#![feature(const_generics)] #![feature(or_patterns)] #![feature(generic_associated_types)] #![allow(incomplete_features)] #[cfg(all(feature = "be-dyn-lib", feature = "use-dyn-lib"))] compile_error!("Can't use both \"be-dyn-lib\" and \"use-dyn-lib\" features at once"); macro_rules! skeleton_impls { { struct $Skeleton:ident { $( $(+)? $bone:ident ),* $(,)? $(:: $($field:ident : $field_ty:ty),* $(,)? )? } } => { #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct $Skeleton { $( $bone: $crate::Bone, )* $($( $field : $field_ty, )*)? } impl<'a, Factor> $crate::vek::Lerp for &'a $Skeleton where Factor: Copy, $crate::Bone: Lerp { type Output = $Skeleton; fn lerp_unclamped_precise(from: Self, to: Self, factor: Factor) -> Self::Output { Self::Output { $( $bone: Lerp::lerp_unclamped_precise(from.$bone, to.$bone, factor), )* $($( $field : to.$field.clone(), )*)? } } fn lerp_unclamped(from: Self, to: Self, factor: Factor) -> Self::Output { Self::Output { $( $bone: Lerp::lerp_unclamped(from.$bone, to.$bone, factor), )* $($( $field : to.$field.clone(), )*)? } } } } } pub mod biped_large; pub mod biped_small; pub mod bird_large; pub mod bird_medium; pub mod character; pub mod dragon; #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] pub mod dyn_lib; pub mod fish_medium; pub mod fish_small; pub mod fixture; pub mod golem; pub mod object; pub mod quadruped_low; pub mod quadruped_medium; pub mod quadruped_small; pub mod ship; pub mod theropod; pub mod vek; #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] pub use dyn_lib::init; #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] use std::ffi::CStr; use self::vek::*; type MatRaw = [[f32; 4]; 4]; pub type FigureBoneData = (MatRaw, MatRaw); pub const MAX_BONE_COUNT: usize = 16; fn make_bone(mat: Mat4) -> FigureBoneData { let normal = mat.map_cols(Vec4::normalized); (mat.into_col_arrays(), normal.into_col_arrays()) } pub type Bone = Transform; pub trait Skeleton: Send + Sync + 'static { type Attr; type Body; const BONE_COUNT: usize; #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] const COMPUTE_FN: &'static [u8]; fn compute_matrices_inner( &self, base_mat: Mat4, offsets: Option>, buf: &mut [FigureBoneData; MAX_BONE_COUNT], ) -> [Transform; 2]; } pub fn compute_matrices( skeleton: &S, base_mat: Mat4, offsets: Option>, buf: &mut [FigureBoneData; MAX_BONE_COUNT], ) -> [Transform; 2] { #[cfg(not(feature = "use-dyn-lib"))] { S::compute_matrices_inner(skeleton, base_mat, offsets, buf) } #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] { let lock = dyn_lib::LIB.lock().unwrap(); let lib = &lock.as_ref().unwrap().lib; let compute_fn: libloading::Symbol< fn(&S, Mat4, &mut [FigureBoneData; MAX_BONE_COUNT]) -> [Transform; 2], > = unsafe { lib.get(S::COMPUTE_FN) }.unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!( "Trying to use: {} but had error: {:?}", CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(S::COMPUTE_FN) .map(CStr::to_str) .unwrap() .unwrap(), e ) }); compute_fn(skeleton, base_mat, buf) } } pub trait Animation { type Skeleton: Skeleton; type Dependency<'a>; #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8]; /// Returns a new skeleton that is generated by the animation. fn update_skeleton_inner<'a>( _skeleton: &Self::Skeleton, _dependency: Self::Dependency<'a>, _anim_time: f32, _rate: &mut f32, _skeleton_attr: &<::Skeleton as Skeleton>::Attr, ) -> Self::Skeleton; /// Calls `update_skeleton_inner` either directly or via `libloading` to /// generate the new skeleton. fn update_skeleton<'a>( skeleton: &Self::Skeleton, dependency: Self::Dependency<'a>, anim_time: f32, rate: &mut f32, skeleton_attr: &<::Skeleton as Skeleton>::Attr, ) -> Self::Skeleton { #[cfg(not(feature = "use-dyn-lib"))] { Self::update_skeleton_inner(skeleton, dependency, anim_time, rate, skeleton_attr) } #[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")] { let lock = dyn_lib::LIB.lock().unwrap(); let lib = &lock.as_ref().unwrap().lib; let update_fn: libloading::Symbol< fn( &Self::Skeleton, Self::Dependency<'a>, f32, &mut f32, &::Attr, ) -> Self::Skeleton, > = unsafe { //let start = std::time::Instant::now(); // Overhead of 0.5-5 us (could use hashmap to mitigate if this is an issue) let f = lib.get(Self::UPDATE_FN); //println!("{}", start.elapsed().as_nanos()); f } .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!( "Trying to use: {} but had error: {:?}", CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(Self::UPDATE_FN) .map(CStr::to_str) .unwrap() .unwrap(), e ) }); update_fn(skeleton, dependency, anim_time, rate, skeleton_attr) } } }