#![allow(clippy::type_complexity)] use common::{ spiral::Spiral2d, terrain::{chonk::Chonk, Block, BlockKind, SpriteKind}, vol::{IntoVolIterator, RectVolSize, SizedVol, WriteVol}, volumes::{ dyna::{Access, ColumnAccess, Dyna}, vol_grid_2d::VolGrid2d, }, }; use common_net::msg::compression::{ image_from_bytes, image_terrain_chonk, image_terrain_volgrid, CompressedData, GridLtrPacking, PackingFormula, QuadPngEncoding, TriPngEncoding, VoxelImageDecoding, VoxelImageEncoding, WidePacking, }; use hashbrown::HashMap; use image::ImageBuffer; use num_traits::cast::FromPrimitive; use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, io::{Read, Write}, sync::Arc, time::Instant, }; use tracing::{debug, trace}; use vek::*; use veloren_world::{ civ::SiteKind, sim::{FileOpts, WorldOpts, DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP}, World, }; fn lz4_with_dictionary(data: &[u8], dictionary: &[u8]) -> Vec { let mut compressed = Vec::new(); lz_fear::CompressionSettings::default() .dictionary(0, dictionary) .compress(data, &mut compressed) .unwrap(); compressed } #[allow(dead_code)] fn unlz4_with_dictionary(data: &[u8], dictionary: &[u8]) -> Option> { lz_fear::LZ4FrameReader::new(data).ok().and_then(|r| { let mut uncompressed = Vec::new(); r.into_read_with_dictionary(dictionary) .read_to_end(&mut uncompressed) .ok()?; bincode::deserialize(&*uncompressed).ok() }) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn do_deflate_rle(data: &[u8]) -> Vec { use deflate::{write::DeflateEncoder, CompressionOptions}; let mut encoder = DeflateEncoder::new(Vec::new(), CompressionOptions::rle()); encoder.write_all(data).expect("Write error!"); encoder.finish().expect("Failed to finish compression!") } // Separate function so that it shows up differently on the flamegraph fn do_deflate_flate2_zero(data: &[u8]) -> Vec { use flate2::{write::DeflateEncoder, Compression}; let mut encoder = DeflateEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::new(0)); encoder.write_all(data).expect("Write error!"); encoder.finish().expect("Failed to finish compression!") } fn do_deflate_flate2(data: &[u8]) -> Vec { use flate2::{write::DeflateEncoder, Compression}; let mut encoder = DeflateEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::new(LEVEL)); encoder.write_all(data).expect("Write error!"); encoder.finish().expect("Failed to finish compression!") } fn chonk_to_dyna( chonk: &Chonk, block: V, ) -> Dyna { let mut dyna = Dyna::::filled( Vec3::new( S::RECT_SIZE.x, S::RECT_SIZE.y, (chonk.get_max_z() - chonk.get_min_z()) as u32, ), block, chonk.meta().clone(), ); for (pos, block) in chonk.vol_iter( Vec3::new(0, 0, chonk.get_min_z()), Vec3::new(S::RECT_SIZE.x as _, S::RECT_SIZE.y as _, chonk.get_max_z()), ) { dyna.set(pos - chonk.get_min_z() * Vec3::unit_z(), block.clone()) .expect("a bug here represents the arithmetic being wrong"); } dyna } fn channelize_dyna( dyna: &Dyna, ) -> ( Dyna, Vec, Vec, Vec, Vec, ) { let mut blocks = Dyna::filled(dyna.sz, BlockKind::Air, dyna.metadata().clone()); let (mut r, mut g, mut b, mut sprites) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new()); for (pos, block) in dyna.vol_iter(dyna.lower_bound(), dyna.upper_bound()) { blocks.set(pos, **block).unwrap(); match (block.get_color(), block.get_sprite()) { (Some(rgb), None) => { r.push(rgb.r); g.push(rgb.g); b.push(rgb.b); }, (None, Some(spritekind)) => { sprites.push(spritekind); }, _ => panic!( "attr being used for color vs sprite is mutually exclusive (and that's required \ for this translation to be lossless), but there's no way to guarantee that at \ the type level with Block's public API" ), } } (blocks, r, g, b, sprites) } /// A tall, thin image, with no wasted space, but which most image viewers don't /// handle well. Z levels increase from top to bottom, xy-slices are stacked /// vertically. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct TallPacking { /// Making the borders go back and forth based on z-parity preserves spatial /// locality better, but is more confusing to look at pub flip_y: bool, } impl PackingFormula for TallPacking { #[inline(always)] fn dimensions(&self, dims: Vec3) -> (u32, u32) { (dims.x, dims.y * dims.z) } #[inline(always)] fn index(&self, dims: Vec3, x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> (u32, u32) { let i = x; let j0 = if self.flip_y { if z % 2 == 0 { y } else { dims.y - y - 1 } } else { y }; let j = z * dims.y + j0; (i, j) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PngEncoding; impl VoxelImageEncoding for PngEncoding { type Output = Vec; type Workspace = ImageBuffer, Vec>; fn create(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self::Workspace { use image::Rgba; ImageBuffer::, Vec>::new(width, height) } fn put_solid(&self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, rgb: Rgb) { ws.