use ron::de::from_bytes; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use crate::data::{ i18n_directories, LocalizationFragment, RawLocalization, LANG_MANIFEST_FILE, REFERENCE_LANG, }; use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Hash, Debug, PartialEq)] enum LocalizationState { UpToDate, NotFound, Outdated, Unknown, Unused, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct LocalizationStats { uptodate_entries: usize, outdated_entries: usize, unused_entries: usize, notfound_entries: usize, errors: usize, real_entry_count: usize, } #[derive(Default)] struct LocalizationAnalysis { notfound: Vec<(String, Option)>, unused: Vec<(String, Option)>, outdated: Vec<(String, Option)>, unknown: Vec<(String, Option)>, } impl LocalizationAnalysis { fn get_mut( &mut self, state: LocalizationState, ) -> Option<&mut Vec<(String, Option)>> { match state { LocalizationState::NotFound => Some(&mut self.notfound), LocalizationState::Unused => Some(&mut self.unused), LocalizationState::Outdated => Some(&mut self.outdated), LocalizationState::Unknown => Some(&mut self.unknown), _ => None, } } fn show( &mut self, state: LocalizationState, be_verbose: bool, ref_i18n_map: &HashMap, ) { let entries = self .get_mut(state) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("called on invalid state: {:?}", state)); if entries.is_empty() { return; } println!("\n\t[{:?}]", state); entries.sort(); for (key, commit_id) in entries { if be_verbose { let our_commit = commit_id .map(|s| format!("{}", s)) .unwrap_or_else(|| "None".to_owned()); let ref_commit = ref_i18n_map .get(key) .and_then(|s| s.commit_id) .map(|s| format!("{}", s)) .unwrap_or_else(|| "None".to_owned()); println!("{:60}| {:40} | {:40}", key, our_commit, ref_commit,); } else { println!("{}", key); } } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] struct LocalizationEntryState { key_line: Option, chuck_line_range: Option<(usize, usize)>, commit_id: Option, state: LocalizationState, } impl LocalizationEntryState { fn new() -> LocalizationEntryState { LocalizationEntryState { key_line: None, chuck_line_range: None, commit_id: None, state: LocalizationState::Unknown, } } } /// Returns the Git blob associated with the given reference and path fn read_file_from_path<'a>( repo: &'a git2::Repository, reference: &git2::Reference, path: &std::path::Path, ) -> git2::Blob<'a> { let tree = reference .peel_to_tree() .expect("Impossible to peel HEAD to a tree object"); tree.get_path(path) .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Impossible to find the file {:?} in reference {:?}", path, ) }) .to_object(&repo) .unwrap() .peel_to_blob() .expect("Impossible to fetch the Git object") } fn correspond(line: &str, key: &str) -> bool { let pat = { // Get left part of split let mut begin = line .split(':') .next() .expect("split always produces value") .trim() .chars(); // Remove quotes; begin.next_back(); begin.as_str() }; pat == key } fn generate_key_version<'a>( repo: &'a git2::Repository, localization: &LocalizationFragment, path: &std::path::Path, file_blob: &git2::Blob, ) -> HashMap { let mut keys: HashMap = localization .string_map .keys() .map(|k| (k.to_owned(), LocalizationEntryState::new())) .collect(); // Find key start lines let file_content = std::str::from_utf8(file_blob.content()).expect("Got non UTF-8 file"); let mut to_process: HashSet<&String> = localization.string_map.keys().collect(); for (line_nb, line) in file_content.lines().enumerate() { let mut found_key = None; for key in to_process.iter() { if correspond(line, key) { found_key = Some(key.to_owned()); } } if let Some(key) = found_key { keys.get_mut(key).unwrap().key_line = Some(line_nb); to_process.remove(key); }; } let mut error_check_set: Vec = vec![]; // Find commit for each keys repo.blame_file(path, None) .expect("Impossible to generate the Git blame") .iter() .for_each(|e: git2::BlameHunk| { for (key, state) in keys.iter_mut() { let line = match state.key_line { Some(l) => l, None => { if !error_check_set.contains(key) { eprintln!