use crate::{ consts::MAX_PATH_DIST, data::{AgentData, AttackData, Path, ReadData, TargetData}, util::entities_have_line_of_sight, }; use common::{ comp::{ ability::{self, AbilityKind, ActiveAbilities, AuxiliaryAbility, Capability}, buff::BuffKind, skills::{AxeSkill, BowSkill, HammerSkill, SceptreSkill, Skill, StaffSkill, SwordSkill}, AbilityInput, Agent, CharacterAbility, CharacterState, ControlAction, ControlEvent, Controller, InputKind, }, path::TraversalConfig, states::{self_buff, sprite_summon, utils::StageSection}, terrain::Block, util::Dir, vol::ReadVol, }; use rand::Rng; use std::{f32::consts::PI, time::Duration}; use vek::*; impl<'a> AgentData<'a> { // Intended for any agent that has one attack, that attack is a melee attack, // and the agent is able to freely walk around pub fn handle_simple_melee( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 30.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Full, None, ); if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && rng.gen::() < 0.02 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } } // Intended for any agent that has one attack, that attack is a melee attack, // and the agent is able to freely fly around pub fn handle_simple_flying_melee( &self, _agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, _rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { // Fly to target let dir_to_target = ((tgt_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 1.5) - self.pos.0) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec3::zero); let speed = 1.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = dir_to_target.xy() * speed; // Always fly! If the floor can't touch you, it can't hurt you... controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); // Flee from the ground! The internet told me it was lava! // If on the ground, jump with every last ounce of energy, holding onto all that // is dear in life and straining for the wide open skies. if self.physics_state.on_ground.is_some() { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Jump); } else { // Only fly down if close enough to target in the xy plane // Otherwise fly towards the target bouncing around a 5 block altitude let mut maintain_altitude = |altitude| { if read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * altitude)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Fly up controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else { // Fly down controller.inputs.move_z = -1.0; } }; if (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0).xy().magnitude_squared() > (5.0_f32).powi(2) { // If above 5 blocks, fly down maintain_altitude(5.0); } else { maintain_altitude(2.0); // Attack if in range if attack_data.dist_sqrd < 3.5_f32.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 150.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } } } // Intended for any agent that has one attack, that attack is a melee attack, // the agent is able to freely walk around, and the agent is trying to attack // from behind its target pub fn handle_simple_backstab( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { // Handle attacking of agent if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 30.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); } // Handle movement of agent let target_ori = agent .target .and_then(|t| read_data.orientations.get( .map(|ori| ori.look_vec()) .unwrap_or_default(); let dist = attack_data.dist_sqrd.sqrt(); let in_front_of_target = - tgt_data.pos.0) > 0.0; if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // If in front of the target, circle to try and get behind, else just make a // beeline for the back of the agent let vec_to_target = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0).xy(); if in_front_of_target { let theta = (PI / 2. - dist * 0.1).max(0.0); // Checks both CW and CCW rotation let potential_move_dirs = [ vec_to_target .rotated_z(theta) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_default(), vec_to_target .rotated_z(-theta) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_default(), ]; // Finds shortest path to get behind if let Some(move_dir) = potential_move_dirs .iter() .find(|move_dir| target_ori.xy().dot(**move_dir) < 0.0) { controller.inputs.move_dir = *move_dir; } } else { // Aim for a point a given distance behind the target to prevent sideways // movement let move_target = tgt_data.pos.0.xy() - dist / 2. * target_ori.xy(); controller.inputs.move_dir = (move_target - self.pos.0) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_default(); } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Full, None, ); } } pub fn handle_elevated_ranged( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { let line_of_sight_with_target = || { entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) }; let elevation = self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z; const PREF_DIST: f32 = 30_f32; if attack_data.angle_xy < 30.0 && (elevation > 10.0 || attack_data.dist_sqrd > PREF_DIST.powi(2)) && line_of_sight_with_target() { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (PREF_DIST / 2.).powi(2) { // Attempt to move quickly away from target if too close if let Some((bearing, _)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { let flee_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero); let pos = self.pos.0.xy().with_z(self.pos.0.z + 1.5); if read_data .terrain .ray(pos, pos + flee_dir * 2.0) .until(|b| b.is_solid() || b.get_sprite().is_none()) .cast() .0 > 1.0 { // If able to flee, flee controller.inputs.move_dir = flee_dir; if !self.char_state.is_attack() { controller.inputs.look_dir = -controller.inputs.look_dir; } } else { // Otherwise, fight to the death controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < PREF_DIST.powi(2) { // Attempt to move away from target if too close, while still attacking if let Some((bearing, _)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if line_of_sight_with_target() { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } controller.inputs.move_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero); } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Full, None, ); } } pub fn handle_axe_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerHandleAxeAttack = 0, } let has_leap = || self.skill_set.has_skill(Skill::Axe(AxeSkill::UnlockLeap)); let has_energy = |need| > need; let use_leap = |controller: &mut Controller| { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); }; if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleAxeAttack as usize] > 5.0 { controller.push_cancel_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleAxeAttack as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleAxeAttack as usize] > 2.5 && has_energy(10.0) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleAxeAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if has_leap() && has_energy(45.0) && rng.gen_bool(0.5) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleAxeAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleAxeAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); if attack_data.dist_sqrd < 32.0f32.powi(2) && has_leap() && has_energy(50.0) && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { use_leap(controller); } if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && rng.gen::() < 0.02 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } } pub fn handle_hammer_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerHandleHammerAttack = 0, } let has_leap = || { self.skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Hammer(HammerSkill::UnlockLeap)) }; let has_energy = |need| > need; let use_leap = |controller: &mut Controller| { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); }; if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleHammerAttack as usize] > 4.0 { controller.push_cancel_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleHammerAttack as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleHammerAttack as usize] > 3.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleHammerAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if has_leap() && has_energy(50.0) && rng.gen_bool(0.9) { use_leap(controller); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleHammerAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleHammerAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); if attack_data.dist_sqrd < 32.0f32.powi(2) && has_leap() && has_energy(50.0) && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { use_leap(controller); } if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && rng.gen::() < 0.02 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } } pub fn handle_sword_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { struct ComboMeleeData { min_range: f32, max_range: f32, angle: f32, energy: f32, } impl ComboMeleeData { fn could_use(&self, attack_data: &AttackData, agent_data: &AgentData) -> bool { attack_data.dist_sqrd < self.max_range.powi(2) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > self.min_range.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < self.angle && >= } } struct FinisherMeleeData { range: f32, angle: f32, energy: f32, combo: u32, } impl FinisherMeleeData { fn could_use(&self, attack_data: &AttackData, agent_data: &AgentData) -> bool { attack_data.dist_sqrd < self.range.