use common::{ combat::{self, AttackOptions, AttackSource, AttackerInfo, TargetInfo}, comp::{ agent::{Sound, SoundKind}, Alignment, Beam, BeamSegment, Body, CharacterState, Combo, Energy, Group, Health, Inventory, Ori, Player, Pos, Scale, Stats, }, event::{EventBus, ServerEvent}, outcome::Outcome, resources::{DeltaTime, Time}, terrain::TerrainGrid, uid::{Uid, UidAllocator}, vol::ReadVol, GroupTarget, }; use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, ParMode, Phase, System}; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator; use specs::{ saveload::MarkerAllocator, shred::ResourceId, Entities, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, SystemData, World, Write, WriteStorage, }; use std::time::Duration; use vek::*; #[derive(SystemData)] pub struct ReadData<'a> { entities: Entities<'a>, players: ReadStorage<'a, Player>, server_bus: Read<'a, EventBus>, time: Read<'a, Time>, dt: Read<'a, DeltaTime>, terrain: ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>, uid_allocator: Read<'a, UidAllocator>, cached_spatial_grid: Read<'a, common::CachedSpatialGrid>, uids: ReadStorage<'a, Uid>, positions: ReadStorage<'a, Pos>, orientations: ReadStorage<'a, Ori>, alignments: ReadStorage<'a, Alignment>, scales: ReadStorage<'a, Scale>, bodies: ReadStorage<'a, Body>, healths: ReadStorage<'a, Health>, inventories: ReadStorage<'a, Inventory>, groups: ReadStorage<'a, Group>, energies: ReadStorage<'a, Energy>, stats: ReadStorage<'a, Stats>, combos: ReadStorage<'a, Combo>, character_states: ReadStorage<'a, CharacterState>, } /// This system is responsible for handling beams that heal or do damage #[derive(Default)] pub struct Sys; impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys { type SystemData = ( ReadData<'a>, WriteStorage<'a, BeamSegment>, WriteStorage<'a, Beam>, Write<'a, Vec>, ); const NAME: &'static str = "beam"; const ORIGIN: Origin = Origin::Common; const PHASE: Phase = Phase::Create; fn run( job: &mut Job, (read_data, mut beam_segments, mut beams, mut outcomes): Self::SystemData, ) { let mut server_emitter = read_data.server_bus.emitter(); let time = read_data.time.0; let dt = read_data.dt.0; job.cpu_stats.measure(ParMode::Rayon); // Beams let (server_events, add_hit_entities, mut new_outcomes) = ( &read_data.entities, &read_data.positions, &read_data.orientations, &beam_segments, ) .par_join() .fold( || (Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new()), |(mut server_events, mut add_hit_entities, mut outcomes), (entity, pos, ori, beam_segment)| { let creation_time = match beam_segment.creation { Some(time) => time, // Skip newly created beam segments None => return (server_events, add_hit_entities, outcomes), }; let end_time = creation_time + beam_segment.duration.as_secs_f64(); let beam_owner = beam_segment.owner.and_then(|uid| { read_data.uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()) }); let mut rng = thread_rng(); if rng.gen_bool(0.005) { server_events.push(ServerEvent::Sound { sound: Sound::new(SoundKind::Beam, pos.0, 7.0, time), }); } // If beam segment is out of time emit destroy event but still continue since it // may have traveled and produced effects a bit before reaching its // end point if end_time < time { server_events.push(ServerEvent::Delete(entity)); } // Determine area that was covered by the beam in the last tick let frame_time = dt.min((end_time - time) as f32); if frame_time <= 0.0 { return (server_events, add_hit_entities, outcomes); } // Note: min() probably uneeded let time_since_creation = (time - creation_time) as f32; let frame_start_dist = (beam_segment.speed * (time_since_creation - frame_time)).max(0.0); let frame_end_dist = (beam_segment.speed * time_since_creation).max(frame_start_dist); // Group to ignore collisions with // Might make this more nuanced if beams are used for non damage effects let group = beam_owner.and_then(|e| read_data.groups.get(e)); let hit_entities = if let Some(beam) = beam_owner.and_then(|e| beams.get(e)) { &beam.hit_entities } else { return (server_events, add_hit_entities, outcomes); }; // Go through all affectable entities by querying the spatial grid let target_iter = read_data .cached_spatial_grid .0 .in_circle_aabr(pos.0.xy(), frame_end_dist - frame_start_dist) .filter_map(|target| { read_data .positions .get(target) .and_then(|l| read_data.healths.get(target).map(|r| (l, r))) .and_then(|l| read_data.uids.get(target).map(|r| (l, r))) .and_then(|l| read_data.bodies.get(target).map(|r| (l, r))) .map(|(((pos_b, health_b), uid_b), body_b)| { (target, uid_b, pos_b, health_b, body_b) }) }); target_iter.for_each(|(target, uid_b, pos_b, health_b, body_b)| { // Check to see if entity has already been hit recently if hit_entities.iter().any(|&uid| uid == *uid_b) { return; } // Scales let scale_b = read_data.scales.get(target).map_or(1.0, |s| s.0); let rad_b = body_b.max_radius() * scale_b; let height_b = body_b.height() * scale_b; // Check if it is a hit // TODO: use Capsule Prism instead of cylinder let hit = entity != target && !health_b.is_dead && sphere_wedge_cylinder_collision( pos.0, frame_start_dist, frame_end_dist, *ori.look_dir(), beam_segment.angle, pos_b.0, rad_b, height_b, ); // Finally, ensure that a hit has actually occurred by performing a raycast. // We do this last because it's likely to be the // most expensive operation. let tgt_dist = pos.0.distance(pos_b.0); let hit = hit && read_data .terrain .ray(pos.0, pos.0 + *ori.look_dir() * (tgt_dist + 1.0)) .until(|b| b.is_filled()) .cast() .0 >= tgt_dist; if hit { // See if entities are in the same group let same_group = group .map(|group_a| Some(group_a) == read_data.groups.get(target)) .unwrap_or(Some(*uid_b) == beam_segment.owner); let target_group = if same_group { GroupTarget::InGroup } else { GroupTarget::OutOfGroup }; // If owner, shouldn't heal or damage if Some(*uid_b) == beam_segment.owner { return; } let attacker_info =|(entity, uid)| { AttackerInfo { entity, uid, group: read_data.groups.get(entity), energy: read_data.energies.get(entity), combo: read_data.combos.get(entity), inventory: read_data.inventories.get(entity), } }); let target_info = TargetInfo { entity: target, uid: *uid_b, inventory: read_data.inventories.get(target), stats: read_data.stats.get(target), health: read_data.healths.get(target), pos: pos_b.0, ori: read_data.orientations.get(target), char_state: read_data.character_states.get(target), energy: read_data.energies.get(target), }; // PvP check let may_harm = combat::may_harm( &read_data.alignments, &read_data.players, &read_data.uid_allocator, beam_owner, target, ); let attack_options = AttackOptions { // No luck with dodging beams target_dodging: false, may_harm, target_group, }; attacker_info, target_info, ori.look_dir(), attack_options, 1.0, AttackSource::Beam, *read_data.time, |e| server_events.push(e), |o| outcomes.push(o), ); add_hit_entities.push((beam_owner, *uid_b)); } }); (server_events, add_hit_entities, outcomes) }, ) .reduce( || (Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new()), |(mut events_a, mut hit_entities_a, mut outcomes_a), (mut events_b, mut hit_entities_b, mut outcomes_b)| { events_a.append(&mut events_b); hit_entities_a.append(&mut hit_entities_b); outcomes_a.append(&mut outcomes_b); (events_a, hit_entities_a, outcomes_a) }, ); job.cpu_stats.measure(ParMode::Single); outcomes.append(&mut new_outcomes); for event in server_events { server_emitter.emit(event); } for (owner, hit_entity) in add_hit_entities { if let Some(ref mut beam) = owner.and_then(|e| beams.get_mut(e)) { beam.hit_entities.push(hit_entity); } } for beam in (&mut beams).join() { beam.timer = beam .timer .checked_add(Duration::from_secs_f32(dt)) .unwrap_or(beam.tick_dur); if beam.timer >= beam.tick_dur { beam.hit_entities.clear(); beam.timer = beam.timer.checked_sub(beam.tick_dur).unwrap_or_default(); } } // Set start time on new beams // This change doesn't need to be recorded as it is not sent to the client beam_segments.set_event_emission(false); (&mut beam_segments).join().for_each(|mut beam_segment| { if beam_segment.creation.is_none() { beam_segment.creation = Some(time); } }); beam_segments.set_event_emission(true); } } /// Assumes upright cylinder /// See page 12 of fn sphere_wedge_cylinder_collision( // Values for spherical wedge real_pos: Vec3, min_rad: f32, // Distance from beam origin to inner section of beam max_rad: f32, //Distance from beam origin to outer section of beam ori: Vec3, angle: f32, // Values for cylinder bottom_pos_b: Vec3, // Position of bottom of cylinder rad_b: f32, length_b: f32, ) -> bool { // Converts all coordinates so that the new origin is in the center of the // cylinder let