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgba([rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255 - kind as u8])); } fn put_sprite( &self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind, ori: Option, ) { ws.put_pixel( x, y, image::Rgba([kind as u8, sprite as u8, ori.unwrap_or(0), 255]), ); } fn finish(ws: &Self::Workspace) -> Option { use image::codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType}; let mut buf = Vec::new(); let png = image::codecs::png::PngEncoder::new_with_quality( &mut buf, CompressionType::Rle, FilterType::Up, ); png.encode( &*ws.as_raw(), ws.width(), ws.height(), image::ColorType::Rgba8, ) .ok()?; Some(buf) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct JpegEncoding; impl VoxelImageEncoding for JpegEncoding { type Output = Vec; type Workspace = ImageBuffer, Vec>; fn create(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self::Workspace { use image::Rgba; ImageBuffer::, Vec>::new(width, height) } fn put_solid(&self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, rgb: Rgb) { ws.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgba([rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255 - kind as u8])); } fn put_sprite( &self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind, _: Option, ) { ws.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgba([kind as u8, sprite as u8, 255, 255])); } fn finish(ws: &Self::Workspace) -> Option { let mut buf = Vec::new(); let mut jpeg = image::codecs::jpeg::JpegEncoder::new_with_quality(&mut buf, 1); jpeg.encode_image(ws).ok()?; Some(buf) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct MixedEncoding; impl VoxelImageEncoding for MixedEncoding { type Output = (Vec, [usize; 3]); type Workspace = ( ImageBuffer, Vec>, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ); fn create(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self::Workspace { ( ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ) } fn put_solid(&self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, rgb: Rgb) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.1.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([0])); ws.2.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([0])); ws.3.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb([rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b])); } fn put_sprite( &self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind, ori: Option, ) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.1.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([sprite as u8])); ws.2.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([ori.unwrap_or(0)])); ws.3.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb([0; 3])); } fn finish(ws: &Self::Workspace) -> Option { let mut buf = Vec::new(); use image::codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType}; let mut indices = [0; 3]; let mut f = |x: &ImageBuffer<_, Vec>, i| { let png = image::codecs::png::PngEncoder::new_with_quality( &mut buf, CompressionType::Rle, FilterType::Up, ); png.encode(&*x.as_raw(), x.width(), x.height(), image::ColorType::L8) .ok()?; indices[i] = buf.len(); Some(()) }; f(&ws.0, 0)?; f(&ws.1, 1)?; f(&ws.2, 2)?; let mut jpeg = image::codecs::jpeg::JpegEncoder::new_with_quality(&mut buf, 10); jpeg.encode_image(&ws.3).ok()?; Some((buf, indices)) } } impl VoxelImageDecoding for MixedEncoding { fn start((quad, indices): &Self::Output) -> Option { use image::codecs::{jpeg::JpegDecoder, png::PngDecoder}; let ranges: [_; 4] = [ 0..indices[0], indices[0]..indices[1], indices[1]..indices[2], indices[2]..quad.len(), ]; let a = image_from_bytes(PngDecoder::new(&quad[ranges[0].clone()]).ok()?)?; let b = image_from_bytes(PngDecoder::new(&quad[ranges[1].clone()]).ok()?)?; let c = image_from_bytes(PngDecoder::new(&quad[ranges[2].clone()]).ok()?)?; let d = image_from_bytes(JpegDecoder::new(&quad[ranges[3].clone()]).ok()?)