( "Key {} does not have a git line in it's state! Skipping key.", key ); error_check_set.push(key.clone()); } continue; }, }; if line + 1 >= e.final_start_line() && line + 1 < e.final_start_line() + e.lines_in_hunk() { state.chuck_line_range = Some(( e.final_start_line(), e.final_start_line() + e.lines_in_hunk(), )); state.commit_id = match state.commit_id { Some(existing_commit) => { match repo.graph_descendant_of(e.final_commit_id(), existing_commit) { Ok(true) => Some(e.final_commit_id()), Ok(false) => Some(existing_commit), Err(err) => panic!("{}", err), } }, None => Some(e.final_commit_id()), }; } } }); keys } fn complete_key_versions<'a>( repo: &'a git2::Repository, head_ref: &git2::Reference, i18n_key_versions: &mut HashMap, root_dir: &Path, lang_dir: &Path, ) { //TODO: review unwraps in this file // For each file (if it's not a directory) in directory for i18n_file in root_dir.join(&lang_dir).read_dir().unwrap().flatten() { if let Ok(file_type) = i18n_file.file_type() { if file_type.is_file() { println!("-> {:?}", i18n_file.file_name()); let full_path = i18n_file.path(); let path = full_path.strip_prefix(root_dir).unwrap(); let i18n_blob = read_file_from_path(&repo, &head_ref, &path); let i18n: LocalizationFragment = match from_bytes(i18n_blob.content()) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { eprintln!( "Could not parse {} RON file, skipping: {}", i18n_file.path().to_string_lossy(), e ); continue; }, }; i18n_key_versions.extend(generate_key_version(&repo, &i18n, &path, &i18n_blob)); } } } } fn gather_state( loc: &RawLocalization, i18n_blob: &git2::Blob, ref_manifest: &Path, root_dir: &Path, lang_dir: &Path, repo: &git2::Repository, head_ref: &git2::Reference, ) -> HashMap { // Generate map let mut i18n_map = generate_key_version( repo, &LocalizationFragment::from(loc.clone()), ref_manifest, i18n_blob, ); // Gathering info about keys from language complete_key_versions(repo, head_ref, &mut i18n_map, root_dir, lang_dir); // read HEAD for the subfolders for sub_directory in loc.sub_directories.iter() { let subdir_path = &lang_dir.join(sub_directory); complete_key_versions(repo, head_ref, &mut i18n_map, root_dir, subdir_path); } i18n_map } // Helper function to test localization directory // `lang_dir` - path to localization directory. Relative from root of the // repo. // `root_dir` - absolute path to repo // `ref_manifest` - path to reference manifest // `i18n_references` - keys from reference language // `repo` - git object for main repo // `head_ref` - HEAD fn test_localization_directory( lang_dir: &Path, root_dir: &Path, ref_manifest: &Path, i18n_references: &HashMap, be_verbose: bool, repo: &git2::Repository, head_ref: &git2::Reference, ) -> Option { let relfile = lang_dir.join(&(LANG_MANIFEST_FILE.to_string() + ".ron")); if relfile == ref_manifest { return None; } println!("\n-----------------------------------"); println!("{:?}", relfile); println!("-----------------------------------"); // Find the localization entry state let current_blob = read_file_from_path(&repo, &head_ref, &relfile); let current_loc: RawLocalization = match from_bytes(current_blob.content()) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { eprintln!( "Could not parse {} RON file, skipping: {}", relfile.to_string_lossy(), e ); return None; }, }; // Gather state of current localization let mut current_i18n = gather_state( ¤t_loc, ¤t_blob, ref_manifest, root_dir, lang_dir, repo, head_ref, ); // Comparing with reference localization fill_info(&mut current_i18n, &i18n_references, repo, &relfile); let mut state_map = LocalizationAnalysis::default(); let result = gather_results(current_i18n, &mut state_map); print_translation_stats( &i18n_references, &result, &mut state_map, be_verbose, relfile, ref_manifest, ); Some(result) } fn fill_info( current_i18n: &mut HashMap, i18n_references: &HashMap, repo: &git2::Repository, relfile: &Path, ) { for (ref_key, ref_state) in i18n_references.iter() { match current_i18n.get_mut(ref_key) { Some(state) => { let commit_id = match state.commit_id { Some(c) => c, None => { eprintln!