use crate::{ comp::{self, pet::is_mountable, ship::figuredata::VOXEL_COLLIDER_MANIFEST}, link::{Is, Link, LinkHandle, Role}, terrain::{Block, TerrainGrid}, uid::{Uid, UidAllocator}, vol::ReadVol, }; use hashbrown::HashSet; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use specs::{ saveload::MarkerAllocator, storage::GenericWriteStorage, Component, DenseVecStorage, Entities, Entity, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, Write, WriteStorage, }; use vek::*; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Rider; impl Role for Rider { type Link = Mounting; } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Mount; impl Role for Mount { type Link = Mounting; } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Mounting { pub mount: Uid, pub rider: Uid, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum MountingError { NoSuchEntity, NotMountable, } impl Link for Mounting { type CreateData<'a> = ( Read<'a, UidAllocator>, WriteStorage<'a, Is>, WriteStorage<'a, Is>, ReadStorage<'a, Is>, ); type DeleteData<'a> = ( Read<'a, UidAllocator>, WriteStorage<'a, Is>, WriteStorage<'a, Is>, WriteStorage<'a, comp::Pos>, WriteStorage<'a, comp::ForceUpdate>, ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>, ); type Error = MountingError; type PersistData<'a> = ( Read<'a, UidAllocator>, Entities<'a>, ReadStorage<'a, comp::Health>, ReadStorage<'a, comp::Body>, ReadStorage<'a, Is>, ReadStorage<'a, Is>, ReadStorage<'a, comp::CharacterState>, ); fn create( this: &LinkHandle, (uid_allocator, mut is_mounts, mut is_riders, is_volume_rider): Self::CreateData<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let entity = |uid: Uid| uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); if this.mount == this.rider { // Forbid self-mounting Err(MountingError::NotMountable) } else if let Some((mount, rider)) = entity(this.mount).zip(entity(this.rider)) { // Ensure that neither mount or rider are already part of a mounting // relationship if !is_mounts.contains(mount) && !is_riders.contains(rider) && !is_volume_rider.contains(rider) { let _ = is_mounts.insert(mount, this.make_role()); let _ = is_riders.insert(rider, this.make_role()); Ok(()) } else { Err(MountingError::NotMountable) } } else { Err(MountingError::NoSuchEntity) } } fn persist( this: &LinkHandle, (uid_allocator, entities, healths, bodies, is_mounts, is_riders, character_states): Self::PersistData<'_>, ) -> bool { let entity = |uid: Uid| uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); if let Some((mount, rider)) = entity(this.mount).zip(entity(this.rider)) { let is_alive = |entity| { entities.is_alive(entity) && healths.get(entity).map_or(true, |h| !h.is_dead) }; let is_in_ridable_state = character_states .get(mount) .map_or(false, |cs| !matches!(cs, comp::CharacterState::Roll(_))); // Ensure that both entities are alive and that they continue to be linked is_alive(mount) && is_alive(rider) && is_mounts.get(mount).is_some() && is_riders.get(rider).is_some() && bodies.get(mount).map_or(false, |mount_body| { is_mountable(mount_body, bodies.get(rider)) }) && is_in_ridable_state } else { false } } fn delete( this: &LinkHandle, (uid_allocator, mut is_mounts, mut is_riders, mut positions, mut force_update, terrain): Self::DeleteData<'_>, ) { let entity = |uid: Uid| uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); let mount = entity(this.mount); let rider = entity(this.rider); // Delete link components|mount| is_mounts.remove(mount));|rider| is_riders.remove(rider)); // Try to move the rider to a safe place when dismounting let safe_pos = rider .and_then(|rider| positions.get(rider).copied()) .filter(|rider_pos| terrain.is_space(|e| e.floor() as i32))) .or_else(|| { mount .and_then(|mount| positions.get(mount).copied()) .filter(|mount_pos| { terrain.is_space( (mount_pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.1).map(|e| e.floor() as i32), ) }) }); rider .and_then(|rider| Some(rider).zip(positions.get_mut(rider))) .map(|(rider, pos)| { let old_pos =|e| e.floor() as i32); pos.0 = safe_pos .map(|p||e| e.floor())) .unwrap_or_else(|| terrain.find_ground(old_pos).map(|e| e as f32)) + Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0); if let Some(force_update) = force_update.get_mut(rider) { force_update.update(); } }); } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct VolumeRider; impl Role for VolumeRider { type Link = VolumeMounting; } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)] pub enum Volume { Terrain, Entity(Uid), } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)] pub struct VolumePos { pub kind: Volume, pub pos: Vec3, } impl VolumePos { pub fn terrain(block_pos: Vec3) -> Self { Self { kind: Volume::Terrain, pos: block_pos, } } pub fn entity(block_pos: Vec3, uid: Uid) -> Self { Self { kind: Volume::Entity(uid), pos: block_pos, } } } impl VolumePos { /// Retrieves the block and matrix transformation for this `VolumeBlock` /// /// The transform is located in the blocks minimum position relative to the /// volume. pub fn get_block_and_transform( &self, terrain: &TerrainGrid, uid_allocator: &UidAllocator, mut read_pos_and_ori: impl FnMut(Entity) -> Option<(comp::Pos, comp::Ori)>, colliders: &ReadStorage, ) -> Option<(Mat4, Block)> { match self.kind { Volume::Terrain => Some(( Mat4::translation_3d(self.pos.as_()), *terrain.get(self.pos).ok()?, )), Volume::Entity(uid) => { uid_allocator .retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0) .and_then(|entity| { let collider = colliders.get(entity)?; let (pos, ori) = read_pos_and_ori(entity)?; let voxel_colliders_manifest =; let voxel_collider = collider.get_vol(&voxel_colliders_manifest)?; let block = *voxel_collider.volume().get(self.pos).ok()?; let local_translation = voxel_collider.translation + self.pos.as_(); let trans = Mat4::from(ori.to_quat()).translated_3d(pos.0) * Mat4::::translation_3d(local_translation); Some((trans, block)) }) }, } } /// Get the block at this `VolumePos`. pub fn get_block( &self, terrain: &TerrainGrid, uid_allocator: &UidAllocator, colliders: &ReadStorage, ) -> Option { match self.kind { Volume::Terrain => Some(*terrain.get(self.pos).ok()?), Volume::Entity(uid) => { uid_allocator .retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0) .and_then(|entity| { let collider = colliders.get(entity)?; let voxel_colliders_manifest =; let voxel_collider = collider.get_vol(&voxel_colliders_manifest)?; let block = *voxel_collider.volume().get(self.pos).ok()?; Some(block) }) }, } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct VolumeRiders { riders: HashSet>, } impl Component for VolumeRiders { type Storage = DenseVecStorage; } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct VolumeMounting { pub pos: VolumePos, pub block: Block, pub rider: Uid, } impl Link for VolumeMounting { type CreateData<'a> = ( Write<'a, VolumeRiders>, WriteStorage<'a, VolumeRiders>, WriteStorage<'a, Is>, ReadStorage<'a, Is>, ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>, Read<'a, UidAllocator>, ReadStorage<'a, comp::Collider>, ); type DeleteData<'a> = ( Write<'a, VolumeRiders>, WriteStorage<'a, VolumeRiders>, WriteStorage<'a, Is>, Read<'a, UidAllocator>, ); type Error = MountingError; type PersistData<'a> = ( Entities<'a>, ReadStorage<'a, comp::Health>, Read<'a, VolumeRiders>, ReadStorage<'a, VolumeRiders>, ReadStorage<'a, Is>, ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>, Read<'a, UidAllocator>, ReadStorage<'a, comp::Collider>, ); fn create( this: &LinkHandle, ( mut terrain_riders, mut volume_riders, mut is_volume_riders, is_riders, terrain_grid, uid_allocator, colliders, ): Self::CreateData<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let entity = |uid: Uid| uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); let riders = match this.pos.kind { Volume::Terrain => &mut *terrain_riders, Volume::Entity(uid) => entity(uid) .and_then(|entity| volume_riders.get_mut_or_default(entity)) .ok_or(MountingError::NoSuchEntity)?, }; let rider = entity(this.rider).ok_or(MountingError::NoSuchEntity)?; if !riders.riders.contains(&this.pos.pos) && !is_volume_riders.contains(rider) && !is_volume_riders.contains(rider) && !is_riders.contains(rider) { let block = this .pos .get_block(&terrain_grid, &uid_allocator, &colliders) .ok_or(MountingError::NoSuchEntity)?; if block == this.block { let _ = is_volume_riders.insert(rider, this.make_role()); riders.riders.insert(this.pos.pos); Ok(()) } else { Err(MountingError::NotMountable) } } else { Err(MountingError::NotMountable) } } fn persist( this: &LinkHandle, ( entities, healths, terrain_riders, volume_riders, is_volume_riders, terrain_grid, uid_allocator, colliders, ): Self::PersistData<'_>, ) -> bool { let entity = |uid: Uid| uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); let is_alive = |entity| entities.is_alive(entity) && healths.get(entity).map_or(true, |h| !h.is_dead); let riders = match this.pos.kind { Volume::Terrain => &*terrain_riders, Volume::Entity(uid) => { let Some(riders) = entity(uid) .filter(|entity| is_alive(*entity)) .and_then(|entity| volume_riders.get(entity)) else { return false; }; riders }, }; let rider_exists = entity(this.rider).map_or(false, |rider| { is_volume_riders.contains(rider) && is_alive(rider) }); let mount_spot_exists = riders.riders.contains(&this.pos.pos); let block_exists = this .pos .get_block(&terrain_grid, &uid_allocator, &colliders) .map_or(false, |block| block == this.block); rider_exists && mount_spot_exists && block_exists } fn delete( this: &LinkHandle, (mut terrain_riders, mut volume_riders, mut is_rider, uid_allocator): Self::DeleteData<'_>, ) { let entity = |uid: Uid| uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); let riders = match this.pos.kind { Volume::Terrain => Some(&mut *terrain_riders), Volume::Entity(uid) => { entity(uid).and_then(|entity| volume_riders.get_mut_or_default(entity)) }, }; if let Some(riders) = riders { riders.riders.remove(&this.pos.pos); } if let Some(entity) = entity(this.rider) { is_rider.remove(entity); } } }