?; Some((a, b, c, d)) } fn get_block(ws: &Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, _: bool) -> Block { if let Some(kind) = BlockKind::from_u8(ws.0.get_pixel(x, y).0[0]) { if kind.is_filled() { let rgb = ws.3.get_pixel(x, y); Block::new(kind, Rgb { r: rgb[0], g: rgb[1], b: rgb[2], }) } else { let mut block = Block::new(kind, Rgb { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }); if let Some(spritekind) = SpriteKind::from_u8(ws.1.get_pixel(x, y).0[0]) { block = block.with_sprite(spritekind); } if let Some(oriblock) = block.with_ori(ws.2.get_pixel(x, y).0[0]) { block = oriblock; } block } } else { Block::empty() } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct MixedEncodingSparseSprites; impl VoxelImageEncoding for MixedEncodingSparseSprites { type Output = ( Vec, usize, CompressedData, (SpriteKind, u8)>>, ); type Workspace = ( image::ImageBuffer, Vec>, image::ImageBuffer, Vec>, HashMap, (SpriteKind, u8)>, ); fn create(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self::Workspace { ( ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), HashMap::new(), ) } fn put_solid(&self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, rgb: Rgb) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.1.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb([rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b])); } fn put_sprite( &self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind, ori: Option, ) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.1.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb([0; 3])); ws.2.insert(Vec2::new(x, y), (sprite, ori.unwrap_or(0))); } fn finish(ws: &Self::Workspace) -> Option { let mut buf = Vec::new(); use image::codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType}; let png = image::codecs::png::PngEncoder::new_with_quality( &mut buf, CompressionType::Fast, FilterType::Up, ); png.encode( &*ws.0.as_raw(), ws.0.width(), ws.0.height(), image::ColorType::L8, ) .ok()?; let index = buf.len(); let mut jpeg = image::codecs::jpeg::JpegEncoder::new_with_quality(&mut buf, 1); jpeg.encode_image(&ws.1).ok()?; Some((buf, index, CompressedData::compress(&ws.2, 4))) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct MixedEncodingDenseSprites; impl VoxelImageEncoding for MixedEncodingDenseSprites { type Output = (Vec, [usize; 3]); type Workspace = ( ImageBuffer, Vec>, Vec, Vec, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ); fn create(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self::Workspace { ( ImageBuffer::new(width, height), Vec::new(), Vec::new(), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ) } fn put_solid(&self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, rgb: Rgb) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.3.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb([rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b])); } fn put_sprite( &self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind, ori: Option, ) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.1.push(sprite as u8); ws.2.push(ori.unwrap_or(0)); ws.3.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb([0; 3])); } fn finish(ws: &Self::Workspace) -> Option { let mut buf = Vec::new(); use image::codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType}; let mut indices = [0; 3]; let mut f = |x: &ImageBuffer<_, Vec>, i| { let png = image::codecs::png::PngEncoder::new_with_quality( &mut buf, CompressionType::Fast, FilterType::Up, ); png.encode(&*x.as_raw(), x.width(), x.height(), image::ColorType::L8) .ok()?; indices[i] = buf.len(); Some(()) }; f(&ws.0, 0)?; let mut g = |x: &[u8], i| { buf.extend_from_slice(&*CompressedData::compress(&x, 4).data); indices[i] = buf.len(); }; g(&ws.1, 1); g(&ws.2, 2); let mut jpeg = image::codecs::jpeg::JpegEncoder::new_with_quality(&mut buf, 1); jpeg.encode_image(&ws.3).ok()?; Some((buf, indices)) } } use kiddo::KdTree; use rstar::{PointDistance, RTree, RTreeObject, RTreeParams}; #[derive(Debug)] struct ColorPoint { rgb: Rgb, index: u8, } impl RTreeObject for ColorPoint { type Envelope = <[i32; 3] as RTreeObject>::Envelope; fn envelope(&self) -> Self::Envelope { [self.rgb.r as i32, self.rgb.g as i32, self.rgb.b as i32].envelope() } } impl PointDistance for ColorPoint { fn distance_2(&self, other: &[i32; 3]) -> i32 { (self.rgb.r as i32 - other[0]).pow(2) + (self.rgb.g as i32 - other[1]).pow(2) + (self.rgb.b as i32 - other[2]).pow(2) } fn contains_point(&self, other: &[i32; 3]) -> bool { &[self.rgb.r as i32, self.rgb.g as i32, self.rgb.b as i32] == other } } struct TestParams; impl RTreeParams for TestParams { type DefaultInsertionStrategy = rstar::RStarInsertionStrategy; const MAX_SIZE: usize = 4; const MIN_SIZE: usize = 2; const REINSERTION_COUNT: usize = 1; } lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref PALETTE_RTREE: HashMap> = { let ron_bytes = include_bytes!