#version 330 core #include #include in vec3 v_pos; in vec3 v_norm; in vec3 v_col; in float v_ao; in uint v_bone_idx; layout (std140) uniform u_locals { mat4 model_mat; vec4 model_col; // bit 0 - is player // bit 1-31 - unused int flags; }; struct BoneData { mat4 bone_mat; }; layout (std140) uniform u_bones { BoneData bones[16]; }; out vec3 f_pos; out vec3 f_col; out float f_ao; flat out vec3 f_norm; // out float f_alt; // out vec4 f_shadow; void main() { // Pre-calculate bone matrix mat4 combined_mat = model_mat * bones[v_bone_idx].bone_mat; f_pos = ( combined_mat * vec4(v_pos, 1)).xyz; f_col = srgb_to_linear(v_col); f_ao = v_ao; // Calculate normal here rather than for each pixel in the fragment shader f_norm = normalize(( combined_mat * vec4(v_norm, 0.0) ).xyz); // Also precalculate shadow texture and estimated terrain altitude. // f_alt = alt_at(f_pos.xy); // f_shadow = textureBicubic(t_horizon, pos_to_tex(f_pos.xy)); gl_Position = all_mat * vec4(f_pos, 1); gl_Position.z = -1000.0 / (gl_Position.z + 10000.0); }