//! # Implementing new commands. //! To implement a new command, add an instance of `ChatCommand` to //! `CHAT_COMMANDS` and provide a handler function. use crate::{Server, StateExt}; use chrono::{NaiveTime, Timelike}; use common::{ assets, comp, event::{EventBus, ServerEvent}, msg::{PlayerListUpdate, ServerMsg}, npc::{self, get_npc_name}, state::TimeOfDay, sync::{Uid, WorldSyncExt}, terrain::TerrainChunkSize, util::Dir, vol::RectVolSize, }; use rand::Rng; use specs::{Builder, Entity as EcsEntity, Join, WorldExt}; use vek::*; use world::util::Sampler; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::error; use scan_fmt::{scan_fmt, scan_fmt_some}; /// Struct representing a command that a user can run from server chat. pub struct ChatCommand { /// The keyword used to invoke the command, omitting the leading '/'. pub keyword: &'static str, /// A format string for parsing arguments. arg_fmt: &'static str, /// A message that explains how the command is used. help_string: &'static str, /// A boolean that is used to check whether the command requires /// administrator permissions or not. needs_admin: bool, /// Handler function called when the command is executed. /// # Arguments /// * `&mut Server` - the `Server` instance executing the command. /// * `EcsEntity` - an `Entity` corresponding to the player that invoked the /// command. /// * `String` - a `String` containing the part of the command after the /// keyword. /// * `&ChatCommand` - the command to execute with the above arguments. /// Handler functions must parse arguments from the the given `String` /// (`scan_fmt!` is included for this purpose). handler: fn(&mut Server, EcsEntity, String, &ChatCommand), } impl ChatCommand { /// Creates a new chat command. pub fn new( keyword: &'static str, arg_fmt: &'static str, help_string: &'static str, needs_admin: bool, handler: fn(&mut Server, EcsEntity, String, &ChatCommand), ) -> Self { Self { keyword, arg_fmt, help_string, needs_admin, handler, } } /// Calls the contained handler function, passing `&self` as the last /// argument. pub fn execute(&self, server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String) { if self.needs_admin { if !server.entity_is_admin(entity) { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!( "You don't have permission to use '/{}'.", self.keyword )), ); return; } else { (self.handler)(server, entity, args, self); } } else { (self.handler)(server, entity, args, self); } } } lazy_static! { /// Static list of chat commands available to the server. pub static ref CHAT_COMMANDS: Vec = vec![ ChatCommand::new( "give_item", "{d}", "/give_item \n\ Example: common/items/debug/boost", true, handle_give,), ChatCommand::new( "jump", "{d} {d} {d}", "/jump : Offset your current position", true, handle_jump, ), ChatCommand::new( "goto", "{d} {d} {d}", "/goto : Teleport to a position", true, handle_goto, ), ChatCommand::new( "alias", "{}", "/alias : Change your alias", false, handle_alias, ), ChatCommand::new( "tp", "{}", "/tp : Teleport to another player", true, handle_tp, ), ChatCommand::new( "kill", "{}", "/kill : Kill yourself", false, handle_kill, ), ChatCommand::new( "time", "{} {s}", "/time or [Time of day] : Set the time of day", true, handle_time, ), ChatCommand::new( "spawn", "{} {} {d}", "/spawn [amount] : Spawn a test entity", true, handle_spawn, ), ChatCommand::new( "players", "{}", "/players : Lists players currently online", false, handle_players, ), ChatCommand::new( "help", "", "/help: Display this message", false, handle_help), ChatCommand::new( "health", "{}", "/health : Set your current health", true, handle_health, ), ChatCommand::new( "build", "", "/build : Toggles build mode on and off", true, handle_build, ), ChatCommand::new( "tell", "{}", "/tell : Send a message to another player", false, handle_tell, ), ChatCommand::new( "killnpcs", "{}", "/killnpcs : Kill the NPCs", true, handle_killnpcs, ), ChatCommand::new( "object", "{}", "/object [Name]: Spawn an object", true, handle_object, ), ChatCommand::new( "light", "{} {} {} {} {} {} {}", "/light > < > <>>: Spawn entity with light", true, handle_light, ), ChatCommand::new( "lantern", "{}", "/lantern : adds/remove light near player", false, handle_lantern, ), ChatCommand::new( "explosion", "{}", "/explosion : Explodes the ground around you", true, handle_explosion, ), ChatCommand::new( "waypoint", "{}", "/waypoint : Set your waypoint to your current position", false, handle_waypoint, ), ChatCommand::new( "adminify", "{}", "/adminify : Temporarily gives a player admin permissions or removes them", true, handle_adminify, ), ChatCommand::new( "debug_column", "{} {}", "/debug_column : Prints some debug