use crate::{ ecs::MyEntity, hud::{DebugInfo, Event as HudEvent, Hud, HudInfo, PressBehavior}, i18n::{i18n_asset_key, VoxygenLocalization}, key_state::KeyState, menu::char_selection::CharSelectionState, scene::{camera, Scene, SceneData}, settings::AudioOutput, window::{AnalogGameInput, Event, GameInput}, Direction, Error, GlobalState, PlayState, PlayStateResult, }; use client::{self, Client}; use common::{ assets::{load_watched, watch}, clock::Clock, comp, comp::{Pos, Vel, MAX_PICKUP_RANGE_SQR}, msg::ClientState, terrain::{Block, BlockKind}, util::Dir, vol::ReadVol, }; use specs::{Join, WorldExt}; use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc, time::Duration}; use tracing::{error, info}; use vek::*; /// The action to perform after a tick enum TickAction { // Continue executing Continue, // Disconnected (i.e. go to main menu) Disconnect, } pub struct SessionState { scene: Scene, client: Rc<RefCell<Client>>, hud: Hud, key_state: KeyState, inputs: comp::ControllerInputs, selected_block: Block, } /// Represents an active game session (i.e., the one being played). impl SessionState { /// Create a new `SessionState`. pub fn new(global_state: &mut GlobalState, client: Rc<RefCell<Client>>) -> Self { // Create a scene for this session. The scene handles visible elements of the // game world. let mut scene = Scene::new(global_state.window.renderer_mut()); scene .camera_mut() .set_fov_deg(; let hud = Hud::new(global_state, &client.borrow()); { let my_entity = client.borrow().entity(); client .borrow_mut() .state_mut() .ecs_mut() .insert(MyEntity(my_entity)); } Self { scene, client, key_state: KeyState::new(), inputs: comp::ControllerInputs::default(), hud, selected_block: Block::new(BlockKind::Normal, Rgb::broadcast(255)), } } } impl SessionState { /// Tick the session (and the client attached to it). fn tick(&mut self, dt: Duration, global_state: &mut GlobalState) -> Result<TickAction, Error> { self.inputs.tick(dt); let mut client = self.client.borrow_mut(); for event in client.tick(self.inputs.clone(), dt, crate::ecs::sys::add_local_systems)? { match event { client::Event::Chat(m) => { self.hud.new_message(m); }, client::Event::Disconnect => return Ok(TickAction::Disconnect), client::Event::DisconnectionNotification(time) => { let message = match time { 0 => String::from("Goodbye!"), _ => format!("Connection lost. Kicking in {} seconds", time), }; self.hud.new_message(comp::ChatMsg { chat_type: comp::ChatType::CommandError, message, }); }, client::Event::Notification(n) => { self.hud.new_notification(n); }, client::Event::SetViewDistance(vd) => { = vd; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, } } Ok(TickAction::Continue) } /// Clean up the session (and the client attached to it) after a tick. pub fn cleanup(&mut self) { self.client.borrow_mut().cleanup(); } } impl PlayState for SessionState { fn play(&mut self, _: Direction, global_state: &mut GlobalState) -> PlayStateResult { // Trap the cursor. global_state.window.grab_cursor(true); // Set up an fps clock. let mut clock = Clock::start(); self.client.borrow_mut().clear_terrain(); // Send startup commands to the server if global_state.settings.send_logon_commands { for cmd in &global_state.settings.logon_commands { self.client.borrow_mut().send_chat(cmd.to_string()); } } // Keep a watcher on the language let mut localization_watcher = watch::ReloadIndicator::new(); let mut localized_strings = load_watched::<VoxygenLocalization>( &i18n_asset_key(&global_state.settings.language.selected_language), &mut localization_watcher, ) .unwrap(); let mut ori =; let mut free_look = false; let mut auto_walk = false; fn stop_auto_walk(auto_walk: &mut bool, key_state: &mut KeyState, hud: &mut Hud) { *auto_walk = false; hud.auto_walk(false); key_state.auto_walk = false; } // Game loop let mut current_client_state = self.client.borrow().get_client_state(); while let ClientState::Pending | ClientState::Character = current_client_state { // Compute camera data self.scene .camera_mut() .compute_dependents(&*self.client.borrow().state().terrain()); let camera::Dependents { view_mat, cam_pos, .. } =; // Choose a spot above the player's head for item distance checks let player_pos = match self .client .borrow() .state() .read_storage::<comp::Pos>() .get(self.client.borrow().entity()) { Some(pos) => pos.0 + (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0), _ => cam_pos, // Should never happen, but a safe fallback }; let (is_aiming, aim_dir_offset) = { let client = self.client.borrow(); let is_aiming = client .state() .read_storage::<comp::CharacterState>() .get(client.entity()) .map(|cs| cs.is_aimed()) .unwrap_or(false); ( is_aiming, if is_aiming { Vec3::unit_z() * 0.025 } else { Vec3::zero() }, ) }; let cam_dir: Vec3<f32> = Vec3::from(view_mat.inverted() * -Vec4::unit_z()); // Check to see whether we're aiming at anything let (build_pos, select_pos) = { let client = self.client.borrow(); let terrain = client.state().terrain(); let