mod bag; mod buffs; mod buttons; mod chat; mod crafting; mod esc_menu; mod group; mod hotbar; mod img_ids; mod item_imgs; mod map; mod minimap; mod overhead; mod overitem; mod popup; mod prompt_dialog; mod settings_window; mod skillbar; mod slots; mod social; mod spell; mod util; pub use hotbar::{SlotContents as HotbarSlotContents, State as HotbarState}; pub use settings_window::ScaleChange; use bag::Bag; use buffs::BuffsBar; use buttons::Buttons; use chat::Chat; use chrono::NaiveTime; use crafting::Crafting; use esc_menu::EscMenu; use group::Group; use img_ids::Imgs; use item_imgs::ItemImgs; use map::Map; use minimap::MiniMap; use popup::Popup; use prompt_dialog::PromptDialog; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings_window::{SettingsTab, SettingsWindow}; use skillbar::Skillbar; use social::{Social, SocialTab}; use spell::Spell; use crate::{ ecs::{comp as vcomp, comp::HpFloaterList}, hud::{img_ids::ImgsRot, prompt_dialog::DialogOutcomeEvent}, i18n::{LanguageMetadata, Localization}, render::{Consts, Globals, RenderMode, Renderer}, scene::camera::{self, Camera}, ui::{fonts::Fonts, img_ids::Rotations, slot, Graphic, Ingameable, ScaleMode, Ui}, window::{Event as WinEvent, FullScreenSettings, GameInput}, GlobalState, }; use client::Client; use common::{ comp, comp::{ item::{ItemDesc, Quality}, BuffKind, }, span, terrain::TerrainChunk, uid::Uid, util::srgba_to_linear, vol::RectRasterableVol, }; use common_net::msg::{Notification, PresenceKind}; use conrod_core::{ text::cursor::Index, widget::{self, Button, Image, Text}, widget_ids, Color, Colorable, Labelable, Positionable, Sizeable, Widget, }; use hashbrown::HashMap; use specs::{Join, WorldExt}; use std::{ collections::VecDeque, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use vek::*; const XP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.59, 0.41, 0.67, 1.0); const TEXT_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); const TEXT_GRAY_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); const TEXT_DULL_RED_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.56, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0); const TEXT_BG: Color = Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); const TEXT_COLOR_GREY: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); //const TEXT_COLOR_2: Color = Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); const TEXT_COLOR_3: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1); const TEXT_BIND_CONFLICT_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); const BLACK: Color = Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //const BG_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8); const HP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.33, 0.63, 0.0, 1.0); const LOW_HP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.93, 0.59, 0.03, 1.0); const CRITICAL_HP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.79, 0.19, 0.17, 1.0); const STAMINA_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.29, 0.62, 0.75, 0.9); //const TRANSPARENT: Color = Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); //const FOCUS_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.56, 0.04, 1.0); //const RAGE_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.5, 0.04, 0.13, 1.0); const BUFF_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.06, 0.69, 0.12, 1.0); const DEBUFF_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.79, 0.19, 0.17, 1.0); // Item Quality Colors const QUALITY_LOW: Color = Color::Rgba(0.41, 0.41, 0.41, 1.0); // Grey - Trash, can be sold to vendors const QUALITY_COMMON: Color = Color::Rgba(0.79, 1.09, 1.09, 1.0); // No Color - Crafting mats, food, starting equipment, quest items (like keys), rewards for easy quests const QUALITY_MODERATE: Color = Color::Rgba(0.06, 0.69, 0.12, 1.0); // Green - Quest Rewards, commonly looted items from NPCs const QUALITY_HIGH: Color = Color::Rgba(0.18, 0.32, 0.9, 1.0); // Blue - Dungeon rewards, boss loot, rewards for hard quests const QUALITY_EPIC: Color = Color::Rgba(0.58, 0.29, 0.93, 1.0); // Purple - Rewards for epic quests and very hard bosses const QUALITY_LEGENDARY: Color = Color::Rgba(0.92, 0.76, 0.0, 1.0); // Gold - Legendary items that require a big effort to acquire const QUALITY_ARTIFACT: Color = Color::Rgba(0.74, 0.24, 0.11, 1.0); // Orange - Not obtainable by normal means, "artifacts" const QUALITY_DEBUG: Color = Color::Rgba(0.79, 0.19, 0.17, 1.0); // Red - Admin and debug items // Chat Colors /// Color for chat command errors (yellow !) const ERROR_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); /// Color for chat command info (blue i) const INFO_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.28, 0.83, 0.71, 1.0); /// Online color const ONLINE_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 1.0); /// Offline color const OFFLINE_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); /// Color for a private message from another player const TELL_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.98, 0.71, 1.0, 1.0); /// Color for local chat const SAY_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0); /// Color for group chat const GROUP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.47, 0.84, 1.0, 1.0); /// Color for factional chat const FACTION_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.24, 1.0, 0.48, 1.0); /// Color for regional chat const REGION_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.8, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0); /// Color for death messagesw const KILL_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.17, 0.17, 1.0); /// Color for global messages const WORLD_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.95, 1.0, 0.95, 1.0); /// Color for collected loot messages const LOOT_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.69, 0.57, 1.0, 1.0); //Nametags const GROUP_MEMBER: Color = Color::Rgba(0.47, 0.84, 1.0, 1.0); const DEFAULT_NPC: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // UI Color-Theme const UI_MAIN: Color = Color::Rgba(0.61, 0.70, 0.70, 1.0); // Greenish Blue //const UI_MAIN: Color = Color::Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.97); // Dark const UI_HIGHLIGHT_0: Color = Color::Rgba(0.79, 1.09, 1.09, 1.0); // Pull-Down menu BG color const MENU_BG: Color = Color::Rgba(0.1, 0.12, 0.12, 1.0); //const UI_DARK_0: Color = Color::Rgba(0.25, 0.37, 0.37, 1.0); /// Distance at which nametags are visible for group members const NAMETAG_GROUP_RANGE: f32 = 1000.0; /// Distance at which nametags are visible const NAMETAG_RANGE: f32 = 40.0; /// Time nametags stay visible after doing damage even if they are out of range /// in seconds const NAMETAG_DMG_TIME: f32 = 60.0; /// Range damaged triggered nametags can be seen const NAMETAG_DMG_RANGE: f32 = 120.0; /// Range to display speech-bubbles at const SPEECH_BUBBLE_RANGE: f32 = NAMETAG_RANGE; widget_ids! { struct Ids { // Crosshair crosshair_inner, crosshair_outer, // SCT player_scts[], player_sct_bgs[], sct_exp_bgs[], sct_exps[], sct_lvl_bg, sct_lvl, hurt_bg, death_bg, sct_bgs[], scts[], overheads[], overitems[], // Intro Text intro_bg, intro_text, intro_close, intro_close_2, intro_close_3, intro_close_4, intro_close_5, intro_check, intro_check_text, // Alpha Disclaimer alpha_text, // Debug debug_bg, fps_counter, ping, coordinates, velocity, orientation, loaded_distance, time, entity_count, num_chunks, num_lights, num_figures, num_particles, // Game Version version, // Help help, help_info, debug_info, lantern_info, // Window Frames window_frame_0, window_frame_1, window_frame_2, window_frame_3, window_frame_4, window_frame_5, button_help2, button_help3, // External chat, map, world_map, character_window, popup, minimap, prompt_dialog, bag, social, quest, spell, skillbar, buttons, buffs, esc_menu, small_window, social_window, crafting_window, settings_window, group_window, // Free look indicator free_look_txt, free_look_bg, // Auto walk indicator auto_walk_txt, auto_walk_bg, // Example Quest quest_bg, q_headline_bg, q_headline, q_text_bg, q_text, accept_button, } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct BuffInfo { kind: comp::BuffKind, data: comp::BuffData, is_buff: bool, dur: Option, } pub struct DebugInfo { pub tps: f64, pub frame_time: Duration, pub ping_ms: f64, pub coordinates: Option, pub velocity: Option, pub ori: Option, pub num_chunks: u32, pub num_lights: u32, pub num_visible_chunks: u32, pub num_shadow_chunks: u32, pub num_figures: u32, pub num_figures_visible: u32, pub num_particles: u32, pub num_particles_visible: u32, } pub struct HudInfo { pub is_aiming: bool, pub is_first_person: bool, pub target_entity: Option, pub selected_entity: Option<(specs::Entity, std::time::Instant)>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Event { ToggleTips(bool), SendMessage(String), AdjustMousePan(u32), AdjustMouseZoom(u32), ToggleZoomInvert(bool), ToggleMouseYInvert(bool), ToggleSmoothPan(bool), AdjustViewDistance(u32), AdjustLodDetail(u32), AdjustSpriteRenderDistance(u32), AdjustFigureLoDRenderDistance(u32), AdjustMusicVolume(f32), AdjustSfxVolume(f32), //ChangeAudioDevice(String), ChangeMaxFPS(u32), ChangeFOV(u16), ChangeGamma(f32), ChangeExposure(f32), ChangeAmbiance(f32), MapZoom(f64), MapDrag(Vec2), MapShowDifficulty(bool), MapShowTowns(bool), MapShowDungeons(bool), MapShowCastles(bool), MapShowCaves(bool), AdjustWindowSize([u16; 2]), ChangeFullscreenMode(FullScreenSettings), ToggleParticlesEnabled(bool), CrosshairTransp(f32), ChatTransp(f32), ChatCharName(bool), CrosshairType(CrosshairType), BuffPosition(BuffPosition), ToggleXpBar(XpBar), Intro(Intro), ToggleBarNumbers(BarNumbers), ToggleShortcutNumbers(ShortcutNumbers), Sct(bool), SctPlayerBatch(bool), SctDamageBatch(bool), SpeechBubbleDarkMode(bool), SpeechBubbleIcon(bool), ToggleDebug(bool), UiScale(ScaleChange), CharacterSelection, UseSlot { slot: comp::slot::Slot, bypass_dialog: bool, }, SwapSlots { slot_a: comp::slot::Slot, slot_b: comp::slot::Slot, bypass_dialog: bool, }, DropSlot(comp::slot::Slot), ChangeHotbarState(Box), Ability3(bool), Logout, Quit, ChangeLanguage(Box), ChangeBinding(GameInput), ResetBindings, ChangeFreeLookBehavior(PressBehavior), ChangeRenderMode(Box), ChangeAutoWalkBehavior(PressBehavior), ChangeStopAutoWalkOnInput(bool), CraftRecipe(String), InviteMember(Uid), AcceptInvite, DeclineInvite, KickMember(Uid), LeaveGroup, AssignLeader(Uid), RemoveBuff(BuffKind), } // TODO: Are these the possible layouts we want? // TODO: Maybe replace this with bitflags. // `map` is not here because it currently is displayed over the top of other // open windows. #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum Windows { Settings, // Display settings window. None, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum CrosshairType { RoundEdges, Edges, #[serde(other)] Round, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Intro { Never, #[serde(other)] Show, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum XpBar { OnGain, #[serde(other)] Always, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum BarNumbers { Percent, Off, #[serde(other)] Values, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ShortcutNumbers { Off, #[serde(other)] On, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum BuffPosition { Map, #[serde(other)] Bar, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum PressBehavior { Hold = 1, #[serde(other)] Toggle = 0, } pub struct Show { ui: bool, intro: bool, help: bool, crafting: bool, debug: bool, bag: bool, bag_inv: bool, social: bool, spell: bool, group: bool, group_menu: bool, esc_menu: bool, open_windows: Windows, map: bool, mini_map: bool, ingame: bool, settings_tab: SettingsTab, social_tab: SocialTab, want_grab: bool, stats: bool, free_look: bool, auto_walk: bool, prompt_dialog: Option, } impl Show { fn bag(&mut self, open: bool) { if !self.esc_menu { self.bag = open; = false; self.want_grab = !open; } } fn toggle_bag(&mut self) { self.bag(!self.bag); } fn map(&mut self, open: bool) { if !self.esc_menu { = open; self.bag = false; self.crafting = false; = false; self.spell = false; self.want_grab = !open; } } fn social(&mut self, open: bool) { if !self.esc_menu { = open; self.spell = false; self.want_grab = !open; } } fn crafting(&mut self, open: bool) { if !self.esc_menu { self.crafting = open; self.bag = open; = false; self.want_grab = !open; } } fn spell(&mut self, open: bool) { if !self.esc_menu { = false; self.crafting = false; self.spell = open; self.want_grab = !open; } } fn toggle_map(&mut self) {! } fn toggle_mini_map(&mut self) { self.mini_map = !self.mini_map; } fn settings(&mut self, open: bool) { if !self.esc_menu { self.open_windows = if open { Windows::Settings } else { Windows::None }; self.bag = false; = false; self.crafting = false; self.spell = false; self.want_grab = !open; } } fn toggle_settings(&mut self, global_state: &GlobalState) { match self.open_windows { Windows::Settings => { #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.unpause(); self.settings(false); }, _ => { #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.pause(); self.settings(true) }, }; } fn toggle_help(&mut self) { = ! } fn toggle_ui(&mut self) { self.ui = !self.ui; } fn toggle_windows(&mut self, global_state: &mut GlobalState) { if self.bag || self.esc_menu || || || self.crafting || self.spell || || self.intro || !matches!(self.open_windows, Windows::None) { self.bag = false; self.esc_menu = false; = false; self.intro = false; = false; = false; self.spell = false; self.crafting = false; self.open_windows = Windows::None; self.want_grab = true; // Unpause the game if we are on singleplayer #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.unpause(); } else { self.esc_menu = true; self.want_grab = false; // Pause the game if we are on singleplayer #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.pause(); } } fn open_setting_tab(&mut self, tab: SettingsTab) { self.open_windows = Windows::Settings; self.esc_menu = false; self.settings_tab = tab; self.bag = false; self.want_grab = false; } fn toggle_social(&mut self) {!; self.spell = false; } fn toggle_crafting(&mut self) { self.crafting(!self.crafting) } fn open_social_tab(&mut self, social_tab: SocialTab) { self.social_tab = social_tab; self.spell = false; } fn toggle_spell(&mut self) { self.spell = !self.spell; = false; } } pub struct PromptDialogSettings { message: String, affirmative_event: Event, negative_event: Option, outcome_via_keypress: Option, } impl PromptDialogSettings { pub fn new(message: String, affirmative_event: Event, negative_event: Option) -> Self { Self { message, affirmative_event, negative_event, outcome_via_keypress: None, } } pub fn set_outcome_via_keypress(&mut self, outcome: bool) { self.outcome_via_keypress = Some(outcome); } } pub struct Hud { ui: Ui, ids: Ids, world_map: (/* Id */ Rotations, Vec2), imgs: Imgs, item_imgs: ItemImgs, fonts: Fonts, rot_imgs: ImgsRot, new_messages: VecDeque, new_notifications: VecDeque, speech_bubbles: HashMap, show: Show, //never_show: bool, //intro: bool, //intro_2: bool, to_focus: Option>, force_ungrab: bool, force_chat_input: Option, force_chat_cursor: Option, tab_complete: Option, pulse: f32, velocity: f32, slot_manager: slots::SlotManager, hotbar: hotbar::State, events: Vec, crosshair_opacity: f32, } impl Hud { pub fn new(global_state: &mut GlobalState, client: &Client) -> Self { let window = &mut global_state.window; let settings = &global_state.settings; let mut ui = Ui::new(window).unwrap(); ui.set_scaling_mode(settings.gameplay.ui_scale); // Generate ids. let ids = Ids::new(ui.id_generator()); // NOTE: Use a border the same color as the LOD ocean color (but with a // translucent alpha since UI have transparency and LOD doesn't). let water_color = srgba_to_linear(Rgba::new(0.0, 0.18, 0.37, 1.0)); // Load world map let world_map = ( ui.add_graphic_with_rotations(Graphic::Image( Arc::clone(client.world_data().map_image()), Some(water_color), )), client.world_data().chunk_size().map(|e| e as u32), ); // Load images. let imgs = Imgs::load(&mut ui).expect("Failed to load images!"); // Load rotation images. let rot_imgs = ImgsRot::load(&mut ui).expect("Failed to load rot images!"); // Load item images. let item_imgs = ItemImgs::new(&mut ui, imgs.not_found); // Load fonts. let fonts = Fonts::load(&, &mut ui) .expect("Impossible to load fonts!"); // Get the server name. let server = &client.server_info().name; // Get the id, unwrap is safe because this CANNOT be None at this // point. let character_id = match client.presence().unwrap() { PresenceKind::Character(id) => id, PresenceKind::Spectator => unreachable!("HUD creation in Spectator mode!"), }; // Create a new HotbarState from the persisted slots. let hotbar_state = HotbarState::new(global_state.profile.get_hotbar_slots(server, character_id)); let slot_manager = slots::SlotManager::new(ui.id_generator(), Vec2::broadcast(40.0)); Self { ui, imgs, world_map, rot_imgs, item_imgs, fonts, ids, new_messages: VecDeque::new(), new_notifications: VecDeque::new(), speech_bubbles: HashMap::new(), //intro: false, //intro_2: false, show: Show { help: false, intro: true, debug: false, bag: false, bag_inv: false, esc_menu: false, open_windows: Windows::None, map: false, crafting: false, ui: true, social: false, spell: false, group: false, group_menu: false, mini_map: true, settings_tab: SettingsTab::Interface, social_tab: SocialTab::Online, want_grab: true, ingame: true, stats: false, free_look: false, auto_walk: false, prompt_dialog: None, }, to_focus: None, //never_show: false, force_ungrab: false, force_chat_input: None, force_chat_cursor: None, tab_complete: None, pulse: 0.0, velocity: 0.0, slot_manager, hotbar: hotbar_state, events: Vec::new(), crosshair_opacity: 0.0, } } pub fn set_prompt_dialog(&mut self, prompt_dialog: PromptDialogSettings) { = Some(prompt_dialog); } pub fn update_fonts(&mut self, i18n: &Localization) { self.fonts = Fonts::load(&i18n.fonts, &mut self.ui).expect("Impossible to load fonts!"); } #[allow(clippy::assign_op_pattern)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 #[allow(clippy::single_match)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 fn update_layout( &mut self, client: &Client, global_state: &GlobalState, debug_info: &Option, dt: Duration, info: HudInfo, camera: &Camera, ) -> Vec { span!