#![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(clippy::clone_on_ref_ptr)] #[cfg(all( target_os = "windows", not(feature = "hot-agent"), not(feature = "hot-site"), ))] #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; /// `server-cli` interface commands not to be confused with the commands sent /// from the client to the server mod cli; mod settings; mod shutdown_coordinator; mod tui_runner; mod tuilog; use crate::{ cli::{Admin, ArgvApp, ArgvCommand, Message, SharedCommand, Shutdown}, shutdown_coordinator::ShutdownCoordinator, tui_runner::Tui, tuilog::TuiLog, }; use common::{clock::Clock, consts::MIN_RECOMMENDED_TOKIO_THREADS}; use common_base::span; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use server::{persistence::DatabaseSettings, settings::Protocol, Event, Input, Server}; use std::{ io, sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, mpsc, Arc}, time::Duration, }; use tracing::{info, trace}; lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref LOG: TuiLog<'static> = TuiLog::default(); } const TPS: u64 = 30; fn main() -> io::Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "tracy")] common_base::tracy_client::Client::start(); use clap::Parser; let app = ArgvApp::parse(); let basic = !app.tui || app.command.is_some(); let noninteractive = app.non_interactive; let no_auth = app.no_auth; let sql_log_mode = app.sql_log_mode; // noninteractive implies basic let basic = basic || noninteractive; let sigusr1_signal = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos"))] let _ = signal_hook::flag::register(signal_hook::consts::SIGUSR1, Arc::clone(&sigusr1_signal)); let (_guards, _guards2) = if basic { (Vec::new(), common_frontend::init_stdout(None)) } else { (common_frontend::init(None, &|| LOG.clone()), Vec::new()) }; // Load settings let settings = settings::Settings::load(); // Determine folder to save server data in let server_data_dir = { let mut path = common_base::userdata_dir_workspace!(); info!("Using userdata folder at {}", path.display()); path.push(server::DEFAULT_DATA_DIR_NAME); path }; // We don't need that many threads in the async pool, at least 2 but generally // 25% of all available will do // TODO: evaluate std::thread::available_concurrency as a num_cpus replacement let runtime = Arc::new( tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .worker_threads((num_cpus::get() / 4).max(MIN_RECOMMENDED_TOKIO_THREADS)) .thread_name_fn(|| { static ATOMIC_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); let id = ATOMIC_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); format!("tokio-server-{}", id) }) .build() .unwrap(), ); #[cfg(feature = "hot-agent")] { agent::init(); } #[cfg(feature = "hot-site")] { world::init(); } // Load server settings let mut server_settings = server::Settings::load(&server_data_dir); let mut editable_settings = server::EditableSettings::load(&server_data_dir); // Apply no_auth modifier to the settings if no_auth { server_settings.auth_server_address = None; } // Relative to data_dir const PERSISTENCE_DB_DIR: &str = "saves"; let database_settings = DatabaseSettings { db_dir: server_data_dir.join(PERSISTENCE_DB_DIR), sql_log_mode, }; if let Some(command) = app.command { return match command { ArgvCommand::Shared(SharedCommand::Admin { command }) => { let login_provider = server::login_provider::LoginProvider::new( server_settings.auth_server_address, runtime, ); match command { Admin::Add { username, role } => { // FIXME: Currently the UUID can get returned even if the file didn't // change, so this can't be relied on as an error // code; moreover, we do nothing with the UUID // returned in the success case. Fix the underlying function to return // enough information that we can reliably return an error code. let _ = server::add_admin( &username, role, &login_provider, &mut editable_settings, &server_data_dir, ); }, Admin::Remove { username } => { // FIXME: Currently the UUID can get returned even if the file didn't // change, so this can't be relied on as an error // code; moreover, we do nothing with the UUID // returned in the success case. Fix the underlying function to return // enough information that we can reliably return an error code. let _ = server::remove_admin( &username, &login_provider, &mut editable_settings, &server_data_dir, ); }, } Ok(()) }, }; } // Panic hook to ensure that console mode is set back correctly if in non-basic // mode if !basic { let hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| { Tui::shutdown(basic); hook(info); })); } let tui = (!noninteractive).then(|| Tui::run(basic)); info!("Starting server..."); let protocols_and_addresses = server_settings.gameserver_protocols.clone(); let metrics_port = &server_settings.metrics_address.port(); // Create server let mut server = Server::new( server_settings, editable_settings, database_settings, &server_data_dir, runtime, ) .expect("Failed to create server instance!"); // Collect addresses that the server is listening to log. let gameserver_addresses = protocols_and_addresses .into_iter() .map(|protocol| match protocol { Protocol::Tcp { address } => ("TCP", address), Protocol::Quic { address, cert_file_path: _, key_file_path: _, } => ("QUIC", address), }); info!( ?metrics_port, ?gameserver_addresses, "Server is ready to accept connections." ); let mut shutdown_coordinator = ShutdownCoordinator::new(Arc::clone(&sigusr1_signal)); // Set up an fps clock let mut clock = Clock::new(Duration::from_secs_f64(1.0 / TPS as f64)); // Wait for a tick so we don't start with a zero dt let mut tick_no = 0u64; loop { tick_no += 1; span!(guard, "work"); // Terminate the server if instructed to do so by the shutdown coordinator if shutdown_coordinator.check(&mut server, &settings) { break; } let events = server .tick(Input::default(), clock.dt()) .expect("Failed to tick server"); for event in events { match event { Event::ClientConnected { entity: _ } => info!("Client connected!"), Event::ClientDisconnected { entity: _ } => info!("Client disconnected!"), Event::Chat { entity: _, msg } => info!("[Client] {}", msg), } } // Clean up the server after a tick. server.cleanup(); if tick_no.rem_euclid(1000) == 0 { trace!(?tick_no, "keepalive") } if let Some(tui) = tui.as_ref() { match tui.msg_r.try_recv() { Ok(msg) => match msg { Message::Shutdown { command: Shutdown::Cancel, } => shutdown_coordinator.abort_shutdown(&mut server), Message::Shutdown { command: Shutdown::Graceful { seconds, reason }, } => { shutdown_coordinator.initiate_shutdown( &mut server, Duration::from_secs(seconds), reason, ); }, Message::Shutdown { command: Shutdown::Immediate, } => { info!("Closing the server"); break; }, Message::Shared(SharedCommand::Admin { command: Admin::Add { username, role }, }) => { server.add_admin(&username, role); }, Message::Shared(SharedCommand::Admin { command: Admin::Remove { username }, }) => { server.remove_admin(&username); }, Message::LoadArea { view_distance } => { #[cfg(feature = "worldgen")] server.create_centered_persister(view_distance); }, Message::SqlLogMode { mode } => { server.set_sql_log_mode(mode); }, Message::DisconnectAllClients => { server.disconnect_all_clients(); }, }, Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty) | Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {}, } } drop(guard); // Wait for the next tick. clock.tick(); #[cfg(feature = "tracy")] common_base::tracy_client::frame_mark(); } Ok(()) }