//! Database operations related to character data //! //! Methods in this module should remain private - database updates and loading //! are communicated via requests to the [`CharacterLoader`] and //! [`CharacterUpdater`] while results/responses are polled and handled each //! server tick. extern crate diesel; use super::{ error::Error, establish_connection, models::{ Body, Character, Inventory, InventoryUpdate, Loadout, LoadoutUpdate, NewCharacter, NewLoadout, Stats, StatsJoinData, StatsUpdate, }, schema, }; use crate::comp; use common::{ character::{Character as CharacterData, CharacterItem, MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_PLAYER}, LoadoutBuilder, }; use crossbeam::{channel, channel::TryIter}; use diesel::prelude::*; use tracing::{error, warn}; type CharacterLoaderRequest = (specs::Entity, CharacterLoaderRequestKind); /// Available database operations when modifying a player's characetr list enum CharacterLoaderRequestKind { CreateCharacter { player_uuid: String, character_alias: String, character_tool: Option, body: comp::Body, }, DeleteCharacter { player_uuid: String, character_id: i32, }, LoadCharacterList { player_uuid: String, }, LoadCharacterData { player_uuid: String, character_id: i32, }, } /// A tuple of the components that are persisted to the DB for each character pub type PersistedComponents = (comp::Body, comp::Stats, comp::Inventory, comp::Loadout); type CharacterListResult = Result, Error>; type CharacterDataResult = Result; /// Wrapper for results for character actions. Can be a list of /// characters, or component data belonging to an individual character #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CharacterLoaderResponseType { CharacterList(CharacterListResult), CharacterData(Box), } /// Common message format dispatched in response to an update request #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CharacterLoaderResponse { pub entity: specs::Entity, pub result: CharacterLoaderResponseType, } /// A bi-directional messaging resource for making requests to modify or load /// character data in a background thread. /// /// This is used on the character selection screen, and after character /// selection when loading the components associated with a character. /// /// Requests messages are sent in the form of /// [`CharacterLoaderRequestKind`] and are dispatched at the character select /// screen. /// /// Responses are polled on each server tick in the format /// [`CharacterLoaderResponse`] pub struct CharacterLoader { update_rx: Option>, update_tx: Option>, handle: Option>, } impl CharacterLoader { pub fn new(db_dir: String) -> Self { let (update_tx, internal_rx) = channel::unbounded::(); let (internal_tx, update_rx) = channel::unbounded::(); let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || { while let Ok(request) = internal_rx.recv() { let (entity, kind) = request; if let Err(e) = internal_tx.send(CharacterLoaderResponse { entity, result: match kind { CharacterLoaderRequestKind::CreateCharacter { player_uuid, character_alias, character_tool, body, } => CharacterLoaderResponseType::CharacterList(create_character( &player_uuid, &character_alias, character_tool, &body, &db_dir, )), CharacterLoaderRequestKind::DeleteCharacter { player_uuid, character_id, } => CharacterLoaderResponseType::CharacterList(delete_character( &player_uuid, character_id, &db_dir, )), CharacterLoaderRequestKind::LoadCharacterList { player_uuid } => { CharacterLoaderResponseType::CharacterList(load_character_list( &player_uuid, &db_dir, )) }, CharacterLoaderRequestKind::LoadCharacterData { player_uuid, character_id, } => CharacterLoaderResponseType::CharacterData(Box::new( load_character_data(&player_uuid, character_id, &db_dir), )), }, }) { error!(?e, "Could not send send persistence request"); } } }); Self { update_tx: Some(update_tx), update_rx: Some(update_rx), handle: Some(handle), } } /// Create a new character belonging to the player identified by /// `player_uuid` pub fn create_character( &self, entity: specs::Entity, player_uuid: String, character_alias: String, character_tool: Option, body: comp::Body, ) { if let Err(e) = self.update_tx.as_ref().unwrap().send(( entity, CharacterLoaderRequestKind::CreateCharacter { player_uuid, character_alias, character_tool, body, }, )) { error!(?e, "Could not send character creation request"); } } /// Delete a character by `id` and `player_uuid` pub fn delete_character(&self, entity: specs::Entity, player_uuid: String, character_id: i32) { if let Err(e) = self.update_tx.as_ref().unwrap().send(( entity, CharacterLoaderRequestKind::DeleteCharacter { player_uuid, character_id, }, )) { error!(?e, "Could not send character deletion request"); } } /// Loads a list of characters belonging to the player identified by /// `player_uuid` pub fn load_character_list(&self, entity: specs::Entity, player_uuid: String) { if let Err(e) = self .update_tx .as_ref() .unwrap() .send((entity, CharacterLoaderRequestKind::LoadCharacterList { player_uuid, })) { error!