use super::img_ids; use common::{ comp::{ inventory::trade_pricing::TradePricing, item::{ armor::{Armor, ArmorKind, Protection}, tool::{Hands, StatKind, Stats, Tool, ToolKind}, Item, ItemDesc, ItemKind, MaterialKind, MaterialStatManifest, ModularComponent, }, BuffKind, }, effect::Effect, trade::{Good, SitePrices}, }; use conrod_core::image; use i18n::Localization; use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Write}; pub fn price_desc( prices: &Option, item_definition_id: &str, i18n: &Localization, ) -> Option<(String, String, f32)> { if let Some(prices) = prices { let (material, factor) = TradePricing::get_material(item_definition_id); let coinprice = prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0); let buyprice = prices.values.get(&material).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * factor; let sellprice = buyprice * material.trade_margin(); let deal_goodness = prices.values.get(&material).cloned().unwrap_or(0.0) / prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0); let deal_goodness = deal_goodness.log(2.0); let buy_string = format!( "{} : {:0.1} {}", i18n.get(""), buyprice / coinprice, i18n.get(""), ); let sell_string = format!( "{} : {:0.1} {}", i18n.get(""), sellprice / coinprice, i18n.get(""), ); let deal_goodness = match deal_goodness { x if x < -2.5 => 0.0, x if x < -1.05 => 0.25, x if x < -0.95 => 0.5, x if x < 0.0 => 0.75, _ => 1.0, }; Some((buy_string, sell_string, deal_goodness)) } else { None } } pub fn kind_text<'a>(kind: &ItemKind, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> { match kind { ItemKind::Armor(armor) => Cow::Borrowed(armor_kind(armor, i18n)), ItemKind::Tool(tool) => Cow::Owned(format!( "{} ({})", tool_kind(tool, i18n), tool_hands(tool, i18n) )), ItemKind::ModularComponent(_mc) => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.bag.shoulders")), ItemKind::Glider(_glider) => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.kind.glider")), ItemKind::Consumable { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.kind.consumable")), ItemKind::Throwable { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.kind.throwable")), ItemKind::Utility { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.kind.utility")), ItemKind::Ingredient { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.kind.ingredient")), ItemKind::Lantern { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(i18n.get("common.kind.lantern")), ItemKind::TagExamples { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(""), } } pub fn material_kind_text<'a>(kind: &MaterialKind, i18n: &'a Localization) -> &'a str { match kind { MaterialKind::Metal { .. } => i18n.get("common.material.metal"), MaterialKind::Wood { .. } => i18n.get("common.material.wood"), MaterialKind::Stone { .. } => i18n.get("common.material.stone"), MaterialKind::Cloth { .. } => i18n.get("common.material.cloth"), MaterialKind::Hide { .. } => i18n.get("common.material.hide"), } } // TODO: localization, refactor when mc are player facing pub fn modular_component_desc( mc: &ModularComponent, components: &[Item], msm: &MaterialStatManifest, description: &str, ) -> String { let stats = StatKind::Direct(mc.stats).resolve_stats(msm, components); let statblock = statblock_desc(&stats); let mut result = format!("Modular Component\n\n{}\n\n{}", statblock, description); if !components.is_empty() { result += "\n\nMade from:\n"; for component in components { result +=; result += "\n" } result += "\n"; } result } pub fn stats_count(item: &dyn ItemDesc) -> usize { let mut count = match item.kind() { ItemKind::Armor(armor) => { if matches!(armor.kind, ArmorKind::Bag(_)) { 0 } else { armor.stats.energy_reward().is_some() as usize + armor.stats.energy_max().is_some() as usize + armor.stats.stealth().is_some() as usize + armor.stats.crit_power().is_some() as usize + armor.stats.poise_resilience().is_some() as usize } }, ItemKind::Tool(_) => 4, ItemKind::Consumable { effects, .. } => effects.len(), ItemKind::ModularComponent { .. } => 1, _ => 0, }; let is_bag = match item.kind() { ItemKind::Armor(armor) => matches!