pub mod cell; use self::cell::Cell; use crate::{ util::chromify_srgb, vol::{ReadVol, SizedVol, Vox, WriteVol}, volumes::dyna::Dyna, }; use dot_vox::DotVoxData; use vek::*; /// A type representing a volume that may be part of an animated figure. /// /// Figures are used to represent things like characters, NPCs, mobs, etc. pub type Segment = Dyna; impl From<&DotVoxData> for Segment { fn from(dot_vox_data: &DotVoxData) -> Self { if let Some(model) = dot_vox_data.models.get(0) { let palette = dot_vox_data .palette .iter() .map(|col| Rgba::from(col.to_ne_bytes()).into()) .collect::>(); let mut segment = Segment::filled( Vec3::new(model.size.x, model.size.y, model.size.z), Cell::empty(), (), ); for voxel in &model.voxels { if let Some(&color) = palette.get(voxel.i as usize) { // TODO: Maybe don't ignore this error? let _ = segment.set( Vec3::new(voxel.x, voxel.y, voxel.z).map(|e| i32::from(e)), Cell::new(color), ); } } segment } else { Segment::filled(Vec3::zero(), Cell::empty(), ()) } } } impl Segment { /// Create a new `Segment` by combining two existing ones pub fn union(&self, other: &Self, other_offset: Vec3) -> Self { let size = self.get_size(); let other_size = self.get_size(); let new_size = other_offset .map2(other_size, |oo, os| (oo, os)) .map2(size, |(oo, os), s| { (oo + os as i32).max(s as i32) - oo.min(0) }) .map(|e| e as u32); let mut combined = Segment::filled(new_size, Cell::empty(), ()); // Copy self into combined let offset =|e| e.min(0).abs()); for pos in self.iter_positions() { if let Cell::Filled(col) = *self.get(pos).unwrap() { combined.set(pos + offset, Cell::Filled(col)).unwrap(); } } // Copy other into combined let offset =|e| e.max(0)); for pos in other.iter_positions() { if let Cell::Filled(col) = *other.get(pos).unwrap() { combined.set(pos + offset, Cell::Filled(col)).unwrap(); } } combined } /// Replaces one cell with another pub fn replace(mut self, old: Cell, new: Cell) -> Self { for pos in self.iter_positions() { if old == *self.get(pos).unwrap() { self.set(pos, new); } } self } /// Preserve the luminance of all the colors but set the chomaticity to match the provided color pub fn chromify(mut self, chroma: Rgb) -> Self { let chroma =|e| e as f32 * 255.0); for pos in self.iter_positions() { match self.get(pos).unwrap() { Cell::Filled(rgb) => self .set( pos, Cell::Filled( chromify_srgb(Rgb::from_slice(rgb).map(|e| e as f32 / 255.0), chroma) .map(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8) .into_array(), ), ) .unwrap(), Cell::Empty => (), } } self } }