(?e, "Could not send character list load request"); } } /// Loads components associated with a character pub fn load_character_data( &self, entity: specs::Entity, player_uuid: String, character_id: i32, ) { if let Err(e) = self.update_tx.as_ref().unwrap().send(( entity, CharacterLoaderRequestKind::LoadCharacterData { player_uuid, character_id, }, )) { error!(?e, "Could not send character data load request"); } } /// Returns a non-blocking iterator over CharacterLoaderResponse messages pub fn messages(&self) -> TryIter { self.update_rx.as_ref().unwrap().try_iter() } } impl Drop for CharacterLoader { fn drop(&mut self) { drop(self.update_tx.take()); if let Err(e) = self.handle.take().unwrap().join() { error!(?e, "Error from joining character loader thread"); } } } /// Load stored data for a character. /// /// After first logging in, and after a character is selected, we fetch this /// data for the purpose of inserting their persisted data for the entity. fn load_character_data(player_uuid: &str, character_id: i32, db_dir: &str) -> CharacterDataResult { let connection = establish_connection(db_dir); let (character_data, body_data, stats_data, maybe_inventory, maybe_loadout) = schema::character::dsl::character .filter(schema::character::id.eq(character_id)) .filter(schema::character::player_uuid.eq(player_uuid)) .inner_join(schema::body::table) .inner_join(schema::stats::table) .left_join(schema::inventory::table) .left_join(schema::loadout::table) .first::<(Character, Body, Stats, Option, Option)>(&connection)?; Ok(( comp::Body::from(&body_data), comp::Stats::from(StatsJoinData { alias: &character_data.alias, body: &comp::Body::from(&body_data), stats: &stats_data, }), maybe_inventory.map_or_else( || { // If no inventory record was found for the character, create it now let row = Inventory::from((character_data.id, comp::Inventory::default())); if let Err(error) = diesel::insert_into(schema::inventory::table) .values(&row) .execute(&connection) { warn!( "Failed to create an inventory record for character {}: {}", &character_data.id, error ) } comp::Inventory::default() }, comp::Inventory::from, ), maybe_loadout.map_or_else( || { // Create if no record was found let default_loadout = LoadoutBuilder::new() .defaults() .active_item(LoadoutBuilder::default_item_config_from_str( character_data.tool.as_deref(), )) .build(); let row = NewLoadout::from((character_data.id, &default_loadout)); if let Err(e) = diesel::insert_into(schema::loadout::table) .values(&row) .execute(&connection) { let char_id = character_data.id; warn!( ?e, ?char_id, "Failed to create an loadout record for character", ) } default_loadout }, |data| comp::Loadout::from(&data), ), )) } /// Loads a list of characters belonging to the player. This data is a small /// subset of the character's data, and is used to render the character and /// their level in the character list. /// /// In the event that a join fails, for a character (i.e. they lack an entry for /// stats, body, etc...) the character is skipped, and no entry will be /// returned. fn load_character_list(player_uuid: &str, db_dir: &str) -> CharacterListResult { let data = schema::character::dsl::character .filter(schema::character::player_uuid.eq(player_uuid)) .order(schema::character::id.desc()) .inner_join(schema::body::table) .inner_join(schema::stats::table) .left_join(schema::loadout::table) .load::<(Character, Body, Stats, Option)>(&establish_connection(db_dir))?; Ok(data .iter() .map(|(character_data, body_data, stats_data, maybe_loadout)| { let character = CharacterData::from(character_data); let body = comp::Body::from(body_data); let level = stats_data.level as usize; let loadout = maybe_loadout.as_ref().map_or_else( || { LoadoutBuilder::new() .defaults() .active_item(LoadoutBuilder::default_item_config_from_str( character.tool.as_deref(), )) .build() }, comp::Loadout::from, ); CharacterItem { character, body, level, loadout, } }) .collect()) } /// Create a new character with provided comp::Character and comp::Body data. /// /// Note that sqlite does not support returning the inserted data after a /// successful insert. To workaround, we wrap this in a transaction which /// inserts, queries for the newly created chaacter id, then uses the character /// id for subsequent insertions fn create_character( uuid: &str, character_alias: &str, character_tool: Option, body: &comp::Body, db_dir: &str, ) -> CharacterListResult { check_character_limit(uuid, db_dir)?; let connection = establish_connection(db_dir); connection.transaction::<_, diesel::result::Error, _>(|| { use schema::{body, character, character::dsl::*, inventory, loadout, stats}; match body { comp::Body::Humanoid(body_data) => { let new_character = NewCharacter { player_uuid: uuid, alias: &character_alias, tool: character_tool.as_deref(), }; diesel::insert_into(character::table) .values(&new_character) .execute(&connection)?; let inserted_character = character .filter(player_uuid.eq(uuid)) .order(id.desc()) .first::(&connection)?; let new_body = Body { character_id: inserted_character.id as i32, species: body_data.species as i16, body_type: body_data.body_type as i16, hair_style: body_data.hair_style as i16, beard: body_data.beard as i16, eyes: body_data.eyes as i16, accessory: