#[cfg(feature = "metrics")] use crate::metrics::NetworkMetrics; use crate::{ api::{Participant, ProtocolAddr}, channel::Handshake, participant::{B2sPrioStatistic, BParticipant, S2bCreateChannel}, protocols::{Protocols, TcpProtocol, UdpProtocol}, types::Pid, }; use async_std::{ io, net, sync::{Mutex, RwLock}, }; use futures::{ channel::{mpsc, oneshot}, executor::ThreadPool, future::FutureExt, select, sink::SinkExt, stream::StreamExt, }; #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] use prometheus::Registry; use rand::Rng; use std::{ collections::HashMap, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, }, }; use tracing::*; use tracing_futures::Instrument; /// Naming of Channels `x2x` /// - a: api /// - s: scheduler /// - b: bparticipant /// - p: prios /// - r: protocol /// - w: wire /// - c: channel/handshake #[derive(Debug)] struct ParticipantInfo { secret: u128, s2b_create_channel_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s: Option>>>, } type A2sListen = (ProtocolAddr, oneshot::Sender>); type A2sConnect = (ProtocolAddr, oneshot::Sender>); type A2sDisconnect = (Pid, oneshot::Sender>); #[derive(Debug)] struct ControlChannels { a2s_listen_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, a2s_connect_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, a2s_scheduler_shutdown_r: oneshot::Receiver<()>, a2s_disconnect_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, b2s_prio_statistic_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ParticipantChannels { s2a_connected_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, a2s_disconnect_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, b2s_prio_statistic_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Scheduler { local_pid: Pid, local_secret: u128, closed: AtomicBool, pool: Arc, run_channels: Option, participant_channels: Arc>>, participants: Arc>>, channel_ids: Arc, channel_listener: RwLock>>, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] metrics: Arc, } impl Scheduler { pub fn new( local_pid: Pid, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] registry: Option<&Registry>, ) -> ( Self, mpsc::UnboundedSender, mpsc::UnboundedSender, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, oneshot::Sender<()>, ) { let (a2s_listen_s, a2s_listen_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (a2s_connect_s, a2s_connect_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (s2a_connected_s, s2a_connected_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (a2s_scheduler_shutdown_s, a2s_scheduler_shutdown_r) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); let (a2s_disconnect_s, a2s_disconnect_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (b2s_prio_statistic_s, b2s_prio_statistic_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let run_channels = Some(ControlChannels { a2s_listen_r, a2s_connect_r, a2s_scheduler_shutdown_r, a2s_disconnect_r, b2s_prio_statistic_r, }); let participant_channels = ParticipantChannels { s2a_connected_s, a2s_disconnect_s, b2s_prio_statistic_s, }; #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] let metrics = Arc::new(NetworkMetrics::new(&local_pid).unwrap()); #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] { if let Some(registry) = registry { metrics.register(registry).unwrap(); } } let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let local_secret: u128 = rng.gen(); ( Self { local_pid, local_secret, closed: AtomicBool::new(false), pool: Arc::new(ThreadPool::new().unwrap()), run_channels, participant_channels: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(participant_channels))), participants: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())), channel_ids: Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)), channel_listener: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] metrics, }, a2s_listen_s, a2s_connect_s, s2a_connected_r, a2s_scheduler_shutdown_s, ) } pub async fn run(mut self) { let run_channels = self.run_channels.take().unwrap(); futures::join!( self.listen_mgr(run_channels.a2s_listen_r), self.connect_mgr(run_channels.a2s_connect_r), self.disconnect_mgr(run_channels.a2s_disconnect_r), self.prio_adj_mgr(run_channels.b2s_prio_statistic_r), self.scheduler_shutdown_mgr(run_channels.a2s_scheduler_shutdown_r), ); } async fn listen_mgr(&self, a2s_listen_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver) { trace!