use crate::{ block::ZCache, column::ColumnSample, index::IndexRef, land::Land, sim::{SimChunk, WorldSim}, util::Grid, }; use common::{ terrain::{Block, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize}, vol::{ReadVol, RectVolSize, WriteVol}, }; use std::ops::Deref; use vek::*; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct CanvasInfo<'a> { pub(crate) wpos: Vec2, pub(crate) column_grid: &'a Grid>>, pub(crate) column_grid_border: i32, pub(crate) chunks: &'a WorldSim, pub(crate) index: IndexRef<'a>, pub(crate) chunk: &'a SimChunk, } impl<'a> CanvasInfo<'a> { pub fn wpos(&self) -> Vec2 { self.wpos } pub fn area(&self) -> Aabr { Rect::from(( self.wpos(), Extent2::from(|e| e as i32)), )) .into() } pub fn col(&self, pos: Vec2) -> Option<&'a ColumnSample> { self.column_grid .get(self.column_grid_border + pos - self.wpos()) .map(Option::as_ref) .flatten() .map(|zc| &zc.sample) } pub fn index(&self) -> IndexRef<'a> { self.index } pub fn chunk(&self) -> &'a SimChunk { self.chunk } pub fn chunks(&self) -> &'a WorldSim { self.chunks } pub fn land(&self) -> Land<'_> { Land::from_sim(self.chunks) } } pub struct Canvas<'a> { pub(crate) info: CanvasInfo<'a>, pub(crate) chunk: &'a mut TerrainChunk, } impl<'a> Canvas<'a> { /// The borrow checker complains at immutable features of canvas (column /// sampling, etc.) being used at the same time as mutable features /// (writing blocks). To avoid this, this method extracts the /// inner `CanvasInfo` such that it may be used independently. pub fn info(&mut self) -> CanvasInfo<'a> { } pub fn get(&mut self, pos: Vec3) -> Block { self.chunk .get(pos - self.wpos()) .ok() .copied() .unwrap_or_else(Block::empty) } pub fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3, block: Block) { let _ = self.chunk.set(pos - self.wpos(), block); } pub fn map(&mut self, pos: Vec3, f: impl FnOnce(Block) -> Block) { let _ = - self.wpos(), f); } /// Execute an operation upon each column in this canvas. pub fn foreach_col(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self, Vec2, &ColumnSample)) { for y in 0..self.area().size().h as i32 { for x in 0..self.area().size().w as i32 { let wpos2d = self.wpos() + Vec2::new(x, y); let info =; let col = if let Some(col) = info.col(wpos2d) { col } else { return; }; f(self, wpos2d, col); } } } } impl<'a> Deref for Canvas<'a> { type Target = CanvasInfo<'a>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } }