use super::{ img_ids::Imgs, BROADCAST_COLOR, FACTION_COLOR, GROUP_COLOR, KILL_COLOR, PRIVATE_COLOR, REGION_COLOR, SAY_COLOR, TELL_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, WORLD_COLOR, }; use crate::{ui::fonts::ConrodVoxygenFonts, GlobalState}; use client::{cmd, Client}; use common::{ comp::{ChatMsg, ChatType}, msg::validate_chat_msg, }; use conrod_core::{ input::Key, position::Dimension, text::{ self, cursor::{self, Index}, }, widget::{self, Button, Id, List, Rectangle, Text, TextEdit}, widget_ids, Colorable, Positionable, Sizeable, Ui, UiCell, Widget, WidgetCommon, }; use specs::world::WorldExt; use std::collections::VecDeque; widget_ids! { struct Ids { message_box, message_box_bg, chat_input, chat_input_bg, chat_arrow, completion_box, } } const MAX_MESSAGES: usize = 100; #[derive(WidgetCommon)] pub struct Chat<'a> { new_messages: &'a mut VecDeque, client: &'a Client, force_input: Option, force_cursor: Option, force_completions: Option>, global_state: &'a GlobalState, imgs: &'a Imgs, fonts: &'a ConrodVoxygenFonts, #[conrod(common_builder)] common: widget::CommonBuilder, // TODO: add an option to adjust this history_max: usize, } impl<'a> Chat<'a> { pub fn new( new_messages: &'a mut VecDeque, client: &'a Client, global_state: &'a GlobalState, imgs: &'a Imgs, fonts: &'a ConrodVoxygenFonts, ) -> Self { Self { new_messages, client, force_input: None, force_cursor: None, force_completions: None, imgs, fonts, global_state, common: widget::CommonBuilder::default(), history_max: 32, } } pub fn prepare_tab_completion(mut self, input: String) -> Self { if let Some(index) = input.find('\t') { self.force_completions = Some(cmd::complete(&input[..index], &self.client)); } else { self.force_completions = None; } self } pub fn input(mut self, input: String) -> Self { if let Ok(()) = validate_chat_msg(&input) { self.force_input = Some(input); } self } pub fn cursor_pos(mut self, index: Index) -> Self { self.force_cursor = Some(index); self } fn scrolled_to_bottom(state: &State, ui: &UiCell) -> bool { // Might be more efficient to cache result and update it when a scroll event has // occurred instead of every frame. if let Some(scroll) = ui .widget_graph() .widget(state.ids.message_box) .and_then(|widget| widget.maybe_y_scroll_state) { scroll.offset >= scroll.offset_bounds.start } else { false } } } pub struct State { messages: VecDeque, input: String, ids: Ids, history: VecDeque, // Index into the history Vec, history_pos == 0 is history not in use // otherwise index is history_pos -1 history_pos: usize, completions: Vec, // Index into the completion Vec completions_index: Option, // At which character is tab completion happening completion_cursor: Option, } pub enum Event { TabCompletionStart(String), SendMessage(String), Focus(Id), } impl<'a> Widget for Chat<'a> { type Event = Option; type State = State; type Style = (); fn init_state(&self, id_gen: widget::id::Generator) -> Self::State { State { input: "".to_owned(), messages: VecDeque::new(), history: VecDeque::new(), history_pos: 0, completions: Vec::new(), completions_index: None, completion_cursor: None, ids: Ids::new(id_gen), } } #[allow(clippy::unused_unit)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 fn style(&self) -> Self::Style { () } #[allow(clippy::redundant_clone)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 #[allow(clippy::single_match)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 fn update(self, args: widget::UpdateArgs) -> Self::Event { let widget::UpdateArgs { id, state, ui, .. } = args; let transp = self.global_state.settings.gameplay.chat_transp; // Maintain scrolling. if !self.new_messages.is_empty() { state.update(|s| { s.messages.extend( self.new_messages .drain(..) .map(|msg| { // TODO format!