("Start listen_mgr"); a2s_listen_r .for_each_concurrent(None, |(address, s2a_listen_result_s)| { let address = address; async move { debug!(?address, "Got request to open a channel_creator"); #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics .listen_requests_total .with_label_values(&[match address { ProtocolAddr::Tcp(_) => "tcp", ProtocolAddr::Udp(_) => "udp", ProtocolAddr::Mpsc(_) => "mpsc", }]) .inc(); let (end_sender, end_receiver) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); self.channel_listener .write() .await .insert(address.clone(), end_sender); self.channel_creator(address, end_receiver, s2a_listen_result_s) .await; } }) .await; trace!("Stop listen_mgr"); } async fn connect_mgr( &self, mut a2s_connect_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<( ProtocolAddr, oneshot::Sender>, )>, ) { trace!("Start connect_mgr"); while let Some((addr, pid_sender)) = a2s_connect_r.next().await { let (protocol, handshake) = match addr { ProtocolAddr::Tcp(addr) => { #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics .connect_requests_total .with_label_values(&["tcp"]) .inc(); let stream = match net::TcpStream::connect(addr).await { Ok(stream) => stream, Err(e) => { pid_sender.send(Err(e)).unwrap(); continue; }, }; info!("Connecting Tcp to: {}", stream.peer_addr().unwrap()); ( Protocols::Tcp(TcpProtocol::new( stream, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics.clone(), )), false, ) }, ProtocolAddr::Udp(addr) => { #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics .connect_requests_total .with_label_values(&["udp"]) .inc(); let socket = match net::UdpSocket::bind("").await { Ok(socket) => Arc::new(socket), Err(e) => { pid_sender.send(Err(e)).unwrap(); continue; }, }; if let Err(e) = socket.connect(addr).await { pid_sender.send(Err(e)).unwrap(); continue; }; info!("Connecting Udp to: {}", addr); let (udp_data_sender, udp_data_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded::>(); let protocol = UdpProtocol::new( socket.clone(), addr, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics.clone(), udp_data_receiver, ); self.pool.spawn_ok( Self::udp_single_channel_connect(socket.clone(), udp_data_sender) .instrument(tracing::info_span!("udp", ?addr)), ); (Protocols::Udp(protocol), true) }, _ => unimplemented!(), }; self.init_protocol(protocol, Some(pid_sender), handshake) .await; } trace!("Stop connect_mgr"); } async fn disconnect_mgr(&self, mut a2s_disconnect_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver) { trace!("Start disconnect_mgr"); while let Some((pid, return_once_successful_shutdown)) = a2s_disconnect_r.next().await { //Closing Participants is done the following way: // 1. We drop our senders and receivers // 2. we need to close BParticipant, this will drop its senderns and receivers // 3. Participant will try to access the BParticipant senders and receivers with // their next api action, it will fail and be closed then. trace!(?pid, "Got request to close participant"); if let Some(mut pi) = self.participants.write().await.remove(&pid) { let (finished_sender, finished_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); pi.s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s .take() .unwrap() .send(finished_sender) .unwrap(); drop(pi); let e = finished_receiver.await.unwrap(); return_once_successful_shutdown.send(e).unwrap(); } else { debug!(?pid, "Looks like participant is already dropped"); return_once_successful_shutdown.send(Ok(())).unwrap(); } trace!(?pid, "Closed participant"); } trace!("Stop disconnect_mgr"); } async fn prio_adj_mgr( &self, mut b2s_prio_statistic_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { trace!("Start prio_adj_mgr"); while let Some((_pid, _frame_cnt, _unused)) = b2s_prio_statistic_r.next().await { //TODO adjust prios in participants here! } trace!("Stop prio_adj_mgr"); } async fn scheduler_shutdown_mgr(&self, a2s_scheduler_shutdown_r: oneshot::Receiver<()>) { trace!("Start scheduler_shutdown_mgr"); a2s_scheduler_shutdown_r.await.unwrap(); self.closed.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); debug!("Shutting down all BParticipants gracefully"); let mut participants = self.participants.write().await; let waitings = participants .drain() .map(|(pid, mut pi)| { trace!(?pid, "Shutting down BParticipants"); let (finished_sender, finished_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); pi.s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s .take() .unwrap() .send(finished_sender) .unwrap(); (pid, finished_receiver) }) .collect::>(); debug!