From 652171b1464518d854ce0cd48c932f9bf1a921a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Illia Denysenko <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 23:02:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add possibility to translate buff outcomes

 assets/voxygen/i18n/en/hud/chat.ron    | 11 ++++--
 assets/voxygen/i18n/uk_UA/hud/chat.ron | 10 +++--
 client/src/                      | 42 +++------------------
 voxygen/src/hud/                | 51 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/assets/voxygen/i18n/en/hud/chat.ron b/assets/voxygen/i18n/en/hud/chat.ron
index 91feeeda4e..1e46dea342 100644
--- a/assets/voxygen/i18n/en/hud/chat.ron
+++ b/assets/voxygen/i18n/en/hud/chat.ron
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 /// Localization for "global" English
     string_map: {
+        // Debuff outcomes
+        "hud.outcome.burning": "died of: burning",
+        "hud.outcome.curse": "died of: curse",
+        "hud.outcome.bleeding": "died of: bleeding",
         // Chat outputs
         "": "[{name}] is online now",
         "": "[{name}] went offline",
@@ -12,15 +17,15 @@
         "": "[{name}] died from fall damage",
         "": "[{name}] died from self-inflicted wounds",
-        "": "[{victim}] died of {buff} caused by [{attacker}]",
+        "": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff} caused by [{attacker}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] defeated [{victim}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] shot [{victim}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] blew up [{victim}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] killed [{victim}] with magic",
-        "": "[{victim}] died of {buff}",
+        "": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff}",
-        "": "[{victim}] died of {buff} caused by {attacker}",
+        "": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff} caused by {attacker}",
         "": "{attacker} killed [{victim}]",
         "": "{attacker} shot [{victim}]",
         "": "{attacker} blew up [{victim}]",
diff --git a/assets/voxygen/i18n/uk_UA/hud/chat.ron b/assets/voxygen/i18n/uk_UA/hud/chat.ron
index a01413ecb8..a603cd2975 100644
--- a/assets/voxygen/i18n/uk_UA/hud/chat.ron
+++ b/assets/voxygen/i18n/uk_UA/hud/chat.ron
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 /// Localization for Ukrainian
     string_map: {
+        // Outcomes
+        "hud.outcome.bleeding": "померли від обескровлення",
+        "hud.outcome.burning": "згоріли живцем",
+        "hud.outcome.curse": "померли від прокльону",
         // Chat outputs
         "": "[{name}] зайшли на сервер",
         "": "[{name}] вийшли з серверу",
@@ -12,15 +16,15 @@
         "": "[{name}] померли від падіння",
         "": "[{name}] померли від самозаподіяних ран",
-        "": "[{attacker}] вбили [{victim}]",
+        "": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff} через [{attacker}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] перемогли [{victim}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] застрелили [{victim}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] підірвали [{victim}]",
         "": "[{attacker}] вбили [{victim}] магією",
-        "": "[{victim}] померли від: {buff}",
+        "": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff}",
-        "": "[{victim}] померли від: {buff} через: {attacker}",
+        "": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff} через {attacker}",
         "": "{attacker} вбили [{victim}]",
         "": "{attacker} застрелили [{victim}]",
         "": "{attacker} підірвали [{victim}]",
diff --git a/client/src/ b/client/src/
index 72eeca7acf..a3d6e9798e 100644
--- a/client/src/
+++ b/client/src/
@@ -2362,45 +2362,13 @@ impl Client {
                 } else {
                     match kill_source {
-                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Buff(buff_kind)) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid))
-                            .replace("{buff}", format!("{:?}", buff_kind).to_lowercase().as_str())
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Melee) => message
+                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, _) => message
                             .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid))
                             .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Projectile) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid))
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Explosion) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid))
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Energy) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid))
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Other) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid))
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonExistent(KillType::Buff(buff_kind)) => message
-                            .replace("{buff}", format!("{:?}", buff_kind).to_lowercase().as_str())
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Buff(buff_kind)) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name)
-                            .replace("{buff}", format!("{:?}", buff_kind).to_lowercase().as_str())
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Melee) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name)
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Projectile) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name)
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Explosion) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name)
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Energy) => message
-                            .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name)
-                            .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Other) => message
+                        KillSource::NonExistent(KillType::Buff(_)) => {
+                            message.replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim))
+                        },
+                        KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, _) => message
                             .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name)
                             .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)),
                         KillSource::Environment(environment) => message
diff --git a/voxygen/src/hud/ b/voxygen/src/hud/
index af6b331632..f91a5a0182 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/hud/
+++ b/voxygen/src/hud/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use crate::{i18n::Localization, ui::fonts::Fonts, GlobalState};
 use client::{cmd, Client};
 use common::comp::{
     chat::{KillSource, KillType},
-    ChatMode, ChatMsg, ChatType,
+    BuffKind, ChatMode, ChatMsg, ChatType,
 use common_net::msg::validate_chat_msg;
 use conrod_core::{
@@ -385,10 +385,11 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Chat<'a> {
                     ChatType::Kill(kill_source, _) => match kill_source {
-                        KillSource::Player(_, KillType::Buff(_)) => self
-                            .localized_strings
-                            .get("")
-                            .to_string(),
+                        KillSource::Player(_, KillType::Buff(buffkind)) => insert_killing_buff(
+                            *buffkind,
+                            self.localized_strings,
+                            self.localized_strings.get(""),
+                        ),
                         KillSource::Player(_, KillType::Melee) => self
@@ -409,14 +410,17 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Chat<'a> {
-                        KillSource::NonExistent(KillType::Buff(_)) => self
-                            .localized_strings
-                            .get("")
-                            .to_string(),
-                        KillSource::NonPlayer(_, KillType::Buff(_)) => self
-                            .localized_strings
-                            .get("")
-                            .to_string(),
+                        KillSource::NonExistent(KillType::Buff(buffkind)) => insert_killing_buff(
+                            *buffkind,
+                            self.localized_strings,
+                            self.localized_strings
+                                .get(""),
+                        ),
+                        KillSource::NonPlayer(_, KillType::Buff(buffkind)) => insert_killing_buff(
+                            *buffkind,
+                            self.localized_strings,
+                            self.localized_strings.get(""),
+                        ),
                         KillSource::NonPlayer(_, KillType::Melee) => self
@@ -618,3 +622,24 @@ fn render_chat_line(chat_type: &ChatType<String>, imgs: &Imgs) -> (Color, conrod
         ChatType::Meta => (INFO_COLOR, imgs.chat_command_info_small),
+fn insert_killing_buff(buff: BuffKind, localized_strings: &Localization, template: &str) -> String {
+    let buff_outcome = match buff {
+        BuffKind::Burning => localized_strings.get("hud.outcome.burning"),
+        BuffKind::Bleeding => localized_strings.get("hud.outcome.bleeding"),
+        BuffKind::Cursed => localized_strings.get("hud.outcome.curse"),
+        BuffKind::Regeneration
+        | BuffKind::Saturation
+        | BuffKind::Potion
+        | BuffKind::CampfireHeal
+        | BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy
+        | BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth
+        | BuffKind::Invulnerability
+        | BuffKind::ProtectingWard => {
+            tracing::error!("Player was killed by a positive buff!");
+            localized_strings.get("hud.outcome.mysterious")
+        },
+    };
+    template.replace("{died_of_buff}", buff_outcome)