center_pos_b = Vec3::new( bottom_pos_b.x, bottom_pos_b.y, bottom_pos_b.z + length_b / 2.0, ); let pos = real_pos - center_pos_b; let pos_b = Vec3::zero(); if pos.distance_squared(pos_b) > (max_rad + rad_b + length_b).powi(2) { // Does quick check if entity is too far (I'm not sure if necessary, but // probably makes detection more efficient) false } else if pos.z.abs() <= length_b / 2.0 { // Checks case 1: center of sphere is on same z-height as cylinder let pos2 = Vec2::::from(pos); let ori2 = Vec2::from(ori); let distance = pos2.distance(Vec2::zero()); let in_range = distance < max_rad && distance > min_rad; // Done so that if distance = 0, atan() can still be calculated let tangent_value1: f32 = rad_b / distance; let tangent_value2: f32 = length_b / 2.0 / distance; let in_angle = pos2.angle_between(-ori2) < angle + (tangent_value1).atan().abs() && pos.angle_between(-ori) < angle + (tangent_value2).atan().abs(); in_range && in_angle } else { // Checks case 2: if sphere collides with top/bottom of cylinder, doesn't use // paper. Logic used here is it checks if line between centers passes through // either cap, then if the cap is within range, then if withing angle of beam. // If line let sign = if pos.z > 0.0 { 1.0 } else { -1.0 }; let height = sign * length_b / 2.0; let (in_range, in_angle): (bool, bool); // Gets relatively how far along the line (between sphere and cylinder centers) // the endcap of the cylinder is, is between 0 and 1 when sphere center is not // in cylinder let intersect_frac = (length_b / 2.0 / pos.z).abs(); // Gets the position of the cylinder edge closest to the sphere center let edge_pos = if let Some(vec) = Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0).try_normalized() { vec * rad_b } else { // Returns an arbitrary location that is still guaranteed to be on the cylinder // edge. This case should only happen when the sphere is directly above the // cylinder, in which case all positions on edge are equally close. Vec3::new(rad_b, 0.0, 0.0) }; // Gets position on opposite edge of same endcap let opp_end_edge_pos = Vec3::new(-edge_pos.x, -edge_pos.y, height); // Gets position on same edge of opposite endcap let bot_end_edge_pos = Vec3::new(edge_pos.x, edge_pos.y, -height); // Gets point on line between sphere and cylinder centers that the z value is // equal to the endcap z location let intersect_point = Vec2::new(pos.x * intersect_frac, pos.y * intersect_frac); // Checks if line between sphere and cylinder center passes through cap of // cylinder if intersect_point.distance_squared(Vec2::zero()) <= rad_b.powi(2) { let distance_squared = Vec3::new(intersect_point.x, intersect_point.y, height).distance_squared(pos); in_range = distance_squared < max_rad.powi(2) && distance_squared > min_rad.powi(2); // Angle between (line between centers of cylinder and sphere) and either (line // between opposite edge of endcap and sphere center) or (line between close // edge of endcap on bottom of cylinder and sphere center). Whichever angle is // largest is used. let angle2 = (pos_b - pos) .angle_between(opp_end_edge_pos - pos) .max((pos_b - pos).angle_between(bot_end_edge_pos - pos)); in_angle = pos.angle_between(-ori) < angle + angle2; } else { // TODO: Handle collision for this case more accurately // For this case, the nearest point will be the edge of the endcap let endcap_edge_pos = Vec3::new(edge_pos.x, edge_pos.y, height); let distance_squared = endcap_edge_pos.distance_squared(pos); in_range = distance_squared > min_rad.powi(2) && distance_squared < max_rad.powi(2); // Gets side positions on same endcap let side_end_edge_pos_1 = Vec3::new(edge_pos.y, -edge_pos.x, height); let side_end_edge_pos_2 = Vec3::new(-edge_pos.y, edge_pos.x, height); // Gets whichever angle is bigger, between sphere center and opposite edge, // sphere center and bottom edge, or half of sphere center and both the side // edges let angle2 = (pos_b - pos).angle_between(opp_end_edge_pos - pos).max( (pos_b - pos).angle_between(bot_end_edge_pos - pos).max( (side_end_edge_pos_1 - pos).angle_between(side_end_edge_pos_2 - pos) / 2.0, ), ); // Will be somewhat inaccurate, tends towards hitting when it shouldn't // Checks angle between orientation and line between sphere and cylinder centers in_angle = pos.angle_between(-ori) < angle + angle2; } in_range && in_angle } }