pub mod scatter; pub mod tree; pub use self::{scatter::apply_scatter_to, tree::apply_trees_to}; use crate::{ column::ColumnSample, util::{RandomField, Sampler}, Canvas, IndexRef, }; use common::{ assets::Asset, comp, generation::{ChunkSupplement, EntityInfo}, lottery::Lottery, terrain::{Block, BlockKind, SpriteKind}, vol::{BaseVol, ReadVol, RectSizedVol, WriteVol}, }; use noise::NoiseFn; use rand::prelude::*; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{ f32, ops::{Mul, Sub}, }; use vek::*; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct Colors { pub bridge: (u8, u8, u8), pub stalagtite: (u8, u8, u8), } const EMPTY_AIR: Block = Block::air(SpriteKind::Empty); pub fn apply_paths_to(canvas: &mut Canvas) { let info =; canvas.foreach_col(|canvas, wpos2d, col| { let surface_z = col.riverless_alt.floor() as i32; let noisy_color = |color: Rgb, factor: u32| { let nz = RandomField::new(0).get(Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, surface_z));|e| { (e as u32 + nz % (factor * 2)) .saturating_sub(factor) .min(255) as u8 }) }; if let Some((path_dist, path_nearest, path, _)) = col.path.filter(|(dist, _, path, _)| *dist < path.width) { let inset = 0; // Try to use the column at the centre of the path for sampling to make them // flatter let col_pos = -info.wpos().map(|e| e as f32) + path_nearest; let col00 = info.col(info.wpos() +|e| e.floor() as i32) + Vec2::new(0, 0)); let col10 = info.col(info.wpos() +|e| e.floor() as i32) + Vec2::new(1, 0)); let col01 = info.col(info.wpos() +|e| e.floor() as i32) + Vec2::new(0, 1)); let col11 = info.col(info.wpos() +|e| e.floor() as i32) + Vec2::new(1, 1)); let col_attr = |col: &ColumnSample| { Vec3::new(col.riverless_alt, col.alt, col.water_dist.unwrap_or(1000.0)) }; let [riverless_alt, alt, water_dist] = match (col00, col10, col01, col11) { (Some(col00), Some(col10), Some(col01), Some(col11)) => Lerp::lerp( Lerp::lerp(col_attr(col00), col_attr(col10), path_nearest.x.fract()), Lerp::lerp(col_attr(col01), col_attr(col11), path_nearest.x.fract()), path_nearest.y.fract(), ), _ => col_attr(col), } .into_array(); let (bridge_offset, depth) = ( ((water_dist.max(0.0) * 0.2).min(f32::consts::PI).cos() + 1.0) * 5.0, ((1.0 - ((water_dist + 2.0) * 0.3).min(0.0).cos().abs()) * (riverless_alt + 5.0 - alt).max(0.0) * 1.75 + 3.0) as i32, ); let surface_z = (riverless_alt + bridge_offset).floor() as i32; for z in inset - depth..inset { let _ = canvas.set( Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, surface_z + z), if bridge_offset >= 2.0 && path_dist >= 3.0 || z < inset - 1 { Block::new( BlockKind::Rock, noisy_color(info.index().colors.layer.bridge.into(), 8), ) } else { let path_color = path.surface_color(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8)); Block::new(BlockKind::Earth, noisy_color(path_color, 8)) }, ); } let head_space = path.head_space(path_dist); for z in inset..inset + head_space { let pos = Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, surface_z + z); if canvas.get(pos).unwrap().kind() != BlockKind::Water { let _ = canvas.set(pos, EMPTY_AIR); } } } }); } pub fn apply_caves_to(canvas: &mut Canvas) { let info =; canvas.foreach_col(|canvas, wpos2d, col| { let surface_z = col.riverless_alt.floor() as i32; if let Some((cave_dist, _, cave, _)) = col.cave.filter(|(dist, _, cave, _)| *dist < cave.width) { let cave_x = (cave_dist / cave.width).min(1.0); // Relative units let cave_floor = 0.0 - 0.5 * (1.0 - cave_x.powf(2.0)).max(0.0).sqrt() * cave.width; let cave_height = (1.0 - cave_x.powf(2.0)).max(0.0).sqrt() * cave.width; // Abs units let cave_base = (cave.alt + cave_floor) as i32; let cave_roof = (cave.alt + cave_height) as i32; for z in cave_base..cave_roof { if cave_x < 0.95 || info.index().noise.cave_nz.get( Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, z) .map(|e| e as f64 * 0.15) .into_array(), ) < 0.0 { // If the block a little above is liquid, we should stop carving out the cave in // order to leave a ceiling, and