use super::{Graphic, SampleStrat, Transform}; use common::{ assets::{load, Error}, figure::Segment, }; use dot_vox::DotVoxData; use image::DynamicImage; use std::sync::Arc; use vek::*; pub enum BlankGraphic {} pub enum ImageGraphic {} pub trait GraphicCreator<'a> { type Specifier; fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result; } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for BlankGraphic { type Specifier = (); fn new_graphic(_: ()) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Blank) } } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for ImageGraphic { type Specifier = &'a str; fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Image(load::(specifier)?)) } } pub enum VoxelGraphic {} // TODO: Are these uneeded now that we have PixArtGraphic? pub enum VoxelSsGraphic {} pub enum VoxelSs4Graphic {} pub enum VoxelSs9Graphic {} pub enum VoxelPixArtGraphic {} fn load_segment(specifier: &str) -> Result, Error> { let dot_vox = load::(specifier)?; let seg = dot_vox.as_ref().into(); Ok(Arc::new(seg)) } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelGraphic { type Specifier = &'a str; fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Voxel( load_segment(specifier)?, Transform { ori: Quaternion::rotation_x(-std::f32::consts::PI / 2.0), ..Default::default() }, SampleStrat::None, )) } } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelSsGraphic { type Specifier = (&'a str, u8); fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Voxel( load_segment(specifier.0)?, Transform { ori: Quaternion::rotation_x(-std::f32::consts::PI / 2.0), ..Default::default() }, SampleStrat::SuperSampling(specifier.1), )) } } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelSs4Graphic { type Specifier = &'a str; fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Voxel( load_segment(specifier)?, Transform { ori: Quaternion::rotation_x(-std::f32::consts::PI / 2.0), ..Default::default() }, SampleStrat::SuperSampling(4), )) } } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelSs9Graphic { type Specifier = &'a str; fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Voxel( load_segment(specifier)?, Transform { ori: Quaternion::rotation_x(-std::f32::consts::PI / 2.0), ..Default::default() }, SampleStrat::SuperSampling(9), )) } } impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelPixArtGraphic { type Specifier = &'a str; fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result { Ok(Graphic::Voxel( load_segment(specifier)?, Transform { ori: Quaternion::rotation_x(-std::f32::consts::PI / 2.0), ..Default::default() }, SampleStrat::PixelCoverage, )) } } pub struct Rotations { pub none: conrod_core::image::Id, pub cw90: conrod_core::image::Id, pub cw180: conrod_core::image::Id, pub cw270: conrod_core::image::Id, pub source_north: conrod_core::image::Id, pub target_north: conrod_core::image::Id, } /// This macro will automatically load all specified assets, get the /// corresponding ImgIds and create a struct with all of them. /// /// Example usage: /// ```ignore /// use veloren_voxygen::{ /// image_ids, /// ui::img_ids::{BlankGraphic, ImageGraphic, VoxelGraphic}, /// }; /// /// image_ids! { /// pub struct Imgs { /// /// button1: "specifier1", /// button2: "specifier2", /// /// /// background: "background", /// /// /// blank: (), /// } /// } /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! image_ids { ($($v:vis struct $Ids:ident { $( <$T:ty> $( $name:ident: $specifier:expr ),* $(,)? )* })*) => { $( $v struct $Ids { $($( $v $name: conrod_core::image::Id, )*)* } impl $Ids { pub fn load(ui: &mut crate::ui::Ui) -> Result { use crate::ui::img_ids::GraphicCreator; Ok(Self { $($( $name: ui.add_graphic(<$T as GraphicCreator>::new_graphic($specifier)?), )*)* }) } } )* }; } // TODO: combine with the img_ids macro above using a marker for specific fields // that should be `Rotations` instead of `widget::Id` #[macro_export] macro_rules! rotation_image_ids { ($($v:vis struct $Ids:ident { $( <$T:ty> $( $name:ident: $specifier:expr ),* $(,)? )* })*) => { $( $v struct $Ids { $($( $v $name: crate::ui::img_ids::Rotations, )*)* } impl $Ids { pub fn load(ui: &mut crate::ui::Ui) -> Result { use crate::ui::img_ids::GraphicCreator; Ok(Self { $($( $name: ui.add_graphic_with_rotations(<$T as GraphicCreator>::new_graphic($specifier)?), )*)* }) } } )* }; }