([{}] {}, name, msg) msg }) .collect::>(), ) }); ui.scroll_widget(state.ids.message_box, [0.0, std::f64::MAX]); } // Empty old messages state.update(|s| { while s.messages.len() > MAX_MESSAGES { s.messages.pop_front(); } }); if let Some(comps) = &self.force_completions { state.update(|s| s.completions = comps.clone()); } let mut force_cursor = self.force_cursor; // If up or down are pressed: move through history // If any key other than up, down, or tab is pressed: stop completion. let (history_dir, tab_dir, stop_tab_completion) = ui.widget_input(state.ids.chat_input).presses().key().fold( (0isize, 0isize, false), |(n, m, tc), key_press| match key_press.key { Key::Up => (n + 1, m - 1, tc), Key::Down => (n - 1, m + 1, tc), Key::Tab => (n, m + 1, tc), _ => (n, m, true), }, ); // Handle tab completion let request_tab_completions = if stop_tab_completion { // End tab completion state.update(|s| { if s.completion_cursor.is_some() { s.completion_cursor = None; } s.completions_index = None; }); false } else if let Some(cursor) = state.completion_cursor { // Cycle through tab completions of the current word if state.input.contains('\t') { state.update(|s| s.input.retain(|c| c != '\t')); //tab_dir + 1 } if !state.completions.is_empty() && (tab_dir != 0 || state.completions_index.is_none()) { state.update(|s| { let len = s.completions.len(); s.completions_index = Some( (s.completions_index.unwrap_or(0) + (tab_dir + len as isize) as usize) % len, ); if let Some(replacement) = &s.completions.get(s.completions_index.unwrap()) { let (completed, offset) = do_tab_completion(cursor, &s.input, replacement); force_cursor = cursor_offset_to_index(offset, &completed, &ui, &self.fonts); s.input = completed; } }); } false } else if let Some(cursor) = state.input.find('\t') { // Begin tab completion state.update(|s| s.completion_cursor = Some(cursor)); true } else { // Not tab completing false }; // Move through history if history_dir != 0 && state.completion_cursor.is_none() { state.update(|s| { if history_dir > 0 { if s.history_pos < s.history.len() { s.history_pos += 1; } } else if s.history_pos > 0 { s.history_pos -= 1; } if s.history_pos > 0 { s.input = s.history.get(s.history_pos - 1).unwrap().to_owned(); force_cursor = cursor_offset_to_index(s.input.len(), &s.input, &ui, &self.fonts); } else { s.input.clear(); } }); } let keyboard_capturer = ui.global_input().current.widget_capturing_keyboard; if let Some(input) = &self.force_input { state.update(|s| s.input = input.to_string()); } let input_focused = keyboard_capturer == Some(state.ids.chat_input) || keyboard_capturer == Some(id); // Only show if it has the keyboard captured. // Chat input uses a rectangle as its background. if input_focused { // Any changes to this TextEdit's width and font size must be reflected in // `cursor_offset_to_index` below. let mut text_edit = TextEdit::new(&state.input) .w(460.0) .restrict_to_height(false) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .line_spacing(2.0) .font_size(self.fonts.opensans.scale(15)) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans.conrod_id); if let Some(pos) = force_cursor { text_edit = text_edit.cursor_pos(pos); } let y = match text_edit.get_y_dimension(ui) { Dimension::Absolute(y) => y + 6.0, _ => 0.0, }; Rectangle::fill([470.0, y]) .rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, transp + 0.1) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(ui.window, 10.0, 10.0) .w(470.0) .set(state.ids.chat_input_bg, ui); if let Some(str) = text_edit .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.chat_input_bg, 1.0, 1.0) .set(state.ids.chat_input, ui) { let mut input = str.to_owned(); input.retain(|c| c != '\n'); if let Ok(()) = validate_chat_msg(&input) { state.update(|s| s.input = input); } } } let alias_of_uid = |uid| { self.client .player_list .get(uid) .map_or("".to_string(), |player_info| { if player_info.is_admin { format!("ADMIN - {}", player_info.player_alias) } else { player_info.player_alias.to_string() } }) }; let message_format = |uid, message| format!("[{}]: {}", alias_of_uid(uid), message); // Message box Rectangle::fill([470.0, 174.0]) .rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, transp) .and(|r| { if input_focused { r.up_from(state.ids.chat_input_bg, 0.0) } else { r.bottom_left_with_margins_on(ui.window, 10.0, 10.0) } }) .set(state.ids.message_box_bg, ui); let (mut items, _) = List::flow_down(state.messages.len() + 1) .top_left_of(state.ids.message_box_bg) .w_h(470.0, 174.0) .scroll_kids_vertically() .set(state.ids.message_box, ui); while let Some(item) = { // This would be easier if conrod used the v-metrics from rusttype. if item.i < state.messages.len() { let ChatMsg { chat_type, message } = &state.messages[item.i]; let (color, msg) = match chat_type { ChatType::Private => (PRIVATE_COLOR, message.to_string()), ChatType::Broadcast => (BROADCAST_COLOR, message.to_string()), ChatType::Kill => (KILL_COLOR, message.to_string()), ChatType::Tell(from, to) => { let from_alias = alias_of_uid(&from); let to_alias = alias_of_uid(&to); if Some(from) == self .client .state() .ecs() .read_storage() .get(self.client.entity()) { (TELL_COLOR, format!