use crate::{ api::Stream, channel::Channel, message::{IncomingMessage, MessageBuffer, OutgoingMessage}, metrics::{NetworkMetrics, PidCidFrameCache}, prios::PrioManager, protocols::Protocols, types::{Cid, Frame, Pid, Prio, Promises, Sid}, }; use async_std::sync::RwLock; use futures::{ channel::{mpsc, oneshot}, future::FutureExt, select, sink::SinkExt, stream::StreamExt, }; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use tracing::*; #[derive(Debug)] struct ChannelInfo { cid: Cid, cid_string: String, //optimisationmetrics b2w_frame_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, b2r_read_shutdown: oneshot::Sender<()>, } #[derive(Debug)] struct StreamInfo { prio: Prio, promises: Promises, b2a_msg_recv_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, closed: Arc, } #[derive(Debug)] #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] struct ControlChannels { a2b_steam_open_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Prio, Promises, oneshot::Sender)>, b2a_stream_opened_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, s2b_create_channel_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Cid, Sid, Protocols, Vec<(Cid, Frame)>, oneshot::Sender<()>)>, a2b_close_stream_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, a2b_close_stream_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_r: oneshot::Receiver>>, /* own */ } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BParticipant { remote_pid: Pid, remote_pid_string: String, //optimisation offset_sid: Sid, channels: Arc>>, streams: RwLock>, running_mgr: AtomicUsize, run_channels: Option, metrics: Arc, no_channel_error_info: RwLock<(Instant, u64)>, } impl BParticipant { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub(crate) fn new( remote_pid: Pid, offset_sid: Sid, metrics: Arc, ) -> ( Self, mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Prio, Promises, oneshot::Sender)>, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Cid, Sid, Protocols, Vec<(Cid, Frame)>, oneshot::Sender<()>)>, oneshot::Sender>>, ) { let (a2b_steam_open_s, a2b_steam_open_r) = mpsc::unbounded::<(Prio, Promises, oneshot::Sender)>(); let (b2a_stream_opened_s, b2a_stream_opened_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (a2b_close_stream_s, a2b_close_stream_r) = mpsc::unbounded(); let (s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_r) = oneshot::channel(); let (s2b_create_channel_s, s2b_create_channel_r) = mpsc::unbounded(); let run_channels = Some(ControlChannels { a2b_steam_open_r, b2a_stream_opened_s, s2b_create_channel_r, a2b_close_stream_r, a2b_close_stream_s, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_r, }); ( Self { remote_pid, remote_pid_string: remote_pid.to_string(), offset_sid, channels: Arc::new(RwLock::new(vec![])), streams: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), running_mgr: AtomicUsize::new(0), run_channels, metrics, no_channel_error_info: RwLock::new((Instant::now(), 0)), }, a2b_steam_open_s, b2a_stream_opened_r, s2b_create_channel_s, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s, ) } pub async fn run(mut self, b2s_prio_statistic_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Pid, u64, u64)>) { //those managers that listen on api::Participant need an additional oneshot for // shutdown scenario, those handled by scheduler will be closed by it. let (shutdown_send_mgr_sender, shutdown_send_mgr_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); let (shutdown_stream_close_mgr_sender, shutdown_stream_close_mgr_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); let (shutdown_open_mgr_sender, shutdown_open_mgr_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); let (b2b_prios_flushed_s, b2b_prios_flushed_r) = oneshot::channel(); let (w2b_frames_s, w2b_frames_r) = mpsc::unbounded::<(Cid, Frame)>(); let (prios, a2p_msg_s, b2p_notify_empty_stream_s) = PrioManager::new(self.metrics.clone(), self.remote_pid_string.clone()); let run_channels = self.run_channels.take().unwrap(); futures::join!( self.open_mgr( run_channels.a2b_steam_open_r, run_channels.a2b_close_stream_s.clone(), a2p_msg_s.clone(), shutdown_open_mgr_receiver, ), self.handle_frames_mgr( w2b_frames_r, run_channels.b2a_stream_opened_s, run_channels.a2b_close_stream_s, a2p_msg_s.clone(), ), self.create_channel_mgr(run_channels.s2b_create_channel_r, w2b_frames_s), self.send_mgr( prios, shutdown_send_mgr_receiver, b2b_prios_flushed_s, b2s_prio_statistic_s ), self.stream_close_mgr( run_channels.a2b_close_stream_r, shutdown_stream_close_mgr_receiver, b2p_notify_empty_stream_s, ), self.participant_shutdown_mgr( run_channels.s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_r, b2b_prios_flushed_r, vec!