information about a column", false, handle_debug_column, ), ChatCommand::new( "give_exp", "{d} {}", "/give_exp : Give experience to yourself or specify a target player", true, handle_exp, ), ChatCommand::new( "set_level", "{d} {}", "/set_level : Set own Level or specify a target player", true, handle_level ), ChatCommand::new( "removelights", "{}", "/removelights [radius] : Removes all lights spawned by players", true, handle_remove_lights, ), ChatCommand::new( "debug", "", "/debug : Place all debug items into your pack.", true, handle_debug, ), ]; } fn handle_give(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(item) = assets::load_cloned(&args) { server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .get_mut(entity) .map(|inv| inv.push(item)); let _ = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .insert( entity, comp::InventoryUpdate::new(comp::InventoryUpdateEvent::Given), ); } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Invalid item!"))); } } fn handle_jump(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok((x, y, z)) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, f32, f32, f32) { match server.state.read_component_cloned::(entity) { Some(current_pos) => { server .state .write_component(entity, comp::Pos(current_pos.0 + Vec3::new(x, y, z))); server.state.write_component(entity, comp::ForceUpdate); }, None => server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You have no position.")), ), } } } fn handle_goto(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok((x, y, z)) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, f32, f32, f32) { if server .state .read_component_cloned::(entity) .is_some() { server .state .write_component(entity, comp::Pos(Vec3::new(x, y, z))); server.state.write_component(entity, comp::ForceUpdate); } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You have no position.")), ); } } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); } } fn handle_kill(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { server .state .ecs_mut() .write_storage::() .get_mut(entity) .map(|s| s.health.set_to(0, comp::HealthSource::Suicide)); } fn handle_time(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let time = scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, String); let new_time = match time.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()) { Some("midnight") => NaiveTime::from_hms(0, 0, 0), Some("night") => NaiveTime::from_hms(20, 0, 0), Some("dawn") => NaiveTime::from_hms(5, 0, 0), Some("morning") => NaiveTime::from_hms(8, 0, 0), Some("day") => NaiveTime::from_hms(10, 0, 0), Some("noon") => NaiveTime::from_hms(12, 0, 0), Some("dusk") => NaiveTime::from_hms(17, 0, 0), Some(n) => match n.parse() { Ok(n) => n, Err(_) => match NaiveTime::parse_from_str(n, "%H:%M") { Ok(time) => time, Err(_) => { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("'{}' is not a valid time.", n)), ); return; }, }, }, None => { let time_in_seconds = server.state.ecs_mut().read_resource::().0; let current_time = NaiveTime::from_num_seconds_from_midnight_opt( // Wraps around back to 0s if it exceeds 24 hours (24 hours = 86400s) (time_in_seconds as u64 % 86400) as u32, 0, ); let msg = match current_time { Some(time) => format!("It is {}", time.format("%H:%M").to_string()), None => String::from("Unknown Time"), }; server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(msg)); return; }, }; server.state.ecs_mut().write_resource::().0 = new_time.num_seconds_from_midnight() as f64; server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!( "Time changed to: {}", new_time.format("%H:%M").to_string() )), ); } fn handle_health(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(hp) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, u32) { if let Some(stats) = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .get_mut(entity) { stats.health.set_to(hp, comp::HealthSource::Command); } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You have no health.")), ); } } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You must specify health amount!")), ); } } fn handle_alias(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(alias) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, String) { server .state .ecs_mut() .write_storage::() .get_mut(entity) .map(|player| player.alias = alias); // Update name on client player lists let ecs = server.state.ecs(); if let (Some(uid), Some(player)) = ( ecs.read_storage::().get(entity), ecs.read_storage::().get(entity), ) { let msg = ServerMsg::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::Alias( (*uid).into(), player.alias.clone(), )); server.state.notify_registered_clients(msg); } } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); } } fn