use crate::{ assets::{self, AssetExt, AssetHandle}, comp::{ inventory::slot::InvSlotId, item::{ modular, tool::{AbilityMap, ToolKind}, ItemBase, ItemDef, ItemKind, ItemTag, MaterialStatManifest, }, Inventory, Item, }, terrain::SpriteKind, }; use hashbrown::HashMap; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{borrow::Cow, sync::Arc}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum RecipeInput { /// Only an item with a matching ItemDef can be used to satisfy this input Item(Arc), /// Any items with this tag can be used to satisfy this input Tag(ItemTag), /// Similar to RecipeInput::Tag(_), but all items must be the same. /// Specifically this means that a mix of different items with the tag /// cannot be used. /// TODO: Currently requires that all items must be in the same slot. /// Eventually should be reworked so that items can be spread over multiple /// slots. TagSameItem(ItemTag), /// List is similar to tag, but has items defined in centralized file /// Similar to RecipeInput::TagSameItem(_), all items must be the same, they /// cannot be a mix of different items defined in the list. // Intent of using List over Tag is to make it harder for tag to be innocuously added to an // item breaking a recipe /// TODO: Currently requires that all items must be in the same slot. /// Eventually should be reworked so that items can be spread over multiple /// slots. ListSameItem(Vec>), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Recipe { pub output: (Arc, u32), /// Input required for recipe, amount of input needed, whether input should /// be tracked as a modular component pub inputs: Vec<(RecipeInput, u32, bool)>, pub craft_sprite: Option, } impl Recipe { /// Perform a recipe, returning a list of missing items on failure pub fn craft_simple( &self, inv: &mut Inventory, // Vec tying an input to a slot slots: Vec<(u32, InvSlotId)>, ability_map: &AbilityMap, msm: &MaterialStatManifest, ) -> Result, Vec<(&RecipeInput, u32)>> { let mut slot_claims = HashMap::new(); let mut unsatisfied_requirements = Vec::new(); let mut component_slots = Vec::new(); // Checks each input against slots in the inventory. If the slots contain an // item that fulfills the need of the input, marks some of the item as claimed // up to quantity needed for the crafting input. If the item either // cannot be used, or there is insufficient quantity, adds input and // number of materials needed to unsatisfied requirements. self.inputs .iter() .enumerate() .for_each(|(i, (input, amount, mut is_component))| { let mut required = *amount; // Check used for recipes that have an input that is not consumed, e.g. // craftsman hammer let mut contains_any = false; // Gets all slots provided for this input by the frontend let input_slots = slots .iter() .filter_map(|(j, slot)| if i as u32 == *j { Some(slot) } else { None }); // Goes through each slot and marks some amount from each slot as claimed for slot in input_slots { // Checks that the item in the slot can be used for the input if let Some(item) = inv .get(*slot) .filter(|item| item.matches_recipe_input(input, *amount)) { // Gets the number of items claimed from the slot, or sets to 0 if slot has // not been claimed by another input yet let claimed = slot_claims.entry(*slot).or_insert(0); let available = item.amount().saturating_sub(*claimed); let provided = available.min(required); required -= provided; *claimed += provided; // If input is a component and provided amount from this slot at least 1, // mark 1 piece as coming from that slot and set is_component to false to // indicate it has been claimed. if provided > 0 && is_component { component_slots.push(*slot); is_component = false; } contains_any = true; } } // If there were not sufficient items to cover requirement between all provided // slots, or if non-consumed item was not present, mark input as not satisfied if required > 0 || !contains_any { unsatisfied_requirements.push((input, required)); } }); // If there are no unsatisfied requirements, create the items produced by the // recipe in the necessary quantity and remove the items that the recipe // consumes if unsatisfied_requirements.is_empty() { let mut components = Vec::new(); for slot in component_slots.iter() { let component = inv .take(*slot, ability_map, msm) .expect("Expected item to exist in the inventory"); components.push(component); let to_remove = slot_claims .get_mut(slot) .expect("If marked in component slots, should be in slot claims"); *to_remove -= 1; } for (slot, to_remove) in slot_claims.iter() { for _ in 0..