# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Added - Added Lottery system for loot - Added context-sensitive crosshair - Announce alias changes to all clients - Dance animation - Speech bubbles appear when nearby players talk - NPCs call for help when attacked - Eyebrows and shapes can now be selected - Character name and level information to chat, social tab and `/players` command - Added inventory, armour and weapon saving - Show where screenshots are saved in the chat - Added basic auto walk - Added weapon/attack sound effects - M2 attack for bow - Hotbar persistence - Alpha version Disclaimer - Server whitelist - Optional server-side maximum view distance - MOTD on login - Added group chat `/join_group` `/group` - Added faction chat `/join_faction` `/faction` - Added regional, local, and global chat (`/region`, `/say`, and `/world`, respectively) - Added command shortcuts for each of the above chat modes (`/g`, `/f`, `/r`, `/s`, and `/w`, respectively and `/t` for `/tell`) - Ability to wield 2 × 1h weapons and shields (Note: 1h weapons & shields are not currently avaliable, see [!1095](https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/-/merge_requests/1095) for more info) - Zoomable Map - M2 attack for hammer - Spawnable training dummies - New quadruped_low body for reptile-likes - Added new animals - Better pathfinding - Bombs - Training dummy items - Added spin attack for axe - Creature specific stats - Minimap compass - Initial crafting system implementation - Protection stat to armor that reduces incoming damage ### Changed - Improved camera aiming - Made civsim, sites, etc. deterministic from the same seed - Improved animations by adding orientation variation - new tail bone for quad_small body - slim the game size through lossless asset optimization - Lanterns now stop glowing if you throw a lit one out of your inventory - Fixed a crash caused by certain audio devices on OSX - Bow animations now show held arrows - Fixed a bug where walk/run sfx played while a character rolled/dodged - Energy regen resets on last ability use instead of on wield - Fixed unable to use ability; Secondary and ability3 (fire rod) will now automatically wield - Gliding is now a toggle that can be triggered from the ground - Replaced `log` with `tracing` in all crates - Switch to a new network backend that will allow several improvements in the future - Connection screen fails after 4 minutes if it can't connect to the server instead of 80 minutes - Rebuilt quadruped_medium animation and assets - Disabled destruction of most blocks by explosions - Disable damage to pets - Made pets healable - Rebalanced fire staff - Animals are more effective in combat - Pathfinding is much smoother and pets are cleverer - Animals run/turn at different speeds - Updated winit 0.19 -> 0.22 ### Removed - Wield requirement to swap loadout; fixes issue with unable swap loadout outside of combat - Disclaimer wall of text on first startup ## [0.6.0] - 2020-05-16 ### Added - Added music system - Added zoomable and rotatable minimap - Added rotating orientation marker to main-map - Added daily Mac builds - Allow spawning individual pet species, not just generic body kinds - Configurable fonts - Configurable keybindings from the Controls menu - Translation status tracking - Added gamma setting - Added new orc hairstyles - Added SFX for wielding/unwielding weapons - Fixed NPCs attacking the player forever after killing them - Added SFX for collecting, dropping and using inventory items - New attack animation - Weapon control system - Game pauses when in single player and pause menu - Added authentication system (to play on the official server register on https://account.veloren.net) - Added gamepad/controller support - Added player feedback when attempting to pickup an item with a full inventory - Added free look - Added Italian translation - Added Portuguese translation - Added Turkish translation - Added Traditional Chinese translation - Complete rewrite of the combat system into a state machine - Abilities like Dash and Triplestrike - Armor can now be equipped as items - Fireball explosions - Inventory supports stacking - Many new armors and weapons to find in chests - Fleshed out "attack" animation into alpha, beta and spin type attacks - Fleshed out range attack into charging and shooting animations for staff/bow - Customized attack animation for hammers and axes - Added German translation - Added a silhouette for players when they are occluded - Added transparency to the player when zooming in - Made armor and hotbar slots actually function - Added dragging and right-click to use functionality to inventory, armor & hotbar slots - Added capes, lanterns, tabards, rings, helmets & necklaces as equippable armor - 6 new music tracks - Added basic world and civilization simulation - Added overhauled towns - Added fields, crops and scarecrows - Added paths - Added bridges - Added procedural house generation - Added lampposts - Added NPCs that spawn in towns - Added simple dungeons - Added sub-voxel noise effect - Added waypoints next to dungeons - Made players spawn in towns - Added non-uniform block heights - Added `/sudo` command - Added a Level of Detail (LoD) system for terrain sprites and entities - Added owl, hyena, parrot, cockatrice, red dragon NPCs - Added dungeon entrances - Villagers tools and clothing - Cultists clothing - You can start the game by pressing "enter" from the character selection menu - Added server-side character saving - Player now starts with a lantern. Equipping/unequipping a lantern has the same effect as the `/lantern` command - Added tab completion in chat for player names and chat commands - Added server persistence for character stats - Added a popup when setting your character's waypoint - Added dungeon arenas - Added dungeon bosses and rare boss loot - Added 2 sets of armour. One Steel and one Leather. ### Changed - The /give_item command can now specify the amount of items. Syntax is now `/give_item [num]` - Brighter / higher contrast main-map - Removed highlighting of non-collectible sprites - Fixed /give_exp ignoring player argument - Extend run sfx to small animals to prevent sneak attacks by geese. - Decreased clientside latency of ServerEvent mediated effects (e.g. projectiles, inventory operations, etc) - Started changing the visual theme of the UI - Merge of the Bag and Character-Screen - Merge of the Map and Questlog - Overhauled icon art - Asset cleanup to lower client-size - Rewrote the humanoid skeleton to be more ideal for attack animations - Arrows can no longer