("palettes.ron"); let palettes: HashMap>> = ron::de::from_bytes(&*ron_bytes).expect("palette should parse"); palettes .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let tree = RTree::bulk_load_with_params(v.into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, rgb)| ColorPoint { rgb, index: index as u8 }) .collect() ); (k, tree) }) .collect() }; pub static ref PALETTE_KDTREE: HashMap> = { let ron_bytes = include_bytes!("palettes.ron"); let palettes: HashMap>> = ron::de::from_bytes(&*ron_bytes).expect("palette should parse"); palettes .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let mut tree = KdTree::new(); for (i, rgb) in v.into_iter().enumerate() { tree.add(&[rgb.r as f32, rgb.g as f32, rgb.b as f32], i as u8) .expect("kdtree insert should succeed"); } (k, tree) }) .collect() }; } pub trait NearestNeighbor { fn nearest_neighbor(&self, x: &Rgb) -> Option; } impl NearestNeighbor for KdTree { fn nearest_neighbor(&self, x: &Rgb) -> Option { self.nearest_one( &[x.r as f32, x.g as f32, x.b as f32], &kiddo::distance::squared_euclidean, ) .map(|(_, i)| *i) .ok() } } impl NearestNeighbor for RTree { fn nearest_neighbor(&self, x: &Rgb) -> Option { self.nearest_neighbor(&[x.r as i32, x.g as i32, x.b as i32]) .map(|p| p.index) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct PaletteEncoding<'a, NN: NearestNeighbor, const N: u32>(&'a HashMap); impl<'a, NN: NearestNeighbor, const N: u32> VoxelImageEncoding for PaletteEncoding<'a, NN, N> { type Output = CompressedData<(Vec, [usize; 4])>; type Workspace = ( ImageBuffer, Vec>, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ImageBuffer, Vec>, ); fn create(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self::Workspace { ( ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width, height), ImageBuffer::new(width / N, height / N), ) } fn put_solid(&self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, rgb: Rgb) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); let i = self.0[&kind].nearest_neighbor(&rgb).unwrap_or(0); ws.3.put_pixel(x / N, y / N, image::Luma([i])); } fn put_sprite( &self, ws: &mut Self::Workspace, x: u32, y: u32, kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind, ori: Option, ) { ws.0.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([kind as u8])); ws.1.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([sprite as u8])); ws.2.put_pixel(x, y, image::Luma([ori.unwrap_or(0)])); } fn finish(ws: &Self::Workspace) -> Option { let mut buf = Vec::new(); use image::codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType}; let mut indices = [0; 4]; let mut f = |x: &ImageBuffer<_, Vec>, i| { let png = image::codecs::png::PngEncoder::new_with_quality( &mut buf, CompressionType::Rle, FilterType::Up, ); png.encode(&*x.as_raw(), x.width(), x.height(), image::ColorType::L8) .ok()?; indices[i] = buf.len(); Some(()) }; f(&ws.0, 0)?; f(&ws.1, 1)?; f(&ws.2, 2)?; f(&ws.3, 3)?; Some(CompressedData::compress(&(buf, indices), 1)) } } fn histogram_to_dictionary(histogram: &HashMap, usize>, dictionary: &mut Vec) { let mut tmp: Vec<(Vec, usize)> = histogram.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), *v)).collect(); tmp.sort_by_key(|(_, count)| *count); debug!("{:?}", tmp.last()); let mut i = 0; let mut j = tmp.len() - 1; while i < dictionary.len() && j > 0 { let (k, v) = &tmp[j]; let dlen = dictionary.len(); let n = (i + k.len()).min(dlen); dictionary[i..n].copy_from_slice(&k[0..k.len().min(dlen - i)]); debug!("{}: {}: {:?}", tmp.len() - j, v, k); j -= 1; i = n; } } fn main() { let pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); common_frontend::init_stdout(None); println!("Loading world"); let (world, index) = World::generate( 59686, WorldOpts { seed_elements: true, world_file: FileOpts::LoadAsset(DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP.into()), }, &pool, ); println!