(_guard, "update_layout", "Hud::update_layout"); let mut events = std::mem::replace(&mut, Vec::new()); let (ref mut ui_widgets, ref mut tooltip_manager) = self.ui.set_widgets(); // pulse time for pulsating elements self.pulse = self.pulse + dt.as_secs_f32(); // FPS let fps = global_state.clock.stats().average_tps; let version = common::util::DISPLAY_VERSION_LONG.clone(); let i18n = &*; if { let ecs = client.state().ecs(); let pos = ecs.read_storage::(); let stats = ecs.read_storage::(); let healths = ecs.read_storage::(); let buffs = ecs.read_storage::(); let energy = ecs.read_storage::(); let hp_floater_lists = ecs.read_storage::(); let uids = ecs.read_storage::(); let interpolated = ecs.read_storage::(); let scales = ecs.read_storage::(); let bodies = ecs.read_storage::(); let items = ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = ecs.entities(); let me = client.entity(); let own_level = stats .get(client.entity()) .map_or(0, |stats| stats.level.level()); //self.input = client.read_storage::(); if let Some(health) = healths.get(me) { // Hurt Frame let hp_percentage = health.current() as f32 / health.maximum() as f32 * 100.0; if hp_percentage < 10.0 && !health.is_dead { let hurt_fade = (self.pulse * (10.0 - hp_percentage as f32) * 0.1/* speed factor */).sin() * 0.5 + 0.6; //Animation timer Image::new(self.imgs.hurt_bg) .wh_of(ui_widgets.window) .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .graphics_for(ui_widgets.window) .color(Some(Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, hurt_fade))) .set(self.ids.hurt_bg, ui_widgets); } // Alpha Disclaimer Text::new(&format!("Veloren {}", &version)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(10)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .mid_top_with_margin_on(ui_widgets.window, 2.0) .set(self.ids.alpha_text, ui_widgets); // Death Frame if health.is_dead { Image::new(self.imgs.death_bg) .wh_of(ui_widgets.window) .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .graphics_for(ui_widgets.window) .color(Some(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) .set(self.ids.death_bg, ui_widgets); } // Crosshair let show_crosshair = (info.is_aiming || info.is_first_person) && !health.is_dead; self.crosshair_opacity = Lerp::lerp( self.crosshair_opacity, if show_crosshair { 1.0 } else { 0.0 }, 5.0 * dt.as_secs_f32(), ); if ! { Image::new( // TODO: Do we want to match on this every frame? match global_state.settings.gameplay.crosshair_type { CrosshairType::Round => self.imgs.crosshair_outer_round, CrosshairType::RoundEdges => self.imgs.crosshair_outer_round_edges, CrosshairType::Edges => self.imgs.crosshair_outer_edges, }, ) .w_h(21.0 * 1.5, 21.0 * 1.5) .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .color(Some(Color::Rgba( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, self.crosshair_opacity * global_state.settings.gameplay.crosshair_transp, ))) .set(self.ids.crosshair_outer, ui_widgets); Image::new(self.imgs.crosshair_inner) .w_h(21.0 * 2.0, 21.0 * 2.0) .middle_of(self.ids.crosshair_outer) .color(Some(Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6))) .set(self.ids.crosshair_inner, ui_widgets); } } // Max amount the sct font size increases when "flashing" const FLASH_MAX: u32 = 2; // Get player position. let player_pos = client .state() .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(client.entity()) .map_or(Vec3::zero(), |pos| pos.0); // SCT Output values are called hp_damage and floater.hp_change // Numbers are currently divided by 10 and rounded if global_state.settings.gameplay.sct { // Render Player SCT numbers let mut player_sct_bg_id_walker = self.ids.player_sct_bgs.walk(); let mut player_sct_id_walker = self.ids.player_scts.walk(); if let (Some(HpFloaterList { floaters, .. }), Some(health)) = ( hp_floater_lists .get(me) .filter(|fl| !fl.floaters.is_empty()), healths.get(me), ) { if global_state.settings.gameplay.sct_player_batch { let number_speed = 100.0; // Player Batched Numbers Speed let player_sct_bg_id = &mut self.ids.player_sct_bgs, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let player_sct_id = &mut self.ids.player_scts, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); // Calculate total change // Ignores healing let hp_damage = floaters.iter().fold(0, |acc, f| f.hp_change.min(0) + acc); // Divide by 10 to stay in the same dimension as the HP display let hp_dmg_rounded_abs = ((hp_damage + 5) / 10).abs(); let max_hp_frac = hp_damage.abs() as f32 / health.maximum() as f32; let timer = floaters .last() .expect("There must be at least one floater") .timer; // Increase font size based on fraction of maximum health // "flashes" by having a larger size in the first 100ms let font_size = 30 + ((max_hp_frac * 10.0) as u32) * 3 + if timer < 0.1 { FLASH_MAX * (((1.0 - timer / 0.1) * 10.0) as u32) } else { 0 }; // Timer sets the widget offset let y = timer as f64 * number_speed * -1.0; // Timer sets text transparency let hp_fade = ((crate::ecs::sys::floater::MY_HP_SHOWTIME - timer) * 0.25) + 0.2; Text::new(&format!("{}", hp_dmg_rounded_abs)) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(if hp_damage < 0 { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, hp_fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on(ui_widgets.window, 297.0 + y) .set(player_sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", hp_dmg_rounded_abs)) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(if hp_damage < 0 { Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.1, 0.0, hp_fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on(ui_widgets.window, 300.0 + y) .set(player_sct_id, ui_widgets); }; for floater in floaters { // Healing always single numbers so just skip damage when in batch mode if global_state.settings.gameplay.sct_player_batch && floater.hp_change < 0 { continue; } let number_speed = 50.0; // Player Heal Speed let player_sct_bg_id = &mut self.ids.player_sct_bgs, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let player_sct_id = &mut self.ids.player_scts, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let max_hp_frac = floater.hp_change.abs() as f32 / health.maximum() as f32; // Increase font size based on fraction of maximum health // "flashes" by having a larger size in the first 100ms let font_size = 30 + ((max_hp_frac * 10.0) as u32) * 3 + if floater.timer < 0.1 { FLASH_MAX * (((1.0 - floater.timer / 0.1) * 10.0) as u32) } else { 0 }; // Timer sets the widget offset let y = if floater.hp_change < 0 { floater.timer as f64 * number_speed * floater.hp_change.signum() as f64 //* -1.0 + 300.0 - ui_widgets.win_h * 0.5 } else { floater.timer as f64 * number_speed * floater.hp_change.signum() as f64 * -1.0 + 300.0 - ui_widgets.win_h * 0.5 }; // Healing is offset randomly let x = if floater.hp_change < 0 { 0.0 } else { (floater.rand as f64 - 0.5) * 0.2 * ui_widgets.win_w }; // Timer sets text transparency let hp_fade = ((crate::ecs::sys::floater::MY_HP_SHOWTIME - floater.timer) * 0.25) + 0.2; if floater.hp_change.abs() > 10 { Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change / 10).abs())) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, hp_fade)) .x_y(x, y - 3.0) .set(player_sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change / 10).abs())) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(if floater.hp_change < 0 { Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.1, 0.0, hp_fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, hp_fade) }) .x_y(x, y) .set(player_sct_id, ui_widgets); } else { Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change as f32 / 10.0).abs())) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, hp_fade)) .x_y(x, y - 3.0) .set(player_sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change as f32 / 10.0).abs())) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(if floater.hp_change < 0 { Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.1, 0.0, hp_fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, hp_fade) }) .x_y(x, y) .set(player_sct_id, ui_widgets); } } } // EXP Numbers if let (Some(floaters), Some(stats)) = ( Some(&*ecs.read_resource::()) .map(|l| &l.floaters) .filter(|f| !f.is_empty()), stats.get(me), ) { // TODO replace with setting let batched_sct = false; if batched_sct { let number_speed = 50.0; // Number Speed for Cumulated EXP let player_sct_bg_id = &mut self.ids.player_sct_bgs, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let player_sct_id = &mut self.ids.player_scts, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); // Sum xp change let exp_change = floaters.iter().fold(0, |acc, f| f.exp_change + acc); // Can't fail since we filtered out empty lists above let (timer, rand) = floaters .last() .map(|f| (f.timer, f.rand)) .expect("Impossible"); // Increase font size based on fraction of maximum health // "flashes" by having a larger size in the first 100ms let font_size_xp = 30 + ((exp_change.abs() as f32 / stats.exp.maximum() as f32).min(1.0) * 50.0) as u32 + if timer < 0.1 { FLASH_MAX * (((1.0 - timer / 0.1) * 10.0) as u32) } else { 0 }; let y = timer as f64 * number_speed; // Timer sets the widget offset let fade = ((4.0 - timer as f32) * 0.25) + 0.2; // Timer sets text transparency Text::new(&format!