diff --git a/client/src/lib.rs b/client/src/lib.rs
index 740f9edc4b..11c4266974 100644
--- a/client/src/lib.rs
+++ b/client/src/lib.rs
@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ impl Client {
             self.state.terrain().iter().for_each(|(key, _)| {
                 if (Vec2::from(chunk_pos) - Vec2::from(key))
                     .map(|e: i32| e.abs())
-                    .reduce_max() > 10
+                    .reduce_max()
+                    > 10
diff --git a/common/src/comp/actor.rs b/common/src/comp/actor.rs
index eca896ee17..885f53381e 100644
--- a/common/src/comp/actor.rs
+++ b/common/src/comp/actor.rs
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ const ALL_QRACES: [Race; 6] = [
-    Race::Undead,];
+    Race::Undead,
 const ALL_QBODY_TYPES: [BodyType; 3] = [BodyType::Female, BodyType::Male, BodyType::Unspecified];
 const ALL_QHEADS: [Pighead; 1] = [Pighead::Default];
 const ALL_QCHESTS: [Pigchest; 1] = [Pigchest::Default];
@@ -170,7 +171,6 @@ pub struct QuadrupedBody {
     pub pigchest: Pigchest,
     pub pigleg_l: Pigleg_l,
     pub pigleg_r: Pigleg_r,
 impl QuadrupedBody {
diff --git a/common/src/sys/control.rs b/common/src/sys/control.rs
index c01ab474fc..375d26cbfb 100644
--- a/common/src/sys/control.rs
+++ b/common/src/sys/control.rs
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
                 if control.gliding && vel.0.z < 0.0 {
                     // TODO: Don't hard-code this
                     let anti_grav = 9.81 * 3.95 + vel.0.z.powf(2.0) * 0.2;
-                    vel.0.z += dt.0 * anti_grav * Vec2::<f32>::from(vel.0 * 0.15).magnitude().min(1.0);
+                    vel.0.z +=
+                        dt.0 * anti_grav * Vec2::<f32>::from(vel.0 * 0.15).magnitude().min(1.0);
                     (true, 0.008)
                 } else {
@@ -68,7 +69,14 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
             // Friction
-            vel.0 -= Vec2::broadcast(dt.0) * 50.0 * vel.0.map(|e| (e.abs() * friction * (vel.0.magnitude() * 0.1 + 0.5)).min(e.abs()).copysign(e)) * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+            vel.0 -= Vec2::broadcast(dt.0)
+                * 50.0
+                * vel.0.map(|e| {
+                    (e.abs() * friction * (vel.0.magnitude() * 0.1 + 0.5))
+                        .min(e.abs())
+                        .copysign(e)
+                })
+                * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
             if vel.0.magnitude_squared() != 0.0 {
                 dir.0 = vel.0.normalized() * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
diff --git a/voxygen/src/anim/character/gliding.rs b/voxygen/src/anim/character/gliding.rs
index 19ebfbece8..be2102670d 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/anim/character/gliding.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/anim/character/gliding.rs
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ impl Animation for GlidingAnimation {
         let waveveryslowalt = (anim_time as f32 * 2.5).sin();
         let waveveryslowcos = (anim_time as f32 * 3.0).cos();
         let wave_slowtest = (anim_time as f32).min(PI / 2.0).sin();
         let head_look = Vec2::new(
@@ -49,7 +48,8 @@ impl Animation for GlidingAnimation {
                 * 0.25,
         next.head.offset = Vec3::new(5.5, 2.0, 12.0);
-        next.head.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.35 - waveveryslow * 0.10 + head_look.y) * Quaternion::rotation_z(head_look.x + waveveryslowcos * 0.15);
+        next.head.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.35 - waveveryslow * 0.10 + head_look.y)
+            * Quaternion::rotation_z(head_look.x + waveveryslowcos * 0.15);
         next.head.scale = Vec3::one();
         next.chest.offset = Vec3::new(5.5, 0.0, 8.0);
@@ -73,11 +73,13 @@ impl Animation for GlidingAnimation {
         next.r_hand.scale = Vec3::one();
         next.l_foot.offset = Vec3::new(-3.4, 1.0, 8.0);
-        next.l_foot.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wave_stop * -0.7 - wavecos_slow * -0.21 + waveveryslow * 0.19);
+        next.l_foot.ori =
+            Quaternion::rotation_x(wave_stop * -0.7 - wavecos_slow * -0.21 + waveveryslow * 0.19);
         next.l_foot.scale = Vec3::one();
         next.r_foot.offset = Vec3::new(3.4, 1.0, 8.0);
