# Project-specific ## Veloren *.log *.rar assets/tweak/ maps notes.md notes.txt run.sh screenshots server_settings.ron settings.ron temp todo.md todo.txt userdata ## Allow asset hud settings !assets/voxygen/i18n/*/hud/settings.ron ## Export data *.csv img-export/**/*.png ## Game data stored with SQLite *.sqlite *.sqlite-journal *.sqlite-shm *.sqlite-wal ## Plugins /assets/plugins/* # Integrated development environments (IDEs) and text editors ## Eclipse .project ## JetBrains **/.idea/ **/*.iml ## Vim and Neovim **/.nvimrc **/*.vi **/*.vim **/*.swp **/*tags ## Visual Studio Code .vscode/ !/.vscode/launch.json *.code-workspace # Operating systems ## macOS .DS_Store ## NixOS nix/result* /result* /shell.nix # Programming and scripting languages ## Bash .history ## Rust target # Shell extensions ## direnv /.envrc /.direnv # Profiling and tracing tools ## Cargo build with --timings option cargo-timing* ## FlameGraph flamegraph.* ## heaptrack heaptrack.* ## perf tool for Linux perf.* ## wgpu with the "trace" feature enabled wgpu-trace/