("{} Exp", exp_change)) .font_size(font_size_xp) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fade)) .x_y( ui_widgets.win_w * (0.5 * rand.0 as f64 - 0.25), ui_widgets.win_h * (0.15 * rand.1 as f64) + y - 3.0, ) .set(player_sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{} Exp", exp_change)) .font_size(font_size_xp) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.59, 0.41, 0.67, fade)) .x_y( ui_widgets.win_w * (0.5 * rand.0 as f64 - 0.25), ui_widgets.win_h * (0.15 * rand.1 as f64) + y, ) .set(player_sct_id, ui_widgets); } else { for floater in floaters { let number_speed = 50.0; // Number Speed for Single EXP let player_sct_bg_id = &mut self.ids.player_sct_bgs, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let player_sct_id = &mut self.ids.player_scts, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); // Increase font size based on fraction of maximum health // "flashes" by having a larger size in the first 100ms let font_size_xp = 30 + ((floater.exp_change.abs() as f32 / stats.exp.maximum() as f32) .min(1.0) * 50.0) as u32 + if floater.timer < 0.1 { FLASH_MAX * (((1.0 - floater.timer / 0.1) * 10.0) as u32) } else { 0 }; let y = floater.timer as f64 * number_speed; // Timer sets the widget offset let fade = ((4.0 - floater.timer as f32) * 0.25) + 0.2; // Timer sets text transparency Text::new(&format!("{} Exp", floater.exp_change)) .font_size(font_size_xp) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fade)) .x_y( ui_widgets.win_w * (0.5 * floater.rand.0 as f64 - 0.25), ui_widgets.win_h * (0.15 * floater.rand.1 as f64) + y - 3.0, ) .set(player_sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{} Exp", floater.exp_change)) .font_size(font_size_xp) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.59, 0.41, 0.67, fade)) .x_y( ui_widgets.win_w * (0.5 * floater.rand.0 as f64 - 0.25), ui_widgets.win_h * (0.15 * floater.rand.1 as f64) + y, ) .set(player_sct_id, ui_widgets); } } } } // Pop speech bubbles let now = Instant::now(); self.speech_bubbles .retain(|_uid, bubble| bubble.timeout > now); // Push speech bubbles for msg in self.new_messages.iter() { if let Some((bubble, uid)) = msg.to_bubble() { self.speech_bubbles.insert(uid, bubble); } } let mut overhead_walker = self.ids.overheads.walk(); let mut overitem_walker = self.ids.overitems.walk(); let mut sct_walker = self.ids.scts.walk(); let mut sct_bg_walker = self.ids.sct_bgs.walk(); // Render overitem: name, etc. for (pos, item, distance) in (&entities, &pos, &items) .join() .map(|(_, pos, item)| (pos, item, pos.0.distance_squared(player_pos))) .filter(|(_, _, distance)| distance < &common::consts::MAX_PICKUP_RANGE.powi(2)) { let overitem_id = &mut self.ids.overitems, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let ingame_pos = pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 1.2; // Item overitem::Overitem::new( &, &distance, &self.fonts, &global_state.settings.controls, ) .x_y(0.0, 100.0) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(overitem_id, ui_widgets); } let speech_bubbles = &self.speech_bubbles; // Render overhead name tags and health bars for (pos, info, bubble, _, health, _, height_offset, hpfl, in_group) in ( &entities, &pos, interpolated.maybe(), &stats, &healths, &buffs, energy.maybe(), scales.maybe(), &bodies, &hp_floater_lists, &uids, ) .join() .filter(|t| { let health = t.4; let entity = t.0; entity != me && !health.is_dead }) .filter_map( |( entity, pos, interpolated, stats, health, buffs, energy, scale, body, hpfl, uid, )| { // Use interpolated position if available let pos = interpolated.map_or(pos.0, |i| i.pos); let in_group = client.group_members().contains_key(uid); let dist_sqr = pos.distance_squared(player_pos); // Determine whether to display nametag and healthbar based on whether the // entity has been damaged, is targeted/selected, or is in your group // Note: even if this passes the healthbar can be hidden in some cases if it // is at maximum let display_overhead_info = (info.target_entity.map_or(false, |e| e == entity) || info.selected_entity.map_or(false, |s| s.0 == entity) || overhead::should_show_healthbar(health) || in_group) && dist_sqr < (if in_group { NAMETAG_GROUP_RANGE } else if hpfl .time_since_last_dmg_by_me .map_or(false, |t| t < NAMETAG_DMG_TIME) { NAMETAG_DMG_RANGE } else { NAMETAG_RANGE }) .powi(2); let info = display_overhead_info.then(|| overhead::Info { name: &, stats, health, buffs, energy, }); let bubble = if dist_sqr < SPEECH_BUBBLE_RANGE.powi(2) { speech_bubbles.get(uid) } else { None }; (info.is_some() || bubble.is_some()).then(|| { ( pos, info, bubble, stats, health, buffs, body.height() * scale.map_or(1.0, |s| s.0) + 0.5, hpfl, in_group, ) }) }, ) { let overhead_id = &mut self.ids.overheads, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); let ingame_pos = pos + Vec3::unit_z() * height_offset; // // * height_offset // Speech bubble, name, level, and hp bars overhead::Overhead::new( info, bubble, own_level, in_group, &global_state.settings.gameplay, self.pulse, i18n, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, ) .x_y(0.0, 100.0) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(overhead_id, ui_widgets); // Enemy SCT if global_state.settings.gameplay.sct && !hpfl.floaters.is_empty() { let floaters = &hpfl.floaters; // Colors const WHITE: Rgb = Rgb::new(1.0, 0.9, 0.8); const LIGHT_OR: Rgb = Rgb::new(1.0, 0.925, 0.749); const LIGHT_MED_OR: Rgb = Rgb::new(1.0, 0.85, 0.498); const MED_OR: Rgb = Rgb::new(1.0, 0.776, 0.247); const DARK_ORANGE: Rgb = Rgb::new(1.0, 0.7, 0.0); const RED_ORANGE: Rgb = Rgb::new(1.0, 0.349, 0.0); const DAMAGE_COLORS: [Rgb; 6] = [ WHITE, LIGHT_OR, LIGHT_MED_OR, MED_OR, DARK_ORANGE, RED_ORANGE, ]; // Largest value that select the first color is 40, then it shifts colors // every 5 let font_col = |font_size: u32| { DAMAGE_COLORS[(font_size.saturating_sub(36) / 5).min(5) as usize] }; if global_state.settings.gameplay.sct_damage_batch { let number_speed = 50.0; // Damage number speed let sct_id = sct_walker .next(&mut self.ids.scts, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator()); let sct_bg_id = sct_bg_walker .next(&mut self.ids.sct_bgs, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator()); // Calculate total change // Ignores healing let hp_damage = floaters.iter().fold(0, |acc, f| { if f.hp_change < 0 { acc + f.hp_change } else { acc } }); // Divide by 10 to stay in the same dimension as the HP display let hp_dmg_rounded_abs = ((hp_damage + 5) / 10).abs(); let max_hp_frac = hp_damage.abs() as f32 / health.maximum() as f32; let timer = floaters .last() .expect("There must be at least one floater") .timer; // Increase font size based on fraction of maximum health // "flashes" by having a larger size in the first 100ms let font_size = 30 + ((max_hp_frac * 10.0) as u32) * 3 + if timer < 0.1 { FLASH_MAX * (((1.0 - timer / 0.1) * 10.0) as u32) } else { 0 }; let font_col = font_col(font_size); // Timer sets the widget offset let y = (timer as f64 / crate::ecs::sys::floater::HP_SHOWTIME as f64 * number_speed) + 100.0; // Timer sets text transparency let fade = ((crate::ecs::sys::floater::HP_SHOWTIME - timer) * 0.25) + 0.2; if hp_damage.abs() < 10 { // Damage and heal below 10/10 are shown as decimals Text::new(&format!("{}", hp_damage.abs() as f32 / 10.0)) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fade)) .x_y(0.0, y - 3.0) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", hp_damage.abs() as f32 / 10.0)) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .x_y(0.0, y) .color(if hp_damage < 0 { Color::Rgba(font_col.r, font_col.g, font_col.b, fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, fade) }) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_id, ui_widgets); } else { // Damage and heal above 10/10 are shown rounded Text::new(&format!