-        next.r_foot.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wave_stop * -0.8  + waveslow * -0.25 + waveveryslowalt * 0.13);
+        next.r_foot.ori =
+            Quaternion::rotation_x(wave_stop * -0.8 + waveslow * -0.25 + waveveryslowalt * 0.13);
         next.r_foot.scale = Vec3::one();
         next.weapon.offset = Vec3::new(-5.0, -6.0, 19.0);
diff --git a/voxygen/src/anim/character/mod.rs b/voxygen/src/anim/character/mod.rs
index 3605286cfc..d1054716a5 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/anim/character/mod.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/anim/character/mod.rs
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
+pub mod gliding;
 pub mod idle;
 pub mod jump;
 pub mod run;
-pub mod gliding;
 // Reexports
+pub use self::gliding::GlidingAnimation;
 pub use self::idle::IdleAnimation;
 pub use self::jump::JumpAnimation;
 pub use self::run::RunAnimation;
-pub use self::gliding::GlidingAnimation;
 // Crate
 use crate::render::FigureBoneData;
diff --git a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/idle.rs b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/idle.rs
index 0b8c576c51..0a281c2e19 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/idle.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/idle.rs
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ impl Animation for IdleAnimation {
         next.pighead.offset = Vec3::new(0.0, -2.0, -1.5 + wave * 0.2) / 11.0;
-        next.pighead.ori = Quaternion::rotation_z(pighead_look.x) * Quaternion::rotation_x(pighead_look.y + wavecos_slow * 0.03);
+        next.pighead.ori = Quaternion::rotation_z(pighead_look.x)
+            * Quaternion::rotation_x(pighead_look.y + wavecos_slow * 0.03);
         next.pighead.scale = Vec3::one() / 10.5;
         next.pigchest.offset = Vec3::new(wave_slow * 0.05, -9.0, 1.5 + wavecos_slow * 0.4) / 11.0;
@@ -67,9 +68,6 @@ impl Animation for IdleAnimation {
         next.pigrb_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wave_slow * 0.08);
         next.pigrb_leg.scale = Vec3::one() / 11.0;
diff --git a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/jump.rs b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/jump.rs
index 9d25f69d3e..0567e3c558 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/jump.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/jump.rs
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ impl Animation for JumpAnimation {
         let wave_dip = (wave_slow.abs() - 0.5).abs();
         let wave_stop = (anim_time as f32 * 4.5).min(PI / 2.0).sin();
-        next.pighead.offset = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.5 ) / 11.0;
+        next.pighead.offset = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.5) / 11.0;
         next.pighead.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wave_stop * 0.4);
         next.pighead.scale = Vec3::one() / 10.5;
diff --git a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/mod.rs b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/mod.rs
index a6b7e4474c..5115133cf2 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/mod.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/mod.rs
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-pub mod run;
 pub mod idle;
 pub mod jump;
+pub mod run;
 // Reexports
-pub use self::run::RunAnimation;
 pub use self::idle::IdleAnimation;
 pub use self::jump::JumpAnimation;
+pub use self::run::RunAnimation;
 // Crate
 use crate::render::FigureBoneData;
@@ -25,7 +23,6 @@ pub struct QuadrupedSkeleton {
     pigrf_leg: Bone,
     piglb_leg: Bone,
     pigrb_leg: Bone,
 impl QuadrupedSkeleton {
diff --git a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/run.rs b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/run.rs
index d817a52741..21e1fdafc3 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/run.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/anim/quadruped/run.rs
@@ -31,27 +31,32 @@ impl Animation for RunAnimation {
         let wave_dip = (wave_slow.abs() - 0.5).abs();
         next.pighead.offset = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.5 + wave * 1.5) / 11.0;
-        next.pighead.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.2 + wave * 0.05) * Quaternion::rotation_y(wavecos * 0.03);
+        next.pighead.ori =