( shutdown_send_mgr_sender, shutdown_open_mgr_sender, shutdown_stream_close_mgr_sender ) ), ); } async fn send_mgr( &self, mut prios: PrioManager, mut shutdown_send_mgr_receiver: oneshot::Receiver<()>, b2b_prios_flushed_s: oneshot::Sender<()>, mut b2s_prio_statistic_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Pid, u64, u64)>, ) { //This time equals the MINIMUM Latency in average, so keep it down and //Todo: // make it configureable or switch to await E.g. Prio 0 = await, prio 50 // wait for more messages const TICK_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10); const FRAMES_PER_TICK: usize = 10005; self.running_mgr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let mut closing_up = false; trace!("start send_mgr"); let mut send_cache = PidCidFrameCache::new(self.metrics.frames_out_total.clone(), self.remote_pid); //while !self.closed.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { loop { let mut frames = VecDeque::new(); prios.fill_frames(FRAMES_PER_TICK, &mut frames).await; let len = frames.len(); if len > 0 { trace!("tick {}", len); } for (_, frame) in frames { self.send_frame(frame, &mut send_cache).await; } b2s_prio_statistic_s .send((self.remote_pid, len as u64, /* */ 0)) .await .unwrap(); async_std::task::sleep(TICK_TIME).await; //shutdown after all msg are send! if closing_up && (len == 0) { break; } //this IF below the break IF to give it another chance to close all streams // closed if !closing_up && shutdown_send_mgr_receiver.try_recv().unwrap().is_some() { closing_up = true; } } trace!("stop send_mgr"); b2b_prios_flushed_s.send(()).unwrap(); self.running_mgr.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } //retruns false if sending isn't possible. In that case we have to render the // Participant `closed` #[must_use = "You need to check if the send was successful and report to client!"] async fn send_frame( &self, frame: Frame, frames_out_total_cache: &mut PidCidFrameCache, ) -> bool { // find out ideal channel here //TODO: just take first let mut lock = self.channels.write().await; if let Some(ci) = lock.get_mut(0) { //note: this is technically wrong we should only increase when it suceeded, but // this requiered me to clone `frame` which is a to big performance impact for // error handling frames_out_total_cache .with_label_values(ci.cid, &frame) .inc(); if let Err(e) = ci.b2w_frame_s.send(frame).await { warn!( ?e, "the channel got closed unexpectedly, cleaning it up now." ); let ci = lock.remove(0); if let Err(e) = ci.b2r_read_shutdown.send(()) { debug!( ?e, "error shutdowning channel, which is prob fine as we detected it to no \ longer work in the first place" ); }; //TODO warn!( "FIXME: the frame is actually drop. which is fine for now as the participant \ will be closed, but not if we do channel-takeover" ); false } else { true } } else { let mut guard = self.no_channel_error_info.write().await; let now = Instant::now(); if now.duration_since(guard.0) > Duration::from_secs(1) { guard.0 = now; let occurrences = guard.1 + 1; guard.1 = 0; error!(?occurrences, "participant has no channel to communicate on"); } else { guard.1 += 1; } false } } async fn handle_frames_mgr( &self, mut w2b_frames_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Cid, Frame)>, mut b2a_stream_opened_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, a2b_close_stream_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, a2p_msg_s: crossbeam_channel::Sender<(Prio, Sid, OutgoingMessage)>, ) { self.running_mgr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("start handle_frames_mgr"); let mut messages = HashMap::new(); let mut dropped_instant = Instant::now(); let mut dropped_cnt = 0u64; let mut dropped_sid = Sid::new(0); while let Some((cid, frame)) = { let cid_string = cid.to_string(); //trace!("handling frame"); self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&self.remote_pid_string, &cid_string, frame.get_string()]) .inc(); match frame { Frame::OpenStream { sid, prio, promises, } => { let a2p_msg_s = a2p_msg_s.clone(); let stream = self .create_stream(sid, prio, promises, a2p_msg_s, &a2b_close_stream_s) .await; b2a_stream_opened_s.send(stream).await.unwrap(); trace!("opened frame from remote"); }, Frame::CloseStream { sid } => { // Closing is realised by setting a AtomicBool to true, however we also have a // guarantee that send or recv fails if the other one is destroyed // However Stream.send() is not async and their receiver isn't dropped if Steam // is dropped, so i need a way to notify the Stream that it's send messages will // be dropped... from remote, notify local trace!