("Wait for partiticipants to be shut down"); for (pid, recv) in waitings { if let Err(e) = recv.await { error!( ?pid, ?e, "Failed to finish sending all remainding messages to participant when \ shutting down" ); }; } debug!("Scheduler shut down gracefully"); //removing the possibility to create new participants, needed to close down // some mgr: self.participant_channels.lock().await.take(); trace!("Stop scheduler_shutdown_mgr"); } async fn channel_creator( &self, addr: ProtocolAddr, s2s_stop_listening_r: oneshot::Receiver<()>, s2a_listen_result_s: oneshot::Sender>, ) { trace!(?addr, "Start up channel creator"); match addr { ProtocolAddr::Tcp(addr) => { let listener = match net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await { Ok(listener) => { s2a_listen_result_s.send(Ok(())).unwrap(); listener }, Err(e) => { info!( ?addr, ?e, "Listener couldn't be started due to error on tcp bind" ); s2a_listen_result_s.send(Err(e)).unwrap(); return; }, }; trace!(?addr, "Listener bound"); let mut incoming = listener.incoming(); let mut end_receiver = s2s_stop_listening_r.fuse(); while let Some(stream) = select! { next = incoming.next().fuse() => next, _ = end_receiver => None, } { let stream = match stream { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { warn!(?e, "TcpStream Error, ignoring connection attempt"); continue; }, }; let peer_addr = match stream.peer_addr() { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { warn!(?e, "TcpStream Error, ignoring connection attempt"); continue; }, }; info!("Accepting Tcp from: {}", peer_addr); let protocol = TcpProtocol::new( stream, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics.clone(), ); self.init_protocol(Protocols::Tcp(protocol), None, true) .await; } }, ProtocolAddr::Udp(addr) => { let socket = match net::UdpSocket::bind(addr).await { Ok(socket) => { s2a_listen_result_s.send(Ok(())).unwrap(); Arc::new(socket) }, Err(e) => { info!( ?addr, ?e, "Listener couldn't be started due to error on udp bind" ); s2a_listen_result_s.send(Err(e)).unwrap(); return; }, }; trace!(?addr, "Listener bound"); // receiving is done from here and will be piped to protocol as UDP does not // have any state let mut listeners = HashMap::new(); let mut end_receiver = s2s_stop_listening_r.fuse(); const UDP_MAXIMUM_SINGLE_PACKET_SIZE_EVER: usize = 9216; let mut data = [0u8; UDP_MAXIMUM_SINGLE_PACKET_SIZE_EVER]; while let Ok((size, remote_addr)) = select! { next = socket.recv_from(&mut data).fuse() => next, _ = end_receiver => Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "")), } { let mut datavec = Vec::with_capacity(size); datavec.extend_from_slice(&data[0..size]); //Due to the async nature i cannot make of .entry() as it would lead to a still // borrowed in another branch situation #[allow(clippy::map_entry)] if !listeners.contains_key(&remote_addr) { info!("Accepting Udp from: {}", &remote_addr); let (udp_data_sender, udp_data_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded::>(); listeners.insert(remote_addr, udp_data_sender); let protocol = UdpProtocol::new( socket.clone(), remote_addr, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] self.metrics.clone(), udp_data_receiver, ); self.init_protocol(Protocols::Udp(protocol), None, false) .await; } let udp_data_sender = listeners.get_mut(&remote_addr).unwrap(); udp_data_sender.send(datavec).await.unwrap(); } }, _ => unimplemented!(), } trace!(?addr, "Ending channel creator"); } async fn udp_single_channel_connect( socket: Arc, mut w2p_udp_package_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender>, ) { let addr = socket.local_addr(); trace!(?addr, "Start udp_single_channel_connect"); //TODO: implement real closing let (_end_sender, end_receiver) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); // receiving is done from here and will be piped to protocol as UDP does not // have any state let mut end_receiver = end_receiver.fuse(); let mut data = [0u8; 9216]; while let Ok(size) = select! { next = socket.recv(&mut data).fuse() => next, _ = end_receiver => Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "")), } { let mut datavec = Vec::with_capacity(size); datavec.extend_from_slice(&data[0..size]); w2p_udp_package_s.send(datavec).await.unwrap(); } trace!