[package] name = "veloren-voxygen" version = "0.5.0" authors = ["Joshua Barretto ", "Imbris "] edition = "2018" default-run = "veloren-voxygen" # Cargo thinks it should build the voxygen binary even when a specific bench is specified for building # Uncomment below and comment out default-run if you want to avoid this # autobins = false [features] gl = ["gfx_device_gl"] singleplayer = ["server"] default = ["gl", "singleplayer", "msgbox"] [dependencies] common = { package = "veloren-common", path = "../common" } client = { package = "veloren-client", path = "../client" } # Graphics gfx = "0.18.2" gfx_device_gl = { version = "0.16.2", optional = true } gfx_window_glutin = "0.31.0" glutin = "0.21.1" winit = { version = "0.19.4", features = ["serde"] } conrod_core = { git = "https://gitlab.com/veloren/conrod.git" } conrod_winit = { git = "https://gitlab.com/veloren/conrod.git" } euc = "0.3.0" # ECS specs = "0.15.1" specs-idvs = { git = "https://gitlab.com/veloren/specs-idvs.git" } # Mathematics vek = { version = "0.9.9", features = ["serde"] } # Singleplayer server = { package = "veloren-server", path = "../server", optional = true } # Utility glsl-include = "0.3.1" failure = "0.1.6" log = "0.4.8" dot_vox = "4.0.0" image = "0.22.3" serde = "1.0.102" serde_derive = "1.0.102" ron = "0.5.1" guillotiere = { git = "https://github.com/Imberflur/guillotiere" } fern = { version = "0.5.8", features = ["colored"] } msgbox = { git = "https://github.com/bekker/msgbox-rs.git", rev = "68fe39a", optional = true } directories = "2.0.2" num = "0.2.0" backtrace = "0.3.40" rand = "0.7.2" treeculler = { git = "https://gitlab.com/yusdacra/treeculler.git" } rodio = { version = "0.10", default-features = false, features = ["wav", "vorbis"] } cpal = "0.10" crossbeam = "=0.7.2" hashbrown = { version = "0.6.2", features = ["rayon", "serde", "nightly"] } chrono = "0.4.9" rust-argon2 = "0.5" bincode = "1.2" deunicode = "1.0" uvth = "3.1.1" authc = { git = "https://gitlab.com/veloren/auth.git", rev = "7c1abde83f0ea7d83b0e7c655fac82eb9bb3d7ad" } [target.'cfg(target_os = "macos")'.dependencies] dispatch = "0.1.4" [target.'cfg(windows)'.build-dependencies] winres = "0.1" [dev-dependencies] criterion = "0.3" git2 = "0.10" world = { package = "veloren-world", path = "../world" } gfx_window_glutin = { version = "0.31.0", features = ["headless"] } [[bench]] name = "meshing_benchmark" harness = false