+            Quaternion::rotation_x(0.2 + wave * 0.05) * Quaternion::rotation_y(wavecos * 0.03);
         next.pighead.scale = Vec3::one() / 10.5;
         next.pigchest.offset = Vec3::new(0.0, -9.0, 1.5 + wavecos * 1.2) / 11.0;
         next.pigchest.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wave * 0.1);
         next.pigchest.scale = Vec3::one() / 11.0;
-        next.piglf_leg.offset = Vec3::new(-4.5, 2.0 + wavequick * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequickcos * 1.5) / 11.0;
-        next.piglf_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wavequick *  0.3);
+        next.piglf_leg.offset =
+            Vec3::new(-4.5, 2.0 + wavequick * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequickcos * 1.5) / 11.0;
+        next.piglf_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wavequick * 0.3);
         next.piglf_leg.scale = Vec3::one() / 11.0;
-        next.pigrf_leg.offset = Vec3::new(2.5, 2.0 - wavequickcos * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequick * 1.5) / 11.0;
+        next.pigrf_leg.offset =
+            Vec3::new(2.5, 2.0 - wavequickcos * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequick * 1.5) / 11.0;
         next.pigrf_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wavequickcos * -0.3);
         next.pigrf_leg.scale = Vec3::one() / 11.0;
-        next.piglb_leg.offset = Vec3::new(-4.5, -3.0 - wavequickcos * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequick * 1.5) / 11.0;
+        next.piglb_leg.offset =
+            Vec3::new(-4.5, -3.0 - wavequickcos * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequick * 1.5) / 11.0;
         next.piglb_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wavequickcos * -0.3);
         next.piglb_leg.scale = Vec3::one() / 11.0;
-        next.pigrb_leg.offset = Vec3::new(2.5, -3.0 + wavequick * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequickcos * 1.5) / 11.0;
-        next.pigrb_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wavequick *  0.3);
+        next.pigrb_leg.offset =
+            Vec3::new(2.5, -3.0 + wavequick * 0.8, 2.5 + wavequickcos * 1.5) / 11.0;
+        next.pigrb_leg.ori = Quaternion::rotation_x(wavequick * 0.3);
         next.pigrb_leg.scale = Vec3::one() / 11.0;
diff --git a/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/mod.rs b/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/mod.rs
index e1b86311da..0bc18f324f 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/mod.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/mod.rs
@@ -7,11 +7,7 @@ use crate::{
     Direction, GlobalState, PlayState, PlayStateResult,
 use client::{self, Client};
-use common::{
-    comp,
-    clock::Clock,
-    msg::ClientMsg,
+use common::{clock::Clock, comp, msg::ClientMsg};
 use scene::Scene;
 use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc, time::Duration};
 use ui::CharSelectionUi;
diff --git a/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/scene.rs b/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/scene.rs
index 7ff104e41f..d29a50d127 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/scene.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/menu/char_selection/scene.rs
@@ -99,8 +99,12 @@ impl Scene {
-        self.figure_state
-            .update(renderer, Vec3::zero(), -Vec3::unit_y(), Rgba::broadcast(1.0));
+        self.figure_state.update(
+            renderer,
+            Vec3::zero(),
+            -Vec3::unit_y(),
+            Rgba::broadcast(1.0),
+        );
     pub fn render(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, client: &Client) {
diff --git a/voxygen/src/scene/figure.rs b/voxygen/src/scene/figure.rs
index 3c771579dc..39ddc2790e 100644
--- a/voxygen/src/scene/figure.rs
+++ b/voxygen/src/scene/figure.rs
@@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ use common::{
-        actor::{Belt, Chest, Foot, Hand, Head, Pants, Shoulder, Weapon, Draw, Pighead, Pigchest, Pigleg_l, Pigleg_r},
-        Body, HumanoidBody, QuadrupedBody
+        actor::{
+            Belt, Chest, Draw, Foot, Hand, Head, Pants, Pigchest, Pighead, Pigleg_l, Pigleg_r,
+            Shoulder, Weapon,
+        },
+        Body, HumanoidBody, QuadrupedBody,
@@ -230,11 +233,8 @@ impl FigureModelCache {
             match draw {
                 Draw::Default => "glider.vox",