(armor.kind, ArmorKind::Bag(_)), _ => false, }; if item.num_slots() != 0 && !is_bag { count += 1 } count as usize } /// Takes N `effects` and returns N effect descriptions /// If effect isn't intended to have description, returns empty string /// /// FIXME: handle which effects should have description in `stats_count` /// to not waste space in item box pub fn consumable_desc(effects: &[Effect], i18n: &Localization) -> Vec { let mut descriptions = Vec::new(); for effect in effects { let mut description = String::new(); if let Effect::Buff(buff) = effect { let strength =; let dur_secs =|d| d.as_secs_f32()); let str_total = dur_secs.map_or(strength, |secs| strength * secs); let format_float = |input: f32| format!("{:.1}", input).trim_end_matches(".0").to_string(); let buff_desc = match buff.kind { BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration | BuffKind::Potion => i18n .get("") .replace("{str_total}", &format_float(str_total)), BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy => i18n .get("buff.stat.increase_max_energy") .replace("{strength}", &format_float(strength)), BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth => i18n .get("buff.stat.increase_max_health") .replace("{strength}", &format_float(strength)), BuffKind::Invulnerability => i18n.get("buff.stat.invulnerability").to_string(), BuffKind::Bleeding | BuffKind::Burning | BuffKind::CampfireHeal | BuffKind::Cursed | BuffKind::ProtectingWard | BuffKind::Crippled | BuffKind::Frenzied | BuffKind::Frozen | BuffKind::Wet | BuffKind::Ensnared | BuffKind::Poisoned => "".to_owned(), }; write!(&mut description, "{}", buff_desc).unwrap(); let dur_desc = if let Some(dur_secs) = dur_secs { match buff.kind { BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration => i18n .get("buff.text.over_seconds") .replace("{dur_secs}", &format_float(dur_secs)), BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy | BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth | BuffKind::Invulnerability => i18n .get("buff.text.for_seconds") .replace("{dur_secs}", &format_float(dur_secs)), BuffKind::Bleeding | BuffKind::Burning | BuffKind::Potion | BuffKind::CampfireHeal | BuffKind::Cursed | BuffKind::ProtectingWard | BuffKind::Crippled | BuffKind::Frenzied | BuffKind::Frozen | BuffKind::Wet | BuffKind::Ensnared | BuffKind::Poisoned => "".to_owned(), } } else if let BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration = buff.kind { i18n.get("buff.text.every_second").to_string() } else { "".to_owned() }; write!(&mut description, " {}", dur_desc).unwrap(); } descriptions.push(description); } descriptions } // Armor fn armor_kind<'a>(armor: &Armor, i18n: &'a Localization) -> &'a str { let kind = match armor.kind { ArmorKind::Shoulder(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.shoulders"), ArmorKind::Chest(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.chest"), ArmorKind::Belt(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.belt"), ArmorKind::Hand(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.hands"), ArmorKind::Pants(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.legs"), ArmorKind::Foot(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.feet"), ArmorKind::Back(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.back"), ArmorKind::Ring(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.ring"), ArmorKind::Neck(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.neck"), ArmorKind::Head(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.head"), ArmorKind::Tabard(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.tabard"), ArmorKind::Bag(_) => i18n.get("hud.bag.bag"), }; kind } // Tool fn tool_kind<'a>(tool: &Tool, i18n: &'a Localization) -> &'a str { let kind = match tool.kind { ToolKind::Sword => i18n.get("common.weapons.sword"), ToolKind::Axe => i18n.get("common.weapons.axe"), ToolKind::Hammer => i18n.get("common.weapons.hammer"), ToolKind::Bow => i18n.get("common.weapons.bow"), ToolKind::Dagger => i18n.get("common.weapons.dagger"), ToolKind::Staff => i18n.get("common.weapons.staff"), ToolKind::Sceptre => i18n.get("common.weapons.sceptre"), ToolKind::Shield => i18n.get("common.weapons.shield"), ToolKind::Spear => i18n.get("common.weapons.spear"), ToolKind::Blowgun => i18n.get("common.weapons.blowgun"), ToolKind::Natural => i18n.get("common.weapons.natural"), ToolKind::Debug => i18n.get("common.tool.debug"), ToolKind::Farming => i18n.get("common.tool.farming"), ToolKind::Pick => i18n.get("common.tool.pick"), ToolKind::Empty => i18n.get("common.empty"), }; kind } /// Output the number of hands needed to hold a tool pub fn tool_hands<'a>(tool: &Tool, i18n: &'a Localization) -> &'a str { let hands = match tool.hands { Hands::One => i18n.get(""), Hands::Two => i18n.get("common.hands.two"), }; hands } fn statblock_desc(stats: &Stats) -> String { format!