handle_tp(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(alias) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, String) { let ecs = server.state.ecs(); let opt_player = (&ecs.entities(), &ecs.read_storage::()) .join() .find(|(_, player)| player.alias == alias) .map(|(entity, _)| entity); match server.state.read_component_cloned::(entity) { Some(_pos) => match opt_player { Some(player) => match server.state.read_component_cloned::(player) { Some(pos) => { server.state.write_component(entity, pos); server.state.write_component(entity, comp::ForceUpdate); }, None => server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("Unable to teleport to player '{}'!", alias)), ), }, None => { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("Player '{}' not found!", alias)), ); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string)), ); }, }, None => { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("You have no position!"))); }, } } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); } } fn handle_spawn(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { match scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, String, npc::NpcBody, String) { (Some(opt_align), Some(npc::NpcBody(id, mut body)), opt_amount) => { if let Some(alignment) = parse_alignment(entity, &opt_align) { let amount = opt_amount .and_then(|a| a.parse().ok()) .filter(|x| *x > 0) .unwrap_or(1) .min(10); match server.state.read_component_cloned::(entity) { Some(pos) => { let agent = if let comp::Alignment::Owned(_) | comp::Alignment::Npc = alignment { comp::Agent::default() } else { comp::Agent::default().with_patrol_origin(pos.0) }; for _ in 0..amount { let vel = Vec3::new( rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-2.0, 3.0), rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-2.0, 3.0), 10.0, ); let body = body(); let new_entity = server .state .create_npc( pos, comp::Stats::new(get_npc_name(id).into(), body), comp::Loadout::default(), body, ) .with(comp::Vel(vel)) .with(comp::MountState::Unmounted) .with(agent.clone()) .with(alignment) .build(); if let Some(uid) = server.state.ecs().uid_from_entity(new_entity) { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private( format!("Spawned entity with ID: {}", uid).to_owned(), ), ); } } server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("Spawned {} entities", amount).to_owned()), ); }, None => server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private("You have no position!".to_owned()), ), } } }, _ => { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); }, } } fn handle_players(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { let ecs = server.state.ecs(); let players = ecs.read_storage::(); let count = players.join().count(); let header_message: String = format!("{} online players: \n", count); if count > 0 { let mut player_iter = players.join(); let first = player_iter .next() .expect("Player iterator returned none.") .alias .to_owned(); let player_list = player_iter.fold(first, |mut s, p| { s += ",\n"; s += &p.alias; s }); server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(header_message + &player_list)); } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(header_message)); } } fn handle_build(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { if server .state .read_storage::() .get(entity) .is_some() { server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .remove(entity); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Toggled off build mode!")), ); } else { let _ = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .insert(entity, comp::CanBuild); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Toggled on build mode!")), ); } } fn handle_help(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { for cmd in CHAT_COMMANDS.iter() { if !cmd.needs_admin || server.entity_is_admin(entity) { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(cmd.help_string))); } } } fn parse_alignment(owner: EcsEntity, alignment: &str) -> Option { match alignment { "wild" => Some(comp::Alignment::Wild), "enemy" => Some(comp::Alignment::Enemy), "npc" => Some(comp::Alignment::Npc), "pet" => Some(comp::Alignment::Owned(owner)), _ => None, } } fn handle_killnpcs(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { let ecs = server.state.ecs(); let mut stats = ecs.write_storage::(); let players = ecs.read_storage::(); let mut count = 0; for (stats, ()) in (&mut stats, !&players).join() { count += 1; stats.health.set_to(0, comp::HealthSource::Command); } let text = if count > 0 { format!