not floating water if canvas .get(Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, z + 2)) .map(|b| b.is_liquid()) .unwrap_or(false) { break; }, wpos2d.y, z), |b| { if b.is_liquid() { b } else { EMPTY_AIR } }); } } // Stalagtites let stalagtites = info .index() .noise .cave_nz .get(|e| e as f64 * 0.125).into_array()) .sub(0.5) .max(0.0) .mul( (col.alt - cave_roof as f32 - 5.0) .mul(0.15) .clamped(0.0, 1.0) as f64, ) .mul(45.0) as i32; for z in cave_roof - stalagtites..cave_roof { canvas.set( Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, z), Block::new( BlockKind::WeakRock, info.index().colors.layer.stalagtite.into(), ), ); } let cave_depth = (col.alt - cave.alt).max(0.0); let difficulty = cave_depth / 100.0; // Scatter things in caves if RandomField::new(info.index().seed) .chance(wpos2d.into(), 0.001 * difficulty.powf(1.5)) && cave_base < surface_z as i32 - 25 { let kind = *Lottery::::load_expect("common.cave_scatter") .choose_seeded(RandomField::new(info.index().seed + 1).get(wpos2d.into()));, wpos2d.y, cave_base), |block| { block.with_sprite(kind) }); } } }); } #[allow(clippy::eval_order_dependence)] pub fn apply_caves_supplement<'a>( // NOTE: Used only for dynamic elements like chests and entities! dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, wpos2d: Vec2, mut get_column: impl FnMut(Vec2) -> Option<&'a ColumnSample<'a>>, vol: &(impl BaseVol + RectSizedVol + ReadVol + WriteVol), index: IndexRef, supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement, ) { for y in 0..vol.size_xy().y as i32 { for x in 0..vol.size_xy().x as i32 { let offs = Vec2::new(x, y); let wpos2d = wpos2d + offs; // Sample terrain let col_sample = if let Some(col_sample) = get_column(offs) { col_sample } else { continue; }; let surface_z = col_sample.riverless_alt.floor() as i32; if let Some((cave_dist, _, cave, _)) = col_sample .cave .filter(|(dist, _, cave, _)| *dist < cave.width) { let cave_x = (cave_dist / cave.width).min(1.0); // Relative units let cave_floor = 0.0 - 0.5 * (1.0 - cave_x.powf(2.0)).max(0.0).sqrt() * cave.width; // Abs units let cave_base = (cave.alt + cave_floor) as i32; let cave_depth = (col_sample.alt - cave.alt).max(0.0); let difficulty = cave_depth / 200.0; // Scatter things in caves if RandomField::new(index.seed).chance(wpos2d.into(), 0.001 * difficulty) && cave_base < surface_z as i32 - 40 { let is_hostile: bool; let entity = EntityInfo::at(Vec3::new( wpos2d.x as f32, wpos2d.y as f32, cave_base as f32, )) .with_body(match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0, 6) { 0 => { is_hostile = false; let species = match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0, 4) { 0 => comp::quadruped_small::Species::Truffler, 1 => comp::quadruped_small::Species::Dodarock, 2 => comp::quadruped_small::Species::Holladon, _ => comp::quadruped_small::Species::Batfox, }; comp::quadruped_small::Body::random_with(dynamic_rng, &species).into() }, 1 => { is_hostile = true; let species = match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0, 5) { 0 => comp::quadruped_medium::Species::Tarasque, _ => comp::quadruped_medium::Species::Bonerattler, }; comp::quadruped_medium::Body::random_with(dynamic_rng, &species).into() }, 2 => { is_hostile = true; let species = match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0, 4) { 1 => comp::quadruped_low::Species::Rocksnapper, _ => comp::quadruped_low::Species::Salamander, }; comp::quadruped_low::Body::random_with(dynamic_rng, &species).into() }, _ => { is_hostile = true; let species = match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0, 8) { 0 => comp::biped_large::Species::Ogre, 1 => comp::biped_large::Species::Cyclops, 2 => comp::biped_large::Species::Wendigo, _ => comp::biped_large::Species::Troll, }; comp::biped_large::Body::random_with(dynamic_rng, &species).into() }, }) .with_alignment(if is_hostile { comp::Alignment::Enemy } else { comp::Alignment::Wild }) .with_automatic_name(); supplement.add_entity(entity); } } } } }