( ?sid, "got remote request to close a stream, without flushing it, local \ messages are dropped" ); // no wait for flush here, as the remote wouldn't care anyway. if let Some(si) = self.streams.write().await.remove(&sid) { self.metrics .streams_closed_total .with_label_values(&[&self.remote_pid_string]) .inc();, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!(?sid, "closed stream from remote"); } else { warn!( ?sid, "couldn't find stream to close, either this is a duplicate message, \ or the local copy of the Stream got closed simultaniously" ); } }, Frame::DataHeader { mid, sid, length } => { let imsg = IncomingMessage { buffer: MessageBuffer { data: Vec::new() }, length, mid, sid, }; messages.insert(mid, imsg); }, Frame::Data { mid, start: _, mut data, } => { let finished = if let Some(imsg) = messages.get_mut(&mid) { data); as u64 == imsg.length } else { false }; if finished { //debug!(?mid, "finished receiving message"); let imsg = messages.remove(&mid).unwrap(); if let Some(si) = self.streams.write().await.get_mut(&imsg.sid) { if let Err(e) = si.b2a_msg_recv_s.send(imsg).await { warn!( ?e, ?mid, "dropping message, as streams seem to be in act of beeing \ dropped right now" ); } } else { //aggregate errors let n = Instant::now(); if dropped_sid != imsg.sid || n.duration_since(dropped_instant) > Duration::from_secs(1) { warn!( ?dropped_cnt, "dropping multiple messages as stream no longer seems to \ exist because it was dropped probably." ); dropped_cnt = 0; dropped_instant = n; dropped_sid = imsg.sid; } else { dropped_cnt += 1; } } } }, Frame::Shutdown => error!( "Somehow this Shutdown signal got here, i should probably handle it. To not \ crash let me just put this message here" ), f => unreachable!("never reaches frame!: {:?}", f), } } if dropped_cnt > 0 { warn!( ?dropped_cnt, "dropping multiple messages as stream no longer seems to exist because it was \ dropped probably." ); } trace!("stop handle_frames_mgr"); self.running_mgr.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] async fn create_channel_mgr( &self, s2b_create_channel_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<( Cid, Sid, Protocols, Vec<(Cid, Frame)>, oneshot::Sender<()>, )>, w2b_frames_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Cid, Frame)>, ) { self.running_mgr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("start create_channel_mgr"); s2b_create_channel_r .for_each_concurrent( None, |(cid, _, protocol, leftover_cid_frame, b2s_create_channel_done_s)| { // This channel is now configured, and we are running it in scope of the // participant. let w2b_frames_s = w2b_frames_s.clone(); let channels = self.channels.clone(); async move { let (channel, b2w_frame_s, b2r_read_shutdown) = Channel::new(cid); channels.write().await.push(ChannelInfo { cid, cid_string: cid.to_string(), b2w_frame_s, b2r_read_shutdown, }); b2s_create_channel_done_s.send(()).unwrap(); self.metrics .channels_connected_total .with_label_values(&[&self.remote_pid_string]) .inc(); trace!(?cid, "running channel in participant"); channel .run(protocol, w2b_frames_s, leftover_cid_frame) .await; self.metrics .channels_disconnected_total .with_label_values(&[&self.remote_pid_string]) .inc(); trace!(?cid, "channel got closed"); } }, ) .await; trace!("stop create_channel_mgr"); self.running_mgr.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } async fn open_mgr( &self, mut a2b_steam_open_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Prio, Promises, oneshot::Sender)>, a2b_close_stream_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, a2p_msg_s: crossbeam_channel::Sender<(Prio, Sid, OutgoingMessage)>, shutdown_open_mgr_receiver: oneshot::Receiver<()>, ) { self.running_mgr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("start open_mgr"); let mut stream_ids = self.offset_sid; let mut send_cache = PidCidFrameCache::new(self.metrics.frames_out_total.clone(), self.remote_pid); let mut shutdown_open_mgr_receiver = shutdown_open_mgr_receiver.fuse(); //from api or shutdown signal while let Some((prio, promises, p2a_return_stream)) = select! { next = => next, _ = shutdown_open_mgr_receiver => None, } { debug!(?prio, ?promises, "got request to open a new steam"); let a2p_msg_s = a2p_msg_s.clone(); let sid = stream_ids; let stream = self .create_stream(sid, prio, promises, a2p_msg_s, &a2b_close_stream_s) .await; if self .send_frame( Frame::OpenStream { sid, prio, promises, }, &mut send_cache, ) .await { //On error, we drop this, so it gets closed and client will handle this as an // Err any way (: p2a_return_stream.send(stream).unwrap(); stream_ids += Sid::from(1); } } trace!("stop open_mgr"); self.running_mgr.