( "Commit ID of key {} in i18n file {} is missing! Skipping key.", ref_key, relfile.to_string_lossy() ); continue; }, }; let ref_commit_id = match ref_state.commit_id { Some(c) => c, None => { eprintln!( "Commit ID of key {} in reference i18n file is missing! Skipping key.", ref_key ); continue; }, }; if commit_id != ref_commit_id && !repo .graph_descendant_of(commit_id, ref_commit_id) .unwrap_or(false) { state.state = LocalizationState::Outdated; } else { state.state = LocalizationState::UpToDate; } }, None => { current_i18n.insert(ref_key.to_owned(), LocalizationEntryState { key_line: None, chuck_line_range: None, commit_id: None, state: LocalizationState::NotFound, }); }, } } let ref_keys: HashSet<&String> = i18n_references.keys().collect(); for (_, state) in current_i18n .iter_mut() .filter(|&(k, _)| !ref_keys.contains(k)) { state.state = LocalizationState::Unused; } } fn gather_results( current_i18n: HashMap, state_map: &mut LocalizationAnalysis, ) -> LocalizationStats { let mut uptodate_entries = 0; let mut outdated_entries = 0; let mut unused_entries = 0; let mut notfound_entries = 0; let mut unknown_entries = 0; let keys: Vec<&String> = current_i18n.keys().collect(); for key in keys { let entry = current_i18n.get(key).unwrap(); match entry.state { LocalizationState::Outdated => outdated_entries += 1, LocalizationState::NotFound => notfound_entries += 1, LocalizationState::Unknown => unknown_entries += 1, LocalizationState::Unused => unused_entries += 1, LocalizationState::UpToDate => uptodate_entries += 1, }; if entry.state != LocalizationState::UpToDate { let state_keys = state_map .get_mut(entry.state) .expect("vectors must be added"); state_keys.push((key.to_owned(), entry.commit_id)); } } // Calculate key count that actually matter for the status of the translation // Unused entries don't break the game let current_i18n_entry_count = current_i18n.len(); let real_entry_count = current_i18n_entry_count - unused_entries; LocalizationStats { uptodate_entries, unused_entries, outdated_entries, notfound_entries, errors: unknown_entries, real_entry_count, } } fn print_translation_stats( ref_i18n_map: &HashMap, stats: &LocalizationStats, state_map: &mut LocalizationAnalysis, be_verbose: bool, relfile: PathBuf, ref_manifest: &Path, ) { let uptodate_percent = (stats.uptodate_entries as f32 / stats.real_entry_count as f32) * 100_f32; let outdated_percent = (stats.outdated_entries as f32 / stats.real_entry_count as f32) * 100_f32; let untranslated_percent = ((stats.errors + stats.errors) as f32 / stats.real_entry_count as f32) * 100_f32; // Display if be_verbose { println!( "\n{:60}| {:40} | {:40}", "Key name", relfile.to_str().unwrap(), ref_manifest.to_str().unwrap(), ); } else { println!("\nKey name"); }, be_verbose, ref_i18n_map);, be_verbose, ref_i18n_map);, be_verbose, ref_i18n_map);, be_verbose, ref_i18n_map); println!( "\n{} up-to-date, {} outdated, {} unused, {} not found, {} unknown entries", stats.uptodate_entries, stats.outdated_entries, stats.unused_entries, stats.notfound_entries, stats.errors, ); println!( "{:.2}% up-to-date, {:.2}% outdated, {:.2}% untranslated\n", uptodate_percent, outdated_percent, untranslated_percent, ); } /// Test one language /// `code` - name of the directory in assets (de_DE for example) /// `root_dir` - absolute path to main repo /// `assets_path` - relative path to asset directory (right now it is /// 'assets/voxygen/i18n') pub fn test_specific_localization( code: &str, root_dir: &Path, assets_path: &Path, be_verbose: bool, ) { // Relative paths from root of repo to assets let ref_lang_dir = assets_path.join(REFERENCE_LANG); let ref_manifest = ref_lang_dir.join(LANG_MANIFEST_FILE.to_string() + ".ron"); // Initialize Git objects let repo = git2::Repository::discover(&root_dir) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to open the Git repository at {:?