# Run Suricata 5.0.3 with custom rules ## UBNT updated Suricata in 1.9.x firmwares make this unneeded ## Features 1. Run a newer suricata with custom rules 2. Persists through reboots and firmware updates. ## Requirements 1. You have successfully setup the on boot script described [here](https://github.com/boostchicken-dev/udm-utilities/tree/master/on-boot-script) ## Customization * Put customs rules files in /mnt/data/suricata-rules ## Steps 1. Copy [25-suricata.sh](on_boot.d/25-suricata.sh) to /mnt/data/on_boot.d and update its values to reflect your environment 2. Execute /mnt/data/on_boot.d/25-suricata.sh