#![deny(unsafe_code)] #![feature(drain_filter)] #![recursion_limit = "2048"] #[cfg(feature = "discord")] #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[cfg(feature = "discord")] pub mod discord; #[cfg(feature = "discord")] use std::sync::Mutex; #[macro_use] pub mod ui; pub mod anim; pub mod audio; pub mod error; pub mod hud; pub mod key_state; pub mod menu; pub mod mesh; pub mod render; pub mod scene; pub mod session; pub mod settings; #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] pub mod singleplayer; pub mod window; // Reexports pub use crate::error::Error; use crate::{audio::AudioFrontend, menu::main::MainMenuState, settings::Settings, window::Window}; use log::{self, debug, error, info}; use simplelog::{CombinedLogger, Config, TermLogger, TerminalMode, WriteLogger}; use std::{fs::File, mem, panic, str::FromStr}; #[cfg(feature = "heaptrack")] use heaptrack::track_mem; #[cfg(feature = "heaptrack")] track_mem!(); /// A type used to store state that is shared between all play states. pub struct GlobalState { settings: Settings, window: Window, audio: AudioFrontend, } impl GlobalState { /// Called after a change in play state has occurred (usually used to reverse any temporary /// effects a state may have made). pub fn on_play_state_changed(&mut self) { self.window.grab_cursor(false); self.window.needs_refresh_resize(); } pub fn maintain(&mut self, dt: f32) { self.audio.maintain(dt); } } pub enum Direction { Forwards, Backwards, } /// States can either close (and revert to a previous state), push a new state on top of themselves, /// or switch to a totally different state. pub enum PlayStateResult { /// Pop all play states in reverse order and shut down the program. Shutdown, /// Close the current play state and pop it from the play state stack. Pop, /// Push a new play state onto the play state stack. Push(Box), /// Switch the current play state with a new play state. Switch(Box), } /// A trait representing a playable game state. This may be a menu, a game session, the title /// screen, etc. pub trait PlayState { /// Play the state until some change of state is required (i.e: a menu is opened or the game /// is closed). fn play(&mut self, direction: Direction, global_state: &mut GlobalState) -> PlayStateResult; /// Get a descriptive name for this state type. fn name(&self) -> &'static str; } #[cfg(feature = "discord")] lazy_static! { //Set up discord rich presence static ref DISCORD_INSTANCE: Mutex = { discord::run() }; } fn main() { // Load the settings let settings = Settings::load(); // Save settings to add new fields or create the file if it is not already there if let Err(err) = settings.save_to_file() { panic!("Failed to save settings: {:?}", err); } let audio_device = match &settings.audio.audio_device { Some(d) => d.to_string(), None => audio::get_default_device(), }; let audio = if settings.audio.audio_on { AudioFrontend::new(audio_device, 16) } else { AudioFrontend::no_audio() }; let mut global_state = GlobalState { audio, window: Window::new(&settings).expect("Failed to create window!"), settings, }; let settings = &global_state.settings; // Initialize logging. let term_log_level = std::env::var_os("VOXYGEN_LOG") .and_then(|env| env.to_str().map(|s| s.to_owned())) .and_then(|s| log::LevelFilter::from_str(&s).ok()) .unwrap_or(log::LevelFilter::Warn); CombinedLogger::init(vec![ TermLogger::new(term_log_level, Config::default(), TerminalMode::Mixed).unwrap(), WriteLogger::new( log::LevelFilter::Info, Config::default(), File::create(&settings.log.file).unwrap(), ), ]) .unwrap(); // Set up panic handler to relay swish panic messages to the user let settings_clone = settings.clone(); let default_hook = panic::take_hook(); panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| { let panic_info_payload = panic_info.payload(); let payload_string = panic_info_payload.downcast_ref::(); let reason = match payload_string { Some(s) => &s, None => { let payload_str = panic_info_payload.downcast_ref::<&str>(); match payload_str { Some(st) => st, None => "Payload is not a string", } } }; let msg = format!( "A critical error has occurred and Voxygen has been forced to \ terminate in an unusual manner. Details about the error can be \ found below.\n\ \n\ > What should I do?\n\ \n\ We need your help to fix this! You can help by contacting us and \ reporting this problem. To do this, open an issue on the Veloren \ issue tracker:\n\ \n\ https://www.gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/issues/new\n\ \n\ If you're on the Veloren community Discord server, we'd be \ grateful if you could also post a message in the #support channel. \n\ > What should I include?\n\ \n\ The error information below will be useful in finding and fixing \ the problem. Please include as much information about your setup \ and the events that led up to the panic as possible. \n\ Voxygen has logged information about the problem (including this \ message) to the file {:#?}. Please include the contents of this \ file in your bug report. \n\ > Error information\n\ \n\ The information below is intended for developers and testers.\n\ \n\ Panic Payload: {:?}\n\ PanicInfo: {}", settings_clone.log.file, reason, panic_info, ); error!( "VOXYGEN HAS PANICKED\n\n{}\n\nBacktrace:\n{:?}", msg, backtrace::Backtrace::new(), ); #[cfg(feature = "msgbox")] msgbox::create("Voxygen has panicked", &msg, msgbox::IconType::Error); default_hook(panic_info); })); // Initialise Discord #[cfg(feature = "discord")] { use discord::DiscordUpdate; discord::send_all(vec![ DiscordUpdate::Details("Menu".into()), DiscordUpdate::State("Idling".into()), DiscordUpdate::LargeImg("bg_main".into()), ]); } // Set up the initial play state. let mut states: Vec> = vec![Box::new(MainMenuState::new(&mut global_state))]; states .last() .map(|current_state| info!("Started game with state '{}'", current_state.name())); // What's going on here? // --------------------- // The state system used by Voxygen allows for the easy development of stack-based menus. // For example, you may want a "title" state that can push a "main menu" state on top of it, // which can in turn push a "settings" state or a "game session" state on top of it. // The code below manages the state transfer logic automatically so that we don't have to // re-engineer it for each menu we decide to add to the game. let mut direction = Direction::Forwards; while let Some(state_result) = states .last_mut() .map(|last| last.play(direction, &mut global_state)) { // Implement state transfer logic. match state_result { PlayStateResult::Shutdown => { direction = Direction::Backwards; info!("Shutting down all states..."); while states.last().is_some() { states.pop().map(|old_state| { debug!("Popped state '{}'.", old_state.name()); global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }); } } PlayStateResult::Pop => { direction = Direction::Backwards; states.pop().map(|old_state| { debug!("Popped state '{}'.", old_state.name()); global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }); } PlayStateResult::Push(new_state) => { direction = Direction::Forwards; debug!("Pushed state '{}'.", new_state.name()); states.push(new_state); global_state.on_play_state_changed(); } PlayStateResult::Switch(mut new_state) => { direction = Direction::Forwards; states.last_mut().map(|old_state| { debug!( "Switching to state '{}' from state '{}'.", new_state.name(), old_state.name() ); mem::swap(old_state, &mut new_state); global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }); } } } //Properly shutdown discord thread #[cfg(feature = "discord")] { match DISCORD_INSTANCE.lock() { Ok(mut disc) => { let _ = disc.tx.send(discord::DiscordUpdate::Shutdown); match disc.thread.take() { Some(th) => { let _ = th.join(); } None => { error!("couldn't gracefully shutdown discord thread"); } } } Err(e) => error!("couldn't gracefully shutdown discord thread: {}", e), } } // Save any unsaved changes to settings global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); }