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } /// when activated this function will drop the participant completly and /// wait for everything to go right! Then return 1. Shutting down /// Streams for API and End user! 2. Wait for all "prio queued" Messages /// to be send. 3. Send Stream async fn participant_shutdown_mgr( &self, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_r: oneshot::Receiver>>, b2b_prios_flushed_r: oneshot::Receiver<()>, mut to_shutdown: Vec>, ) { self.running_mgr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("start participant_shutdown_mgr"); let sender = s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_r.await.unwrap(); debug!("closing all managers"); for sender in to_shutdown.drain(..) { if let Err(e) = sender.send(()) { warn!(?e, "manager seems to be closed already, weird, maybe a bug"); }; } debug!("closing all streams"); for (sid, si) in self.streams.write().await.drain() { trace!(?sid, "shutting down Stream");, Ordering::Relaxed); } debug!("waiting for prios to be flushed"); b2b_prios_flushed_r.await.unwrap(); debug!("closing all channels"); for ci in self.channels.write().await.drain(..) { if let Err(e) = ci.b2r_read_shutdown.send(()) { debug!(?e, ?ci.cid, "seems like this read protocol got already dropped by closing the Stream itself, just ignoring the fact"); }; } //Wait for other bparticipants mgr to close via AtomicUsize const SLEEP_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(5); async_std::task::sleep(SLEEP_TIME).await; let mut i: u32 = 1; while self.running_mgr.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 1 { i += 1; if i.rem_euclid(10) == 1 { trace!( "waiting for bparticipant mgr to shut down, remaining {}", self.running_mgr.load(Ordering::Relaxed) - 1 ); } async_std::task::sleep(SLEEP_TIME * i).await; } trace!("all bparticipant mgr (except me) are shut down now");; sender.send(Ok(())).unwrap(); trace!("stop participant_shutdown_mgr"); self.running_mgr.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } async fn stream_close_mgr( &self, mut a2b_close_stream_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, shutdown_stream_close_mgr_receiver: oneshot::Receiver<()>, b2p_notify_empty_stream_s: crossbeam_channel::Sender<(Sid, oneshot::Sender<()>)>, ) { self.running_mgr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("start stream_close_mgr"); let mut send_cache = PidCidFrameCache::new(self.metrics.frames_out_total.clone(), self.remote_pid); let mut shutdown_stream_close_mgr_receiver = shutdown_stream_close_mgr_receiver.fuse(); //from api or shutdown signal while let Some(sid) = select! { next = => next, _ = shutdown_stream_close_mgr_receiver => None, } { //TODO: make this concurrent! //TODO: Performance, closing is slow! trace!(?sid, "got request from api to close steam"); //This needs to first stop clients from sending any more. //Then it will wait for all pending messages (in prio) to be send to the // protocol After this happened the stream is closed //Only after all messages are send to the prococol, we can send the CloseStream // frame! If we would send it before, all followup messages couldn't // be handled at the remote side. trace!(?sid, "stopping api to use this stream"); match { Some(si) => {, Ordering::Relaxed); }, None => warn!("couldn't find the stream, might be simulanious close from remote"), } //TODO: what happens if RIGHT NOW the remote sends a StreamClose and this // streams get closed and removed? RACE CONDITION trace!(?sid, "wait for stream to be flushed"); let (s2b_stream_finished_closed_s, s2b_stream_finished_closed_r) = oneshot::channel(); b2p_notify_empty_stream_s .send((sid, s2b_stream_finished_closed_s)) .unwrap(); s2b_stream_finished_closed_r.await.unwrap(); trace!(?sid, "stream was successfully flushed"); self.metrics .streams_closed_total .with_label_values(&[&self.remote_pid_string]) .inc(); //only now remove the Stream, that means we can still recv on it. self.streams.write().await.remove(&sid); self.send_frame(Frame::CloseStream { sid }, &mut send_cache) .await; } trace!("stop stream_close_mgr"); self.running_mgr.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } async fn create_stream( &self, sid: Sid, prio: Prio, promises: Promises, a2p_msg_s: crossbeam_channel::Sender<(Prio, Sid, OutgoingMessage)>, a2b_close_stream_s: &mpsc::UnboundedSender, ) -> Stream { let (b2a_msg_recv_s, b2a_msg_recv_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let closed = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); self.streams.write().await.insert(sid, StreamInfo { prio, promises, b2a_msg_recv_s, closed: closed.clone(), }); self.metrics .streams_opened_total .with_label_values(&[&self.remote_pid_string]) .inc(); Stream::new( self.remote_pid, sid, prio, promises, a2p_msg_s, b2a_msg_recv_r, closed.clone(), a2b_close_stream_s.clone(), ) } /* async fn close_participant(&self) { } */ }