#version 330 core #include <globals.glsl> in vec2 v_pos; in vec2 v_uv; in vec2 v_center; in vec4 v_color; in uint v_mode; layout (std140) uniform u_locals { vec4 w_pos; }; uniform sampler2D u_tex; out vec2 f_uv; flat out uint f_mode; out vec4 f_color; void main() { f_color = v_color; // vec2 v_pos = vec2(-1.0,1.0) * v_pos; /* f_uv = vec2(1.0,1.0) * v_uv; */ // vec2 v_uv = vec2(1.0,-1.0) * v_uv; if (w_pos.w == 1.0) { f_uv = v_uv; // Fixed scale In-game element vec4 projected_pos = /*proj_mat * view_mat*/all_mat * vec4(w_pos.xyz - focus_off.xyz, 1.0); gl_Position = vec4(projected_pos.xy / projected_pos.w + v_pos/* * projected_pos.w*/, -1.0, /*projected_pos.w*/1.0); } else if (v_mode == uint(3)) { // HACK: North facing source rectangle. gl_Position = vec4(v_pos, -1.0, 1.0); vec2 look_at_dir = normalize(vec2(-view_mat[0][2], -view_mat[1][2])); // TODO: Consider cleaning up matrix to something more efficient (e.g. a mat3). vec2 aspect_ratio = textureSize(u_tex, 0).yx; mat2 look_at = mat2(look_at_dir.y, look_at_dir.x, -look_at_dir.x, look_at_dir.y); vec2 v_centered = (v_uv - v_center) / aspect_ratio; vec2 v_rotated = look_at * v_centered; f_uv = aspect_ratio * v_rotated + v_center; } else if (v_mode == uint(5)) { // HACK: North facing target rectangle. f_uv = v_uv; vec2 look_at_dir = normalize(vec2(-view_mat[0][2], -view_mat[1][2])); // TODO: Consider cleaning up matrix to something more efficient (e.g. a mat3). vec2 aspect_ratio = screen_res.yx; mat2 look_at = mat2(look_at_dir.y, -look_at_dir.x, look_at_dir.x, look_at_dir.y); vec2 v_centered = (v_pos - v_center) / aspect_ratio; vec2 v_rotated = look_at * v_centered; gl_Position = vec4(aspect_ratio * v_rotated + v_center, -1.0, 1.0); } else { // Interface element f_uv = v_uv; gl_Position = vec4(v_pos, -1.0, 1.0); } f_mode = v_mode; }