mod client_init; mod ui; use super::char_selection::CharSelectionState; #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] use crate::singleplayer::Singleplayer; use crate::{ render::Renderer, settings::Settings, window::Event, Direction, GlobalState, PlayState, PlayStateResult, }; use client_init::{ClientInit, Error as InitError, Msg as InitMsg}; use common::{assets::load_expect, comp}; use tracing::{error, warn}; use ui::{Event as MainMenuEvent, MainMenuUi}; pub struct MainMenuState { main_menu_ui: MainMenuUi, // Used for client creation. client_init: Option, } impl MainMenuState { /// Create a new `MainMenuState`. pub fn new(global_state: &mut GlobalState) -> Self { Self { main_menu_ui: MainMenuUi::new(global_state), client_init: None, } } } const DEFAULT_PORT: u16 = 14004; impl PlayState for MainMenuState { fn enter(&mut self, global_state: &mut GlobalState, _: Direction) { // Kick off title music if && {; } // Reset singleplayer server if it was running already #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] { global_state.singleplayer = None; } } fn tick(&mut self, global_state: &mut GlobalState, events: Vec) -> PlayStateResult { let localized_strings = load_expect::( &crate::i18n::i18n_asset_key(&global_state.settings.language.selected_language), ); // Handle window events. for event in events { match event { Event::Close => return PlayStateResult::Shutdown, // Pass events to ui. Event::Ui(event) => { self.main_menu_ui.handle_event(event); }, // Ignore all other events. _ => {}, } } // Poll client creation. match self.client_init.as_ref().and_then(|init| init.poll()) { Some(InitMsg::Done(Ok(mut client))) => { self.client_init = None; self.main_menu_ui.connected(); // Register voxygen components / resources crate::ecs::init(client.state_mut().ecs_mut()); return PlayStateResult::Push(Box::new(CharSelectionState::new( global_state, std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::RefCell::new(client)), ))); }, Some(InitMsg::Done(Err(err))) => { self.client_init = None; global_state.info_message = Some({ let err = match err { InitError::BadAddress(_) | InitError::NoAddress => { localized_strings.get("main.login.server_not_found").into() }, InitError::ClientError(err) => match err { client::Error::AuthErr(e) => format!( "{}: {}", localized_strings.get("main.login.authentication_error"), e ), client::Error::TooManyPlayers => { localized_strings.get("main.login.server_full").into() }, client::Error::AuthServerNotTrusted => localized_strings .get("main.login.untrusted_auth_server") .into(), client::Error::ServerWentMad => localized_strings .get("main.login.outdated_client_or_server") .into(), client::Error::ServerTimeout => { localized_strings.get("main.login.timeout").into() }, client::Error::ServerShutdown => { localized_strings.get("main.login.server_shut_down").into() }, client::Error::AlreadyLoggedIn => { localized_strings.get("main.login.already_logged_in").into() }, client::Error::NotOnWhitelist => { localized_strings.get("main.login.not_on_whitelist").into() }, client::Error::InvalidCharacter => { localized_strings.get("main.login.invalid_character").into() }, client::Error::NetworkErr(e) => format!( "{}: {:?}", localized_strings.get("main.login.network_error"), e ), client::Error::ParticipantErr(e) => format!( "{}: {:?}", localized_strings.get("main.login.network_error"), e ), client::Error::StreamErr(e) => format!( "{}: {:?}", localized_strings.get("main.login.network_error"), e ), client::Error::Other(e) => { format!("{}: {}", localized_strings.get("common.error"), e) }, client::Error::AuthClientError(e) => match e { client::AuthClientError::JsonError(e) => format!( "{}: {}", localized_strings.get("common.fatal_error"), e ), // TODO: remove parentheses client::AuthClientError::RequestError() => localized_strings .get("main.login.failed_sending_request") .to_owned(), client::AuthClientError::ServerError(_, e) => e, }, }, InitError::ClientCrashed => { localized_strings.get("main.login.client_crashed").into() }, }; // Log error for possible additional use later or incase that the error // displayed is cut of. error!("{}", err); err }); }, Some(InitMsg::IsAuthTrusted(auth_server)) => { if global_state .settings .networking .trusted_auth_servers .contains(&auth_server) { // Can't fail since we just polled it, it must be Some self.client_init .as_ref() .unwrap() .auth_trust(auth_server, true); } else { // Show warning that auth server is not trusted and prompt for approval self.main_menu_ui.auth_trust_prompt(auth_server); } }, None => {}, } // Maintain the UI. for event in self .main_menu_ui .maintain(global_state, global_state.clock.get_last_delta()) { match event { MainMenuEvent::LoginAttempt { username, password, server_address, } => { attempt_login( global_state, username, password, server_address, DEFAULT_PORT, &mut self.client_init, ); }, MainMenuEvent::CancelLoginAttempt => { // client_init contains Some(ClientInit), which spawns a thread which contains a // TcpStream::connect() call This call is blocking // TODO fix when the network rework happens #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] { global_state.singleplayer = None; } self.client_init = None; self.main_menu_ui.cancel_connection(); }, #[cfg(feature = "singleplayer")] MainMenuEvent::StartSingleplayer => { let (singleplayer, server_settings) = Singleplayer::new(None); // TODO: Make client and server use the same thread pool global_state.singleplayer = Some(singleplayer); attempt_login( global_state, "singleplayer".to_owned(), "".to_owned(), server_settings.gameserver_address.ip().to_string(), server_settings.gameserver_address.port(), &mut self.client_init, ); }, MainMenuEvent::Settings => {}, // TODO MainMenuEvent::Quit => return PlayStateResult::Shutdown, /*MainMenuEvent::DisclaimerClosed => { global_state.settings.show_disclaimer = false },*/ MainMenuEvent::AuthServerTrust(auth_server, trust) => { if trust { global_state .settings .networking .trusted_auth_servers .insert(auth_server.clone()); global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); } self.client_init .as_ref() .map(|init| init.auth_trust(auth_server, trust)); }, } } if let Some(info) = global_state.info_message.take() { self.main_menu_ui.show_info(info); } PlayStateResult::Continue } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "Title" } fn render(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, _: &Settings) { // Draw the UI to the screen. self.main_menu_ui.render(renderer); } } fn attempt_login( global_state: &mut GlobalState, username: String, password: String, server_address: String, server_port: u16, client_init: &mut Option, ) { let mut net_settings = &mut global_state.settings.networking; net_settings.username = username.clone(); if !net_settings.servers.contains(&server_address) { net_settings.servers.push(server_address.clone()); } if let Err(e) = global_state.settings.save_to_file() { warn!(?e, "Failed to save settings"); } if comp::Player::alias_is_valid(&username) { // Don't try to connect if there is already a connection in progress. if client_init.is_none() { *client_init = Some(ClientInit::new( (server_address, server_port, false), username, Some(, password, )); } } else { global_state.info_message = Some("Invalid username".to_string()); } }