use crate::{ mesh::{vol, Meshable}, render::{self, FluidPipeline, Mesh, TerrainPipeline}, }; use common::{ terrain::{Block, BlockKind}, vol::{ReadVol, RectRasterableVol, Vox}, volumes::vol_grid_2d::{CachedVolGrid2d, VolGrid2d}, }; use std::{collections::VecDeque, fmt::Debug}; use vek::*; type TerrainVertex = ::Vertex; type FluidVertex = ::Vertex; trait Blendable { fn is_blended(&self) -> bool; } impl Blendable for BlockKind { fn is_blended(&self) -> bool { match self { _ => false, } } } fn calc_light + ReadVol + Debug>( bounds: Aabb, vol: &VolGrid2d, ) -> impl FnMut(Vec3) -> f32 + '_ { const UNKNOWN: u8 = 255; const OPAQUE: u8 = 254; const SUNLIGHT: u8 = 24; let outer = Aabb { min: bounds.min - Vec3::new(SUNLIGHT as i32 - 1, SUNLIGHT as i32 - 1, 1), max: bounds.max + Vec3::new(SUNLIGHT as i32 - 1, SUNLIGHT as i32 - 1, 1), }; let mut vol_cached = vol.cached(); let mut light_map = vec![UNKNOWN; outer.size().product() as usize]; let lm_idx = { let (w, h, _) = outer.clone().size().into_tuple(); move |x, y, z| (z * h * w + x * h + y) as usize }; // Light propagation queue let mut prop_que = VecDeque::new(); // Start sun rays for x in 0..outer.size().w { for y in 0..outer.size().h { let z = outer.size().d - 1; let is_air = vol_cached .get(outer.min + Vec3::new(x, y, z)) .ok() .map_or(false, |b| b.is_air()); light_map[lm_idx(x, y, z)] = if is_air { if vol_cached .get(outer.min + Vec3::new(x, y, z - 1)) .ok() .map_or(false, |b| b.is_air()) { light_map[lm_idx(x, y, z - 1)] = SUNLIGHT; prop_que.push_back((x as u8, y as u8, z as u16)); } SUNLIGHT } else { OPAQUE }; } } // Determines light propagation let propagate = |src: u8, dest: &mut u8, pos: Vec3, prop_que: &mut VecDeque<_>, vol: &mut CachedVolGrid2d| { if *dest != OPAQUE { if *dest == UNKNOWN { if vol .get(outer.min + pos) .ok() .map_or(false, |b| b.is_air() || b.is_fluid()) { *dest = src - 1; // Can't propagate further if *dest > 1 { prop_que.push_back((pos.x as u8, pos.y as u8, pos.z as u16)); } } else { *dest = OPAQUE; } } else if *dest < src - 1 { *dest = src - 1; // Can't propagate further if *dest > 1 { prop_que.push_back((pos.x as u8, pos.y as u8, pos.z as u16)); } } } }; // Propage light while let Some(pos) = prop_que.pop_front() { let pos = Vec3::new(pos.0 as i32, pos.1 as i32, pos.2 as i32); let light = light_map[lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)]; // If ray propagate downwards at full strength if light == SUNLIGHT { // Down is special cased and we know up is a ray // Special cased ray propagation let pos = Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1); let (is_air, is_fluid) = vol_cached .get(outer.min + pos) .ok() .map_or((false, false), |b| (b.is_air(), b.is_fluid())); light_map[lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] = if is_air { prop_que.push_back((pos.x as u8, pos.y as u8, pos.z as u16)); SUNLIGHT } else if is_fluid { prop_que.push_back((pos.x as u8, pos.y as u8, pos.z as u16)); SUNLIGHT - 1 } else { OPAQUE } } else { // Up // Bounds checking if pos.z + 1 < outer.size().d { propagate( light, light_map.get_mut(lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1)).unwrap(), Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1), &mut prop_que, &mut vol_cached, ) } // Down if pos.z > 0 { propagate( light, light_map.get_mut(lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1)).unwrap(), Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1), &mut prop_que, &mut vol_cached, ) } } // The XY directions if pos.y + 1 < outer.size().h { propagate( light, light_map.get_mut(lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z)).unwrap(), Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z), &mut prop_que, &mut vol_cached, ) } if pos.y > 0 { propagate( light, light_map.get_mut(lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z)).unwrap(), Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z), &mut prop_que, &mut vol_cached, ) } if pos.x + 1 < outer.size().w { propagate( light, light_map.get_mut(lm_idx(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z)).unwrap(), Vec3::new(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z), &mut prop_que, &mut vol_cached, ) } if pos.x > 0 { propagate( light, light_map.get_mut(lm_idx(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z)).unwrap(), Vec3::new(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z), &mut prop_que, &mut vol_cached, ) } } move |wpos| { let pos = wpos - outer.min; light_map .get(lm_idx(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)) .filter(|l| **l != OPAQUE && **l != UNKNOWN) .map(|l| *l as f32 / SUNLIGHT as f32) .unwrap_or(0.0) } } impl + ReadVol + Debug> Meshable for VolGrid2d { type Pipeline = TerrainPipeline; type Supplement = Aabb; type TranslucentPipeline = FluidPipeline; fn generate_mesh( &self, range: Self::Supplement, ) -> (Mesh, Mesh) { let mut light = calc_light(range, self); let mut lowest_opaque = range.size().d; let mut highest_opaque = 0; let mut lowest_fluid = range.size().d; let mut highest_fluid = 0; let mut lowest_air = range.size().d; let mut highest_air = 0; let flat_get = { let (w, h, d) = range.size().into_tuple(); // z can range from -1..range.size().d + 1 let d = d + 2; let flat = { let mut volume = self.cached(); let mut flat = vec![Block::empty(); (w * h * d) as usize]; let mut i = 0; for x in 0..range.size().w { for y in 0..range.size().h { for z in -1..range.size().d + 1 { let block = volume .get(range.min + Vec3::new(x, y, z)) .map(|b| *b) .unwrap_or(Block::empty()); if block.is_opaque() { lowest_opaque = lowest_opaque.min(z); highest_opaque = highest_opaque.max(z); } else if block.is_fluid() { lowest_fluid = lowest_fluid.min(z); highest_fluid = highest_fluid.max(z); } else { // Assume air lowest_air = lowest_air.min(z); highest_air = highest_air.max(z); }; flat[i] = block; i += 1; } } } flat }; move |Vec3 { x, y, z }| { // z can range from -1..range.size().d + 1 let z = z + 1; match flat.get((x * h * d + y * d + z) as usize).copied() { Some(b) => b, None => panic!("x {} y {} z {} d {} h {}"), } } }; // TODO: figure out why this has to be -2 instead of -1 // Constrain iterated area let z_start = if (lowest_air > lowest_opaque && lowest_air <= lowest_fluid) || (lowest_air > lowest_fluid && lowest_air <= lowest_opaque) { lowest_air - 2 } else if lowest_fluid > lowest_opaque && lowest_fluid <= lowest_air { lowest_fluid - 2 } else if lowest_fluid > lowest_air && lowest_fluid <= lowest_opaque { lowest_fluid - 1 } else { lowest_opaque - 1 } .max(0); let z_end = if (highest_air < highest_opaque && highest_air >= highest_fluid) || (highest_air < highest_fluid && highest_air >= highest_opaque) { highest_air + 1 } else if highest_fluid < highest_opaque && highest_fluid >= highest_air { highest_fluid + 1 } else if highest_fluid < highest_air && highest_fluid >= highest_opaque { highest_fluid } else { highest_opaque } .min(range.size().d - 1); // // We use multiple meshes and then combine them later such that we can group // similar z // levels together (better rendering performance) // let mut opaque_meshes = vec![Mesh::new(); ((z_end + 1 - z_start).clamped(1, // 60) as usize / 10).max(1)]; let mut opaque_mesh = Mesh::new(); let mut fluid_mesh = Mesh::new(); for x in 1..range.size().w - 1 { for y in 1..range.size().w - 1 { let mut blocks = [[[None; 3]; 3]; 3]; for i in 0..3 { for j in 0..3 { for k in 0..3 { blocks[k][j][i] = Some(flat_get( Vec3::new(x, y, z_start) + Vec3::new(i as i32, j as i32, k as i32) - 1, )); } } } let mut lights = [[[None; 3]; 3]; 3]; for i in 0..3 { for j in 0..3 { for k in 0..3 { lights[k][j][i] = if blocks[k][j][i] .map(|block| block.is_opaque()) .unwrap_or(false) { None } else { Some(light( Vec3::new( x + range.min.x, y + range.min.y, z_start + range.min.z, ) + Vec3::new(i as i32, j as i32, k as i32) - 1, )) }; } } } let get_color = |maybe_block: Option<&Block>, neighbour: bool| { maybe_block .filter(|vox| vox.is_opaque() && (!neighbour || vox.is_blended())) .and_then(|vox| vox.get_color()) .map(|col| Rgba::from_opaque(col)) .unwrap_or(Rgba::zero()) }; for