( // TODO: Change display of Effect Power based on toolkind equipped and what effect power is // affecting "Power: {:0.1}\n\nPoise Strength: {:0.1}\n\nSpeed: {:0.1}\n\n", stats.power * 10.0, stats.effect_power * 10.0, stats.speed, ) + &format!("Crit chance: {:0.1}%\n\n", stats.crit_chance * 100.0,) } /// Compare two type, output a colored character to show comparison pub fn comparison(first: T, other: T) -> (&'static str, conrod_core::Color) { if first == other { ("•", conrod_core::color::GREY) } else if other < first { ("▲", conrod_core::color::GREEN) } else { ("▼", conrod_core::color::RED) } } /// Compare two Option type, output a colored character to show comparison pub fn option_comparison( first: &Option, other: &Option, ) -> (&'static str, conrod_core::Color) { if let Some(first) = first { if let Some(other) = other { if first == other { ("•", conrod_core::color::GREY) } else if other < first { ("▲", conrod_core::color::GREEN) } else { ("▼", conrod_core::color::RED) } } else { ("▲", conrod_core::color::GREEN) } } else if other.is_some() { ("▼", conrod_core::color::RED) } else { ("•", conrod_core::color::GREY) } } /// Output protection as a string pub fn protec2string(stat: Protection) -> String { match stat { Protection::Normal(a) => format!("{:.1}", a), Protection::Invincible => "Inf".to_string(), } } pub fn ability_image(imgs: &img_ids::Imgs, ability_id: &str) -> image::Id { match ability_id { // Debug stick "common.abilities.debug.forwardboost" => imgs.flyingrod_m1, "common.abilities.debug.upboost" => imgs.flyingrod_m2, "common.abilities.debug.possess" => imgs.snake_arrow_0, // Sword "common.abilities.sword.triplestrike" => imgs.twohsword_m1, "common.abilities.sword.dash" => imgs.twohsword_m2, "common.abilities.sword.spin" => imgs.sword_whirlwind, // Axe "common.abilities.axe.doublestrike" => imgs.twohaxe_m1, "common.abilities.axe.spin" => imgs.axespin, "common.abilities.axe.leap" => imgs.skill_axe_leap_slash, // Hammer "common.abilities.hammer.singlestrike" => imgs.twohhammer_m1, "common.abilities.hammer.charged" => imgs.hammergolf, "common.abilities.hammer.leap" => imgs.hammerleap, // Bow "common.abilities.bow.charged" => imgs.bow_m1, "common.abilities.bow.repeater" => imgs.bow_m2, "common.abilities.bow.shotgun" => imgs.skill_bow_jump_burst, // Staff "common.abilities.staff.firebomb" => imgs.fireball, "common.abilities.staff.flamethrower" => imgs.flamethrower, "common.abilities.staff.fireshockwave" => imgs.fire_aoe, // Sceptre "common.abilities.sceptre.lifestealbeam" => imgs.skill_sceptre_lifesteal, "common.abilities.sceptre.healingaura" => imgs.skill_sceptre_heal, "common.abilities.sceptre.wardingaura" => imgs.skill_sceptre_aura, // Shield "common.abilities.shield.tempbasic" => imgs.onehshield_m1, "common.abilities.shield.block" => imgs.onehshield_m2, // Dagger "common.abilities.dagger.tempbasic" => imgs.onehdagger_m1, // Pickaxe "common.abilities.pick.swing" => imgs.mining, _ => imgs.not_found, } } #[rustfmt::skip] pub fn ability_description(ability_id: &str) -> (&str, &str) { match ability_id { // Debug stick "common.abilities.debug.possess" => ( "Possessing Arrow", "Shoots a poisonous arrow. Lets you control your target.", ), // Sword "common.abilities.sword.spin" => ( "Whirlwind", "Move forward while spinning with your sword.", ), // Axe "common.abilities.axe.leap" => ( "Axe Jump", "A jump with the slashing leap to position of cursor.", ), // Hammer "common.abilities.hammer.leap" => ( "Smash of Doom", "An AOE attack with knockback. Leaps to position of cursor.", ), // Bow "common.abilities.bow.shotgun" => ( "Burst", "Launches a burst of arrows", ), // Staff "common.abilities.staff.fireshockwave" => ( "Ring of Fire", "Ignites the ground with fiery shockwave.", ), // Sceptre "common.abilities.sceptre.wardingaura" => ( "Thorn Bulwark", "Protects you and your group with thorns for a short amount of time.", ), _ => ( "Ability has no title", "Ability has no description." ), } }