# Template to only run if actual changes has been made to the code and not just documentation .tests: &tests extends: .recompile stage: build-post tags: - veloren-docker unittests: <<: *tests script: - cargo test retry: max: 2 coverage: <<: *tests allow_failure: true script: - cargo tarpaulin -v retry: max: 2 benchmarks: <<: *tests script: - unset DISABLE_GIT_LFS_CHECK - cargo bench retry: max: 2 localization-status: <<: *tests variables: GIT_DEPTH: 0 allow_failure: true script: - cargo test -q test_all_localizations -- --nocapture --ignored # Artifacts .artifact: &artifact extends: .recompile extends: .release stage: build-post tags: - veloren-docker linux: <<: *artifact script: - cargo build --release - cp -r target/release/veloren-server-cli $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp -r target/release/veloren-voxygen $CI_PROJECT_DIR - strip --strip-all veloren-server-cli - strip --strip-all veloren-voxygen artifacts: paths: - veloren-server-cli - veloren-voxygen - assets/ - LICENSE expire_in: 1 week windows: <<: *artifact script: - cargo build --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu --release - cp -r target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/veloren-server-cli.exe $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp -r target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/veloren-voxygen.exe $CI_PROJECT_DIR artifacts: paths: - veloren-server-cli.exe - veloren-voxygen.exe - assets/ - LICENSE expire_in: 1 week macos: <<: *artifact script: - PATH="/dockercache/osxcross/target/bin:$PATH" COREAUDIO_SDK_PATH=/dockercache/osxcross/target/SDK/MacOSX10.13.sdk CC=o64-clang CXX=o64-clang++ cargo build --target x86_64-apple-darwin --release - cp -r target/x86_64-apple-darwin/release/veloren-server-cli $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp -r target/x86_64-apple-darwin/release/veloren-voxygen $CI_PROJECT_DIR artifacts: paths: - veloren-server-cli - veloren-voxygen - assets/ - LICENSE expire_in: 1 week allow_failure: true