z in z_start..z_end + 1 { let pos = Vec3::new(x, y, z); let offs = (pos - Vec3::new(1, 1, -range.min.z)).map(|e| e as f32); lights[0] = lights[1]; lights[1] = lights[2]; blocks[0] = blocks[1]; blocks[1] = blocks[2]; for i in 0..3 { for j in 0..3 { let block = Some(flat_get(pos + Vec3::new(i as i32, j as i32, 2) - 1)); blocks[2][j][i] = block; } } for i in 0..3 { for j in 0..3 { lights[2][j][i] = if blocks[2][j][i] .map(|block| block.is_opaque()) .unwrap_or(false) { None } else { Some(light( pos + range.min + Vec3::new(i as i32, j as i32, 2) - 1, )) }; } } let block = blocks[1][1][1]; let colors = if block.map_or(false, |vox| vox.is_blended()) { let mut colors = [[[Rgba::zero(); 3]; 3]; 3]; for i in 0..3 { for j in 0..3 { for k in 0..3 { colors[i][j][k] = get_color( blocks[i][j][k].as_ref(), i != 1 || j != 1 || k != 1, ) } } } colors } else { [[[get_color(blocks[1][1][1].as_ref(), false); 3]; 3]; 3] }; // let opaque_mesh_index = ((z - z_start) * opaque_meshes.len() as i32 / (z_end // + 1 - z_start).max(1)) as usize; let selected_opaque_mesh // = &mut opaque_meshes[opaque_mesh_index]; Create mesh // polygons if block.map_or(false, |vox| vox.is_opaque()) { vol::push_vox_verts( &mut opaque_mesh, //selected_opaque_mesh, faces_to_make(&blocks, false, |vox| !vox.is_opaque()), offs, &colors, |pos, norm, col, light, ao| { //let light = (light.min(ao) * 255.0) as u32; let light = (light * 255.0) as u32; let ao = (ao * 255.0) as u32; let norm = if norm.x != 0.0 { if norm.x < 0.0 { 0 } else { 1 } } else if norm.y != 0.0 { if norm.y < 0.0 { 2 } else { 3 } } else { if norm.z < 0.0 { 4 } else { 5 } }; TerrainVertex::new(norm, light, ao, pos, col) }, &lights, ); } else if block.map_or(false, |vox| vox.is_fluid()) { vol::push_vox_verts( &mut fluid_mesh, faces_to_make(&blocks, false, |vox| vox.is_air()), offs, &colors, |pos, norm, col, light, _ao| { FluidVertex::new(pos, norm, col, light, 0.3) }, &lights, ); } } } } // let opaque_mesh = opaque_meshes // .into_iter() // .rev() // .fold(Mesh::new(), |mut opaque_mesh, m: Mesh| { // m.verts().chunks_exact(3).rev().for_each(|vs| { // opaque_mesh.push(vs[0]); // opaque_mesh.push(vs[1]); // opaque_mesh.push(vs[2]); // }); // opaque_mesh // }); (opaque_mesh, fluid_mesh) } } /// Use the 6 voxels/blocks surrounding the center /// to detemine which faces should be drawn /// Unlike the one in this uses a provided array of blocks instead /// of retrieving from a volume /// blocks[z][y][x] fn faces_to_make( blocks: &[[[Option; 3]; 3]; 3], error_makes_face: bool, should_add: impl Fn(Block) -> bool, ) -> [bool; 6] { // Faces to draw let make_face = |opt_v: Option||v| should_add(v)).unwrap_or(error_makes_face); [ make_face(blocks[1][1][0]), make_face(blocks[1][1][2]), make_face(blocks[1][0][1]), make_face(blocks[1][2][1]), make_face(blocks[0][1][1]), make_face(blocks[2][1][1]), ] } /* impl + ReadVol + Debug> Meshable for VolGrid3d { type Pipeline = TerrainPipeline; type Supplement = Aabb; fn generate_mesh(&self, range: Self::Supplement) -> Mesh { let mut mesh = Mesh::new(); let mut last_chunk_pos = self.pos_key(range.min); let mut last_chunk = self.get_key(last_chunk_pos); let size = range.max - range.min; for x in 1..size.x - 1 { for y in 1..size.y - 1 { for z in 1..size.z - 1 { let pos = Vec3::new(x, y, z); let new_chunk_pos = self.pos_key(range.min + pos); if last_chunk_pos != new_chunk_pos { last_chunk = self.get_key(new_chunk_pos); last_chunk_pos = new_chunk_pos; } let offs =|e| e as f32 - 1.0); if let Some(chunk) = last_chunk { let chunk_pos = Self::chunk_offs(range.min + pos); if let Some(col) = chunk.get(chunk_pos).ok().and_then(|vox| vox.get_color()) { let col =|e| e as f32 / 255.0); vol::push_vox_verts( &mut mesh, self, range.min + pos, offs, col, TerrainVertex::new, false, ); } } else { if let Some(col) = self .get(range.min + pos) .ok() .and_then(|vox| vox.get_color()) { let col =|e| e as f32 / 255.0); vol::push_vox_verts( &mut mesh, self, range.min + pos, offs, col, TerrainVertex::new, false, ); } } } } } mesh } } */