cam_ray = terrain .ray(cam_pos, cam_pos + cam_dir * 100.0) .until(|block| block.is_tangible()) .cast(); let cam_dist = cam_ray.0; match cam_ray.1 { Ok(Some(_)) if player_pos.distance_squared(cam_pos + cam_dir * cam_dist) <= MAX_PICKUP_RANGE_SQR => { ( Some((cam_pos + cam_dir * (cam_dist - 0.01)).map(|e| e.floor() as i32)), Some((cam_pos + cam_dir * cam_dist).map(|e| e.floor() as i32)), ) }, _ => (None, None), } }; // Only highlight collectables self.scene.set_select_pos(select_pos.filter(|sp| { self.client .borrow() .state() .terrain() .get(*sp) .map(|b| b.is_collectible()) .unwrap_or(false) })); // Handle window events. for event in global_state.window.fetch_events(&mut global_state.settings) { // Pass all events to the ui first. if self.hud.handle_event(event.clone(), global_state) { continue; } match event { Event::Close => { return PlayStateResult::Shutdown; }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Primary, state) => { // Check the existence of CanBuild component. If it's here, use LMB to // break blocks, if not, use it to attack let mut client = self.client.borrow_mut(); if state && client .state() .read_storage::<comp::CanBuild>() .get(client.entity()) .is_some() { if let Some(select_pos) = select_pos { client.remove_block(select_pos); } } else { self.inputs.primary.set_state(state); } }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Secondary, state) => { self.inputs.secondary.set_state(false); // To be changed later on let mut client = self.client.borrow_mut(); if state && client .state() .read_storage::<comp::CanBuild>() .get(client.entity()) .is_some() { if let Some(build_pos) = build_pos { client.place_block(build_pos, self.selected_block); } } else { self.inputs.secondary.set_state(state); } }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Roll, state) => { let client = self.client.borrow(); if client .state() .read_storage::<comp::CanBuild>() .get(client.entity()) .is_some() { if state { if let Some(block) = select_pos .and_then(|sp| client.state().terrain().get(sp).ok().copied()) { self.selected_block = block; } } } else { self.inputs.roll.set_state(state); } }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Respawn, state) if state != self.key_state.respawn => { self.key_state.respawn = state; if state { self.client.borrow_mut().respawn(); } } Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Jump, state) => { self.inputs.jump.set_state(state); }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Sit, state) if state != self.key_state.toggle_sit => { self.key_state.toggle_sit = state; if state { stop_auto_walk(&mut auto_walk, &mut self.key_state, &mut self.hud); self.client.borrow_mut().toggle_sit(); } } Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Dance, state) if state != self.key_state.toggle_dance => { self.key_state.toggle_dance = state; if state { stop_auto_walk(&mut auto_walk, &mut self.key_state, &mut self.hud); self.client.borrow_mut().toggle_dance(); } } Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::MoveForward, state) => { if state && global_state.settings.gameplay.stop_auto_walk_on_input { stop_auto_walk(&mut auto_walk, &mut self.key_state, &mut self.hud); } self.key_state.up = state }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::MoveBack, state) => { if state && global_state.settings.gameplay.stop_auto_walk_on_input { stop_auto_walk(&mut auto_walk, &mut self.key_state, &mut self.hud); } self.key_state.down = state }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::MoveLeft, state) => { if state && global_state.settings.gameplay.stop_auto_walk_on_input { stop_auto_walk(&mut auto_walk, &mut self.key_state, &mut self.hud); } self.key_state.left = state }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::MoveRight, state) => { if state && global_state.settings.gameplay.stop_auto_walk_on_input { stop_auto_walk(&mut auto_walk, &mut self.key_state, &mut self.hud); } self.key_state.right = state }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Glide, state) if state != self.key_state.toggle_glide => { self.key_state.toggle_glide = state; if state { self.client.borrow_mut().toggle_glide(); } } Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Climb, state) => { self.key_state.climb_up = state; }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::ClimbDown, state) => { self.key_state.climb_down = state; }, /*Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::WallLeap, state) => { self.inputs.wall_leap.set_state(state) },*/ Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::ToggleWield, state) if state != self.key_state.toggle_wield => { self.key_state.toggle_wield = state; if state { self.client.borrow_mut().toggle_wield(); } } Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::SwapLoadout, state) if state != self.key_state.swap_loadout => { self.key_state.swap_loadout = state; if state { self.client.borrow_mut().swap_loadout(); } } Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::ToggleLantern, true) => { self.client.borrow_mut().toggle_lantern(); }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Mount, true) => { let mut client = self.client.borrow_mut(); if client.is_mounted() { client.unmount(); } else { let player_pos = client .state() .read_storage::<comp::Pos>() .get(client.entity()) .copied(); if let Some(player_pos) = player_pos { // Find closest mountable entity let closest_mountable = ( &client.state().ecs().entities(), &client.state().ecs().read_storage::<comp::Pos>(), &client.state().ecs().read_storage::<comp::MountState>(), ) .join() .filter(|(_, _, ms)| { if let comp::MountState::Unmounted = ms { true } else { false } }) .min_by_key(|(_, pos, _)| { (player_pos.0.distance_squared(pos.0) * 1000.0) as i32 }) .map(|(uid, _, _)| uid); if let Some(mountee_entity) = closest_mountable { client.mount(mountee_entity); } } } }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Interact, state) => { let mut client = self.client.borrow_mut(); // Collect terrain sprites if let Some(select_pos) = self.scene.select_pos() { client.collect_block(select_pos); } // Collect lootable entities let player_pos = client .state() .read_storage::<comp::Pos>() .get(client.entity()) .copied(); if let (Some(player_pos), true) = (player_pos, state) { let entity = ( &client.state().ecs().entities(), &client.state().ecs().read_storage::<comp::Pos>(), &client.state().ecs().read_storage::<comp::Item>(), ) .join() .filter(|(_, pos, _)| { pos.0.distance_squared(player_pos.0) < MAX_PICKUP_RANGE_SQR }) .min_by_key(|(_, pos, _)| { (pos.0.distance_squared(player_pos.0) * 1000.0) as i32 }) .map(|(entity, _, _)| entity); if let Some(entity) = entity { client.pick_up(entity); } } }, /*Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::Charge, state) => { self.inputs.charge.set_state(state); },*/ Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::FreeLook, state) => { match (global_state.settings.gameplay.free_look_behavior, state) { (PressBehavior::Toggle, true) => { free_look = !free_look; self.hud.free_look(free_look); }, (PressBehavior::Hold, state) => { free_look = state; self.hud.free_look(free_look); }, _ => {}, }; }, Event::InputUpdate(GameInput::AutoWalk, state) => { match (global_state.settings.gameplay.auto_walk_behavior, state) { (PressBehavior::Toggle, true) => { auto_walk = !auto_walk; self.key_state.auto_walk = auto_walk; self.hud.auto_walk(auto_walk); }, (PressBehavior::Hold, state) => { auto_walk = state; self.key_state.auto_walk = auto_walk; self.hud.auto_walk(auto_walk); }, _ => {}, } }, Event::AnalogGameInput(input) => match input { AnalogGameInput::MovementX(v) => { self.key_state.analog_matrix.x = v; }, AnalogGameInput::MovementY(v) => { self.key_state.analog_matrix.y = v; }, other => { self.scene.handle_input_event(Event::AnalogGameInput(other)); }, }, Event::ScreenshotMessage(screenshot_message) => { self.hud.new_message(comp::ChatMsg { chat_type: comp::ChatType::CommandInfo, message: screenshot_message, }) }, // Pass all other events to the scene event => { self.scene.handle_input_event(event); }, // TODO: Do something if the event wasn't handled? } } if !free_look { ori =; self.inputs.look_dir = Dir::from_unnormalized(cam_dir + aim_dir_offset).unwrap(); } // Calculate the movement input vector of the player from the current key // presses and the camera direction. let unit_vecs = ( Vec2::new(ori[0].cos(), -ori[0].sin()), Vec2::new(ori[0].sin(), ori[0].cos()), ); let dir_vec = self.key_state.dir_vec(); self.inputs.move_dir = unit_vecs.0 * dir_vec[0] + unit_vecs.1 * dir_vec[1]; self.inputs.climb = self.key_state.climb(); // Runs if either in a multiplayer server or the singleplayer server is unpaused if global_state.singleplayer.is_none() || !global_state.singleplayer.as_ref().unwrap().is_paused() { // Perform an in-game tick. match self.tick(clock.get_avg_delta(), global_state) { Ok(TickAction::Continue) => {}, // Do nothing Ok(TickAction::Disconnect) => return PlayStateResult::Pop, // Go to main menu Err(err) => { global_state.info_message = Some(localized_strings.get("common.connection_lost").to_owned()); error!("[session] Failed to tick the scene: {:?}", err); return PlayStateResult::Pop; }, } } // Maintain global state. global_state.maintain(clock.get_last_delta().as_secs_f32()); // Recompute dependents just in case some input modified the camera self.scene .camera_mut() .compute_dependents(&*self.client.borrow().state().terrain()); // Extract HUD events ensuring the client borrow gets dropped. let mut hud_events = self.hud.maintain( &self.client.borrow(), global_state, DebugInfo { tps: clock.get_tps(), ping_ms: self.client.borrow().get_ping_ms(), coordinates: self .client .borrow() .state() .ecs() .read_storage::<Pos>() .get(self.client.borrow().entity()) .cloned(), velocity: self .client .borrow() .state() .ecs() .read_storage::<Vel>() .get(self.client.borrow().entity()) .cloned(), ori: self .client .borrow() .state() .ecs() .read_storage::<comp::Ori>() .get(self.client.borrow().entity()) .cloned(), num_chunks: self.scene.terrain().chunk_count() as u32, num_visible_chunks: self.scene.terrain().visible_chunk_count() as u32, num_figures: self.scene.figure_mgr().figure_count() as u32, num_figures_visible: self.scene.figure_mgr().figure_count_visible() as u32, }, &, clock.get_last_delta(), HudInfo { is_aiming, is_first_person: matches!