep 1s echo "Enabling UDM boot..." systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable "udm-boot" systemctl start "udm-boot" [ -e "$SYMLINK_SYSTEMCTL" ] } # --- main --- header depends_on ubnt-device-info depends_on curl ON_BOOT_D_PATH="$(get_persistent_path "on_boot.d")" case "$(udm_model)" in udm|udmpro) echo "UDM/Pro detected, installing on-boot script..." depends_on podman if ! install_on_boot_udm_series; then echo echo "Failed to install on-boot script service" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "UDM Boot Script installed" ;; udr|udmse) echo "UDR/UDMSE detected, installing on-boot script..." depends_on systemctl if ! install_on_boot_udr_se; then echo echo "Failed to install on-boot script service" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "UDM Boot Script installed" ;; *) echo "Unsupported model: $(ubnt-device-info model)" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac echo if [ ! -f "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_PLUGINS_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" ]; then echo "Downloading CNI plugins script..." if ! download_on_path "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_PLUGINS_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" "$CNI_PLUGINS_SCRIPT_RAW_URL" then echo echo "Failed to download CNI plugins script" 1>&2 exit 1 fi else echo "Downloading of CNI bridge script skipped" fi chmod +x "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_PLUGINS_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" echo "CNI plugins script installed" echo "Executing CNI plugins script..." "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_PLUGINS_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" || true echo if [ ! -f "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_BRIDGE_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" ]; then echo "Downloading CNI bridge script..." if ! download_on_path "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_BRIDGE_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" "$CNI_BRIDGE_SCRIPT_RAW_URL" then echo echo "Failed to download CNI bridge script" 1>&2 exit 1 fi else echo "Downloading of CNI bridge script skipped" fi chmod +x "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_BRIDGE_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" echo "CNI bridge script installed" echo "Executing CNI bridge script..." echo "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_BRIDGE_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" "${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}/${CNI_BRIDGE_ON_BOOT_FILENAME}" || true echo echo "On boot script installation finished" echo echo "You can now place your scripts in \`${ON_BOOT_D_PATH}\`" echo