use client::{error::Error as ClientError, Client}; use common::comp; use crossbeam::channel::{unbounded, Receiver, TryRecvError}; use log::info; use std::{net::ToSocketAddrs, thread, time::Duration}; #[cfg(feature = "discord")] use crate::{discord, discord::DiscordUpdate}; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { // Error parsing input string or error resolving host name. BadAddress(std::io::Error), // Parsing yielded an empty iterator (specifically to_socket_addrs()). NoAddress, // Parsing/host name resolution successful but could not connect. ConnectionFailed(ClientError), InvalidAuth, ClientCrashed, ServerIsFull, } // Used to asynchronously parse the server address, resolve host names, // and create the client (which involves establishing a connection to the server). pub struct ClientInit { rx: Receiver>, } impl ClientInit { pub fn new( connection_args: (String, u16, bool), player: comp::Player, password: String, wait: bool, ) -> Self { let (server_address, default_port, prefer_ipv6) = connection_args; let (tx, rx) = unbounded(); thread::spawn(move || { // Sleep the thread to wait for the single-player server to start up. if wait { info!("Waiting for server to come up..."); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } // Parse ip address or resolves hostname. // Note: if you use an ipv6 address, the number after the last colon will be used // as the port unless you use [] around the address. match server_address .to_socket_addrs() .or((server_address.as_ref(), default_port).to_socket_addrs()) { Ok(socket_address) => { let (first_addrs, second_addrs) = socket_address.partition::, _>(|a| a.is_ipv6() == prefer_ipv6); let mut last_err = None; for socket_addr in first_addrs.into_iter().chain(second_addrs) { match Client::new(socket_addr, player.view_distance) { Ok(mut client) => { if let Err(ClientError::InvalidAuth) = client.register(player, password) { last_err = Some(Error::InvalidAuth); break; } //client.register(player, password); let _ = tx.send(Ok(client)); #[cfg(feature = "discord")] { if !server_address.eq("") { discord::send_all(vec![ DiscordUpdate::Details(server_address), DiscordUpdate::State("Playing...".into()), ]); } } return; } Err(err) => { match err { // Assume the connection failed and try next address. ClientError::Network(_) => { last_err = Some(Error::ConnectionFailed(err)) } ClientError::TooManyPlayers => { last_err = Some(Error::ServerIsFull); break; } ClientError::InvalidAuth => { last_err = Some(Error::InvalidAuth); } // TODO: Handle errors? _ => panic!( "Unexpected non-network error when creating client: {:?}", err ), } } } } // Parsing/host name resolution successful but no connection succeeded. let _ = tx.send(Err(last_err.unwrap_or(Error::NoAddress))); } Err(err) => { // Error parsing input string or error resolving host name. let _ = tx.send(Err(Error::BadAddress(err))); } } }); ClientInit { rx } } /// Poll if the thread is complete. /// Returns None if the thread is still running, otherwise returns the Result of client creation. pub fn poll(&self) -> Option> { match self.rx.try_recv() { Ok(result) => Some(result), Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => None, Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => Some(Err(Error::ClientCrashed)), } } }