("To [{}]: {}", to_alias, message)) } else { (TELL_COLOR, format!("From [{}]: {}", from_alias, message)) } }, ChatType::Say(uid) => (SAY_COLOR, message_format(uid, message)), ChatType::Group(uid) => (GROUP_COLOR, message_format(uid, message)), ChatType::Faction(uid) => (FACTION_COLOR, message_format(uid, message)), ChatType::Region(uid) => (REGION_COLOR, message_format(uid, message)), ChatType::World(uid) => (WORLD_COLOR, message_format(uid, message)), }; let text = Text::new(&msg) .font_size(self.fonts.opensans.scale(15)) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans.conrod_id) .w(470.0) .color(color) .line_spacing(2.0); // Add space between messages. let y = match text.get_y_dimension(ui) { Dimension::Absolute(y) => y + 2.0, _ => 0.0, }; let widget = text.h(y); item.set(widget, ui); } else { // Spacer at bottom of the last message so that it is not cut off. // Needs to be larger than the space above. let widget = Text::new("") .font_size(self.fonts.opensans.scale(6)) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans.conrod_id) .w(470.0); item.set(widget, ui); }; } // Chat Arrow // Check if already at bottom. if !Self::scrolled_to_bottom(state, ui) && Button::image(self.imgs.chat_arrow) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.chat_arrow_mo) .press_image(self.imgs.chat_arrow_press) .bottom_right_with_margins_on(state.ids.message_box_bg, 0.0, -22.0) .set(state.ids.chat_arrow, ui) .was_clicked() { ui.scroll_widget(state.ids.message_box, [0.0, std::f64::MAX]); } // We've started a new tab completion. Populate tab completion suggestions. if request_tab_completions { Some(Event::TabCompletionStart(state.input.to_string())) // If the chat widget is focused, return a focus event to pass the focus // to the input box. } else if keyboard_capturer == Some(id) { Some(Event::Focus(state.ids.chat_input)) } // If enter is pressed and the input box is not empty, send the current message. else if ui .widget_input(state.ids.chat_input) .presses() .key() .any(|key_press| match key_press.key { Key::Return if !state.input.is_empty() => true, _ => false, }) { let msg = state.input.clone(); state.update(|s| { s.input.clear(); // Update the history // Don't add if this is identical to the last message in the history s.history_pos = 0; if s.history.get(0).map_or(true, |h| h != &msg) { s.history.push_front(msg.clone()); s.history.truncate(self.history_max); } }); Some(Event::SendMessage(msg)) } else { None } } } fn do_tab_completion(cursor: usize, input: &str, word: &str) -> (String, usize) { let mut pre_ws = None; let mut post_ws = None; for (char_i, (byte_i, c)) in input.char_indices().enumerate() { if c.is_whitespace() && c != '\t' { if char_i < cursor { pre_ws = Some(byte_i); } else { assert_eq!(post_ws, None); // TODO debug post_ws = Some(byte_i); break; } } } match (pre_ws, post_ws) { (None, None) => (word.to_string(), word.chars().count()), (None, Some(i)) => ( format!("{}{}", word, input.split_at(i).1), word.chars().count(), ), (Some(i), None) => { let l_split = input.split_at(i).0; let completed = format!("{} {}", l_split, word); ( completed, l_split.chars().count() + 1 + word.chars().count(), ) }, (Some(i), Some(j)) => { let l_split = input.split_at(i).0; let r_split = input.split_at(j).1; let completed = format!("{} {}{}", l_split, word, r_split); ( completed, l_split.chars().count() + 1 + word.chars().count(), ) }, } } fn cursor_offset_to_index( offset: usize, text: &str, ui: &Ui, fonts: &ConrodVoxygenFonts, ) -> Option { // This moves the cursor to the given offset. Conrod is a pain. //let iter = cursor::xys_per_line_from_text(&text, &[], &font, font_size, // Justify::Left, Align::Start, 2.0, Rect{x: Range{start: 0.0, end: width}, y: // Range{start: 0.0, end: 12.345}}); // cursor::closest_cursor_index_and_xy([f64::MAX, f64::MAX], iter).map(|(i, _)| // i) Width and font must match that of the chat TextEdit let width = 460.0; let font = ui.fonts.get(fonts.opensans.conrod_id)?; let font_size = fonts.opensans.scale(15); let infos = text::line::infos(&text, &font, font_size).wrap_by_whitespace(width); cursor::index_before_char(infos, offset) }