("{}", hp_dmg_rounded_abs)) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fade)) .x_y(0.0, y - 3.0) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", hp_dmg_rounded_abs)) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .x_y(0.0, y) .color(if hp_damage < 0 { Color::Rgba(font_col.r, font_col.g, font_col.b, fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, fade) }) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_id, ui_widgets); }; } else { for floater in floaters { let number_speed = 250.0; // Single Numbers Speed let sct_id = sct_walker .next(&mut self.ids.scts, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator()); let sct_bg_id = sct_bg_walker .next(&mut self.ids.sct_bgs, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator()); // Calculate total change let max_hp_frac = floater.hp_change.abs() as f32 / health.maximum() as f32; // Increase font size based on fraction of maximum health // "flashes" by having a larger size in the first 100ms let font_size = 30 + ((max_hp_frac * 10.0) as u32) * 3 + if floater.timer < 0.1 { FLASH_MAX * (((1.0 - floater.timer / 0.1) * 10.0) as u32) } else { 0 }; let font_col = font_col(font_size); // Timer sets the widget offset let y = (floater.timer as f64 / crate::ecs::sys::floater::HP_SHOWTIME as f64 * number_speed) + 100.0; // Timer sets text transparency let fade = ((crate::ecs::sys::floater::HP_SHOWTIME - floater.timer) * 0.25) + 0.2; if floater.hp_change.abs() < 10 { // Damage and heal below 10/10 are shown as decimals Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change.abs() as f32 / 10.0))) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(if floater.hp_change < 0 { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) }) .x_y(0.0, y - 3.0) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change.abs() as f32 / 10.0))) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .x_y(0.0, y) .color(if floater.hp_change < 0 { Color::Rgba(font_col.r, font_col.g, font_col.b, fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0) }) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_id, ui_widgets); } else { // Damage and heal above 10/10 are shown rounded Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change / 10).abs())) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(if floater.hp_change < 0 { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) }) .x_y(0.0, y - 3.0) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_bg_id, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("{}", (floater.hp_change / 10).abs())) .font_size(font_size) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .x_y(0.0, y) .color(if floater.hp_change < 0 { Color::Rgba(font_col.r, font_col.g, font_col.b, fade) } else { Color::Rgba(0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0) }) .position_ingame(ingame_pos) .set(sct_id, ui_widgets); } } } } } } // Temporary Example Quest if && ! { match global_state.settings.gameplay.intro_show { Intro::Show => { if self.pulse > 20.0 { = false; let quest_headline = &i18n.get("hud.temp_quest_headline"); let quest_text = &i18n.get("hud.temp_quest_text"); Image::new(self.imgs.quest_bg) .w_h(404.0, 858.0) .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .set(self.ids.quest_bg, ui_widgets); Text::new(quest_headline) .mid_top_with_margin_on(self.ids.quest_bg, 310.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(30)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(TEXT_BG) .set(self.ids.q_headline_bg, ui_widgets); Text::new(quest_headline) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(self.ids.q_headline_bg, 1.0, 1.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(30)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(self.ids.q_headline, ui_widgets); Text::new(quest_text) .down_from(self.ids.q_headline_bg, 40.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(17)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(TEXT_BG) .set(self.ids.q_text_bg, ui_widgets); Text::new(quest_text) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(self.ids.q_text_bg, 1.0, 1.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(17)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(self.ids.q_text, ui_widgets); if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(212.0, 52.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.button_press) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on(self.ids.q_text_bg, -120.0) .label(&i18n.get("common.accept")) .label_font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .label_font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(22)) .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .label_y(conrod_core::position::Relative::Scalar(2.0)) .set(self.ids.accept_button, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { = !; events.push(Event::Intro(Intro::Never)); = true; } } }, Intro::Never => { = false; }, } } // Display debug window. if let Some(debug_info) = debug_info { self.velocity = match debug_info.velocity { Some(velocity) => velocity.0.magnitude(), None => 0.0, }; // Alpha Version Text::new(&version) .top_left_with_margins_on(ui_widgets.window, 5.0, 5.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(self.ids.version, ui_widgets); // Ticks per second Text::new(&format!( "FPS: {:.0} ({}ms)", debug_info.tps, debug_info.frame_time.as_millis() )) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.version, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.fps_counter, ui_widgets); // Ping Text::new(&format!("Ping: {:.0}ms", debug_info.ping_ms)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.fps_counter, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(, ui_widgets); // Player's position let coordinates_text = match debug_info.coordinates { Some(coordinates) => format!( "Coordinates: ({:.0}, {:.0}, {:.0})", coordinates.0.x, coordinates.0.y, coordinates.0.z, ), None => "Player has no Pos component".to_owned(), }; Text::new(&coordinates_text) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.coordinates, ui_widgets); // Player's velocity let velocity_text = match debug_info.velocity { Some(velocity) => format!( "Velocity: ({:.1}, {:.1}, {:.1}) [{:.1} u/s]", velocity.0.x, velocity.0.y, velocity.0.z, velocity.0.magnitude() ), None => "Player has no Vel component".to_owned(), }; Text::new(&velocity_text) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.coordinates, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.velocity, ui_widgets); // Player's orientation vector let orientation_text = match debug_info.ori { Some(ori) => format!( "Orientation: ({:.1}, {:.1}, {:.1})", ori.0.x, ori.0.y, ori.0.z, ), None => "Player has no Ori component".to_owned(), }; Text::new(&orientation_text) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.velocity, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.orientation, ui_widgets); // Loaded distance Text::new(&format!( "View distance: {:.2} blocks ({:.2} chunks)", client.loaded_distance(), client.loaded_distance() / TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.x as f32, )) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.orientation, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.loaded_distance, ui_widgets); // Time let time_in_seconds = client.state().get_time_of_day(); let current_time = NaiveTime::from_num_seconds_from_midnight( // Wraps around back to 0s if it exceeds 24 hours (24 hours = 86400s) (time_in_seconds as u64 % 86400) as u32, 0, ); Text::new(&format!( "Time: {}", current_time.format("%H:%M").to_string() )) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.loaded_distance, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.time, ui_widgets); // Number of entities let entity_count = client.state().ecs().entities().join().count(); Text::new(&format!("Entity count: {}", entity_count)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.time, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.entity_count, ui_widgets); // Number of chunks Text::new(&format!( "Chunks: {} ({} visible) & {} (shadow)", debug_info.num_chunks, debug_info.num_visible_chunks, debug_info.num_shadow_chunks, )) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.entity_count, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.num_chunks, ui_widgets); // Number of lights Text::new(&format!("Lights: {}", debug_info.num_lights,)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.num_chunks, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.num_lights, ui_widgets); // Number of figures Text::new(&format!( "Figures: {} ({} visible)", debug_info.num_figures, debug_info.num_figures_visible, )) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.num_lights, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.num_figures, ui_widgets); // Number of particles Text::new(&format!