use log::info; use prometheus::{Encoder, Gauge, IntGauge, IntGaugeVec, Opts, Registry, TextEncoder}; use rouille::{router, Server}; use std::{ convert::TryInto, net::SocketAddr, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }, thread, time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use std::error::Error; pub struct ServerMetrics { pub chonks_count: IntGauge, pub chunks_count: IntGauge, pub player_online: IntGauge, pub entity_count: IntGauge, pub tick_time: IntGaugeVec, pub build_info: IntGauge, pub start_time: IntGauge, pub time_of_day: Gauge, pub light_count: IntGauge, running: Arc, pub handle: Option>, pub every_100th: i8, } impl ServerMetrics { pub fn new(addr: SocketAddr) -> Result> { let opts = Opts::new( "player_online", "shows the number of clients connected to the server", ); let player_online = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new( "entity_count", "number of all entities currently active on the server", ); let entity_count = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new("veloren_build_info", "Build information") .const_label("hash", &common::util::GIT_HASH) .const_label("version", ""); let build_info = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new( "veloren_start_time", "start time of the server in seconds since EPOCH", ); let start_time = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new("time_of_day", "ingame time in ingame-seconds"); let time_of_day = Gauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new( "light_count", "number of all lights currently active on the server", ); let light_count = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new( "chonks_count", "number of all chonks currently active on the server", ); let chonks_count = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let opts = Opts::new( "chunks_count", "number of all chunks currently active on the server", ); let chunks_count = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let vec = IntGaugeVec::new( Opts::new("tick_time", "time in ns requiered for a tick of the server"), &["period"], )?; let tick_time = IntGaugeVec::from(vec); let since_the_epoch = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("Time went backwards"); start_time.set(since_the_epoch.as_secs().try_into()?); let registry = Registry::new(); //registry.register(Box::new(chonks_count.clone())).unwrap(); registry.register(Box::new(player_online.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(entity_count.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(build_info.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(start_time.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(time_of_day.clone()))?; //registry.register(Box::new(light_count.clone())).unwrap(); registry.register(Box::new(chonks_count.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(chunks_count.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(tick_time.clone()))?; let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let running2 = running.clone(); //TODO: make this a job let handle = Some(thread::spawn(move || { let server = Server::new(addr, move |request| { router!(request, (GET) (/metrics) => { let encoder = TextEncoder::new(); let mut buffer = vec![]; let mf = registry.gather(); encoder.encode(&mf, &mut buffer).expect("Failed to encoder metrics text."); rouille::Response::text(String::from_utf8(buffer).expect("Failed to parse bytes as a string.")) }, _ => rouille::Response::empty_404() ) }) .expect("Failed to start server"); info!("Started server metrics: {}", addr); while running2.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { server.poll(); // Poll at 10Hz thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } })); Ok(Self { chonks_count, chunks_count, player_online, entity_count, tick_time, build_info, start_time, time_of_day, light_count, running, handle, every_100th: 0, }) } pub fn is_100th_tick(&mut self) -> bool { self.every_100th += 1; if self.every_100th == 100 { self.every_100th = 0; true } else { false } } } impl Drop for ServerMetrics { fn drop(&mut self) {, Ordering::Relaxed); let handle = self.handle.take(); handle .expect("ServerMetrics worker handle does not exist.") .join() .expect("Error shutting down prometheus metric exporter"); } }