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < self.angle && >= && agent_data .combo .map_or(false, |c| c.counter() >= self.combo) } fn use_desirable(&self, tgt_data: &TargetData, agent_data: &AgentData) -> bool { let combo_factor = agent_data.combo.map_or(0, |c| c.counter()) as f32 / self.combo as f32 * 2.0; let tgt_health_factor =, |h| h.current()) / 50.0; let self_health_factor =, |h| h.current()) / 50.0; // Use becomes more desirable if either self or target is close to death combo_factor > tgt_health_factor.min(self_health_factor) } } struct SelfBuffData { buff: BuffKind, energy: f32, } impl SelfBuffData { fn could_use(&self, agent_data: &AgentData) -> bool { >= } fn use_desirable(&self, agent_data: &AgentData) -> bool { agent_data .buffs .map_or(false, |buffs| !buffs.contains(self.buff)) } } use ability::SwordStance; let stance = |stance| match stance { 1 => SwordStance::Offensive, 2 => SwordStance::Defensive, 3 => SwordStance::Mobility, 4 => SwordStance::Crippling, 5 => SwordStance::Cleaving, 6 => SwordStance::Parrying, 7 => SwordStance::Heavy, 8 => SwordStance::Reaching, _ => SwordStance::Balanced, }; if !agent.action_state.initialized { // TODO: Don't always assume that if they have skill checked for, they have // entire set of necessary skills to take full advantage of AI. Make sure to // change this to properly query for all required skills when AI dynamically get // new skills and don't have pre-created skill sets. agent.action_state.int_counter = if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sword(SwordSkill::CripplingFinisher)) { // rng.gen_range(4..9) 4 } else if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sword(SwordSkill::OffensiveFinisher)) { rng.gen_range(1..4) } else { 0 }; let auxiliary_key = ActiveAbilities::active_auxiliary_key(Some(self.inventory)); let mut set_sword_ability = |slot, skill| { controller.push_event(ControlEvent::ChangeAbility { slot, auxiliary_key, new_ability: AuxiliaryAbility::MainWeapon(skill), }) }; match stance(agent.action_state.int_counter) { SwordStance::Balanced => { // Balanced finisher set_sword_ability(0, 0); }, SwordStance::Offensive => { // Offensive combo set_sword_ability(0, 1); // Offensive advance set_sword_ability(1, 3); // Offensive finisher set_sword_ability(2, 2); // Balanced finisher set_sword_ability(3, 0); }, SwordStance::Defensive => { // Defensive combo set_sword_ability(0, 12); // Defensive retreat set_sword_ability(1, 14); // Defensive bulwark set_sword_ability(2, 13); // Balanced finisher set_sword_ability(3, 0); }, SwordStance::Mobility => { // Mobility combo set_sword_ability(0, 23); // Mobility feint set_sword_ability(1, 24); // Mobility agility set_sword_ability(2, 25); // Balanced finisher set_sword_ability(3, 0); }, SwordStance::Crippling => { // Crippling combo set_sword_ability(0, 4); // Crippling finisher set_sword_ability(1, 5); // Crippling strike set_sword_ability(2, 6); // Crippling gouge set_sword_ability(3, 7); // Offensive advance set_sword_ability(4, 3); }, SwordStance::Cleaving => { // Cleaving combo set_sword_ability(0, 8); // Cleaving finisher set_sword_ability(1, 9); // Cleaving spin set_sword_ability(2, 10); // Cleaving dive set_sword_ability(3, 11); // Offensive finisher set_sword_ability(4, 2); }, SwordStance::Parrying => { // Parrying combo set_sword_ability(0, 15); // Parrying parry set_sword_ability(1, 16); // Parrying riposte set_sword_ability(2, 17); // Parrying counter set_sword_ability(3, 18); // Defensive retreat set_sword_ability(4, 14); }, SwordStance::Heavy => { // Heavy combo set_sword_ability(0, 19); // Heavy finisher set_sword_ability(1, 20); // Heavy pommelstrike set_sword_ability(2, 21); // Heavy fortitude set_sword_ability(3, 22); // Defensive bulwark set_sword_ability(4, 13); }, SwordStance::Reaching => { // Reaching combo set_sword_ability(0, 26); // Reaching charge set_sword_ability(1, 27); // Reaching flurry set_sword_ability(2, 28); // Reaching skewer set_sword_ability(3, 29); // Mobility agility set_sword_ability(4, 25); }, } agent.action_state.initialized = true; } let advance = |agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, dist: f32, angle: f32| { if attack_data.dist_sqrd > dist.powi(2) || attack_data.angle > angle { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } }; // Called when out of energy, or the situation is not right to use another // ability. Only contains tactics for using M1 and M2 let fallback_rng_1 = rng.gen::() < 0.67; let fallback_tactics = |agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller| { const BALANCED_COMBO: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 2.5, angle: 40.0, energy: 0.0, }; const BALANCED_THRUST: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 4.0, angle: 8.0, energy: 0.0, }; let balanced_thrust_targetable = BALANCED_THRUST.could_use(attack_data, self); if (matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::ChargedMelee(c) if c.charge_amount < 0.95) || matches!( tgt_data.char_state.and_then(|cs| cs.stage_section()), Some(StageSection::Buildup) )) && balanced_thrust_targetable { // If target in buildup (and therefore likely to still be around for an attack // that needs charging), thrust // Or if already thrusting, keep thrussting controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if BALANCED_COMBO.could_use(attack_data, self) && fallback_rng_1 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if balanced_thrust_targetable { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } advance(agent, controller, 1.5, BALANCED_COMBO.angle); }; let in_stance = |stance| { if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = self.char_state { c.static_data.is_stance && c.static_data .ability_info .ability_meta .and_then(|meta| meta.kind) .map_or(false, |kind| AbilityKind::Sword(stance) == kind) } else { false } }; const BALANCED_FINISHER: FinisherMeleeData = FinisherMeleeData { range: 2.5, angle: 12.5, energy: 30.0, combo: 10, }; const OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 6.0, max_range: 10.0, angle: 20.0, energy: 10.0, }; match stance(agent.action_state.int_counter) { SwordStance::Balanced => { if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sword(SwordSkill::BalancedFinisher)) && BALANCED_FINISHER.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); advance( agent, controller, BALANCED_FINISHER.range, BALANCED_FINISHER.angle, ); } else { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); } }, SwordStance::Offensive => { const OFFENSIVE_COMBO: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 2.0, angle: 30.0, energy: 5.0, }; const OFFENSIVE_FINISHER: FinisherMeleeData = FinisherMeleeData { range: 2.0, angle: 10.0, energy: 40.0, combo: 10, }; const DESIRED_ENERGY: f32 = 50.0; if < DESIRED_ENERGY { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); } else if !in_stance(SwordStance::Offensive) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else { let used_finisher = if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sword(SwordSkill::OffensiveFinisher)) { if OFFENSIVE_FINISHER.could_use(attack_data, self) && OFFENSIVE_FINISHER.use_desirable(tgt_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); advance( agent, controller, OFFENSIVE_FINISHER.range, OFFENSIVE_FINISHER.angle, ); true } else { false } } else if BALANCED_FINISHER.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(3)); advance( agent, controller, BALANCED_FINISHER.range, BALANCED_FINISHER.angle, ); true } else { false }; if !used_finisher { if OFFENSIVE_COMBO.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); advance( agent, controller, OFFENSIVE_COMBO.max_range, OFFENSIVE_COMBO.angle, ); } else if OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); advance( agent, controller, OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE.max_range, OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE.angle, ); } else { advance( agent, controller, OFFENSIVE_COMBO.max_range, OFFENSIVE_COMBO.angle, ); } } } }, SwordStance::Defensive => { const DEFENSIVE_COMBO: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 2.5, angle: 35.0, energy: 5.0, }; const DEFENSIVE_RETREAT: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 3.0, angle: 35.0, energy: 10.0, }; const DEFENSIVE_BULWARK: SelfBuffData = SelfBuffData { buff: BuffKind::ProtectingWard, energy: 40.0, }; const DESIRED_ENERGY: f32 = 50.0; let mut try_block = || { if let Some(char_state) = tgt_data.char_state { matches!(char_state.stage_section(), Some(StageSection::Buildup)) && char_state.is_melee_attack() && char_state .timer() .map_or(false, |timer| rng.gen::() < timer.as_secs_f32() * 4.0) && self .char_state .ability_info() .and_then(|a| a.ability_meta) .map(|m| m.capabilities) .map_or(false, |c| c.contains(Capability::BLOCK_INTERRUPT)) } else { false } }; if read_data.time.0 - self .health .map_or(read_data.time.0, |h| h.last_change.time.0) < read_data.dt.0 as f64 * 2.0 { // If attacked in last couple ticks, stop standing still agent.action_state.condition = false; } else if matches!( self.char_state.ability_info().and_then(|info| info.input), Some(InputKind::Ability(1)) ) { // If used defensive retreat, stand still for a little bit to bait people // forward agent.action_state.condition = true; }; if < DESIRED_ENERGY { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); } else if !in_stance(SwordStance::Defensive) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if DEFENSIVE_BULWARK.could_use(self) && DEFENSIVE_BULWARK.use_desirable(self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); } else if BALANCED_FINISHER.could_use(attack_data, self) && BALANCED_FINISHER.use_desirable(tgt_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(3)); advance( agent, controller, BALANCED_FINISHER.range, BALANCED_FINISHER.angle, ); } else if try_block() { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Block); } else if DEFENSIVE_RETREAT.could_use(attack_data, self) && rng.gen::() < 0.2 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); if !agent.action_state.condition { advance( agent, controller, DEFENSIVE_RETREAT.max_range, DEFENSIVE_RETREAT.angle, ); } } else if DEFENSIVE_COMBO.