( "Particles: {} ({} visible)", debug_info.num_particles, debug_info.num_particles_visible, )) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.num_figures, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.num_particles, ui_widgets); // Help Window if let Some(help_key) = global_state.settings.controls.get_binding(GameInput::Help) { Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt") .replace("{key}", help_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.num_particles, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.help_info, ui_widgets); } // Info about Debug Shortcut if let Some(toggle_debug_key) = global_state .settings .controls .get_binding(GameInput::ToggleDebug) { Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt") .replace("{key}", toggle_debug_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.help_info, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .set(self.ids.debug_info, ui_widgets); } } else { // Help Window if let Some(help_key) = global_state.settings.controls.get_binding(GameInput::Help) { Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt") .replace("{key}", help_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(ui_widgets.window, 210.0, 10.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(12)) .set(self.ids.help_info, ui_widgets); } // Info about Debug Shortcut if let Some(toggle_debug_key) = global_state .settings .controls .get_binding(GameInput::ToggleDebug) { Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt") .replace("{key}", toggle_debug_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .top_left_with_margins_on(ui_widgets.window, 5.0, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(12)) .set(self.ids.debug_info, ui_widgets); } // Lantern Key if let Some(toggle_lantern_key) = global_state .settings .controls .get_binding(GameInput::ToggleLantern) { Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt") .replace("{key}", toggle_lantern_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .up_from(self.ids.help_info, 2.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(12)) .set(self.ids.lantern_info, ui_widgets); } } // Help Text if && ! && ! { Image::new( .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .w_h(1260.0, 519.0) .set(, ui_widgets); // X-button if Button::image(self.imgs.close_button) .w_h(40.0, 40.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.close_button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.close_button_press) .top_right_with_margins_on(, 0.0, 0.0) .color(Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8)) .set(self.ids.button_help2, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { = false; }; } // Bag button and nearby icons let ecs = client.state().ecs(); let stats = ecs.read_storage::(); let buffs = ecs.read_storage::(); if let Some(player_stats) = stats.get(client.entity()) { match Buttons::new( client,, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, global_state, &self.rot_imgs, tooltip_manager, i18n, &player_stats, ) .set(self.ids.buttons, ui_widgets) { Some(buttons::Event::ToggleBag) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleSettings) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleSocial) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleSpell) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleMap) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleCrafting) =>, None => {}, } } // Buffs and Debuffs if let Some(player_buffs) = buffs.get(client.entity()) { for event in BuffsBar::new( &self.imgs, &self.fonts, &self.rot_imgs, tooltip_manager, i18n, &player_buffs, self.pulse, &global_state, ) .set(self.ids.buffs, ui_widgets) { match event { buffs::Event::RemoveBuff(buff_id) => events.push(Event::RemoveBuff(buff_id)), } } } // Group Window for event in Group::new( &mut, client, &global_state.settings, &self.imgs, &self.rot_imgs, &self.fonts, i18n, self.pulse, &global_state, tooltip_manager, ) .set(self.ids.group_window, ui_widgets) { match event { group::Event::Accept => events.push(Event::AcceptInvite), group::Event::Decline => events.push(Event::DeclineInvite), group::Event::Kick(uid) => events.push(Event::KickMember(uid)), group::Event::LeaveGroup => events.push(Event::LeaveGroup), group::Event::AssignLeader(uid) => events.push(Event::AssignLeader(uid)), } } // Popup (waypoint saved and similar notifications) Popup::new( i18n, client, &self.new_notifications, &self.fonts, &, ) .set(self.ids.popup, ui_widgets); // MiniMap match MiniMap::new( &, client, &self.imgs, &self.rot_imgs, &self.world_map, &self.fonts, camera.get_orientation(), ) .set(self.ids.minimap, ui_widgets) { Some(minimap::Event::Toggle) =>, None => {}, } if let Some(prompt_dialog_settings) = & { // Prompt Dialog match PromptDialog::new( &self.imgs, &self.fonts, &global_state.i18n, &global_state.settings, &prompt_dialog_settings, ) .set(self.ids.prompt_dialog, ui_widgets) { Some(dialog_outcome_event) => { match dialog_outcome_event { DialogOutcomeEvent::Affirmative(event) => events.push(event), DialogOutcomeEvent::Negative(event) => { if let Some(event) = event { events.push(event); }; }, }; // Close the prompt dialog once an option has been chosen = None; }, None => {}, } } // Bag contents if { if let Some(player_stats) = stats.get(client.entity()) { match Bag::new( client, &self.imgs, &self.item_imgs, &self.fonts, &self.rot_imgs, tooltip_manager, &mut self.slot_manager, self.pulse, i18n, &player_stats, &, ) .set(self.ids.bag, ui_widgets) { Some(bag::Event::BagExpand) => = !, Some(bag::Event::Close) => { = false;;; if ! { = true; self.force_ungrab = false; } else { self.force_ungrab = true }; }, None => {}, } } } // Skillbar // Get player stats let ecs = client.state().ecs(); let entity = client.entity(); let stats = ecs.read_storage::(); let healths = ecs.read_storage::(); let inventories = ecs.read_storage::(); let energies = ecs.read_storage::(); let character_states = ecs.read_storage::(); let controllers = ecs.read_storage::(); let ability_map = ecs.fetch::(); if let ( Some(stats), Some(health), Some(inventory), Some(energy), Some(_character_state), Some(_controller), ) = ( stats.get(entity), healths.get(entity), inventories.get(entity), energies.get(entity), character_states.get(entity), controllers.get(entity).map(|c| &c.inputs), ) { Skillbar::new( global_state, &self.imgs, &self.item_imgs, &self.fonts, &self.rot_imgs, &stats, &health, &inventory, &energy, //&character_state, self.pulse, //&controller, &self.hotbar, tooltip_manager, &mut self.slot_manager, i18n, &, &ability_map, ) .set(self.ids.skillbar, ui_widgets); } // Crafting if { if let Some(inventory) = inventories.get(entity) { for event in Crafting::new( //&, client, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, i18n, &self.rot_imgs, tooltip_manager, &self.item_imgs, &inventory, ) .set(self.ids.crafting_window, ui_widgets) { match event { crafting::Event::CraftRecipe(r) => { events.push(Event::CraftRecipe(r)); }, crafting::Event::Close => { = false;;; if ! { = true; self.force_ungrab = false; } else { self.force_ungrab = true }; }, } } } } // Don't put NPC messages in chat box. self.new_messages .retain(|m| !matches!(m.chat_type, comp::ChatType::Npc(_, _))); // Chat box match Chat::new( &mut self.new_messages, &client, global_state, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, i18n, ) .and_then(self.force_chat_input.take(), |c, input| c.input(input)) .and_then(self.tab_complete.take(), |c, input| { c.prepare_tab_completion(input) }) .and_then(self.force_chat_cursor.take(), |c, pos| c.cursor_pos(pos)) .set(, ui_widgets) { Some(chat::Event::TabCompletionStart(input)) => { self.tab_complete = Some(input); }, Some(chat::Event::SendMessage(message)) => { events.push(Event::SendMessage(message)); }, Some(chat::Event::Focus(focus_id)) => { self.to_focus = Some(Some(focus_id)); }, None => {}, } self.new_messages = VecDeque::new(); self.new_notifications = VecDeque::new(); // Windows // Char Window will always appear at the left side. Other Windows default to the // left side, but when the Char Window is opened they will appear to the right // of it. // Settings if let Windows::Settings = { for event in SettingsWindow::new( &global_state, &, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, i18n, fps as f32, ) .set(self.ids.settings_window, ui_widgets) { match event { settings_window::Event::SpeechBubbleDarkMode(sbdm) => { events.push(Event::SpeechBubbleDarkMode(sbdm)); }, settings_window::Event::SpeechBubbleIcon(sbi) => { events.push(Event::SpeechBubbleIcon(sbi)); }, settings_window::Event::Sct(sct) => { events.push(Event::Sct(sct)); }, settings_window::Event::SctPlayerBatch(sct_player_batch) => { events.push(Event::SctPlayerBatch(sct_player_batch)); }, settings_window::Event::SctDamageBatch(sct_damage_batch) => { events.push(Event::SctDamageBatch(sct_damage_batch)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleHelp => = !, settings_window::Event::ToggleDebug => = !, settings_window::Event::ToggleTips(loading_tips) => { events.push(Event::ToggleTips(loading_tips)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeTab(tab) =>, settings_window::Event::Close => { // Unpause the game if we are on singleplayer so that we can logout #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.unpause(); = true; self.force_ungrab = false; }, settings_window::Event::AdjustMousePan(sensitivity) => { events.push(Event::AdjustMousePan(sensitivity)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustMouseZoom(sensitivity) => { events.push(Event::AdjustMouseZoom(sensitivity)); }, settings_window::Event::ChatTransp(chat_transp) => { events.push(Event::ChatTransp(chat_transp)); }, settings_window::Event::ChatCharName(chat_char_name) => { events.push(Event::ChatCharName(chat_char_name)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleZoomInvert(zoom_inverted) => { events.push(Event::ToggleZoomInvert(zoom_inverted)); }, settings_window::Event::BuffPosition(buff_position) => { events.push(Event::BuffPosition(buff_position)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleMouseYInvert(mouse_y_inverted) => { events.push(Event::ToggleMouseYInvert(mouse_y_inverted)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleSmoothPan(smooth_pan_enabled) => { events.push(Event::ToggleSmoothPan(smooth_pan_enabled)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustViewDistance(view_distance) => { events.push(Event::AdjustViewDistance(view_distance)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustLodDetail(lod_detail) => { events.push(Event::AdjustLodDetail(lod_detail)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustSpriteRenderDistance(view_distance) => { events.push(Event::AdjustSpriteRenderDistance(view_distance)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustFigureLoDRenderDistance(view_distance) => { events.push(Event::AdjustFigureLoDRenderDistance(view_distance)); }, settings_window::Event::CrosshairTransp(crosshair_transp) => { events.push(Event::CrosshairTransp(crosshair_transp)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustMusicVolume(music_volume) => { events.push(Event::AdjustMusicVolume(music_volume)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustSfxVolume(sfx_volume) => { events.push(Event::AdjustSfxVolume(sfx_volume)); }, settings_window::Event::MaximumFPS(max_fps) => { events.push(Event::ChangeMaxFPS(max_fps)); }, //settings_window::Event::ChangeAudioDevice(name) => { // events.push(Event::ChangeAudioDevice(name)); //}, settings_window::Event::CrosshairType(crosshair_type) => { events.push(Event::CrosshairType(crosshair_type)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleBarNumbers(bar_numbers) => { events.push(Event::ToggleBarNumbers(bar_numbers)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleShortcutNumbers(shortcut_numbers) => { events.push(Event::ToggleShortcutNumbers(shortcut_numbers)); }, settings_window::Event::UiScale(scale_change) => { events.push(Event::UiScale(scale_change)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustFOV(new_fov) => { events.push(Event::ChangeFOV(new_fov)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustGamma(new_gamma) => { events.push(Event::ChangeGamma(new_gamma)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustExposure(new_exposure) => { events.push(Event::ChangeExposure(new_exposure)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustAmbiance(new_ambiance) => { events.push(Event::ChangeAmbiance(new_ambiance)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeRenderMode(new_render_mode) => { events.push(Event::ChangeRenderMode(new_render_mode)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeLanguage(language) => { events.push(Event::ChangeLanguage(language)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeFullscreenMode(new_fullscreen_settings) => { events.push(Event::ChangeFullscreenMode(new_fullscreen_settings)); }, settings_window::Event::ToggleParticlesEnabled(particles_enabled) => { events.push(Event::ToggleParticlesEnabled(particles_enabled)); }, settings_window::Event::AdjustWindowSize(new_size) => { events.push(Event::AdjustWindowSize(new_size)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeBinding(game_input) => { events.push(Event::ChangeBinding(game_input)); }, settings_window::Event::ResetBindings => { events.push(Event::ResetBindings); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeFreeLookBehavior(behavior) => { events.push(Event::ChangeFreeLookBehavior(behavior)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeAutoWalkBehavior(behavior) => { events.push(Event::ChangeAutoWalkBehavior(behavior)); }, settings_window::Event::ChangeStopAutoWalkOnInput(state) => { events.push(Event::ChangeStopAutoWalkOnInput(state)); }, } } } // Social Window if { let ecs = client.state().ecs(); let _stats = ecs.read_storage::(); let me = client.entity(); if let Some(_stats) = stats.get(me) { for event in Social::new( &, client, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, i18n, info.selected_entity, &self.rot_imgs, tooltip_manager, ) .set(self.ids.social_window, ui_widgets) { match event { social::Event::Close => {; if ! { = true; self.force_ungrab = false; } else { self.force_ungrab = true }; }, social::Event::ChangeSocialTab(social_tab) => { }, social::Event::Invite(uid) => events.push(Event::InviteMember(uid)), } } } } // Spellbook if { match Spell::new(&, client, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, i18n) .set(self.ids.spell, ui_widgets) { Some(spell::Event::Close) => {; = true; self.force_ungrab = false; }, None => {}, } } // Map if { for event in Map::new( client, &self.imgs, &self.rot_imgs, &self.world_map, &self.fonts, self.pulse, i18n, &global_state, tooltip_manager, ) .set(, ui_widgets) { match event { map::Event::Close => {; = true; self.force_ungrab = false; }, map::Event::ShowDifficulties(map_show_difficulties) => { events.push(Event::MapShowDifficulty(map_show_difficulties)); }, map::Event::ShowTowns(map_show_towns) => { events.push(Event::MapShowTowns(map_show_towns)); }, map::Event::ShowCastles(map_show_castles) => { events.push(Event::MapShowCastles(map_show_castles)); }, map::Event::ShowDungeons(map_show_dungeons) => { events.push(Event::MapShowDungeons(map_show_dungeons)); }, map::Event::MapZoom(map_zoom) => { events.push(Event::MapZoom(map_zoom)); }, map::Event::MapDrag(map_drag) => { events.push(Event::MapDrag(map_drag)); }, map::Event::ShowCaves(map_show_caves) => { events.push(Event::MapShowCaves(map_show_caves)); }, } } } else { // Reset the map position when it's not showing let drag = &global_state.settings.gameplay.map_drag; if drag.x != 0.0 || drag.y != 0.0 { events.push(Event::MapDrag(Vec2::zero())) } } if { match EscMenu::new(&self.imgs, &self.fonts, i18n).set(self.ids.esc_menu, ui_widgets) { Some(esc_menu::Event::OpenSettings(tab)) => {; }, Some(esc_menu::Event::Close) => { = false; = true; self.force_ungrab = false; // Unpause the game if we are on singleplayer #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.unpause(); }, Some(esc_menu::Event::Logout) => { // Unpause the game if we are on singleplayer so that we can logout #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.unpause(); events.push(Event::Logout); }, Some(esc_menu::Event::Quit) => events.push(Event::Quit), Some(esc_menu::Event::CharacterSelection) => { // Unpause the game if we are on singleplayer so that we can logout #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] global_state.unpause(); events.push(Event::CharacterSelection) }, None => {}, } } // Free look indicator if let Some(freelook_key) = global_state .settings .controls .get_binding(GameInput::FreeLook) { if { Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.free_look_indicator") .replace("{key}", freelook_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(TEXT_BG) .mid_top_with_margin_on(ui_widgets.window, 40.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(20)) .set(self.ids.free_look_bg, ui_widgets); Text::new( &i18n .get("hud.free_look_indicator") .replace("{key}", freelook_key.to_string().as_str()), ) .color(KILL_COLOR) .top_left_with_margins_on(self.ids.free_look_bg, -1.0, -1.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(20)) .set(self.ids.free_look_txt, ui_widgets); } }; // Auto walk indicator if { Text::new(i18n.get("hud.auto_walk_indicator")) .color(TEXT_BG) .mid_top_with_margin_on(ui_widgets.window, 70.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(20)) .set(self.ids.auto_walk_bg, ui_widgets); Text::new(i18n.get("hud.auto_walk_indicator")) .color(KILL_COLOR) .top_left_with_margins_on(self.ids.auto_walk_bg, -1.0, -1.