(, camera::CameraMode::FirstPerson ), }, ); // Look for changes in the localization files if localization_watcher.reloaded() { hud_events.push(HudEvent::ChangeLanguage(localized_strings.metadata.clone())); } // Maintain the UI. for event in hud_events { match event { HudEvent::SendMessage(msg) => { // TODO: Handle result self.client.borrow_mut().send_chat(msg); }, HudEvent::CharacterSelection => { self.client.borrow_mut().request_remove_character() }, HudEvent::Logout => self.client.borrow_mut().request_logout(), HudEvent::Quit => { return PlayStateResult::Shutdown; }, HudEvent::AdjustMousePan(sensitivity) => { global_state.window.pan_sensitivity = sensitivity; global_state.settings.gameplay.pan_sensitivity = sensitivity; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::AdjustMouseZoom(sensitivity) => { global_state.window.zoom_sensitivity = sensitivity; global_state.settings.gameplay.zoom_sensitivity = sensitivity; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleZoomInvert(zoom_inverted) => { global_state.window.zoom_inversion = zoom_inverted; global_state.settings.gameplay.zoom_inversion = zoom_inverted; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::Sct(sct) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.sct = sct; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::SctPlayerBatch(sct_player_batch) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.sct_player_batch = sct_player_batch; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::SctDamageBatch(sct_damage_batch) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.sct_damage_batch = sct_damage_batch; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::SpeechBubbleDarkMode(sbdm) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.speech_bubble_dark_mode = sbdm; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::SpeechBubbleIcon(sbi) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.speech_bubble_icon = sbi; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleDebug(toggle_debug) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.toggle_debug = toggle_debug; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleMouseYInvert(mouse_y_inverted) => { global_state.window.mouse_y_inversion = mouse_y_inverted; global_state.settings.gameplay.mouse_y_inversion = mouse_y_inverted; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleSmoothPan(smooth_pan_enabled) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.smooth_pan_enable = smooth_pan_enabled; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::AdjustViewDistance(view_distance) => { self.client.borrow_mut().set_view_distance(view_distance); = view_distance; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::AdjustSpriteRenderDistance(sprite_render_distance) => { = sprite_render_distance; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::AdjustFigureLoDRenderDistance(figure_lod_render_distance) => { = figure_lod_render_distance; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::CrosshairTransp(crosshair_transp) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.crosshair_transp = crosshair_transp; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChatTransp(chat_transp) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.chat_transp = chat_transp; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChatCharName(chat_char_name) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.chat_character_name = chat_char_name; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::CrosshairType(crosshair_type) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.crosshair_type = crosshair_type; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::Intro(intro_show) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.intro_show = intro_show; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleXpBar(xp_bar) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.xp_bar = xp_bar; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleBarNumbers(bar_numbers) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.bar_numbers = bar_numbers; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ToggleShortcutNumbers(shortcut_numbers) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.shortcut_numbers = shortcut_numbers; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::UiScale(scale_change) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.ui_scale = self.hud.scale_change(scale_change); global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::AdjustMusicVolume(music_volume) => {; = music_volume; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::AdjustSfxVolume(sfx_volume) => {; = sfx_volume; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeAudioDevice(name) => {; = AudioOutput::Device(name); global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeMaxFPS(fps) => { = fps; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::UseSlot(x) => self.client.borrow_mut().use_slot(x), HudEvent::SwapSlots(a, b) => self.client.borrow_mut().swap_slots(a, b), HudEvent::DropSlot(x) => { let mut client = self.client.borrow_mut(); client.drop_slot(x); if let comp::slot::Slot::Equip(equip_slot) = x { if let comp::slot::EquipSlot::Lantern = equip_slot { client.toggle_lantern(); } } }, HudEvent::ChangeHotbarState(state) => { let client = self.client.borrow(); let server = &; // If we are changing the hotbar state this CANNOT be None. let character_id = client.active_character_id.unwrap(); // Get or update the ServerProfile. global_state .profile .set_hotbar_slots(server, character_id, state.slots); global_state.profile.save_to_file_warn(); info!("Event! -> ChangedHotbarState") }, HudEvent::Ability3(state) => self.inputs.ability3.set_state(state), HudEvent::ChangeFOV(new_fov) => { = new_fov; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); self.scene.camera_mut().set_fov_deg(new_fov); self.scene .camera_mut() .compute_dependents(&*self.client.borrow().state().terrain()); }, HudEvent::ChangeGamma(new_gamma) => { = new_gamma; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeAaMode(new_aa_mode) => { // Do this first so if it crashes the setting isn't saved :) global_state .window .renderer_mut() .set_aa_mode(new_aa_mode) .unwrap(); = new_aa_mode; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeCloudMode(new_cloud_mode) => { // Do this first so if it crashes the setting isn't saved :) global_state .window .renderer_mut() .set_cloud_mode(new_cloud_mode) .unwrap(); = new_cloud_mode; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeFluidMode(new_fluid_mode) => { // Do this first so if it crashes the setting isn't saved :) global_state .window .renderer_mut() .set_fluid_mode(new_fluid_mode) .unwrap(); = new_fluid_mode; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeLanguage(new_language) => { global_state.settings.language.selected_language = new_language.language_identifier; localized_strings = load_watched::<VoxygenLocalization>( &i18n_asset_key(&global_state.settings.language.selected_language), &mut localization_watcher, ) .unwrap(); localized_strings.log_missing_entries(); self.hud.update_language(localized_strings.clone()); }, HudEvent::ToggleFullscreen => { global_state .window .toggle_fullscreen(&mut global_state.settings); }, HudEvent::AdjustWindowSize(new_size) => { global_state.window.set_size(new_size.into()); = new_size; global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }, HudEvent::ChangeBinding(game_input) => { global_state.window.set_keybinding_mode(game_input); }, HudEvent::ChangeFreeLookBehavior(behavior) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.free_look_behavior = behavior; }, HudEvent::ChangeAutoWalkBehavior(behavior) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.auto_walk_behavior = behavior; }, HudEvent::ChangeStopAutoWalkOnInput(state) => { global_state.settings.gameplay.stop_auto_walk_on_input = state; }, } } { let client = self.client.borrow(); let scene_data = SceneData { state: client.state(), player_entity: client.entity(), loaded_distance: client.loaded_distance(), view_distance: client.view_distance().unwrap_or(1), tick: client.get_tick(), thread_pool: client.thread_pool(), gamma:, mouse_smoothing: global_state.settings.gameplay.smooth_pan_enable, sprite_render_distance: as f32, figure_lod_render_distance: global_state .settings .graphics .figure_lod_render_distance as f32, is_aiming, }; // Runs if either in a multiplayer server or the singleplayer server is unpaused if global_state.singleplayer.is_none() || !global_state.singleplayer.as_ref().unwrap().is_paused() { self.scene.maintain( global_state.window.renderer_mut(), &mut, &scene_data, ); } let renderer = global_state.window.renderer_mut(); // Clear the screen renderer.clear(); // Render the screen using the global renderer self.scene.render( renderer, client.state(), client.entity(), client.get_tick(), &scene_data, ); // Draw the UI to the screen self.hud.render(renderer, self.scene.globals()); // Finish the frame renderer.flush(); } // Display the frame on the window. global_state .window .swap_buffers() .expect("Failed to swap window buffers!"); // Wait for the next tick. clock.tick(Duration::from_millis( 1000 / as u64, )); // Clean things up after the tick. self.cleanup(); current_client_state = self.client.borrow().get_client_state(); } if let ClientState::Registered = current_client_state { return PlayStateResult::Switch(Box::new(CharSelectionState::new( global_state, self.client.clone(), ))); } PlayStateResult::Pop } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "Session" } }