diff --git a/common/sys/src/phys.rs b/common/sys/src/phys.rs
index dc559ffb51..e45a5a766c 100644
--- a/common/sys/src/phys.rs
+++ b/common/sys/src/phys.rs
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ pub const FRIC_FLUID: f32 = 0.4;
 // damp = linear damping
 // Friction is a type of damping.
 fn integrate_forces(dt: f32, mut lv: Vec3<f32>, grav: f32, damp: f32) -> Vec3<f32> {
+    // Clamp dt to an effective 10 TPS, to prevent gravity from slamming the players
+    // into the floor when stationary if other systems cause the server to lag
+    // (as observed in the 0.9 release party).
+    let dt = dt.min(0.1);
     // this is not linear damping, because it is proportional to the original
     // velocity this "linear" damping in in fact, quite exponential. and thus
     // must be interpolated accordingly
diff --git a/server/src/events/entity_manipulation.rs b/server/src/events/entity_manipulation.rs
index 92a847a73c..ca93b54afc 100644
--- a/server/src/events/entity_manipulation.rs
+++ b/server/src/events/entity_manipulation.rs
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ pub fn handle_delete(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity) {
 pub fn handle_land_on_ground(server: &Server, entity: EcsEntity, vel: Vec3<f32>) {
     let state = &server.state;
     if vel.z <= -30.0 {
-        let falldmg = (vel.z.powi(2) / 20.0 - 40.0) * 10.0;
+        let falldmg = (vel.z.powi(2) / 20.0 - 40.0) * 7.5;
         let inventories = state.ecs().read_storage::<Inventory>();
         let stats = state.ecs().read_storage::<Stats>();
         // Handle health change