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); if !agent.action_state.condition { advance( agent, controller, DEFENSIVE_COMBO.max_range, DEFENSIVE_COMBO.angle, ); } } else if !agent.action_state.condition { advance( agent, controller, DEFENSIVE_COMBO.max_range, DEFENSIVE_COMBO.angle, ); } }, SwordStance::Mobility => { const MOBILITY_COMBO: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 2.5, angle: 35.0, energy: 10.0, }; const MOBILITY_FEINT: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 3.0, angle: 35.0, energy: 10.0, }; const MOBILITY_AGILITY: SelfBuffData = SelfBuffData { buff: BuffKind::Hastened, energy: 40.0, }; const DESIRED_ENERGY: f32 = 50.0; let mut try_roll = || { if let Some(char_state) = tgt_data.char_state { matches!(char_state.stage_section(), Some(StageSection::Buildup)) && char_state.is_melee_attack() && char_state .timer() .map_or(false, |timer| rng.gen::() < timer.as_secs_f32() * 4.0) && matches!( self.char_state.stage_section(), Some(StageSection::Recover) ) && self .char_state .ability_info() .and_then(|a| a.ability_meta) .map(|m| m.capabilities) .map_or(false, |c| c.contains(Capability::ROLL_INTERRUPT)) } else { false } }; if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Roll(_)) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Jump); } if < DESIRED_ENERGY { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); } else if !in_stance(SwordStance::Mobility) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if MOBILITY_AGILITY.could_use(self) && MOBILITY_AGILITY.use_desirable(self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); } else if BALANCED_FINISHER.could_use(attack_data, self) && BALANCED_FINISHER.use_desirable(tgt_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(3)); advance( agent, controller, BALANCED_FINISHER.range, BALANCED_FINISHER.angle, ); } else if try_roll() { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_default(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } else if MOBILITY_FEINT.could_use(attack_data, self) && rng.gen::() < 0.3 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); advance( agent, controller, MOBILITY_FEINT.max_range, MOBILITY_FEINT.angle, ); } else if MOBILITY_COMBO.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); advance( agent, controller, MOBILITY_COMBO.max_range, MOBILITY_COMBO.angle, ); } else { advance( agent, controller, MOBILITY_COMBO.max_range, MOBILITY_COMBO.angle, ); } if rng.gen::() < read_data.dt.0 { agent.action_state.condition = !agent.action_state.condition; } let dir = if agent.action_state.condition { 1.0 } else { -1.0 }; controller.inputs.move_dir.rotated_z(PI / 4.0 * dir); }, SwordStance::Crippling => { const CRIPPLING_COMBO: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 2.5, angle: 35.0, energy: 10.0, }; const CRIPPLING_GOUGE: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 3.0, angle: 35.0, energy: 20.0, }; const CRIPPLING_STRIKE: ComboMeleeData = ComboMeleeData { min_range: 0.0, max_range: 3.0, angle: 35.0, energy: 20.0, }; const CRIPPLING_FINISHER: FinisherMeleeData = FinisherMeleeData { range: 2.5, angle: 10.0, energy: 40.0, combo: 10, }; const DESIRED_ENERGY: f32 = 50.0; if < DESIRED_ENERGY { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); } else if !in_stance(SwordStance::Crippling) { // controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Jump); // agent.action_state.initialized = false; controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if CRIPPLING_FINISHER.could_use(attack_data, self) && CRIPPLING_FINISHER.use_desirable(tgt_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); advance( agent, controller, CRIPPLING_FINISHER.range, CRIPPLING_FINISHER.angle, ); } else if tgt_data .buffs .map_or(false, |buffs| !buffs.contains(BuffKind::Crippled)) && CRIPPLING_STRIKE.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); advance( agent, controller, CRIPPLING_STRIKE.max_range, CRIPPLING_STRIKE.angle, ); } else if CRIPPLING_GOUGE.could_use(attack_data, self) && rng.gen::() < 0.3 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(3)); advance( agent, controller, CRIPPLING_GOUGE.max_range, CRIPPLING_GOUGE.angle, ); } else if CRIPPLING_COMBO.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); advance( agent, controller, CRIPPLING_COMBO.max_range, CRIPPLING_COMBO.angle, ); } else if OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE.could_use(attack_data, self) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(4)); advance( agent, controller, OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE.max_range, OFFENSIVE_ADVANCE.angle, ); } else { advance( agent, controller, CRIPPLING_COMBO.max_range, CRIPPLING_COMBO.angle, ); } }, SwordStance::Cleaving => { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); }, SwordStance::Parrying => { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); }, SwordStance::Heavy => { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); }, SwordStance::Reaching => { fallback_tactics(agent, controller); }, } if self.active_abilities.auxiliary_sets.is_empty() { agent.action_state.initialized = false; } } pub fn handle_bow_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { const MIN_CHARGE_FRAC: f32 = 0.5; const OPTIMAL_TARGET_VELOCITY: f32 = 5.0; const DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL: f32 = 50.0; let line_of_sight_with_target = || { entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) }; // Logic to use abilities if let CharacterState::ChargedRanged(c) = self.char_state { if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover) { // Don't even bother with this logic if in recover let target_speed_sqd = agent .target .as_ref() .map(|t| .and_then(|e| read_data.velocities.get(e)) .map_or(0.0, |v| v.0.magnitude_squared()); if c.charge_frac() < MIN_CHARGE_FRAC || (target_speed_sqd > OPTIMAL_TARGET_VELOCITY.powi(2) && c.charge_frac() < 1.0) { // If haven't charged to desired level, or target is moving too fast and haven't // fully charged, keep charging controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } // Else don't send primary input to release the shot } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::RepeaterRanged(c) if > 5.0 && !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If in repeater ranged, have enough energy, and aren't in recovery, try to // keep firing if attack_data.dist_sqrd > attack_data.min_attack_dist.powi(2) && line_of_sight_with_target() { // Only keep firing if not in melee range or if can see target controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Bow(BowSkill::UnlockShotgun)) && > 45.0 && rng.gen_bool(0.5) { // Use shotgun if target close and have sufficient energy controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && > CharacterAbility::default_roll().get_energy_cost() && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicRanged(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Else roll away if can roll and have enough energy, and not using shotgun // (other 2 attacks have interrupt handled above) unless in recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); if attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) && line_of_sight_with_target() { // If not really far, and can see target, attempt to shoot bow if < DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL { // If low on energy, use primary to attempt to regen energy controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { // Else we have enough energy, use repeater controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } // Logic to move. Intentionally kept separate from ability logic so duplicated // work is less necessary. if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Attempt to move away from target if too close if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // Else attempt to circle target if neither too close nor too far if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if line_of_sight_with_target() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing .xy() .rotated_z(rng.gen_range(0.5..1.57)) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } else { // Unless cannot see target, then move towards them controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } // Sometimes try to roll if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && rng.gen::() < 0.01 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } else { // If too far, move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_staff_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionStaffCanShockwave = 0, } let extract_ability = |input: AbilityInput| { self.active_abilities .activate_ability(input, Some(self.inventory), self.skill_set, self.body) .unwrap_or_default() .0 }; let (flamethrower, shockwave) = ( extract_ability(AbilityInput::Secondary), extract_ability(AbilityInput::Auxiliary(0)), ); let flamethrower_range = match flamethrower { CharacterAbility::BasicBeam { range, .. } => range, _ => 20.0_f32, }; let shockwave_cost = shockwave.get_energy_cost(); if self.body.map_or(false, |b| b.is_humanoid()) && attack_data.in_min_range() && > CharacterAbility::default_roll().get_energy_cost() && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Shockwave(_)) { // if a humanoid, have enough stamina, not in shockwave, and in melee range, // emergency roll controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Shockwave(_)) { agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionStaffCanShockwave as usize] = false; } else if agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionStaffCanShockwave as usize] && matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Wielding(_)) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Shockwave(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // only try to use another ability unless in shockwave or recover let target_approaching_speed = -agent .target .as_ref() .map(|t| .and_then(|e| read_data.velocities.get(e)) .map_or(0.0, |v|; if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Staff(StaffSkill::UnlockShockwave)) && target_approaching_speed > 12.0 && > shockwave_cost { // if enemy is closing distance quickly, use shockwave to knock back if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Wielding(_)) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else { agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionStaffCanShockwave as usize] = true; } } else if > shockwave_cost + CharacterAbility::default_roll().get_energy_cost() && attack_data.dist_sqrd < flamethrower_range.powi(2) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } // Logic to move. Intentionally kept separate from ability logic so duplicated // work is less necessary. if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Attempt to move away from target if too close if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // Else attempt to circle target if neither too close nor too far if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing .xy() .rotated_z(rng.gen_range(-1.57..-0.5)) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } else { // Unless cannot see target, then move towards them controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } // Sometimes try to roll if self.body.map_or(false, |b| b.is_humanoid()) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Shockwave(_)) && rng.gen::() < 0.02 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } else { // If too far, move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_sceptre_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { const DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL: f32 = 50.0; const DESIRED_COMBO_LEVEL: u32 = 8; let line_of_sight_with_target = || { entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) }; // Logic to use abilities if attack_data.dist_sqrd > attack_data.min_attack_dist.powi(2) && line_of_sight_with_target() { // If far enough away, and can see target, check which skill is appropriate to // use if > DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL && read_data .combos .get(*self.entity) .map_or(false, |c| c.counter() >= DESIRED_COMBO_LEVEL) && !read_data.buffs.get(*self.entity).iter().any(|buff| { buff.iter_kind(BuffKind::Regeneration) .peekable() .peek() .is_some() }) { // If have enough energy and combo to use healing aura, do so controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sceptre(SceptreSkill::UnlockAura)) && > DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL && !read_data.buffs.get(*self.entity).iter().any(|buff| { buff.iter_kind(BuffKind::ProtectingWard) .peekable() .peek() .is_some() }) { // Use ward if target is far enough away, self is not buffed, and have // sufficient energy controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else { // If low on energy, use primary to attempt to regen energy // Or if at desired energy level but not able/willing to ward, just attack controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if self.body.map_or(false, |b| b.is_humanoid()) && > CharacterAbility::default_roll().get_energy_cost() && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicAura(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Else roll away if can roll and have enough energy, and not using aura or in // recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } else if attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } // Logic to move. Intentionally kept separate from ability logic where possible // so duplicated work is less necessary. if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Attempt to move away from target if too close if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // Else attempt to circle target if neither too close nor too far if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if line_of_sight_with_target() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing .xy() .rotated_z(rng.gen_range(0.5..1.57)) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } else { // Unless cannot see target, then move towards them controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } // Sometimes try to roll if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicAura(_)) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && rng.gen::() < 0.01 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } else { // If too far, move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_stone_golem_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerHandleStoneGolemAttack = 0, //Timer 0 } if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); //controller.inputs.primary.set_state(true); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if self.vel.0.is_approx_zero() { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } if self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ) && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { if agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleStoneGolemAttack as usize] > 5.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleStoneGolemAttack as usize] = 0.0; } else { agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleStoneGolemAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn handle_circle_charge_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, radius: u32, circle_time: u32, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateCountersF { CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack = 0, } enum ActionStateCountersI { CounterIHandleCircleChargeAttack = 0, } if agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateCountersF::CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] >= circle_time as f32 { // if circle charge is in progress and time hasn't expired, continue charging controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } if attack_data.in_min_range() { if agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateCountersF::CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] > 0.0 { // set timer and rotation counter to zero if in minimum range agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateCountersF::CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] = 0.0; agent.action_state.int_counters [ActionStateCountersI::CounterIHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] = 0; } else { // melee attack controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (radius as f32 + attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // if in range to charge, circle, then charge if agent.action_state.int_counters [ActionStateCountersI::CounterIHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] == 0 { // if you haven't chosen a direction to go in, choose now agent.action_state.int_counters [ActionStateCountersI::CounterIHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] = 1 + rng.gen_bool(0.5) as u8; } if agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateCountersF::CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] < circle_time as f32 { // circle if circle timer not ready let move_dir = match agent.action_state.int_counters [ActionStateCountersI::CounterIHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] { 1 => // circle left if counter is 1 { (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y) }, 2 => // circle right if counter is 2 { (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y) }, _ => // if some illegal value slipped in, get zero vector { Vec2::zero() }, }; let obstacle = read_data .terrain .ray( self.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), self.pos.0 + move_dir.with_z(0.0) * 2.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), ) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()); if obstacle { // if obstacle detected, stop circling agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateCountersF::CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] = circle_time as f32; } controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir; // use counter as timer since timer may be modified in other parts of the code agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateCountersF::CounterFHandleCircleChargeAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } // activating charge once circle timer expires is handled above } else { let path = if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // if too far away from target, move towards them Path::Separate } else { Path::Partial }; self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, path, None); } } pub fn handle_quadlow_ranged_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerHandleQuadLowRanged = 0, } if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if attack_data.angle < 15.0 && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { if agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleQuadLowRanged as usize] > 5.0 { agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleQuadLowRanged as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleQuadLowRanged as usize] > 2.5 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(1.75 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleQuadLowRanged as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.25 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerHandleQuadLowRanged as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } else { = None; } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_tail_slap_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerTailSlap = 0, } if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerTailSlap as usize] > 4.0 { controller.push_cancel_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerTailSlap as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerTailSlap as usize] > 1.