("Loaded world"); const HISTOGRAMS: bool = false; let mut histogram: HashMap, usize> = HashMap::new(); let mut histogram2: HashMap, usize> = HashMap::new(); let mut dictionary = vec![0xffu8; 1 << 16]; let mut dictionary2 = vec![0xffu8; 1 << 16]; let k = 32; let sz = world.sim().get_size(); let sites = vec![ ("center", sz / 2), ( "dungeon", world .civs() .sites() .find(|s| s.is_dungeon()) .map(|s| s.center.as_()) .unwrap(), ), ( "town", world .civs() .sites() .find(|s| s.is_settlement()) .map(|s| s.center.as_()) .unwrap(), ), ( "castle", world .civs() .sites() .find(|s| s.is_castle()) .map(|s| s.center.as_()) .unwrap(), ), ( "tree", world .civs() .sites() .find(|s| matches!(s.kind, SiteKind::Tree)) .map(|s| s.center.as_()) .unwrap(), ), ]; const SKIP_DEFLATE_2_5: bool = false; const SKIP_DYNA: bool = true; const SKIP_IMAGECHONK: bool = true; const SKIP_MIXED: bool = true; const SKIP_VOLGRID: bool = true; const RADIUS: i32 = 7; //const RADIUS: i32 = 12; //const ITERS: usize = 50; const ITERS: usize = 0; let mut emit_graphs = std::fs::File::create("emit_compression_graphs.py").unwrap(); for (sitename, sitepos) in sites.iter() { let mut z_buckets: BTreeMap<&str, BTreeMap> = BTreeMap::new(); let mut totals: BTreeMap<&str, f32> = BTreeMap::new(); let mut total_timings: BTreeMap<&str, f32> = BTreeMap::new(); let mut count = 0; let mut volgrid = VolGrid2d::new().unwrap(); for (i, spiralpos) in Spiral2d::new() .radius(RADIUS) .map(|v| v + sitepos.as_()) .enumerate() { let chunk = world.generate_chunk(index.as_index_ref(), spiralpos, || false, None); if let Ok((chunk, _)) = chunk { let uncompressed = bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap(); let n = uncompressed.len(); if HISTOGRAMS { for w in uncompressed.windows(k) { *histogram.entry(w.to_vec()).or_default() += 1; } if i % 128 == 0 { histogram_to_dictionary(&histogram, &mut dictionary); } } let lz4chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let lz4_chonk = lz4_with_dictionary(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap(), &[]); let lz4chonk_post = Instant::now(); #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] for _ in 0..ITERS { let _deflate0_chonk = do_deflate_flate2_zero(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let _deflate1_chonk = do_deflate_flate2::<1>(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); } let rlechonk_pre = Instant::now(); let rle_chonk = do_deflate_rle(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let rlechonk_post = Instant::now(); let deflate0chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let deflate0_chonk = do_deflate_flate2_zero(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let deflate0chonk_post = Instant::now(); let deflate1chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let deflate1_chonk = do_deflate_flate2::<1>(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let deflate1chonk_post = Instant::now(); let mut sizes = vec![ ("lz4_chonk", lz4_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("rle_chonk", rle_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("deflate0_chonk", deflate0_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("deflate1_chonk", deflate1_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ]; #[rustfmt::skip] let mut timings = vec![ ("lz4chonk", (lz4chonk_post - lz4chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("rlechonk", (rlechonk_post - rlechonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("deflate0chonk", (deflate0chonk_post - deflate0chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("deflate1chonk", (deflate1chonk_post - deflate1chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ]; { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("lz4") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (lz4chonk_post - lz4chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if false { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("rle") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (rlechonk_post - rlechonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if false { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("deflate0") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (deflate0chonk_post - deflate0chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("deflate1") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (deflate1chonk_post - deflate1chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if !SKIP_DEFLATE_2_5 { let deflate2chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let deflate2_chonk = do_deflate_flate2::<2>(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let deflate2chonk_post = Instant::now(); let deflate3chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let deflate3_chonk = do_deflate_flate2::<3>(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let deflate3chonk_post = Instant::now(); let deflate4chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let deflate4_chonk = do_deflate_flate2::<4>(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let deflate4chonk_post = Instant::now(); let deflate5chonk_pre = Instant::now(); let deflate5_chonk = do_deflate_flate2::<5>(&bincode::serialize(&chunk).unwrap()); let deflate5chonk_post = Instant::now(); sizes.extend_from_slice(&[ ("deflate2_chonk", deflate2_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("deflate3_chonk", deflate3_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("deflate4_chonk", deflate4_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("deflate5_chonk", deflate5_chonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ]); #[rustfmt::skip] timings.extend_from_slice(&[ ("deflate2chonk", (deflate2chonk_post - deflate2chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("deflate3chonk", (deflate3chonk_post - deflate3chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("deflate4chonk", (deflate4chonk_post - deflate4chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("deflate5chonk", (deflate5chonk_post - deflate5chonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ]); { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("deflate2") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (deflate2chonk_post - deflate2chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("deflate3") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (deflate3chonk_post - deflate3chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("deflate4") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (deflate4chonk_post - deflate4chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("deflate5") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (deflate5chonk_post - deflate5chonk_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } } if !SKIP_DYNA { let dyna: Dyna<_, _, ColumnAccess> = chonk_to_dyna(&chunk, Block::empty()); let ser_dyna = bincode::serialize(&dyna).unwrap(); if HISTOGRAMS { for w in ser_dyna.windows(k) { *histogram2.entry(w.to_vec()).or_default() += 1; } if i % 128 == 0 { histogram_to_dictionary(&histogram2, &mut dictionary2); } } let lz4_dyna = lz4_with_dictionary(&*ser_dyna, &[]); let deflate_dyna = do_deflate_flate2::<5>(&*ser_dyna); let deflate_channeled_dyna = do_deflate_flate2::<5>( &bincode::serialize(&channelize_dyna(&dyna)).unwrap(), ); sizes.extend_from_slice(&[ ("lz4_dyna", lz4_dyna.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("deflate_dyna", deflate_dyna.len() as f32 / n as f32), ( "deflate_channeled_dyna", deflate_channeled_dyna.len() as f32 / n as f32, ), ]); if HISTOGRAMS { let lz4_dict_dyna = lz4_with_dictionary(&*ser_dyna, &dictionary2); sizes.push(("lz4_dict_dyna", lz4_dict_dyna.len() as f32 / n as f32)); } } if !SKIP_IMAGECHONK { let jpegchonkgrid_pre = Instant::now(); let jpegchonkgrid = image_terrain_chonk(&JpegEncoding, GridLtrPacking, &chunk).unwrap(); let jpegchonkgrid_post = Instant::now(); if false { use std::fs::File; let mut f = File::create(&format!( "chonkjpegs/tmp_{}_{}.jpg", spiralpos.x, spiralpos.y )) .unwrap(); f.write_all(&*jpegchonkgrid).unwrap(); } let jpegchonktall_pre = Instant::now(); let jpegchonktall = image_terrain_chonk(&JpegEncoding, TallPacking { flip_y: false }, &chunk) .unwrap(); let jpegchonktall_post = Instant::now(); let jpegchonkflip_pre = Instant::now(); let jpegchonkflip = image_terrain_chonk(&JpegEncoding, TallPacking { flip_y: true }, &chunk) .unwrap(); let jpegchonkflip_post = Instant::now(); let pngchonk_pre = Instant::now(); let pngchonk = image_terrain_chonk(&PngEncoding, GridLtrPacking, &chunk).unwrap(); let pngchonk_post = Instant::now(); sizes.extend_from_slice(&[ ("jpegchonkgrid", jpegchonkgrid.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("jpegchonktall", jpegchonktall.