From ce2545ffd361cab3e46ac89b642b22f32f716cca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yusuf Bera Ertan <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 18:45:38 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] build(nix): make voxygen debug package and app defaults

 Cargo.toml |   2 +-
 flake.nix  | 157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 3a975c6c65..817eb35f37 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ vek = { git = "", branch = "fix_intrinsics2" }
 systems = ["x86_64-linux"]
 buildInputs = ["libudev", "alsaLib", "openssl", "xorg.libxcb", "libxkbcommon"]
 nativeBuildInputs = ["pkg-config", "python3", "binutils"]
-runtimeLibs = ["libGL", "xorg.libX11", "xorg.libXcursor", "xorg.libXrandr", "xorg.libXi", "wayland", "wayland-protocols"]
+runtimeLibs = ["libGL", "xorg.libX11", "xorg.libXcursor", "xorg.libXrandr", "xorg.libXi"]
 name = "veloren-nix"
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index e3608e0a34..37eb2641f3 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -14,82 +14,89 @@
-  outputs = inputs: inputs.nixCargoIntegration.lib.makeOutputs {
-    root = ./.;
-    overrides = {
-      common = prev: {
-        gitLfsCheckFile = ./assets/voxygen/background/bg_main.png;
-        utils = import ./nix/utils.nix { pkgs = prev.pkgs; };
-      };
-      build = common: prevb:
-        let
-          pkgs = common.pkgs;
-          sourceInfo =
-            if inputs.self.sourceInfo ? rev
-            then inputs.self.sourceInfo // {
-              # Tag would have to be set manually for stable releases flake
-              # because there's currently no way to get the tag via the interface.
-              # tag = v0.9.0;
-            }
-            else (throw "Can't get revision because the git tree is dirty");
-          prettyRev = with sourceInfo; builtins.substring 0 8 rev + "/" + common.utils.dateTimeFormat lastModified;
-          tag = with sourceInfo;
-            if sourceInfo ? tag
-            then sourceInfo.tag
-            else "";
-          # If gitTag has a tag (meaning the commit we are on is a *release*), use
-          # it as version, else: just use the prettified hash we have, if we don't
-          # have it the build fails.
-          # Must be in format f4987672/2020-12-10-12:00
-          version =
-            if tag != "" then tag
-            else if prettyRev != "" then prettyRev
-            else throw "Need a tag or pretty revision in order to determine version";
-          veloren-assets = pkgs.runCommand "makeAssetsDir" { } ''
-            mkdir $out
-            ln -sf ${./assets} $out/assets
-          '';
-          velorenOverride = oldAttr:
-            if == "veloren-voxygen"
-            then
-              {
-                nativeBuildInputs = oldAttr.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
-                postInstall = ''
-                  wrapProgram $out/bin/veloren-voxygen\
-                    --set VELOREN_ASSETS ${veloren-assets}\
-                    --set LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${
-                      pkgs.lib.makeLibraryPath common.runtimeLibs
-                    }
-                '';
-              }
-            else if == "veloren-server-cli"
-            then
-              {
-                nativeBuildInputs = oldAttr.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
-                postInstall = ''
-                  wrapProgram $out/bin/veloren-server-cli --set VELOREN_ASSETS ${veloren-assets}
-                '';
-              }
-            else { };
-        in
-        {
-          allRefs = true;
-          override = old: (prevb.override old) // {
-            # Disable `git-lfs` check here since we check it ourselves
-            # We have to include the command output here, otherwise Nix won't run it
-            DISABLE_GIT_LFS_CHECK = common.utils.isGitLfsSetup common.gitLfsCheckFile;
-            # Declare env values here so that `common/` sees them
-            NIX_GIT_HASH = prettyRev;
-            NIX_GIT_TAG = tag;
-            VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY = "system";
+  outputs = inputs:
+    let
+      output = inputs.nixCargoIntegration.lib.makeOutputs {
+        root = ./.;
+        overrides = {
+          common = prev: {
+            gitLfsCheckFile = ./assets/voxygen/background/bg_main.png;
+            utils = import ./nix/utils.nix { pkgs = prev.pkgs; };
-          overrideMain = old: (prevb.overrideMain old) // (velorenOverride old);
+          build = common: prevb:
+            let
+              pkgs = common.pkgs;
+              sourceInfo =
+                if inputs.self.sourceInfo ? rev
+                then inputs.self.sourceInfo // {
+                  # Tag would have to be set manually for stable releases flake
+                  # because there's currently no way to get the tag via the interface.
+                  # tag = v0.9.0;
+                }
+                else (throw "Can't get revision because the git tree is dirty");
+              prettyRev = with sourceInfo; builtins.substring 0 8 rev + "/" + common.utils.dateTimeFormat lastModified;
+              tag = with sourceInfo;
+                if sourceInfo ? tag
+                then sourceInfo.tag
+                else "";
+              # If gitTag has a tag (meaning the commit we are on is a *release*), use
+              # it as version, else: just use the prettified hash we have, if we don't
+              # have it the build fails.
+              # Must be in format f4987672/2020-12-10-12:00
+              version =
+                if tag != "" then tag
+                else if prettyRev != "" then prettyRev
+                else throw "Need a tag or pretty revision in order to determine version";
+              veloren-assets = pkgs.runCommand "makeAssetsDir" { } ''
+                mkdir $out
+                ln -sf ${./assets} $out/assets
+              '';
+              velorenOverride = oldAttr:
+                if == "veloren-voxygen"
+                then
+                  {
+                    nativeBuildInputs = oldAttr.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
+                    postInstall = ''
+                      wrapProgram $out/bin/veloren-voxygen\
+                        --set VELOREN_ASSETS ${veloren-assets}\
+                        --set LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${
+                          pkgs.lib.makeLibraryPath common.runtimeLibs
+                        }
+                    '';
+                  }
+                else if == "veloren-server-cli"
+                then
+                  {
+                    nativeBuildInputs = oldAttr.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
+                    postInstall = ''
+                      wrapProgram $out/bin/veloren-server-cli --set VELOREN_ASSETS ${veloren-assets}
+                    '';
+                  }
+                else { };
+            in
+            {
+              allRefs = true;
+              override = old: (prevb.override old) // {
+                # Disable `git-lfs` check here since we check it ourselves
+                # We have to include the command output here, otherwise Nix won't run it
+                DISABLE_GIT_LFS_CHECK = common.utils.isGitLfsSetup common.gitLfsCheckFile;
+                # Declare env values here so that `common/` sees them
+                NIX_GIT_HASH = prettyRev;
+                NIX_GIT_TAG = tag;
+                VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY = "system";
+              };
+              overrideMain = old: (prevb.overrideMain old) // (velorenOverride old);
+            };
+      };
+    in
+    output // {
+      defaultApp = builtins.mapAttrs (_: apps: apps.veloren-voxygen-debug) output.apps;
+      defaultPackage = builtins.mapAttrs (_: packages: packages.veloren-voxygen-debug) output.packages;
-  };