}", &root_dir)); let head_ref = repo.head().expect("Impossible to get the HEAD reference"); // Read HEAD for the reference language manifest let ref_manifest_blob = read_file_from_path(&repo, &head_ref, &ref_manifest); let loc: RawLocalization = from_bytes(ref_manifest_blob.content()) .expect("Expect to parse reference i18n RON file, can't proceed without it"); // Gathering info about keys from reference language let reference_i18n = gather_state( &loc, &ref_manifest_blob, &ref_manifest, root_dir, &ref_lang_dir, &repo, &head_ref, ); // Testing how specific language is localized let dir = assets_path.join(code); test_localization_directory( &dir, root_dir, &ref_manifest, &reference_i18n, be_verbose, &repo, &head_ref, ); } /// Test all localizations /// `root_dir` - absolute path to main repo /// `assets_path` - relative path to asset directory (right now it is /// 'assets/voxygen/i18n') pub fn test_all_localizations(root_dir: &Path, assets_path: &Path, be_verbose: bool) { let ref_lang_dir = assets_path.join(REFERENCE_LANG); let ref_manifest = ref_lang_dir.join(LANG_MANIFEST_FILE.to_string() + ".ron"); if !root_dir.join(&ref_lang_dir).is_dir() { panic!("Reference language folder not found {:?}", &ref_lang_dir) } if !root_dir.join(&ref_manifest).is_file() { panic!("Reference language file not found {:?}", &ref_manifest) } // Initialize Git objects let repo = git2::Repository::discover(&root_dir) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to open the Git repository at {:?}", &root_dir)); let head_ref = repo.head().expect("Impossible to get the HEAD reference"); // Read HEAD for the reference language file let ref_manifest_blob = read_file_from_path(&repo, &head_ref, &ref_manifest); let loc: RawLocalization = from_bytes(ref_manifest_blob.content()) .expect("Expect to parse reference i18n RON file, can't proceed without it"); // Gathering info about keys from reference language let reference_i18n = gather_state( &loc, &ref_manifest_blob, &ref_manifest, root_dir, &ref_lang_dir, &repo, &head_ref, ); // Compare to other reference files let i18n_directories = i18n_directories(&root_dir.join(assets_path)); let mut i18n_entry_counts: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for dir in &i18n_directories { let rel_dir = dir.strip_prefix(root_dir).unwrap(); let result = test_localization_directory( rel_dir, root_dir, &ref_manifest, &reference_i18n, be_verbose, &repo, &head_ref, ); if let Some(values) = result { i18n_entry_counts.insert(dir.clone(), values); } } print_overall_stats(i18n_entry_counts); } fn print_overall_stats(i18n_entry_counts: HashMap) { let mut overall_uptodate_entry_count = 0; let mut overall_outdated_entry_count = 0; let mut overall_untranslated_entry_count = 0; let mut overall_real_entry_count = 0; println!("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println!("Overall Translation Status"); println!("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println!( "{:12}| {:8} | {:8} | {:8} | {:8} | {:8}", "", "up-to-date", "outdated", "untranslated", "unused", "errors", ); let mut i18n_stats: Vec<(&PathBuf, &LocalizationStats)> = i18n_entry_counts.iter().collect(); i18n_stats.sort_by_key(|(_, result)| result.notfound_entries); for (path, test_result) in i18n_stats { let LocalizationStats { uptodate_entries: uptodate, outdated_entries: outdated, unused_entries: unused, notfound_entries: untranslated, errors, real_entry_count: real, } = test_result; overall_uptodate_entry_count += uptodate; overall_outdated_entry_count += outdated; overall_untranslated_entry_count += untranslated; overall_real_entry_count += real; println!( "{:12}|{:8} |{:6} |{:8} |{:6} |{:8}", path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), uptodate, outdated, untranslated, unused, errors, ); } println!( "\n{:.2}% up-to-date, {:.2}% outdated, {:.2}% untranslated", (overall_uptodate_entry_count as f32 / overall_real_entry_count as f32) * 100_f32, (overall_outdated_entry_count as f32 / overall_real_entry_count as f32) * 100_f32, (overall_untranslated_entry_count as f32 / overall_real_entry_count as f32) * 100_f32, ); println!("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); }