use super::{img_ids::Imgs, Fonts, TEXT_COLOR}; use conrod_core::{ color, position::Relative, widget::{self, Button, Image, Rectangle, Scrollbar}, widget_ids, Colorable, Labelable, Positionable, Sizeable, Widget, WidgetCommon, }; widget_ids! { struct Ids { bag_close, bag_contents, inv_alignment, inv_grid_1, inv_grid_2, inv_scrollbar, inv_slot_0, map_title, inv_slot[], item1, } } #[derive(WidgetCommon)] pub struct Bag<'a> { inventory_space: usize, imgs: &'a Imgs, _fonts: &'a Fonts, #[conrod(common_builder)] common: widget::CommonBuilder, } impl<'a> Bag<'a> { pub fn new(inventory_space: usize, imgs: &'a Imgs, fonts: &'a Fonts) -> Self { Self { inventory_space, imgs, _fonts, common: widget::CommonBuilder::default(), } } } pub struct State { ids: Ids, } pub enum Event { Close, } impl<'a> Widget for Bag<'a> { type State = State; type Style = (); type Event = Option; fn init_state(&self, id_gen: widget::id::Generator) -> Self::State { State { ids: Ids::new(id_gen), } } fn style(&self) -> Self::Style { () } fn update(self, args: widget::UpdateArgs) -> Self::Event { let widget::UpdateArgs { state, ui, .. } = args; // Contents Image::new(self.imgs.bag_contents) .w_h(68.0 * 4.0, 123.0 * 4.0) .bottom_right_with_margins_on(ui.window, 60.0, 5.0) .set(state.ids.bag_contents, ui); // Alignment for Grid Rectangle::fill_with([58.0 * 4.0 - 5.0, 100.0 * 4.0], color::TRANSPARENT) .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.bag_contents, 11.0 * 4.0, 5.0 * 4.0) .scroll_kids() .scroll_kids_vertically() .set(state.ids.inv_alignment, ui); // Grid Image::new(self.imgs.inv_grid) .w_h(58.0 * 4.0, 111.0 * 4.0) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.inv_alignment, 0.0) .set(state.ids.inv_grid_1, ui); Image::new(self.imgs.inv_grid) .w_h(58.0 * 4.0, 111.0 * 4.0) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.inv_alignment, 110.0 * 4.0) .set(state.ids.inv_grid_2, ui); Scrollbar::y_axis(state.ids.inv_alignment) .thickness(5.0) .rgba(0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 1.0) .set(state.ids.inv_scrollbar, ui); // Create available inventory slot widgets if state.ids.inv_slot.len() < self.inventory_space { state.update(|s| { s.ids.inv_slot.resize(self.inventory_space, &mut ui.widget_id_generator());});} // "Allowed" max. inventory space should be handled serverside and thus isn't limited in the UI for i in 0..self.inventory_space { let x = i % 5; let y = i / 5; Button::image(self.imgs.inv_slot) .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.inv_grid_1, 4.0 + y as f64 * (40.0 + 4.0), 4.0 + x as f64 * (40.0 + 4.0)) // conrod uses a (y,x) format for placing... .parent(state.ids.inv_grid_2) // Avoids the background overlapping available slots .w_h(40.0, 40.0) .set(state.ids.inv_slot[i], ui); } // Test Item if self.inventory_space > 0 { Button::image(self.imgs.potion_red) // TODO: Insert variable image depending on the item displayed in that slot .w_h(4.0*3.5, 7.0*3.5) // TODO: height value has to be constant(but not the same as the slot widget), while width depends on the image displayed to avoid stretching .middle_of(state.ids.inv_slot[0]) // TODO: Items need to be assigned to a certain slot and then placed like in this example .label("5x") // TODO: Quantity goes here... .label_font_id(self.fonts.opensans) .label_font_size(12) .label_x(Relative::Scalar(10.0)) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(-10.0)) .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.item1, ui); // TODO: Add widget_id generator for displayed items } // X-button if Button::image(self.imgs.close_button) .w_h(28.0, 28.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.close_button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.close_button_press) .top_right_with_margins_on(state.ids.bag_contents, 0.0, 0.0) .set(state.ids.bag_close, ui) .was_clicked() { Some(Event::Close) } else { None } } }