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("jpegchonkflip", jpegchonkflip.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("pngchonk", pngchonk.len() as f32 / n as f32), ]); #[rustfmt::skip] timings.extend_from_slice(&[ ("jpegchonkgrid", (jpegchonkgrid_post - jpegchonkgrid_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("jpegchonktall", (jpegchonktall_post - jpegchonktall_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("jpegchonkflip", (jpegchonkflip_post - jpegchonkflip_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("pngchonk", (pngchonk_post - pngchonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ]); } if !SKIP_MIXED { let mixedchonk_pre = Instant::now(); let mixedchonk = image_terrain_chonk(&MixedEncoding, TallPacking { flip_y: true }, &chunk) .unwrap(); let mixedchonk_post = Instant::now(); let mixeddeflate = CompressedData::compress(&mixedchonk, 1); let mixeddeflate_post = Instant::now(); let mixeddense_pre = Instant::now(); let mixeddense = image_terrain_chonk( &MixedEncodingDenseSprites, TallPacking { flip_y: true }, &chunk, ) .unwrap(); let mixeddense_post = Instant::now(); sizes.extend_from_slice(&[ ("mixedchonk", mixedchonk.0.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("mixeddeflate", mixeddeflate.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("mixeddenese", mixeddense.0.len() as f32 / n as f32), ]); #[rustfmt::skip] timings.extend_from_slice(&[ ("mixedchonk", (mixedchonk_post - mixedchonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("mixeddeflate", (mixeddeflate_post - mixedchonk_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("mixeddense", (mixeddense_post - mixeddense_pre).subsec_nanos()), ]); } let quadpngfull_pre = Instant::now(); let quadpngfull = image_terrain_chonk( &QuadPngEncoding::<1>(), TallPacking { flip_y: true }, &chunk, ) .unwrap(); let quadpngfull_post = Instant::now(); let quadpnghalf_pre = Instant::now(); let quadpnghalf = image_terrain_chonk( &QuadPngEncoding::<2>(), TallPacking { flip_y: true }, &chunk, ) .unwrap(); let quadpnghalf_post = Instant::now(); let quadpngquarttall_pre = Instant::now(); let quadpngquarttall = image_terrain_chonk( &QuadPngEncoding::<4>(), TallPacking { flip_y: true }, &chunk, ) .unwrap(); let quadpngquarttall_post = Instant::now(); let quadpngquartwide_pre = Instant::now(); let quadpngquartwide = image_terrain_chonk(&QuadPngEncoding::<4>(), WidePacking::(), &chunk) .unwrap(); let quadpngquartwide_post = Instant::now(); let tripngaverage_pre = Instant::now(); let tripngaverage = image_terrain_chonk(&TriPngEncoding::(), WidePacking::(), &chunk) .unwrap(); let tripngaverage_post = Instant::now(); let tripngconst_pre = Instant::now(); let tripngconst = image_terrain_chonk(&TriPngEncoding::(), WidePacking::(), &chunk) .unwrap(); let tripngconst_post = Instant::now(); let palette_kdtree_pre = Instant::now(); let palette_kdtree = image_terrain_chonk( &PaletteEncoding::<_, 4>(&PALETTE_KDTREE), WidePacking::(), &chunk, ) .unwrap(); let palette_kdtree_post = Instant::now(); let palette_rtree_pre = Instant::now(); let palette_rtree = image_terrain_chonk( &PaletteEncoding::<_, 4>(&PALETTE_RTREE), WidePacking::(), &chunk, ) .unwrap(); let palette_rtree_post = Instant::now(); #[rustfmt::skip] sizes.extend_from_slice(&[ ("quadpngfull", quadpngfull.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("quadpnghalf", quadpnghalf.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("quadpngquarttall", quadpngquarttall.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("quadpngquartwide", quadpngquartwide.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("tripngaverage", tripngaverage.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("tripngconst", tripngconst.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("palette_kdtree", palette_kdtree.