("Destroyed {} NPCs.", count) } else { "No NPCs on server.".to_string() }; server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(text)); } fn handle_object(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { let obj_type = scan_fmt!(&args, _action.arg_fmt, String); let pos = server .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(entity) .copied(); let ori = server .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(entity) .copied(); /*let builder = server.state .create_object(pos, ori, obj_type) .with(ori);*/ if let (Some(pos), Some(ori)) = (pos, ori) { let obj_str_res = obj_type.as_ref().map(String::as_str); let obj_type = match obj_str_res { Ok("scarecrow") => comp::object::Body::Scarecrow, Ok("cauldron") => comp::object::Body::Cauldron, Ok("chest_vines") => comp::object::Body::ChestVines, Ok("chest") => comp::object::Body::Chest, Ok("chest_dark") => comp::object::Body::ChestDark, Ok("chest_demon") => comp::object::Body::ChestDemon, Ok("chest_gold") => comp::object::Body::ChestGold, Ok("chest_light") => comp::object::Body::ChestLight, Ok("chest_open") => comp::object::Body::ChestOpen, Ok("chest_skull") => comp::object::Body::ChestSkull, Ok("pumpkin") => comp::object::Body::Pumpkin, Ok("pumpkin_2") => comp::object::Body::Pumpkin2, Ok("pumpkin_3") => comp::object::Body::Pumpkin3, Ok("pumpkin_4") => comp::object::Body::Pumpkin4, Ok("pumpkin_5") => comp::object::Body::Pumpkin5, Ok("campfire") => comp::object::Body::Campfire, Ok("campfire_lit") => comp::object::Body::CampfireLit, Ok("lantern_ground") => comp::object::Body::LanternGround, Ok("lantern_ground_open") => comp::object::Body::LanternGroundOpen, Ok("lantern_2") => comp::object::Body::LanternStanding2, Ok("lantern") => comp::object::Body::LanternStanding, Ok("potion_blue") => comp::object::Body::PotionBlue, Ok("potion_green") => comp::object::Body::PotionGreen, Ok("potion_red") => comp::object::Body::PotionRed, Ok("crate") => comp::object::Body::Crate, Ok("tent") => comp::object::Body::Tent, Ok("bomb") => comp::object::Body::Bomb, Ok("window_spooky") => comp::object::Body::WindowSpooky, Ok("door_spooky") => comp::object::Body::DoorSpooky, Ok("carpet") => comp::object::Body::Carpet, Ok("table_human") => comp::object::Body::Table, Ok("table_human_2") => comp::object::Body::Table2, Ok("table_human_3") => comp::object::Body::Table3, Ok("drawer") => comp::object::Body::Drawer, Ok("bed_human_blue") => comp::object::Body::BedBlue, Ok("anvil") => comp::object::Body::Anvil, Ok("gravestone") => comp::object::Body::Gravestone, Ok("gravestone_2") => comp::object::Body::Gravestone2, Ok("chair") => comp::object::Body::Chair, Ok("chair_2") => comp::object::Body::Chair2, Ok("chair_3") => comp::object::Body::Chair3, Ok("bench_human") => comp::object::Body::Bench, Ok("bedroll") => comp::object::Body::Bedroll, Ok("carpet_human_round") => comp::object::Body::CarpetHumanRound, Ok("carpet_human_square") => comp::object::Body::CarpetHumanSquare, Ok("carpet_human_square_2") => comp::object::Body::CarpetHumanSquare2, Ok("carpet_human_squircle") => comp::object::Body::CarpetHumanSquircle, Ok("crafting_bench") => comp::object::Body::CraftingBench, _ => { return server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Object not found!")), ); }, }; server .state .create_object(pos, obj_type) .with(comp::Ori( // converts player orientation into a 90° rotation for the object by using the axis // with the highest value Dir::from_unnormalized(ori.0.map(|e| { if e.abs() == ori.0.map(|e| e.abs()).reduce_partial_max() { e } else { 0.0 } })) .unwrap_or_default(), )) .build(); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!( "Spawned: {}", obj_str_res.unwrap_or("") )), ); } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("You have no position!"))); } } fn handle_light(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let (opt_r, opt_g, opt_b, opt_x, opt_y, opt_z, opt_s) = scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32); let mut light_emitter = comp::LightEmitter::default(); if let (Some(r), Some(g), Some(b)) = (opt_r, opt_g, opt_b) { let r = r.max(0.0).min(1.0); let g = g.max(0.0).min(1.0); let b = b.max(0.0).min(1.0); light_emitter.col = Rgb::new(r, g, b) }; if let (Some(x), Some(y), Some(z)) = (opt_x, opt_y, opt_z) { light_emitter.offset = Vec3::new(x, y, z) }; if let Some(s) = opt_s { light_emitter.strength = s.max(0.0) }; let pos = server .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(entity) .copied(); if let Some(pos) = pos { server .state .ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(comp::ForceUpdate) .with(light_emitter) .build(); server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("Spawned object."))); } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("You have no position!"))); } } fn handle_lantern(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let opt_s = scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, f32); if server .state .read_storage::() .get(entity) .is_some() { if let Some(s) = opt_s { if let Some(light) = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .get_mut(entity) { light.strength = s.max(0.1).min(10.0); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You adjusted flame strength.")), ); } } else { server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .remove(entity); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You put out the lantern.")), ); } } else { let _ = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .insert(entity, comp::LightEmitter { offset: Vec3::new(0.5, 0.2, 0.8), col: Rgb::new(1.0, 0.75, 0.3), strength: if let Some(s) = opt_s { s.max(0.0).min(10.0) } else { 3.0 }, }); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You lit your lantern.")), ); } } fn handle_explosion(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let power = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, f32).unwrap_or(8.0); let ecs = server.state.ecs(); match server.state.read_component_cloned::(entity) { Some(pos) => { ecs.read_resource::>() .emit_now(ServerEvent::Explosion { pos: pos.0, power, owner: ecs.read_storage::().get(entity).copied(), }) }, None => server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You have no position!")), ), } } fn handle_waypoint(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { match server.state.read_component_cloned::(entity) { Some(pos) => { let _ = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .insert(entity, comp::Waypoint::new(pos.0)); server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Waypoint set!"))); }, None => server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You have no position!")), ), } } fn handle_adminify(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(alias) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, String) { let ecs = server.state.ecs(); let opt_player = (&ecs.entities(), &ecs.read_storage::()) .join() .find(|(_, player)| player.alias == alias) .map(|(entity, _)| entity); match opt_player { Some(player) => match server.state.read_component_cloned::(player) { Some(_admin) => { ecs.write_storage::().remove(player); }, None => { server.state.write_component(player, comp::Admin); }, }, None => { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("Player '{}' not found!", alias)), ); server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); }, } } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); } } fn handle_tell(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(alias) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, String) { let ecs = server.state.ecs(); let msg = &args[alias.len()..args.len()]; if let Some(player) = (&ecs.entities(), &ecs.read_storage::()) .join() .find(|(_, player)| player.alias == alias) .map(|(entity, _)| entity) { if player != entity { if msg.len() > 1 { if let Some(name) = ecs .read_storage::() .get(entity) .map(|s| s.alias.clone()) { server.notify_client( player, ServerMsg::tell(format!("[{}] tells:{}", name, msg)), ); server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::tell(format!("To [{}]:{}", alias, msg)), ); } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Failed to send message.")), ); } } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("[{}] wants to talk to you.", alias)), ); } } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("You can't /tell yourself.")), ); } } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(format!("Player '{}' not found!", alias)), ); } } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "worldgen"))] fn handle_debug_column( server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand, ) { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Unsupported without worldgen enabled")), ); } #[cfg(feature = "worldgen")] fn handle_debug_column(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let sim = server.world.sim(); let sampler = server.world.sample_columns(); if let Ok((x, y)) = scan_fmt!