body_data.accessory as i16, hair_color: body_data.hair_color as i16, skin: body_data.skin as i16, eye_color: body_data.eye_color as i16, }; diesel::insert_into(body::table) .values(&new_body) .execute(&connection)?; let default_stats = comp::Stats::new(String::from(new_character.alias), *body); // Insert some default stats let new_stats = Stats { character_id: inserted_character.id as i32, level: default_stats.level.level() as i32, exp: default_stats.exp.current() as i32, endurance: default_stats.endurance as i32, fitness: default_stats.fitness as i32, willpower: default_stats.willpower as i32, }; diesel::insert_into(stats::table) .values(&new_stats) .execute(&connection)?; // Default inventory let inventory = Inventory::from((inserted_character.id, comp::Inventory::default())); diesel::insert_into(inventory::table) .values(&inventory) .execute(&connection)?; // Insert a loadout with defaults and the chosen active weapon let loadout = LoadoutBuilder::new() .defaults() .active_item(LoadoutBuilder::default_item_config_from_str( character_tool.as_deref(), )) .build(); let new_loadout = NewLoadout::from((inserted_character.id, &loadout)); diesel::insert_into(loadout::table) .values(&new_loadout) .execute(&connection)?; }, _ => warn!("Creating non-humanoid characters is not supported."), }; Ok(()) })?; load_character_list(uuid, db_dir) } /// Delete a character. Returns the updated character list. fn delete_character(uuid: &str, character_id: i32, db_dir: &str) -> CharacterListResult { use schema::character::dsl::*; diesel::delete( character .filter(id.eq(character_id)) .filter(player_uuid.eq(uuid)), ) .execute(&establish_connection(db_dir))?; load_character_list(uuid, db_dir) } /// Before creating a character, we ensure that the limit on the number of /// characters has not been exceeded fn check_character_limit(uuid: &str, db_dir: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { use diesel::dsl::count_star; use schema::character::dsl::*; let character_count = character .select(count_star()) .filter(player_uuid.eq(uuid)) .load::(&establish_connection(db_dir))?; match character_count.first() { Some(count) => { if count < &(MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_PLAYER as i64) { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::CharacterLimitReached) } }, _ => Ok(()), } } type CharacterUpdateData = (StatsUpdate, InventoryUpdate, LoadoutUpdate); /// A unidirectional messaging resource for saving characters in a /// background thread. /// /// This is used to make updates to a character and their persisted components, /// such as inventory, loadout, etc... pub struct CharacterUpdater { update_tx: Option>>, handle: Option>, } impl CharacterUpdater { pub fn new(db_dir: String) -> Self { let (update_tx, update_rx) = channel::unbounded::>(); let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || { while let Ok(updates) = update_rx.recv() { batch_update(updates.into_iter(), &db_dir); } }); Self { update_tx: Some(update_tx), handle: Some(handle), } } /// Updates a collection of characters based on their id and components pub fn batch_update<'a>( &self, updates: impl Iterator, ) { let updates = updates .map(|(id, stats, inventory, loadout)| { ( id, ( StatsUpdate::from(stats), InventoryUpdate::from(inventory), LoadoutUpdate::from((id, loadout)), ), ) }) .collect(); if let Err(e) = self.update_tx.as_ref().unwrap().send(updates) { error!(?e, "Could not send stats updates"); } } /// Updates a single character based on their id and components pub fn update( &self, character_id: i32, stats: &comp::Stats, inventory: &comp::Inventory, loadout: &comp::Loadout, ) { self.batch_update(std::iter::once((character_id, stats, inventory, loadout))); } } fn batch_update(updates: impl Iterator, db_dir: &str) { let connection = establish_connection(db_dir); if let Err(e) = connection.transaction::<_, diesel::result::Error, _>(|| { updates.for_each( |(character_id, (stats_update, inventory_update, loadout_update))| { update( character_id, &stats_update, &inventory_update, &loadout_update, &connection, ) }, ); Ok(()) }) { error!(?e, "Error during stats batch update transaction"); } } fn update( character_id: i32, stats: &StatsUpdate, inventory: &InventoryUpdate, loadout: &LoadoutUpdate, connection: &SqliteConnection, ) { if let Err(e) = diesel::update(schema::stats::table.filter(schema::stats::character_id.eq(character_id))) .set(stats) .execute(connection) { warn!(?e, ?character_id, "Failed to update stats for character",) } if let Err(e) = diesel::update( schema::inventory::table.filter(schema::inventory::character_id.eq(character_id)), ) .set(inventory) .execute(connection) { warn!( ?e, ?character_id, "Failed to update inventory for character", ) } if let Err(e) = diesel::update( schema::loadout::table.filter(schema::loadout::character_id.eq(character_id)), ) .set(loadout) .execute(connection) { warn!(?e, ?character_id, "Failed to update loadout for character",) } } impl Drop for CharacterUpdater { fn drop(&mut self) { drop(self.update_tx.take()); if let Err(e) = self.handle.take().unwrap().join() { error!(?e, "Error from joining character update thread"); } } }