hurt their owners - Increased overall character scale - `/sudo player /tp` is short for `/sudo player /tp me` - The `/object` command can create any object in comp::object::Body - The `/help` command takes an optional argument. `/help /sudo` will show you information about only the sudo command. ### Removed ## [0.5.0] - 2020-01-31 ### Added - Added new debug item - Bows give experience by projectiles having an owner - Allow cancelling chunk generation - Include licence in assets - Added dropping items - Added initial region system implementation - Added /giveitem command - Strip Linux executables - Added moon - Added clouds - Added tarpaulin coverage - Added ability to jump while underwater - Added proper SFX system - Added changelog - Added animated Map and Minimap position indicator - Added visuals to indicate strength compared to the player - Added Scrolling Combat Text (SCT) & Settings for it - Added a Death Screen and Hurt Screen - Added randomly selected Loading Screen background images - Added options to disable clouds and to use cheaper water rendering - Added client-side character saving - Added a localization system to provide multi-language support to voxygen - Added French language for Voxygen - Added rivers and lakes which follow realistic physical paths. - Added a sophisticated erosion system for world generation which dramatically changes the world layout. - Added tracking of sediment vs. bedrock, which is visually reflected in the world. - Added map saving and loading for altitude and bedrock, with built in versioning for forwards compatibility. - Added a default map, which is used to speed up starting single player. - Added a 3D renderered map, which is also used by the server to send the map to the client. - Added fullscreen and window size to settings so that they can be persisted - Added coverage based scaling for pixel art - 28 new mobs - Added waypoints - Added pathfinding to NPCs - Overhauled NPC AI - Pets now attack enemies and defend their owners - Added collars to tame wild animals ### Changed - Controls pane in settings window now shows actual configured keys - Fixed scroll wheel and roll keys on OS X - Fixed near and far view planes - Improvements to armor names - Animation fixes to line up with true positions - Proper message for command permission check failure - Improved meshing - Improved dusk - Improved movement and climbing - Improved water rendering and chunk render order - Moved computations to terrain fragment shaders - Fixed title music - Made rolling less violent when changing directions - Fixed single player crash - Improved error information in client and server - Store items as RON files - Updated download info in readme - Fixed cloud performance - Fixed region display name - Fixed the bow fire rate - Healthbars now flash on critical health - Fixed ghosts when going back to character screen - Fixed not being able to unmount - Fixed non-humanoids being able to climb and glide - Made shadows and lights use interpolated positions - Changed "Create Character" button position - Made clouds bigger, more performant and prettier - Terrain meshing optimized further - Tree leaves no longer color blended - Actual character stats displayed in character window - Made significant changes to the noise functions used for world generation. - Improved colors during world generation. - Significantly reduced the use of warp during world generation. - Parallelized and otherwise sped up significant parts of world generation. - Various performance improvements to world generation. - Nametags now a fixed size and shown in a limited range - Non-humanoid skeletons now utilize configs for hotloading, and skeletal attributes. - Names of NPCs spawned in the wild now include their species. ### Removed - Remove heaptrack as it is now deprecated ## [0.4.0] - 2019-10-10 ### Added - Added adjustable FOV slider - Added /explosion command - Added first person switch - Added single player server settings - Added admin check for commands - Started asset reloading system - Added SRGB conversion in shaders - Added adminify to give temp admin privilages ### Changed - Collision and fall damage fixes - Switched to eventbus system - Improved seed generation, diffusion function - Switch to hashbrown in server/client - Improved colors and lighting - Replaced view distance culling with frustum culling ## [0.3.0] - 2019-08-04 ### Added - Added enemies - Added player info to debug window - Added server info - Game settings persist after closing - Added caves - Added random NPC names - Added tree roots, houses, basic lights - Added XP and leveling - Added build mode - Character customization, multiple races - Inventories (WIP) - Day/night, better shaders, voxel shadows ### Changed - Fixed attack delay - Fixed disclaimer to show only once - Only send physics updates for entities within view distance - Fix for headphones and invalid device parameters - Fixed asset names for consistancy - Fixes animals jumping after their target no matter how far\ - Improved SFX in caves - Better combat, movement, and animations - Many performance optimizations - Better world generation, more biomes ## [0.2.0] - 2019-05-28 ### Added - Hang Gliding - Pets: Pig and Wolf. They can be spawned with /pig and /wolf commands. - Name tags: You can finally know who is this guy with the blue shirt! - single player: No need to start a server just to play alone - Character customization: It isn't fully complete but still allows you to look different than others - Music! - Major performance improvements related to the fact that we rewrote the entire game - 0% chance to get a deadlock - Animations: You finally can move your limbs! - Combat: You can finally swing your sword that has been on your back. Enemies are coming soon, but you can always fight with other players - When a server dies the game no longer crashes - you will be just kicked to the main menu ## [0.1.0] - 2018-XX-XX _0.1.0 was part of the legacy engine_ [unreleased]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/compare?from=v0.6.0&to=master [0.6.0]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/compare?from=v0.5.0&to=v0.6.0 [0.5.0]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/compare?from=v0.4.0&to=v0.5.0 [0.4.0]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/compare?from=v0.3.0&to=v0.4.0 [0.3.0]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/compare?from=v0.2.0&to=v0.3.0 [0.2.0]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/compare?from=7d17f8b67a2a6d5aa00730f028cedc430fd5075a&to=v0.2.0 [0.1.0]: https://gitlab.com/veloren/game