(&args, action.arg_fmt, i32, i32) { let wpos = Vec2::new(x, y); /* let chunk_pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| { e / sz as i32 }); */ let foo = || { // let sim_chunk = sim.get(chunk_pos)?; let alt = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?; let basement = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.basement)?; let water_alt = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.water_alt)?; let chaos = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.chaos)?; let temp = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.temp)?; let humidity = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.humidity)?; let rockiness = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.rockiness)?; let tree_density = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.tree_density)?; let spawn_rate = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.spawn_rate)?; let chunk_pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| e / sz as i32); let chunk = sim.get(chunk_pos)?; let col = sampler.get(wpos)?; let downhill = chunk.downhill; let river = &chunk.river; let flux = chunk.flux; Some(format!( r#"wpos: {:?} alt {:?} ({:?}) water_alt {:?} ({:?}) basement {:?} river {:?} downhill {:?} chaos {:?} flux {:?} temp {:?} humidity {:?} rockiness {:?} tree_density {:?} spawn_rate {:?} "#, wpos, alt, col.alt, water_alt, col.water_level, basement, river, downhill, chaos, flux, temp, humidity, rockiness, tree_density, spawn_rate )) }; if let Some(s) = foo() { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(s)); } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("Not a pregenerated chunk.")), ); } } else { server.notify_client(entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(action.help_string))); } } fn find_target( ecs: &specs::World, opt_alias: Option, fallback: EcsEntity, ) -> Result { if let Some(alias) = opt_alias { (&ecs.entities(), &ecs.read_storage::()) .join() .find(|(_, player)| player.alias == alias) .map(|(entity, _)| entity) .ok_or(ServerMsg::private(format!("Player '{}' not found!", alias))) } else { Ok(fallback) } } fn handle_exp(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let (a_exp, a_alias) = scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, i64, String); if let Some(exp) = a_exp { let ecs = server.state.ecs_mut(); let target = find_target(&ecs, a_alias, entity); let mut error_msg = None; match target { Ok(player) => { if let Some(stats) = ecs.write_storage::().get_mut(player) { stats.exp.change_by(exp); } else { error_msg = Some(ServerMsg::private(String::from("Player has no stats!"))); } }, Err(e) => { error_msg = Some(e); }, } if let Some(msg) = error_msg { server.notify_client(entity, msg); } } } fn handle_level(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand) { let (a_lvl, a_alias) = scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, u32, String); if let Some(lvl) = a_lvl { let ecs = server.state.ecs_mut(); let target = find_target(&ecs, a_alias, entity); let mut error_msg = None; match target { Ok(player) => { if let Some(stats) = ecs.write_storage::().get_mut(player) { stats.level.set_level(lvl); stats.update_max_hp(); stats .health .set_to(stats.health.maximum(), comp::HealthSource::LevelUp); } else { error_msg = Some(ServerMsg::private(String::from("Player has no stats!"))); } }, Err(e) => { error_msg = Some(e); }, } if let Some(msg) = error_msg { server.notify_client(entity, msg); } } } use common::comp::Item; fn handle_debug(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, _args: String, _action: &ChatCommand) { if let Ok(items) = assets::load_glob::("common.items.debug.*") { server .state() .ecs() .write_storage::() .get_mut(entity) // TODO: Consider writing a `load_glob_cloned` in `assets` and using that here .map(|inv| inv.push_all_unique(items.iter().map(|item| item.as_ref().clone()))); let _ = server .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .insert( entity, comp::InventoryUpdate::new(comp::InventoryUpdateEvent::Debug), ); } else { server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from( "Debug items not found? Something is very broken.", )), ); } } fn handle_remove_lights( server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, action: &ChatCommand, ) { let opt_radius = scan_fmt_some!(&args, action.arg_fmt, f32); let opt_player_pos = server.state.read_component_cloned::(entity); let mut to_delete = vec![]; match opt_player_pos { Some(player_pos) => { let ecs = server.state.ecs(); for (entity, pos, _, _, _) in ( &ecs.entities(), &ecs.read_storage::(), &ecs.read_storage::(), !&ecs.read_storage::(), !&ecs.read_storage::(), ) .join() { if opt_radius .map(|r| pos.0.distance(player_pos.0) < r) .unwrap_or(true) { to_delete.push(entity); } } }, None => server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from("You have no position.")), ), } let size = to_delete.len(); for entity in to_delete { if let Err(err) = server.state.delete_entity_recorded(entity) { error!("Failed to delete light: {:?}", err); } } server.notify_client( entity, ServerMsg::private(String::from(format!("Removed {} lights!", size))), ); }