(?addr, "Stop udp_single_channel_connect"); } async fn init_protocol( &self, protocol: Protocols, s2a_return_pid_s: Option>>, send_handshake: bool, ) { //channels are unknown till PID is known! /* When A connects to a NETWORK, we, the listener answers with a Handshake. Pro: - Its easier to debug, as someone who opens a port gets a magic number back! Contra: - DOS posibility because we answer fist - Speed, because otherwise the message can be send with the creation */ let mut participant_channels = self.participant_channels.lock().await.clone().unwrap(); // spawn is needed here, e.g. for TCP connect it would mean that only 1 // participant can be in handshake phase ever! Someone could deadlock // the whole server easily for new clients UDP doesnt work at all, as // the UDP listening is done in another place. let cid = self.channel_ids.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let participants = self.participants.clone(); #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] let metrics = self.metrics.clone(); let pool = self.pool.clone(); let local_pid = self.local_pid; let local_secret = self.local_secret; // this is necessary for UDP to work at all and to remove code duplication self.pool.spawn_ok( async move { trace!(?cid, "Open channel and be ready for Handshake"); let handshake = Handshake::new( cid, local_pid, local_secret, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] metrics.clone(), send_handshake, ); match handshake.setup(&protocol).await { Ok((pid, sid, secret, leftover_cid_frame)) => { trace!( ?cid, ?pid, "Detected that my channel is ready!, activating it :)" ); let mut participants = participants.write().await; if !participants.contains_key(&pid) { debug!(?cid, "New participant connected via a channel"); let ( bparticipant, a2b_stream_open_s, b2a_stream_opened_r, mut s2b_create_channel_s, s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s, api_participant_closed, ) = BParticipant::new( pid, sid, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] metrics.clone(), ); let participant = Participant::new( local_pid, pid, a2b_stream_open_s, b2a_stream_opened_r, participant_channels.a2s_disconnect_s, api_participant_closed, ); #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] metrics.participants_connected_total.inc(); participants.insert(pid, ParticipantInfo { secret, s2b_create_channel_s: s2b_create_channel_s.clone(), s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s: Some(s2b_shutdown_bparticipant_s), }); pool.spawn_ok( bparticipant .run(participant_channels.b2s_prio_statistic_s) .instrument(tracing::info_span!("participant", ?pid)), ); //create a new channel within BParticipant and wait for it to run let (b2s_create_channel_done_s, b2s_create_channel_done_r) = oneshot::channel(); //From now on wire connects directly with bparticipant! s2b_create_channel_s .send(( cid, sid, protocol, leftover_cid_frame, b2s_create_channel_done_s, )) .await .unwrap(); b2s_create_channel_done_r.await.unwrap(); if let Some(pid_oneshot) = s2a_return_pid_s { // someone is waiting with `connect`, so give them their PID pid_oneshot.send(Ok(participant)).unwrap(); } else { // noone is waiting on this Participant, return in to Network participant_channels .s2a_connected_s .send(participant) .await .unwrap(); } } else { let pi = &participants[&pid]; trace!("2nd+ channel of participant, going to compare security ids"); if pi.secret != secret { warn!( ?pid, ?secret, "Detected incompatible Secret!, this is probably an attack!" ); error!("Just dropping here, TODO handle this correctly!"); //TODO if let Some(pid_oneshot) = s2a_return_pid_s { // someone is waiting with `connect`, so give them their Error pid_oneshot .send(Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, "invalid secret, denying connection", ))) .unwrap(); } return; } error!( "Ufff i cant answer the pid_oneshot. as i need to create the SAME \ participant. maybe switch to ARC" ); } //From now on this CHANNEL can receiver other frames! // move directly to participant! }, Err(()) => { if let Some(pid_oneshot) = s2a_return_pid_s { // someone is waiting with `connect`, so give them their Error trace!("returning the Err to api who requested the connect"); pid_oneshot .send(Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, "Handshake failed, denying connection", ))) .unwrap(); } }, } } .instrument(tracing::trace_span!("")), ); /*WORKAROUND FOR SPAN NOT TO GET LOST*/ } }