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(20)) .set(self.ids.auto_walk_txt, ui_widgets); } // Maintain slot manager for event in self.slot_manager.maintain(ui_widgets) { use comp::slot::Slot; use slots::SlotKind::*; let to_slot = |slot_kind| match slot_kind { Inventory(i) => Some(Slot::Inventory(i.0)), Equip(e) => Some(Slot::Equip(e)), Hotbar(_) => None, }; match event { slot::Event::Dragged(a, b) => { // Swap between slots if let (Some(a), Some(b)) = (to_slot(a), to_slot(b)) { events.push(Event::SwapSlots { slot_a: a, slot_b: b, bypass_dialog: false, }); } else if let (Inventory(i), Hotbar(h)) = (a, b) { self.hotbar.add_inventory_link(h, i.0); events.push(Event::ChangeHotbarState(Box::new(self.hotbar.to_owned()))); } else if let (Hotbar(a), Hotbar(b)) = (a, b) { self.hotbar.swap(a, b); events.push(Event::ChangeHotbarState(Box::new(self.hotbar.to_owned()))); } }, slot::Event::Dropped(from) => { // Drop item if let Some(from) = to_slot(from) { events.push(Event::DropSlot(from)); } else if let Hotbar(h) = from { self.hotbar.clear_slot(h); events.push(Event::ChangeHotbarState(Box::new(self.hotbar.to_owned()))); } }, slot::Event::Used(from) => { // Item used (selected and then clicked again) if let Some(from) = to_slot(from) { events.push(Event::UseSlot { slot: from, bypass_dialog: false, }); } else if let Hotbar(h) = from { // Used from hotbar self.hotbar.get(h).map(|s| { match s { hotbar::SlotContents::Inventory(i) => { events.push(Event::UseSlot { slot: comp::slot::Slot::Inventory(i), bypass_dialog: false, }); }, hotbar::SlotContents::Ability3 => {}, /* Event::Ability3(true), * sticks */ } }); } }, } } self.hotbar.maintain_ability3(client); events } pub fn new_message(&mut self, msg: comp::ChatMsg) { self.new_messages.push_back(msg); } pub fn new_notification(&mut self, msg: Notification) { self.new_notifications.push_back(msg); } pub fn scale_change(&mut self, scale_change: ScaleChange) -> ScaleMode { let scale_mode = match scale_change { ScaleChange::Adjust(scale) => ScaleMode::Absolute(scale), ScaleChange::ToAbsolute => self.ui.scale().scaling_mode_as_absolute(), ScaleChange::ToRelative => self.ui.scale().scaling_mode_as_relative(), }; self.ui.set_scaling_mode(scale_mode); scale_mode } // Checks if a TextEdit widget has the keyboard captured. fn typing(&self) -> bool { if let Some(id) = self.ui.widget_capturing_keyboard() { self.ui .widget_graph() .widget(id) .filter(|c| { c.type_id == std::any::TypeId::of::<::State>() }) .is_some() } else { false } } pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: WinEvent, global_state: &mut GlobalState) -> bool { // Helper fn handle_slot( slot: hotbar::Slot, state: bool, events: &mut Vec, slot_manager: &mut slots::SlotManager, hotbar: &mut hotbar::State, ) { if let Some(slots::SlotKind::Inventory(i)) = slot_manager.selected() { hotbar.add_inventory_link(slot, i.0); events.push(Event::ChangeHotbarState(Box::new(hotbar.to_owned()))); slot_manager.idle(); } else { let just_pressed = hotbar.process_input(slot, state); hotbar.get(slot).map(|s| match s { hotbar::SlotContents::Inventory(i) => { if just_pressed { events.push(Event::UseSlot { slot: comp::slot::Slot::Inventory(i), bypass_dialog: false, }); } }, hotbar::SlotContents::Ability3 => events.push(Event::Ability3(state)), }); } } let cursor_grabbed = global_state.window.is_cursor_grabbed(); let handled = match event { WinEvent::Ui(event) => { if (self.typing() && event.is_keyboard() && || !(cursor_grabbed && event.is_keyboard_or_mouse()) { self.ui.handle_event(event); } true }, WinEvent::ScaleFactorChanged(scale_factor) => { self.ui.scale_factor_changed(scale_factor); false }, WinEvent::InputUpdate(GameInput::ToggleInterface, true) if !self.typing() => {; true }, WinEvent::InputUpdate(GameInput::ToggleCursor, true) if !self.typing() => { self.force_ungrab = !self.force_ungrab; true }, WinEvent::InputUpdate(GameInput::AcceptGroupInvite, true) if !self.typing() => { if let Some(prompt_dialog) = &mut { prompt_dialog.set_outcome_via_keypress(true); true } else { false } }, WinEvent::InputUpdate(GameInput::DeclineGroupInvite, true) if !self.typing() => { if let Some(prompt_dialog) = &mut { prompt_dialog.set_outcome_via_keypress(false); true } else { false } }, // If not showing the ui don't allow keys that change the ui state but do listen for // hotbar keys WinEvent::InputUpdate(key, state) if ! => { if let Some(slot) = try_hotbar_slot_from_input(key) { handle_slot( slot, state, &mut, &mut self.slot_manager, &mut self.hotbar, ); true } else { false } }, WinEvent::Zoom(_) => !cursor_grabbed && !self.ui.no_widget_capturing_mouse(), WinEvent::InputUpdate(GameInput::Chat, true) => { self.ui.focus_widget(if self.typing() { None } else { Some( }); true }, WinEvent::InputUpdate(GameInput::Escape, true) => { if self.typing() { self.ui.focus_widget(None); } else { // Close windows on esc; } true }, // Press key while not typing WinEvent::InputUpdate(key, state) if !self.typing() => match key { GameInput::Command if state => { self.force_chat_input = Some("/".to_owned()); self.force_chat_cursor = Some(Index { line: 0, char: 1 }); self.ui.focus_widget(Some(; true }, GameInput::Map if state => {; true }, GameInput::Bag if state => {; true }, GameInput::Social if state => {; true }, GameInput::Crafting if state => {; true }, GameInput::Spellbook if state => {; true }, GameInput::Settings if state => {; true }, GameInput::Help if state => {; true }, GameInput::ToggleDebug if state => { global_state.settings.gameplay.toggle_debug = !global_state.settings.gameplay.toggle_debug; true }, GameInput::ToggleIngameUi if state => { = !; true }, // Skillbar input => { if let Some(slot) = try_hotbar_slot_from_input(input) { handle_slot( slot, state, &mut, &mut self.slot_manager, &mut self.hotbar, ); true } else { false } }, }, // Else the player is typing in chat WinEvent::InputUpdate(_key, _) => self.typing(), WinEvent::Char(_) => self.typing(), WinEvent::Focused(state) => { self.force_ungrab = !state; true }, WinEvent::Moved(_) => { // Prevent the cursor from being grabbed while the window is being moved as this // causes the window to move erratically // TODO: this creates an issue where if you move the window then you need to // close a menu to re-grab the mouse (and if one isn't already // open you need to open and close a menu) = false; true }, _ => false, }; // Handle cursor grab. global_state .window .grab_cursor(!self.force_ungrab &&; handled } #[allow(clippy::blocks_in_if_conditions)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 pub fn maintain( &mut self, client: &Client, global_state: &mut GlobalState, debug_info: &Option, camera: &Camera, dt: Duration, info: HudInfo, ) -> Vec { span!(_guard, "maintain", "Hud::maintain"); // conrod eats tabs. Un-eat a tabstop so tab completion can work if self.ui.ui.global_input().events().any(|event| { use conrod_core::{event, input}; matches!( event, /* event::Event::Raw(event::Input::Press(input::Button::Keyboard(input::Key:: * Tab))) | */ event::Event::Ui(event::Ui::Press(_, event::Press { button: event::Button::Keyboard(input::Key::Tab), .. },)) ) }) { self.ui .ui .handle_event(conrod_core::event::Input::Text("\t".to_string())); } // Optimization: skip maintaining UI when it's off. if ! { return std::mem::take(&mut; } if let Some(maybe_id) = self.to_focus.take() { self.ui.focus_widget(maybe_id); } let events = self.update_layout(client, global_state, debug_info, dt, info, camera); let camera::Dependents { view_mat, proj_mat, .. } = camera.dependents(); let focus_off = camera.get_focus_pos().map(f32::trunc); // Check if item images need to be reloaded self.item_imgs.reload_if_changed(&mut self.ui); self.ui.maintain( &mut global_state.window.renderer_mut(), Some(proj_mat * view_mat * Mat4::translation_3d(-focus_off)), ); events } pub fn render(&self, renderer: &mut Renderer, globals: &Consts) { span!(_guard, "render", "Hud::render"); // Don't show anything if the UI is toggled off. if { self.ui.render(renderer, Some(globals)); } } pub fn free_look(&mut self, free_look: bool) { = free_look; } pub fn auto_walk(&mut self, auto_walk: bool) { = auto_walk; } } // Get item qualities of equipped items and assign a tooltip title/frame color pub fn get_quality_col(item: &I) -> Color { match item.quality() { Quality::Low => QUALITY_LOW, Quality::Common => QUALITY_COMMON, Quality::Moderate => QUALITY_MODERATE, Quality::High => QUALITY_HIGH, Quality::Epic => QUALITY_EPIC, Quality::Legendary => QUALITY_LEGENDARY, Quality::Artifact => QUALITY_ARTIFACT, Quality::Debug => QUALITY_DEBUG, } } // Get info about applied buffs fn get_buff_info(buff: &comp::Buff) -> BuffInfo { BuffInfo { kind: buff.kind, data:, is_buff: buff.kind.is_buff(), dur: buff.time, } } fn try_hotbar_slot_from_input(input: GameInput) -> Option { Some(match input { GameInput::Slot1 => hotbar::Slot::One, GameInput::Slot2 => hotbar::Slot::Two, GameInput::Slot3 => hotbar::Slot::Three, GameInput::Slot4 => hotbar::Slot::Four, GameInput::Slot5 => hotbar::Slot::Five, GameInput::Slot6 => hotbar::Slot::Six, GameInput::Slot7 => hotbar::Slot::Seven, GameInput::Slot8 => hotbar::Slot::Eight, GameInput::Slot9 => hotbar::Slot::Nine, GameInput::Slot10 => hotbar::Slot::Ten, _ => return None, }) }