diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 5f2c5aa6e5..a433d61f68 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0 - Added Italian translation - Added Portuguese translation - Added Turkish translation +- Added Traditional Chinese translation - Complete rewrite of the combat system into a state machine - Abilities like Dash and Triplestrike - Armor can now be equipped as items diff --git a/assets/voxygen/font/bdfUMplus-license.txt b/assets/voxygen/font/bdfUMplus-license.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d6af41c45 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/voxygen/font/bdfUMplus-license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2012 hikaen2 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/voxygen/font/bdfUMplus-outline.ttf b/assets/voxygen/font/bdfUMplus-outline.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3153a7f4b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/voxygen/font/bdfUMplus-outline.ttf differ diff --git a/assets/voxygen/i18n/zh_TW.ron b/assets/voxygen/i18n/zh_TW.ron new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ebe00de4b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/voxygen/i18n/zh_TW.ron @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +/// Localization for Traditional Chinese +VoxygenLocalization( + metadata: ( + language_name: "繁體中文", + language_identifier: "zh_TW", + ), + convert_utf8_to_ascii: false, + fonts: { + "opensans": Font ( + asset_key: "voxygen.font.bdfUMplus-outline", + scale_ratio: 0.75, + ), + "metamorph": Font ( + asset_key: "voxygen.font.bdfUMplus-outline", + scale_ratio: 0.75, + ), + "alkhemi": Font ( + asset_key: "voxygen.font.bdfUMplus-outline", + scale_ratio: 0.75, + ), + "wizard": Font ( + asset_key: "voxygen.font.bdfUMplus-outline", + scale_ratio: 0.75, + ), + "cyri": Font ( + asset_key: "voxygen.font.bdfUMplus-outline", + scale_ratio: 0.75, + ), + }, + string_map: { + /// Start Common section + // Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting + "common.username": "帳號名稱", + "common.singleplayer": "單人模式", + "common.multiplayer": "多人模式", + "common.servers": "伺服器", + "common.quit": "退出", + "common.settings": "設定", + "common.languages": "語言", + "common.interface": "界面", + "common.gameplay": "遊戲", + "common.controls": "控制", + "common.video": "畫面", + "common.sound": "聲音", + "common.resume": "繼續", + "common.characters": "角色", + "common.close": "關閉", + "common.yes": "是", + "common.no": "否", + "common.back": "返回", + "common.create": "建立", + "common.okay": "好", + "common.accept": "接受", + "common.disclaimer": "免責聲明", + "common.cancel": "取消", + "common.none": "無", + "common.error": "錯誤", + "common.fatal_error": "致命錯誤", + + // Message when connection to the server is lost + "common.connection_lost": r#"連線中斷! +檢查看看伺服器重啟了嗎? +客戶端有更新了嗎?"#, + + + "common.races.orc": "獸人", + "common.races.human": "人類", + "common.races.dwarf": "矮人", + "common.races.elf": "精靈", + "common.races.undead": "不死族", + "common.races.danari": "丹那利", + + "common.weapons.axe": "斧", + "common.weapons.sword": "劍", + "common.weapons.staff": "杖", + "common.weapons.bow": "弓", + "common.weapons.hammer": "鎚", + /// End Common section + + + /// Start Main screen section + "main.connecting": "連線中", + "main.creating_world": "生成世界中", + + // Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started + "main.notice": r#"歡迎加入 Veloren alpha 版! + +在您開始享受遊戲之前,請注意一些事情: + +- 這是非常前期的 alpha 版本,您會遇到不少錯誤、未完成遊戲模式、未完善的遊戲機制以及缺失的功能。 +- 如鬼有建設性的意見回饋或是錯誤回報,可以上 Reddit、GitLab 或者我們的 Discord 伺服器。 +- Veloren 的授權條款是 GPL 3 open-source licence,也就是任何人都可以任意的遊玩、更改並重新發布遊戲(其衍生的專案也都是 GPL 3)。 +- Veloren 是個非營利的社群專案,任何人都是自願參預開發的。如果喜歡的話,歡迎加入開發與美術設計團隊。 +- 「Voxel RPG」是個專屬的類別,就像任何的第一人稱射擊遊戲以前都稱作 Doom 的複製品。 + +就像他們一樣,我們想要打造完美的作品,這不是款複製品遊戲,而此遊戲的開發將會讓未來的遊戲更加多元化。 + +感謝您的閱讀,我們祝您能享受遊戲! + +~ Veloren 開發人員"#, + + // Login process description + "main.login_process": r#"Information on the Login Process: + +If you are having issues signing in: + +Please note that you now need an account +to play on auth-enabled servers. + +You can create an account over at + +https://account.veloren.net."#, + "main.login.server_not_found": "找不到伺服器", + "main.login.authentication_error": "伺服器認證錯誤", + "main.login.server_full": "伺服器已滿", + "main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "認證伺服器不可信", + "main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "伺服器錯誤:版本可能不相容,請檢查更新。", + "main.login.timeout": "逾時:伺服器無法即時回應(也許試過載或者網路問題)。", + "main.login.server_shut_down": "伺服器已關閉", + "main.login.already_logged_in": "您已登入伺服器。", + "main.login.network_error": "網路錯誤", + "main.login.failed_sending_request": "認證伺服器請求失敗", + "main.login.client_crashed": "客戶端崩潰", + + /// End Main screen section + + + /// Start HUD Section + "hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "開啟時不顯示這個", + "hud.show_tips": "顯示提示", + "hud.quests": "任務", + "hud.you_died": "死亡", + + "hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "按 {key} 以顯示按鍵設置", + "hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "按 {key} 以顯示除錯資訊", + "hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "按 {key} 以切換按鍵設置", + "hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "按 {key} 以切換除錯資訊", + + // Respawn message + "hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"按 {key} 以重生在上一個營火堆。"#, + + // Welcome message + "hud.welcome": r#"歡迎來到 Veloren Alpha 版, + + +以下是些開始前的提示: + + +最重要的提示:想設置重生點請在聊天欄輸入 /waypoint 。 + +就算死了也可以作! + + +按 F1 可以查看按鍵設置。 + +在聊天欄輸入 /help 可以查看聊天指令 + + +寶箱和物品會隨機重生在世界中! + +點擊右鍵能收集它們。 + +要真的使用收集到的物品,請按「B」開啟物品欄。 + +在背包中雙擊物品來使用或裝備它們。 + +要拋棄它們的話,可以按它們一次然後再點背包外面一次 + + +Veloren 半夜會特別暗。 + +在聊天欄輸入 /lantern 可以點亮提燈 + + +想要用滑鼠關閉這個視窗?請按 TAB! + + +祝您的 Veloren 旅途愉快。"#, + // Inventory + "hud.bag.inventory": "的物品欄", + "hud.bag.stats_title": "的狀態", + "hud.bag.exp": "經驗", + "hud.bag.armor": "護甲", + "hud.bag.stats": "狀態", + + // Map and Questlog + "hud.map.map_title": "地圖", + "hud.map.qlog_title": "任務", + + // Settings + "hud.settings.general": "一般", + "hud.settings.none": "無", + "hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "切換", + "hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "按住", + "hud.settings.help_window": "協助視窗", + "hud.settings.debug_info": "除錯資訊", + "hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "開啟時顯示提示", + "hud.settings.ui_scale": "界面大小", + "hud.settings.relative_scaling": "相對大小", + "hud.settings.custom_scaling": "自訂大小", + "hud.settings.crosshair": "準星", + "hud.settings.transparency": "透明度", + "hud.settings.hotbar": "角色資訊", + "hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "顯示快捷鍵", + "hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "顯示經驗條", + "hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "戰鬥訊息", + "hud.settings.single_damage_number": "單一傷害", + "hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "累積傷害", + "hud.settings.incoming_damage": "所受傷害", + "hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "累積所受傷害", + "hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "能量條", + "hud.settings.values": "數字", + "hud.settings.percentages": "百分比", + "hud.settings.chat": "聊天欄", + "hud.settings.background_transparency": "背景透明度", + "hud.settings.none": "無", + + "hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "滑鼠靈敏度", + "hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "縮放靈敏度", + "hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "反轉滾輪縮放", + "hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "反轉 Y 軸", + "hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "自由視角", + + "hud.settings.view_distance": "視野距離", + "hud.settings.maximum_fps": "最高 FPS", + "hud.settings.fov": "視野", + "hud.settings.gamma": "Gamma", + "hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "反鋸齒模式", + "hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "雲朵渲染模式", + "hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "流體渲染模式", + "hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "簡單", + "hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "閃爍", + "hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "一般", + "hud.settings.fullscreen": "全螢幕", + "hud.settings.save_window_size": "儲存螢幕大小", + + "hud.settings.music_volume": "音樂音量", + "hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "音效音量", + "hud.settings.audio_device": "音訊設備", + + // Control list + "hud.settings.control_names": r#"顯示滑鼠 +切換協助視窗 +切換界面 +切換 FPS 與除錯資訊 +拍照 +切換名稱標籤 +切換全螢幕 + + +往前移動 +往左移動 +往右移動 +往後移動 + +跳躍 + +滑翔翼 + +閃避 + +翻滾 + +攀爬 + +往下攀爬 + +自動行走 + +收刀/拔出武器 + +戴上/卸下頭盔 + +坐下 + +騎乘 + +互動 + + +基本攻擊 +附屬攻擊/格檔/瞄準 + + +技能條欄位 1 +技能條欄位 2 +技能條欄位 3 +技能條欄位 4 +技能條欄位 5 +技能條欄位 6 +技能條欄位 7 +技能條欄位 8 +技能條欄位 9 +技能條欄位 10 + + +暫停選單 +設定 +社交 +地圖 +法術書 +角色 +任務日誌 +背包 + + + +傳送聊天訊息 +滾動聊天欄 + + +自由視角 + +聊天指令: + +/alias [Name] - 變更的聊天名稱 +/tp [Name] - 傳送到其他玩家 +/jump - 偏移自己的位置 +/goto - 傳送到指定位置 +/kill - 自殺 +/pig - 生成一隻豬 NPC +/wolf - 生成一隻狼 NPC +/help - 顯示聊天指令"#, + + "hud.social": "社交", + "hud.social.online": "線上", + "hud.social.friends": "朋友", + "hud.social.not_yet_available": "尚未開放", + "hud.social.faction": "陣營", + "hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} 位朋友在線", + + "hud.spell": "法術", + + "hud.free_look_indicator": "進入自由視角中", + /// End HUD section + + + /// Start chracter selection section + "char_selection.delete_permanently": "永久刪除這個角色嗎?", + "char_selection.change_server": "變更伺服器", + "char_selection.enter_world": "進入世界", + "char_selection.logout": "登出", + "char_selection.create_new_charater": "建立心角色", + "char_selection.character_creation": "角色建立", + + "char_selection.human_default": "預設人類", + "char_selection.level_fmt": "等級 {level_nb}", + "char_selection.uncanny_valley": "怪異峽谷", + "char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "疑惑平原", + "char_selection.beard": "鬍鬚", + "char_selection.hair_style": "頭髮造型", + "char_selection.hair_color": "頭髮顏色", + "char_selection.chest_color": "上半身顏色", + "char_selection.eye_color": "眼睛顏色", + "char_selection.skin": "膚色", + "char_selection.eyebrows": "眉毛", + "char_selection.accessories": "飾品", + + /// End chracter selection section + + + /// Start character window section + "character_window.character_name": "角色名稱", + // Charater stats + "character_window.character_stats": r#"耐力 + +敏捷 + +法力 +"#, + + + /// Start character window section + + + /// Start Escape Menu Section + "esc_menu.logout": "登出", + "esc_menu.quit_game": "退出遊戲", + /// End Escape Menu Section + } +)