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerTailSlap as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerTailSlap as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y) * 0.1; } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_quadlow_quick_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_quadlow_basic_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerQuadLowBasic = 0, } if attack_data.angle < 70.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.3 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBasic as usize] > 5.0 { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBasic as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBasic as usize] > 2.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBasic as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBasic as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } else { let path = if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { Path::Separate } else { Path::Partial }; self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, path, None); } } pub fn handle_quadmed_jump_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.angle < 15.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (5.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_quadmed_basic_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerQuadMedBasic = 0, } if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.in_min_range() { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadMedBasic as usize] < 2.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadMedBasic as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadMedBasic as usize] < 3.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadMedBasic as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadMedBasic as usize] = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_quadlow_beam_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerQuadLowBeam = 0, } if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (7.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] < 2.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] < 4.0 && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] < 6.0 && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerQuadLowBeam as usize] = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_organ_aura_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, _tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerOrganAura = 0, } const ORGAN_AURA_DURATION: f32 = 34.75; if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (7.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerOrganAura as usize] > ORGAN_AURA_DURATION { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerOrganAura as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerOrganAura as usize] < 1.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerOrganAura as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerOrganAura as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } else { = None; } } pub fn handle_theropod_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.in_min_range() { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_turret_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { = None; } } pub fn handle_fixed_turret_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { controller.inputs.look_dir = self.ori.look_dir(); if entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { = None; } } pub fn handle_rotating_turret_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { controller.inputs.look_dir = Dir::new( Quaternion::from_xyzw(self.ori.look_dir().x, self.ori.look_dir().y, 0.0, 0.0) .rotated_z(6.0 * read_data.dt.0 as f32) .into_vec3() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_default(), ); if entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { = None; } } pub fn handle_radial_turret_attack(&self, controller: &mut Controller) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } pub fn handle_mindflayer_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterHealthThreshold = 0, } enum ActionStateICounters { ICounterNumFireballs = 0, } enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionCounterInit = 0, } const MINDFLAYER_ATTACK_DIST: f32 = 16.0; const MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.20; let health_fraction =, |h| h.fraction()); // Sets counter at start of combat, using `condition` to keep track of whether // it was already initialized if !agent.action_state.conditions[ActionStateConditions::ConditionCounterInit as usize] { agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] = 1.0 - MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; agent.action_state.conditions[ActionStateConditions::ConditionCounterInit as usize] = true; } if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] > health_fraction { // Summon minions at particular thresholds of health controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] -= MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MINDFLAYER_ATTACK_DIST.powi(2) { if entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { // If close to target, use either primary or secondary ability if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(10) && !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already using primary, keep using primary until 10 consecutive seconds controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SpinMelee(c) if c.consecutive_spins < 50 && !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already using secondary, keep using secondary until 10 consecutive // seconds controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if rng.gen_bool(health_fraction.into()) { // Else if at high health, use primary controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { // Else use secondary controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // If too far from target, throw a random number of necrotic spheres at them and // then blink to them. let num_fireballs = &mut agent.action_state.int_counters [ActionStateICounters::ICounterNumFireballs as usize]; if *num_fireballs == 0 { controller.push_action(ControlAction::StartInput { input: InputKind::Ability(0), target_entity: agent .target .as_ref() .and_then(|t| read_data.uids.get( .copied(), select_pos: None, }); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Blink(_)) { *num_fireballs = rand::random::() % 4; } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Wielding(_)) { *num_fireballs -= 1; controller.push_action(ControlAction::StartInput { input: InputKind::Ability(1), target_entity: agent .target .as_ref() .and_then(|t| read_data.uids.get( .copied(), select_pos: None, }); } self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_birdlarge_fire_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { if attack_data.dist_sqrd > 30.0_f32.powi(2) { let small_chance = rng.gen_bool(0.05); if small_chance && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fireball controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } // If some target if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { // Walk to target controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; // If less than 20 blocks higher than target if (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 20.0 { // Fly upward controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else { // Jump self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } } // If higher than 2 blocks else if !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Do not increment the timer during this movement // The next stage shouldn't trigger until the entity // is on the ground // Fly to target controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); let move_dir = tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 2.0; controller.inputs.move_z = move_dir.z - 0.5; // If further than 4 blocks and random chance if rng.gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fireball controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } // If further than 4 blocks and random chance else if rng.gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fireball controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } // If random chance and less than 20 blocks higher than target and further than 4 // blocks else if rng.gen_bool(0.5) && (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 15.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } // If further than 2.5 blocks and random chance else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > (2.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Walk to target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } // If energy higher than 600 and random chance else if > 60.0 && rng.gen_bool(0.4) { // Shockwave controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if attack_data.angle < 90.0 { // Triple strike controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else { // Target is behind us. Turn around and chase target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } } pub fn handle_birdlarge_breathe_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerBirdLargeBreathe = 0, } // Set fly to false controller.push_cancel_input(InputKind::Fly); if attack_data.dist_sqrd > 30.0_f32.powi(2) { if rng.gen_bool(0.05) && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; if (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 20.