-            Vec3::new(-26.0, -26.0, -5.0)
+            Vec3::new(-26.0, -26.0, -5.0),
@@ -293,7 +293,6 @@ impl FigureModelCache {
 pub struct FigureMgr {
     model_cache: FigureModelCache,
     character_states: HashMap<EcsEntity, FigureState<CharacterSkeleton>>,
@@ -350,17 +349,19 @@ impl FigureMgr {
-                            comp::Animation::Gliding => character::GlidingAnimation::update_skeleton(
-                                state.skeleton_mut(),
-                                time,
-                                animation_history.time,
-                            ),
+                            comp::Animation::Gliding => {
+                                character::GlidingAnimation::update_skeleton(
+                                    state.skeleton_mut(),
+                                    time,
+                                    animation_history.time,
+                                )
+                            }
                         state.update(renderer, pos.0, dir.0, Rgba::white());
-                    },
+                    }
                     Body::Quadruped(body) => {
                         let state = self.quadruped_states.entry(entity).or_insert_with(|| {
                             FigureState::new(renderer, QuadrupedSkeleton::new())
@@ -392,21 +393,21 @@ impl FigureMgr {
                         // Change in health as color!
                         let col = stats
                             .and_then(|stats| stats.hp.last_change)
-                            .map(|(change_by, change_time)| {
-                                Rgba::new(1.0, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0)
-                            })
+                            .map(|(change_by, change_time)| Rgba::new(1.0, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0))
                         state.update(renderer, pos.0, dir.0, col);
-                    },
+                    }
                 // TODO: Non-character actors
         // Clear states that have dead entities
-        self.character_states.retain(|entity, _| ecs.entities().is_alive(*entity));
-        self.quadruped_states.retain(|entity, _| ecs.entities().is_alive(*entity));
+        self.character_states
+            .retain(|entity, _| ecs.entities().is_alive(*entity));
+        self.quadruped_states
+            .retain(|entity, _| ecs.entities().is_alive(*entity));
     pub fn render(
@@ -422,19 +423,20 @@ impl FigureMgr {
             match actor {
                 comp::Actor::Character { body, .. } => {
                     if let Some((locals, bone_consts)) = match body {
-                        Body::Humanoid(_) => self.character_states.get(&entity).map(|state| (state.locals(), state.bone_consts())),
-                        Body::Quadruped(_) => self.quadruped_states.get(&entity).map(|state| (state.locals(), state.bone_consts())),
+                        Body::Humanoid(_) => self
+                            .character_states
+                            .get(&entity)
+                            .map(|state| (state.locals(), state.bone_consts())),
+                        Body::Quadruped(_) => self
+                            .quadruped_states
+                            .get(&entity)
+                            .map(|state| (state.locals(), state.bone_consts())),
                     } {
                         let model = self.model_cache.get_or_create_model(renderer, *body, tick);
-                        renderer.render_figure(
-                            model,
-                            globals,
-                            locals,
-                            bone_consts,
-                        );
+                        renderer.render_figure(model, globals, locals, bone_consts);
-                },
+                }
@@ -457,7 +459,13 @@ impl<S: Skeleton> FigureState<S> {
-    pub fn update(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, pos: Vec3<f32>, dir: Vec3<f32>, col: Rgba<f32>) {
+    pub fn update(
+        &mut self,
+        renderer: &mut Renderer,
+        pos: Vec3<f32>,
+        dir: Vec3<f32>,
+        col: Rgba<f32>,
+    ) {
         let mat = Mat4::<f32>::identity()
             * Mat4::translation_3d(pos)
             * Mat4::rotation_z(-dir.x.atan2(dir.y)); // + f32::consts::PI / 2.0);