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ("palette_rtree", palette_rtree.data.len() as f32 / n as f32), ]); let best_idx = sizes .iter() .enumerate() .fold((1.0, 0), |(best, i), (j, (_, ratio))| { if ratio < &best { (*ratio, j) } else { (best, i) } }) .1; #[rustfmt::skip] timings.extend_from_slice(&[ ("quadpngfull", (quadpngfull_post - quadpngfull_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("quadpnghalf", (quadpnghalf_post - quadpnghalf_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("quadpngquarttall", (quadpngquarttall_post - quadpngquarttall_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("quadpngquartwide", (quadpngquartwide_post - quadpngquartwide_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("tripngaverage", (tripngaverage_post - tripngaverage_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("tripngconst", (tripngconst_post - tripngconst_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("palette_kdtree", (palette_kdtree_post - palette_kdtree_pre).subsec_nanos()), ("palette_rtree", (palette_rtree_post - palette_rtree_pre).subsec_nanos()), ]); if false { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("quadpngquarttall") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (quadpngquarttall_post - quadpngquarttall_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("quadpngquartwide") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (quadpngquartwide_post - quadpngquartwide_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if false { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("tripngaverage") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (tripngaverage_post - tripngaverage_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if true { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("tripngconst") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (tripngconst_post - tripngconst_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if true { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("palette_kdtree") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (palette_kdtree_post - palette_kdtree_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } if true { let bucket = z_buckets .entry("palette_rtree") .or_default() .entry(chunk.get_max_z() - chunk.get_min_z()) .or_insert((0, 0.0)); bucket.0 += 1; bucket.1 += (palette_rtree_post - palette_rtree_pre).subsec_nanos() as f32; } trace!( "{} {}: uncompressed: {}, {:?} {} {:?}", spiralpos.x, spiralpos.y, n, sizes, best_idx, timings ); for (name, size) in sizes.iter() { *totals.entry(name).or_default() += size; } for (name, time) in timings.iter() { *total_timings.entry(name).or_default() += *time as f32; } count += 1; if !SKIP_VOLGRID { let _ = volgrid.insert(spiralpos, Arc::new(chunk)); if (1usize..20) .into_iter() .any(|i| (2 * i + 1) * (2 * i + 1) == count) { use std::fs::File; let mut f = File::create(&format!("chonkjpegs/{}_{}.jpg", sitename, count)) .unwrap(); let jpeg_volgrid = image_terrain_volgrid(&JpegEncoding, GridLtrPacking, &volgrid).unwrap(); f.write_all(&*jpeg_volgrid).unwrap(); let mixedgrid_pre = Instant::now(); let (mixed_volgrid, indices) = image_terrain_volgrid(&MixedEncoding, GridLtrPacking, &volgrid) .unwrap(); let mixedgrid_post = Instant::now(); let seconds = (mixedgrid_post - mixedgrid_pre).as_secs_f64(); println!( "Generated mixed_volgrid in {} seconds for {} chunks ({} avg)", seconds, count, seconds / count as f64, ); for i in 0..4 { const FMT: [&str; 4] = ["png", "png", "png", "jpg"]; let ranges: [_; 4] = [ 0..indices[0], indices[0]..indices[1], indices[1]..indices[2], indices[2]..mixed_volgrid.len(), ]; let mut f = File::create(&format!( "chonkmixed/{}_{}_{}.{}", sitename, count, i, FMT[i] )) .unwrap(); f.write_all(&mixed_volgrid[ranges[i].clone()]).unwrap(); } } } } if count % 64 == 0 { println!("Chunks processed ({}): {}\n", sitename, count); for (name, value) in totals.iter() { println!("Average {}: {}", name, *value / count as f32); } println!(); for (name, time) in total_timings.iter() { println!("Average {} nanos: {:02}", name, *time / count as f32); } (|| -> std::io::Result<()> { writeln!(emit_graphs, "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt")?; writeln!(emit_graphs, "plt.figure(clear=True)")?; for (name, bucket) in z_buckets.iter() { writeln!(emit_graphs, "{} = []", name)?; for (k, (i, v)) in bucket.iter() { writeln!( emit_graphs, "{}.append(({}, {:02}))", name, k, v / *i as f32 )?; } writeln!( emit_graphs, "plt.plot([x for (x, _) in {}], [y for (_, y) in {}], label='{}')", name, name, name )?; } writeln!(emit_graphs, "plt.xlabel('Chunk depth (voxels)')")?; writeln!(emit_graphs, "plt.ylabel('Time (nanoseconds)')")?; writeln!(emit_graphs, "plt.legend()")?; writeln!( emit_graphs, "plt.savefig('compression_speeds_{}_{}.png')", sitename, count )?; Ok(()) })() .unwrap(); println!("-----"); } if i % 256 == 0 { histogram.clear(); } } } }