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else { self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } } else if !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Do not increment the timer during this movement // The next stage shouldn't trigger until the entity // is on the ground controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); let move_dir = tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 2.0; controller.inputs.move_z = move_dir.z - 0.5; if rng.gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } else if rng.gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if rng.gen_bool(0.5) && (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 15.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } else if > 60.0 && agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBreathe as usize] < 3.0 && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fire breath attack controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); // Move towards the target slowly self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, Some(0.5), ); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBreathe as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBreathe as usize] < 6.0 && attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.in_min_range() { // Triple strike controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBreathe as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { // Reset timer agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBreathe as usize] = 0.0; // Target is behind us or the timer needs to be reset. Chase target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } } pub fn handle_birdlarge_basic_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerBirdLargeBasic = 0, } enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionBirdLargeBasic = 0, /* FIXME: Not sure what this represents. This name * should be reflective of the condition... */ } const BIRD_ATTACK_RANGE: f32 = 4.0; const BIRD_CHARGE_DISTANCE: f32 = 15.0; let bird_attack_distance = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.max_radius()) + BIRD_ATTACK_RANGE; // Increase action timer agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBasic as usize] += read_data.dt.0; // If higher than 2 blocks if !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Fly to target and land controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Fly); let move_dir = tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 2.0; controller.inputs.move_z = move_dir.z - 0.5; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBasic as usize] > 8.0 { // If action timer higher than 8, make bird summon tornadoes controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Reset timer agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerBirdLargeBasic as usize] = 0.0; } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already in dash, keep dashing if not in recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::ComboMelee(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already in combo keep comboing if not in recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > BIRD_CHARGE_DISTANCE.powi(2) { // Charges at target if they are far enough away if attack_data.angle < 60.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < bird_attack_distance.powi(2) { // Combo melee target controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionBirdLargeBasic as usize] = true; } // Make bird move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } pub fn handle_arthropod_ranged_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerArthropodRanged = 0, } agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] += read_data.dt.0; if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] > 6.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); // Reset timer if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SpriteSummon(sprite_summon::Data { stage_section, .. }) | CharacterState::SelfBuff(self_buff::Data { stage_section, .. }) if matches!(stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if attack_data.angle < 15.0 && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] > 5.0 { agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] > 2.5 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(1.75 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.25 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; agent.action_state.timers [ActionStateTimers::TimerArthropodRanged as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } else { = None; } } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_arthropod_ambush_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimersArthropodAmbush = 0, } agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimersArthropodAmbush as usize] += read_data.dt.0; if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimersArthropodAmbush as usize] > 12.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); // Reset timer if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SpriteSummon(sprite_summon::Data { stage_section, .. }) | CharacterState::SelfBuff(self_buff::Data { stage_section, .. }) if matches!(stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimersArthropodAmbush as usize] = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < attack_data.min_attack_dist.powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if rng.gen_bool(0.01) && attack_data.angle < 60.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_arthropod_melee_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimersArthropodMelee = 0, } agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimersArthropodMelee as usize] += read_data.dt.0; if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already charging, keep charging if not in recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > (2.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Charges at target if they are far enough away if attack_data.angle < 60.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < attack_data.min_attack_dist.powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_minotaur_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.5; const MINOTAUR_ATTACK_RANGE: f32 = 5.0; const MINOTAUR_CHARGE_DISTANCE: f32 = 15.0; enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterMinotaurAttack = 0, } enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionJustCrippledOrCleaved = 0, } let minotaur_attack_distance = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.max_radius()) + MINOTAUR_ATTACK_RANGE; let health_fraction =, |h| h.fraction()); // Sets action counter at start of combat if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinotaurAttack as usize] < MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD && health_fraction > MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD { agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinotaurAttack as usize] = MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD; } if health_fraction < agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinotaurAttack as usize] { // Makes minotaur buff itself with frenzy controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SelfBuff(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinotaurAttack as usize] = 0.0; } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already charging, keep charging if not in recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::ChargedMelee(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Charge) && c.timer < c.static_data.charge_duration) { // If already charging a melee attack, keep charging it if charging controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > MINOTAUR_CHARGE_DISTANCE.powi(2) { // Charges at target if they are far enough away if attack_data.angle < 60.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < minotaur_attack_distance.powi(2) { if agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionJustCrippledOrCleaved as usize] && !self.char_state.is_attack() { // Cripple target if not just used cripple controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionJustCrippledOrCleaved as usize] = false; } else if !self.char_state.is_attack() { // Cleave target if not just used cleave controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionJustCrippledOrCleaved as usize] = true; } } // Make minotaur move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } pub fn handle_clay_golem_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const GOLEM_MELEE_RANGE: f32 = 4.0; const GOLEM_LASER_RANGE: f32 = 30.0; const GOLEM_LONG_RANGE: f32 = 50.0; const GOLEM_TARGET_SPEED: f32 = 8.0; enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterGlayGolemAttack = 0, } let golem_melee_range = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.max_radius()) + GOLEM_MELEE_RANGE; // Fraction of health, used for activation of shockwave // If golem don't have health for some reason, assume it's full let health_fraction =, |h| h.fraction()); // Magnitude squared of cross product of target velocity with golem orientation let target_speed_cross_sqd = agent .target .as_ref() .map(|t| .and_then(|e| read_data.velocities.get(e)) .map_or(0.0, |v| v.0.cross(self.ori.look_vec()).magnitude_squared()); let line_of_sight_with_target = || { entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) }; if attack_data.dist_sqrd < golem_melee_range.powi(2) { if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterGlayGolemAttack as usize] < 7.5 { // If