use common::{terrain::TerrainChunkSize, vol::RectVolSize}; // use self::Mode::*; use std::{f32, f64}; use vek::*; use veloren_world::{ sim::{RiverKind, WorldOpts, WORLD_SIZE}, util::Sampler, World, CONFIG, }; const W: usize = 1024; const H: usize = 1024; /* enum Mode { /// Directional keys affect position of the camera. /// /// (W A S D move left and right, F B zoom in and out). Alt, /// Directional keys affect angle of the lens /// /// (W Lens, /// Directional keys affect light direction. /// /// (W A S D move left and right, F B move towards and awaay). Light, }; */ fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); let world = World::generate(1337, WorldOpts { seed_elements: false, ..WorldOpts::default() }); let sampler = world.sim(); let mut win = minifb::Window::new("World Viewer", W, H, minifb::WindowOptions::default()).unwrap(); let mut focus = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, CONFIG.sea_level as f64); // Altitude is divided by gain and clamped to [0, 1]; thus, decreasing gain makes // smaller differences in altitude appear larger. let mut gain = CONFIG.mountain_scale; // The Z component during normal calculations is multiplied by gain; thus, let mut lgain = 1.0; let mut scale = (WORLD_SIZE.x / W) as f64; // Right-handed coordinate system: light is going left, down, and "backwards" (i.e. on the // map, where we translate the y coordinate on the world map to z in the coordinate system, // the light comes from -y on the map and points towards +y on the map). In a right // handed coordinate system, the "camera" points towards -z, so positive z is backwards // "into" the camera. // // "In world space the x-axis will be pointing east, the y-axis up and the z-axis will be pointing south" let mut light_direction = Vec3::new(-0.8, -1.0, 0.3); let light_res = 3; let mut is_basement = false; let mut is_water = true; let mut is_shaded = true; let mut is_temperature = true; let mut is_humidity = true; while win.is_open() { let light = light_direction.normalized(); let mut buf = vec![0; W * H]; const QUADRANTS: usize = 4; let mut quads = [[0u32; QUADRANTS]; QUADRANTS]; let mut rivers = 0u32; let mut lakes = 0u32; let mut oceans = 0u32; // let water_light = (light_direction.z + 1.0) / 2.0 * 0.8 + 0.2; let focus_rect = Vec2::from(focus); let true_sea_level = (CONFIG.sea_level as f64 - focus.z) / gain as f64; for i in 0..W { for j in 0..H { let pos = (focus_rect + Vec2::new(i as f64, j as f64) * scale).map(|e: f64| e as i32); /* let top_left = pos; let top_right = focus + Vec2::new(i as i32 + light_res, j as i32) * scale; let bottom_left = focus + Vec2::new(i as i32, j as i32 + light_res) * scale; */ let (alt, basement, water_alt, humidity, temperature, downhill, river_kind) = sampler .get(pos) .map(|sample| { ( sample.alt, sample.basement, sample.water_alt, sample.humidity, sample.temp, sample.downhill, sample.river.river_kind, ) }) .unwrap_or((CONFIG.sea_level, CONFIG.sea_level, CONFIG.sea_level, 0.0, 0.0, None, None)); let humidity = humidity.min(1.0).max(0.0); let temperature = temperature.min(1.0).max(-1.0) * 0.5 + 0.5; let pos = pos *|e| e as i32); let downhill_pos = (downhill .map(|downhill_pos| downhill_pos/*.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| e / sz as i32)*/) .unwrap_or(pos) - pos)/* * scale*/ + pos; let downhill_alt = sampler .get(downhill_pos) .map(|s| if is_basement { s.basement } else { s.alt }) .unwrap_or(CONFIG.sea_level); let alt = if is_basement { basement } else { alt }; /* let alt_tl = sampler.get(top_left).map(|s| s.alt) .unwrap_or(CONFIG.sea_level); let alt_tr = sampler.get(top_right).map(|s| s.alt) .unwrap_or(CONFIG.sea_level); let alt_bl = sampler.get(bottom_left).map(|s| s.alt) .unwrap_or(CONFIG.sea_level); */ let cross_pos = pos + ((downhill_pos - pos) .map(|e| e as f32) .rotated_z(f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2) .map(|e| e as i32)); let cross_alt = sampler .get(cross_pos) .map(|s| if is_basement { s.basement } else { s.alt }) .unwrap_or(CONFIG.sea_level); // Pointing downhill, forward // (index--note that (0,0,1) is backward right-handed) let forward_vec = Vec3::new( (downhill_pos.x - pos.x) as f64, (downhill_alt - alt) as f64 * lgain, (downhill_pos.y - pos.y) as f64, ); // Pointing 90 degrees left (in horizontal xy) of downhill, up // (middle--note that (1,0,0), 90 degrees CCW backward, is right right-handed) let up_vec = Vec3::new( (cross_pos.x - pos.x) as f64, (cross_alt - alt) as f64 * lgain, (cross_pos.y - pos.y) as f64, ); // Then cross points "to the right" (upwards) on a right-handed coordinate system. // (right-handed coordinate system means (0, 0, 1.0) is "forward" into the screen). let surface_normal = forward_vec.cross(up_vec).normalized(); // f = (0, alt_bl - alt_tl, 1) [backward right-handed = (0,0,1)] // u = (1, alt_tr - alt_tl, 0) [right (90 degrees CCW backward) = (1,0,0)] // (f × u in right-handed coordinate system: pointing up) // // f × u = // (a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, // a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, // a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x, // ) // = // (-(alt_tr - alt_tl), // 1, // -(alt_bl - alt_tl), // ) // = // (alt_tl - alt_tr, // 1, // alt_tl - alt_bl, // ) // // let surface_normal = Vec3::new((alt_tl - alt_tr) as f64, 1.0, (alt_tl - alt_bl) as f64).normalized(); let light = ( + 1.0) / 2.0; let light = (light * 0.9) + 0.1; let true_water_alt = (alt.max(water_alt) as f64 - focus.z) / gain as f64; let true_alt = (alt as f64 - focus.z) / gain as f64; let water_depth = (true_water_alt - true_alt) .min(1.0) .max(0.0); let water_alt = true_water_alt .min(1.0) .max(0.0); let alt = true_alt .min(1.0) .max(0.0); let quad = |x: f32| ((x as f64 * QUADRANTS as f64).floor() as usize).min(QUADRANTS - 1); if river_kind.is_none() || humidity != 0.0 { quads[quad(humidity)][quad(temperature)] += 1; } match river_kind { Some(RiverKind::River { .. }) => { rivers += 1; } Some(RiverKind::Lake { .. }) => { lakes += 1; } Some(RiverKind::Ocean { .. }) => { oceans += 1; } None => {} } buf[j * W + i] = match (river_kind, (is_water, true_alt >= true_sea_level)) { (_, (false, _)) | ( None, (_, true)) => { let (r, g, b) = ( (if is_shaded { alt } else { alt } * if is_temperature { temperature as f64 } else if is_shaded { alt } else { 0.0 }).sqrt(), if is_shaded { 0.2 + (alt * 0.8) } else { alt }, (if is_shaded { alt } else { alt } * if is_humidity { humidity as f64 } else if is_shaded { alt } else { 0.0 }).sqrt(), ); let light = if is_shaded { light } else { 1.0 }; u32::from_le_bytes([ (b * light * 255.0) as u8, (g * light * 255.0) as u8, (r * light * 255.0) as u8, 255, ]) /* u32::from_le_bytes([ (/*alt * *//*(1.0 - humidity)*/(alt * humidity).sqrt()/*temperature*/ * 255.0) as u8, (/*alt*//*alt*//* * humidity*//*alt * 255.0*//*humidity*/alt * 255.0) as u8, (/*alt*//*alt * *//*(1.0 - humidity)*/(alt * temperature).sqrt() * 255.0) as u8, 255, ]) */ }, (Some(RiverKind::Ocean), _) => u32::from_le_bytes([ ((64.0 - water_depth * 64.0) * 1.0) as u8, ((32.0 - water_depth * 32.0) * 1.0) as u8, 0, 255, ]), (Some(RiverKind::River { .. }), _) => u32::from_le_bytes([ 64 + (alt * 191.0) as u8, 32 + (alt * 95.0) as u8, 0, 255, ]), (None, _) | (Some(RiverKind::Lake { .. }), _) => u32::from_le_bytes([ (((64.0 + water_alt * 191.0) + (- water_depth * 64.0)) * 1.0) as u8, (((32.0 + water_alt * 95.0) + (- water_depth * 32.0)) * 1.0) as u8, 0, 255, ]), }; } } let spd = 32.0; let lspd = 0.1; if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::P) { println!( "\ Gain / Shade gain: {:?} / {:?}\n\ Scale / Focus: {:?} / {:?}\n\ Light: {:?} Land(adjacent): (X = temp, Y = humidity): {:?}\n\ Rivers: {:?}\n\ Lakes: {:?}\n\ Oceans: {:?}\n\ Total water: {:?}\n\ Total land(adjacent): {:?}", gain, lgain, scale, focus, light_direction, quads, rivers, lakes, oceans, rivers + lakes + oceans, quads.iter().map(|x| x.iter().sum::()).sum::() ); } if win.get_mouse_down(minifb::MouseButton::Left) { if let Some((mx, my)) = win.get_mouse_pos(minifb::MouseMode::Clamp) { let pos = (focus_rect + (Vec2::new(mx as f64, my as f64) * scale)).map(|e| e as i32); println!( "Chunk position: {:?}", pos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e * f as i32) ); } } let is_camera = win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::C); if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::B) { is_basement ^= true; } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::H) { is_humidity ^= true; } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::T) { is_temperature ^= true; } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::O) { is_water ^= true; } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::L) { is_shaded ^= true; } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::W) { if is_camera { light_direction.z -= lspd; } else { focus.y -= spd * scale; } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::A) { if is_camera { light_direction.x -= lspd; } else { focus.x -= spd * scale; } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::S) { if is_camera { light_direction.z += lspd; } else { focus.y += spd * scale; } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::D) { if is_camera { light_direction.x += lspd; } else { focus.x += spd * scale; } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::Q) { if is_camera { if (lgain * 2.0).is_normal() { lgain *= 2.0; } } else { gain += 64.0; } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::E) { if is_camera { if (lgain / 2.0).is_normal() { lgain /= 2.0; } } else { gain = (gain - 64.0).max(64.0); } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::R) { if is_camera { focus.z += spd * scale; } else { if (scale * 2.0).is_normal() { scale *= 2.0; } // scale += 1; } } if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::F) { if is_camera { focus.z -= spd * scale; } else { if (scale / 2.0).is_normal() { scale /= 2.0; } // scale = (scale - 1).max(0); } } win.update_with_buffer(&buf).unwrap(); } }