stages: - build - test - executable - post-build # our own git fetch command like # speeds up building because we skip the git clean and dont need any gitlab caches variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none before_script: - mkdir -p /cache/veloren - cd /cache/veloren - if [ -d .git ]; then echo "is git dir"; else git clone $CI_REPOSITORY_URL . ; fi; - rm -f .git/index.lock - rm -f .git/shallow.lock - rm -f .git/HEAD.lock - rm -f .git/hocks/post-checkout - git remote set-url origin $CI_REPOSITORY_URL - git fetch origin --prune +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* - git checkout -f -q $CI_COMMIT_SHA - if [ ! -z "${SOURCE_PROJECT}" -a "${SOURCE_PROJECT}" != " " ]; then echo "THIS SEEMS TO BE A MERGE PIPELINE FROM ${SOURCE_PROJECT}/${SOURCE_BRANCH}"; git pull "${SOURCE_PROJECT}/veloren.git" "${SOURCE_BRANCH}"; fi; - git submodule sync --recursive - git submodule update --remote --recursive - git status - if [ -d target ]; then ls -la target; fi; ############# # BUILD ############# build-voxygen: stage: build image: tags: - docker script: - (cd voxygen && cargo build) allow_failure: false build-server-cli: stage: build image: tags: - docker script: - (cd server-cli && cargo build) allow_failure: false ############# # TEST ############# unittests: stage: test image: tags: - docker script: - cargo test allow_failure: false benchmarktests: stage: test image: tags: - docker script: - cargo bench allow_failure: true ############# # EXECUTABLE ############# nightly-linux-optimized: stage: executable image: tags: - docker script: - (cd voxygen && VELOREN_ASSETS=assets cargo build --release) - (cd server-cli && VELOREN_ASSETS=assets cargo build --release) - rm -r -f nightly - mkdir nightly - cp target/release/veloren-server-cli nightly - cp target/release/veloren-voxygen nightly - cp -r assets nightly/ - cp -r voxygen/shaders nightly/ - rm -f nightly-linux-optimized.tar.bz2 - tar -cvjSf nightly-linux-optimized.tar.bz2 nightly when: on_success artifacts: paths: - nightly-linux-optimized.tar.bz2 expire_in: 2 days only: refs: - master nightly-windows-optimized: stage: executable image: tags: - docker script: - (cd voxygen && VELOREN_ASSETS=assets cargo build --release --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu) - (cd server-cli && VELOREN_ASSETS=assets cargo build --release --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu) - rm -r -f nightly - mkdir nightly - cp target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/veloren-server-cli.exe nightly - cp target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/veloren-voxygen.exe nightly - cp -r assets nightly/ - cp -r voxygen/shaders nightly/ - rm -f - zip -r nightly when: on_success artifacts: paths: - expire_in: 2 days only: refs: - master ############# # POST-BUILD ############# clean-code: stage: post-build image: tags: - docker script: - rustup component add rustfmt-preview - cargo fmt --all -- --check allow_failure: true coverage: stage: post-build image: tags: - docker script: - if cargo install --list | grep -i "cargo-tarpaulin"; then echo "tarpaulin already installed"; else RUSTFLAGS="--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt" cargo install cargo-tarpaulin; fi - cargo tarpaulin --skip-clean --all || echo "There is a problem in tarpaulin which sometimes fails" clippy: stage: post-build image: tags: - docker script: - rustup component add clippy-preview --toolchain=nightly - cargo clippy --all -- -D clippy || echo "This job is disabled, because we are not activly using it now, so we dont want to see yellow failed partly" allow_failure: true