target is close, whack them controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterGlayGolemAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { // If whacked for too long, nuke them controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicRanged(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterGlayGolemAttack as usize] = 0.0; } } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < GOLEM_LASER_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(5)) || target_speed_cross_sqd < GOLEM_TARGET_SPEED.powi(2) && line_of_sight_with_target() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { // If target in range threshold and haven't been lasering for more than 5 // seconds already or if target is moving slow-ish, laser them controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if health_fraction < 0.7 { // Else target moving too fast for laser, shockwave time. // But only if damaged enough controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < GOLEM_LONG_RANGE.powi(2) { if target_speed_cross_sqd < GOLEM_TARGET_SPEED.powi(2) && line_of_sight_with_target() { // If target is far-ish and moving slow-ish, rocket them controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); } else if health_fraction < 0.7 { // Else target moving too fast for laser, shockwave time. // But only if damaged enough controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } } // Make clay golem move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Separate, None, ); } pub fn handle_tidal_warrior_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const SCUTTLE_RANGE: f32 = 40.0; const BUBBLE_RANGE: f32 = 20.0; const MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.20; enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionCounterInitialized = 0, } enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterMinionSummonThreshold = 0, } let health_fraction =, |h| h.fraction()); let line_of_sight_with_target = || { entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) }; // Sets counter at start of combat, using `condition` to keep track of whether // it was already initialized if !agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionCounterInitialized as usize] { agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinionSummonThreshold as usize] = 1.0 - MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionCounterInitialized as usize] = true; } if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinionSummonThreshold as usize] > health_fraction { // Summon minions at particular thresholds of health controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterMinionSummonThreshold as usize] -= MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < SCUTTLE_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Keep scuttling if already in dash melee and not in recover controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < BUBBLE_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover) && c.timer < Duration::from_secs(10)) { // Keep shooting bubbles at them if already in basic beam and not in recover and // have not been bubbling too long controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Pincer them if they're in range and angle controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.angle < 30.0 && line_of_sight_with_target() { // Start bubbling them if not close enough to do something else and in angle and // can see target controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } } else if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && line_of_sight_with_target() { // Start scuttling if not close enough to do something else and in angle and can // see target controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } // Always attempt to path towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } pub fn handle_yeti_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const ICE_SPIKES_RANGE: f32 = 15.0; const ICE_BREATH_RANGE: f32 = 10.0; const ICE_BREATH_TIMER: f32 = 10.0; const SNOWBALL_MAX_RANGE: f32 = 50.0; enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterYetiAttack = 0, } agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterYetiAttack as usize] += read_data.dt.0; if attack_data.dist_sqrd < ICE_BREATH_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(2)) { // Keep using ice breath for 2 second controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterYetiAttack as usize] > ICE_BREATH_TIMER { // Use ice breath if timer has gone for long enough controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(_)) { // Resets action counter when using beam agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterYetiAttack as usize] = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.in_min_range() { // Basic attack if on top of them controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { // Use ice spikes if too far for other abilities controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < ICE_SPIKES_RANGE.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Use ice spikes if in range controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < SNOWBALL_MAX_RANGE.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Otherwise, chuck all the snowballs controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); } // Always attempt to path towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } pub fn handle_harvester_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const VINE_CREATION_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.50; const FIRE_BREATH_RANGE: f32 = 20.0; const MAX_PUMPKIN_RANGE: f32 = 50.0; enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionHasSummonedVines = 0, } let health_fraction =, |h| h.fraction()); let line_of_sight_with_target = || { entities_have_line_of_sight(self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data) }; if health_fraction < VINE_CREATION_THRESHOLD && !agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionHasSummonedVines as usize] { // Summon vines when reach threshold of health controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SpriteSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionHasSummonedVines as usize] = true; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < FIRE_BREATH_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(5)) && line_of_sight_with_target() { // Keep breathing fire if close enough, can see target, and have not been // breathing for more than 5 seconds controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Scythe them if they're in range and angle controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.angle < 30.0 && line_of_sight_with_target() { // Start breathing fire at them if close enough, in angle, and can see target controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PUMPKIN_RANGE.powi(2) && line_of_sight_with_target() { // Throw a pumpkin at them if close enough and can see them controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); } // Always attempt to path towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } pub fn handle_cardinal_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { const DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL: f32 = 50.0; const DESIRED_COMBO_LEVEL: u32 = 8; const MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.10; enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionCounterInitialized = 0, } enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterHealthThreshold = 0, } let health_fraction =, |h| h.fraction()); // Sets counter at start of combat, using `condition` to keep track of whether // it was already intitialized if !agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionCounterInitialized as usize] { agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] = 1.0 - MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionCounterInitialized as usize] = true; } if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] > health_fraction { // Summon minions at particular thresholds of health controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] -= MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; } } // Logic to use abilities else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > attack_data.min_attack_dist.powi(2) && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { // If far enough away, and can see target, check which skill is appropriate to // use if > DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL && read_data .combos .get(*self.entity) .map_or(false, |c| c.counter() >= DESIRED_COMBO_LEVEL) && !read_data.buffs.get(*self.entity).iter().any(|buff| { buff.iter_kind(BuffKind::Regeneration) .peekable() .peek() .is_some() }) { // If have enough energy and combo to use healing aura, do so controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sceptre(SceptreSkill::UnlockAura)) && > DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL && !read_data.buffs.get(*self.entity).iter().any(|buff| { buff.iter_kind(BuffKind::ProtectingWard) .peekable() .peek() .is_some() }) { // Use steam beam if target is far enough away, self is not buffed, and have // sufficient energy controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else { // If low on energy, use primary to attempt to regen energy // Or if at desired energy level but not able/willing to ward, just attack controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if self.body.map_or(false, |b| b.is_humanoid()) && > CharacterAbility::default_roll().get_energy_cost() && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicAura(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Else use steam beam controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } } // Logic to move. Intentionally kept separate from ability logic where possible // so duplicated work is less necessary. if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Attempt to move away from target if too close if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // Else attempt to circle target if neither too close nor too far if let Some((bearing, speed)) = &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing .xy() .rotated_z(rng.gen_range(0.5..1.57)) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } else { // Unless cannot see target, then move towards them controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(bearing.z > 1.5, controller); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } // Sometimes try to roll if|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicAura(_)) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && rng.gen::() < 0.01 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll); } } else { // If too far, move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_dagon_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { enum ActionStateTimers { TimerDagon = 0, } if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] > 2.5 { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] = 0.0; } // if close to target lay out sea urchins, use steambeam and shoot dagon bombs if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.3 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] > 2.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] > 1.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1)); } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // if enemy is far, heal controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else if entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { // if in range shoot dagon bombs and steamwave if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] > 1.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerDagon as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } // chase let path = if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { Path::Separate } else { Path::Partial }; self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, path, None); } pub fn handle_deadwood( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const BEAM_RANGE: f32 = 20.0; const BEAM_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(3); // action_state.condition controls whether or not deadwood should beam or dash if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(s) if s.stage_section != StageSection::Recover) { // If already dashing, keep dashing and have move_dir set to forward controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); controller.inputs.move_dir = self.ori.look_vec().xy(); } else if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle_xy < 10.0 { // If near target, dash at them and through them to get away controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(s) if s.stage_section != StageSection::Recover && s.timer < BEAM_TIME) { // If already beaming, keep beaming if not beaming for over 5 seconds controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < BEAM_RANGE.powi(2) { // Else if in beam range, beam them if attack_data.angle_xy < 5.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { // If not in angle, apply slight movement so deadwood orients itself correctly controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 0.01; } } else { // Otherwise too far, move towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_mandragora( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const SCREAM_RANGE: f32 = 10.0; enum ActionStateFCounters { FCounterHealthThreshold = 0, } enum ActionStateConditions { ConditionHasScreamed = 0, } if !agent.action_state.initialized { agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] =, |h| h.maximum()); agent.action_state.initialized = true; } if !agent.action_state.conditions[ActionStateConditions::ConditionHasScreamed as usize] { // If mandragora is still "sleeping" and hasn't screamed yet, do nothing until // target in range or until it's taken damage if, |h| { h.current() < agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] }) || attack_data.dist_sqrd < SCREAM_RANGE.powi(2) { agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionHasScreamed as usize] = true; controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else { // Once mandragora has woken, move towards target and attack if attack_data.in_min_range() { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) && entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { // If in pathing range and can see target, move towards them self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } else { // Otherwise, go back to sleep agent.action_state.conditions [ActionStateConditions::ConditionHasScreamed as usize] = false; agent.action_state.counters [ActionStateFCounters::FCounterHealthThreshold as usize] =, |h| h.maximum()); } } } pub fn handle_wood_golem( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const SHOCKWAVE_RANGE: f32 = 25.0; const SHOCKWAVE_WAIT_TIME: f32 = 7.5; const SPIN_WAIT_TIME: f32 = 3.0; enum ActionStateTimers { TimerSpinWait = 0, TimerShockwaveWait, } // After spinning, reset timer if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SpinMelee(s) if s.stage_section == StageSection::Recover) { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSpinWait as usize] = 0.0; } if attack_data.in_min_range() { // If in minimum range if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSpinWait as usize] > SPIN_WAIT_TIME { // If it's been too long since able to hit target, spin controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } else if attack_data.angle < 30.0 { // Else if in angle to strike, strike controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); } else { // Else increment spin timer agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSpinWait as usize] += read_data.dt.0; // If not in angle, apply slight movement so golem orients itself correctly controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 0.01; } } else { // Else if too far for melee if attack_data.dist_sqrd < SHOCKWAVE_RANGE.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { // Shockwave if close enough and haven't shockwaved too recently if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSpinWait as usize] > SHOCKWAVE_WAIT_TIME { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Shockwave(_)) { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwaveWait as usize] = 0.0; } else { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwaveWait as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } } // And always try to path towards target self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Partial, None, ); } } pub fn handle_gnarling_chieftain( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, rng: &mut impl Rng, ) { const TOTEM_TIMER: f32 = 10.0; const HEAVY_ATTACK_WAIT_TIME: f32 = 15.0; enum ActionStateTimers { TimerSummonTotem = 0, TimerShockwave, } // Handle timers agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSummonTotem as usize] += read_data.dt.0; match self.char_state { CharacterState::BasicSummon(_) => { agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSummonTotem as usize] = 0.0 }, CharacterState::Shockwave(_) | CharacterState::BasicRanged(_) => { agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwave as usize] = 0.0 }, _ => {}, } if !agent.action_state.initialized { // If not initialized yet, start out by summoning green totem controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(s) if s.stage_section == StageSection::Recover) { agent.action_state.initialized = true; } } else if agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSummonTotem as usize] > TOTEM_TIMER { // If time to summon a totem, do it let input = rng.gen_range(1..=3); let buff_kind = match input { 2 => Some(BuffKind::Regeneration), 3 => Some(BuffKind::Hastened), _ => None, }; if buff_kind.map_or(true, |b| self.has_buff(read_data, b)) && matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Wielding { .. }) { // If already under effects of buff from totem that would be summoned, don't // summon totem (doesn't work for red totems since that applies debuff to // enemies instead) agent.action_state.timers[ActionStateTimers::TimerSummonTotem as usize] = 0.0; } else { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(input)); } } else if agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwave as usize] > HEAVY_ATTACK_WAIT_TIME { // Else if time for a heavy attack if attack_data.in_min_range() { // If in range, shockwave controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0)); } else if entities_have_line_of_sight( self.pos, self.body, tgt_data.pos, tgt_data.body, read_data, ) { // Else if in sight, barrage controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Secondary); } } else if attack_data.in_min_range() { // Else if not time to use anything fancy, if in range and angle, strike them if attack_data.angle < 20.0 { controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Primary); agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwave as usize] += read_data.dt.0; } else { // If not in angle, charge heavy attack faster agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwave as usize] += read_data.dt.0 * 5.0; } } else { // If not in range, charge heavy attack faster agent.action_state.counters[ActionStateTimers::TimerShockwave as usize] += read_data.dt.0 * 3.3; } self.path_toward_target( agent, controller, tgt_data.pos.0, read_data, Path::Full, None, ); } }