*to_remove { let _ = inv .take(*slot, ability_map, msm) .expect("Expected item to exist in the inventory"); } } let (item_def, quantity) = &self.output; let crafted_item = Item::new_from_item_base( ItemBase::Simple(Arc::clone(item_def)), components, ability_map, msm, ); let mut crafted_items = Vec::with_capacity(*quantity as usize); for _ in 0..*quantity { crafted_items.push(crafted_item.duplicate(ability_map, msm)); } Ok(crafted_items) } else { Err(unsatisfied_requirements) } } pub fn inputs(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator { self.inputs .iter() .map(|(item_def, amount, is_mod_comp)| (item_def, *amount, *is_mod_comp)) } /// Determine whether the inventory contains the ingredients for a recipe. /// If it does, return a vec of inventory slots that contain the /// ingredients needed, whose positions correspond to particular recipe /// inputs. If items are missing, return the missing items, and how many /// are missing. pub fn inventory_contains_ingredients( &self, inv: &Inventory, ) -> Result, Vec<(&RecipeInput, u32)>> { inventory_contains_ingredients( self.inputs() .map(|(input, amount, _is_modular)| (input, amount)), inv, ) } } /// Determine whether the inventory contains the ingredients for a recipe. /// If it does, return a vec of inventory slots that contain the /// ingredients needed, whose positions correspond to particular recipe /// inputs. If items are missing, return the missing items, and how many /// are missing. // Note: Doc comment duplicated on two public functions that call this function #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn inventory_contains_ingredients<'a, I: Iterator>( ingredients: I, inv: &Inventory, ) -> Result, Vec<(&'a RecipeInput, u32)>> { // Hashmap tracking the quantity that needs to be removed from each slot (so // that it doesn't think a slot can provide more items than it contains) let mut slot_claims = HashMap::::new(); // Important to be a vec and to remain separate from slot_claims as it must // remain ordered, unlike the hashmap let mut slots = Vec::<(u32, InvSlotId)>::new(); // The inputs to a recipe that have missing items, and the amount missing let mut missing = Vec::<(&RecipeInput, u32)>::new(); for (i, (input, amount)) in ingredients.enumerate() { let mut needed = amount; let mut contains_any = false; // Checks through every slot, filtering to only those that contain items that // can satisfy the input for (inv_slot_id, slot) in inv.slots_with_id() { if let Some(item) = slot .as_ref() .filter(|item| item.matches_recipe_input(&*input, amount)) { let claim = slot_claims.entry(inv_slot_id).or_insert(0); slots.push((i as u32, inv_slot_id)); let can_claim = (item.amount().saturating_sub(*claim)).min(needed); *claim += can_claim; needed -= can_claim; contains_any = true; } } if needed > 0 || !contains_any { missing.push((input, needed)); } } if missing.is_empty() { Ok(slots) } else { Err(missing) } } pub enum SalvageError { NotSalvageable, } pub fn try_salvage( inv: &mut Inventory, slot: InvSlotId, ability_map: &AbilityMap, msm: &MaterialStatManifest, ) -> Result, SalvageError> { if inv.get(slot).map_or(false, |item| item.is_salvageable()) { let salvage_item = inv.get(slot).expect("Expected item to exist in inventory"); let salvage_output: Vec<_> = salvage_item .salvage_output() .map(Item::new_from_asset_expect) .collect(); if salvage_output.is_empty() { // If no output items, assume salvaging was a failure // TODO: If we ever change salvaging to have a percent chance, remove the check // of outputs being empty (requires assets to exist for rock and wood materials // so that salvaging doesn't silently fail) Err(SalvageError::NotSalvageable) } else { // Remove item that is being salvaged let _ = inv .take(slot, ability_map, msm) .expect("Expected item to exist in inventory"); // Return the salvaging output Ok(salvage_output) } } else { Err(SalvageError::NotSalvageable) } } pub enum ModularWeaponError { InvalidSlot, ComponentMismatch, DifferentTools, DifferentHands, } pub fn modular_weapon( inv: &mut Inventory, primary_component: InvSlotId, secondary_component: InvSlotId, ability_map: &AbilityMap, msm: &MaterialStatManifest, ) -> Result { use modular::ModularComponent; // Closure to get inner modular component info from item in a given slot fn unwrap_modular(inv: &Inventory, slot: InvSlotId) -> Option> { inv.get(slot).and_then(|item| match item.kind() { Cow::Owned(ItemKind::ModularComponent(mod_comp)) => Some(Cow::Owned(mod_comp)), Cow::Borrowed(ItemKind::ModularComponent(mod_comp)) => Some(Cow::Borrowed(mod_comp)), _ => None, }) } // Checks if both components are compatible, and if so returns the toolkind to // make weapon of let compatiblity = if let (Some(primary_component), Some(secondary_component)) = ( unwrap_modular(inv, primary_component), unwrap_modular(inv, secondary_component), ) { // Checks that damage and held component slots each contain a damage and held // modular component respectively if let ( ModularComponent::ToolPrimaryComponent { toolkind: tool_a, hand_restriction: hands_a, .. }, ModularComponent::ToolSecondaryComponent { toolkind: tool_b, hand_restriction: hands_b, .. }, ) = (&*primary_component, &*secondary_component) { // Checks that both components are of the same tool kind if tool_a == tool_b { // Checks that if both components have a hand restriction, they are the same let hands_check =*hands_b).map_or(true, |(a, b)| a == b); if hands_check { Ok(()) } else { Err(ModularWeaponError::DifferentHands) } } else { Err(ModularWeaponError::DifferentTools) } } else { Err(ModularWeaponError::ComponentMismatch) } } else { Err(ModularWeaponError::InvalidSlot) }; match compatiblity { Ok(()) => { // Remove components from inventory let primary_component = inv .take(primary_component, ability_map, msm) .expect("Expected component to exist"); let secondary_component = inv .take(secondary_component, ability_map, msm) .expect("Expected component to exist"); // Create modular weapon Ok(Item::new_from_item_base( ItemBase::Modular(modular::ModularBase::Tool), vec![primary_component, secondary_component], ability_map, msm, )) }, Err(err) => Err(err), } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct RecipeBook { recipes: HashMap, } impl RecipeBook { pub fn get(&self, recipe: &str) -> Option<&Recipe> { } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator { } pub fn get_available(&self, inv: &Inventory) -> Vec<(String, Recipe)> { .iter() .filter(|(_, recipe)| recipe.inventory_contains_ingredients(inv).is_ok()) .map(|(name, recipe)| (name.clone(), recipe.clone())) .collect() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum RawRecipeInput { Item(String), Tag(ItemTag), TagSameItem(ItemTag), ListSameItem(String), } impl RawRecipeInput { fn load_recipe_input(&self) -> Result { let input = match self { RawRecipeInput::Item(name) => RecipeInput::Item(Arc::::load_cloned(name)?), RawRecipeInput::Tag(tag) => RecipeInput::Tag(*tag), RawRecipeInput::TagSameItem(tag) => RecipeInput::TagSameItem(*tag), RawRecipeInput::ListSameItem(list) => { let assets = &ItemList::load_expect(list).read().0; let items = assets .iter() .map(|asset| Arc::::load_expect_cloned(asset)) .collect(); RecipeInput::ListSameItem(items) }, }; Ok(input) } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] pub(crate) struct RawRecipe { pub(crate) output: (String, u32), /// Input required for recipe, amount of input needed, whether input should /// be tracked as a modular component pub(crate) inputs: Vec<(RawRecipeInput, u32, bool)>, pub(crate) craft_sprite: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub(crate) struct RawRecipeBook(pub(crate) HashMap); impl assets::Asset for RawRecipeBook { type Loader = assets::RonLoader; const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron"; } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone)] struct ItemList(Vec); impl assets::Asset for ItemList { type Loader = assets::RonLoader; const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron"; } impl assets::Compound for RecipeBook { fn load(cache: assets::AnyCache, specifier: &str) -> Result { #[inline] fn load_item_def(spec: &(String, u32)) -> Result<(Arc, u32), assets::Error> { let def = Arc::::load_cloned(&spec.0)?; Ok((def, spec.1)) } #[inline] fn load_recipe_input( (input, amount, is_mod_comp): &(RawRecipeInput, u32, bool), ) -> Result<(RecipeInput, u32, bool), assets::Error> { let def = input.load_recipe_input()?; Ok((def, *amount, *is_mod_comp)) } let raw = cache.load::(specifier)?.cloned(); let recipes = raw .0 .iter() .map( |( name, RawRecipe { output, inputs, craft_sprite, }, )| { let inputs = inputs .iter() .map(load_recipe_input) .collect::, _>>()?; let output = load_item_def(output)?; Ok((name.clone(), Recipe { output, inputs, craft_sprite: *craft_sprite, })) }, ) .collect::>()?; Ok(RecipeBook { recipes }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ComponentRecipeBook { recipes: HashMap, } impl ComponentRecipeBook { pub fn get(&self, key: &ComponentKey) -> Option<&ComponentRecipe> { } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator { } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] struct RawComponentRecipeBook(Vec); impl assets::Asset for RawComponentRecipeBook { type Loader = assets::RonLoader; const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron"; } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ComponentKey { // Can't use ItemDef here because hash needed, item definition id used instead // TODO: Make more general for other things that have component inputs that should be tracked // after item creation pub toolkind: ToolKind, /// Refers to the item definition id of the material pub material: String, /// Refers to the item definition id of the modifier pub modifier: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ComponentRecipe { output: ComponentOutput, material: (RecipeInput, u32), modifier: Option<(RecipeInput, u32)>, additional_inputs: Vec<(RecipeInput, u32)>, pub craft_sprite: Option, } impl ComponentRecipe { /// Craft an item that has components, returning a list of missing items on /// failure pub fn craft_component( &self, inv: &mut Inventory, material_slot: InvSlotId, modifier_slot: Option, // Vec tying an input to a slot slots: Vec<(u32, InvSlotId)>, ability_map: &AbilityMap, msm: &MaterialStatManifest, ) -> Result, Vec<(&RecipeInput, u32)>> { let mut slot_claims = HashMap::new(); let mut unsatisfied_requirements = Vec::new(); fn handle_requirement<'a, 'b, I: Iterator>( slot_claims: &mut HashMap, unsatisfied_requirements: &mut Vec<(&'a RecipeInput, u32)>, inv: &'b Inventory, input: &'a RecipeInput, amount: u32, input_slots: I, ) { let mut required = amount; // contains_any check used for recipes that have an input that is not consumed, // e.g. craftsman hammer // Goes through each slot and marks some amount from each slot as claimed let contains_any = input_slots.into_iter().all(|slot| { // Checks that the item in the slot can be used for the input if let Some(item) = inv .get(slot) .filter(|item| item.matches_recipe_input(input, amount)) { // Gets the number of items claimed from the slot, or sets to 0 if slot has // not been claimed by another input yet let claimed = slot_claims.entry(slot).or_insert(0); let available = item.amount().saturating_sub(*claimed); let provided = available.min(required); required -= provided; *claimed += provided; true } else { false } }); // If there were not sufficient items to cover requirement between all provided // slots, or if non-consumed item was not present, mark input as not satisfied if required > 0 || !contains_any { unsatisfied_requirements.push((input, required)); } } // Checks each input against slots in the inventory. If the slots contain an // item that fulfills the need of the input, marks some of the item as claimed // up to quantity needed for the crafting input. If the item either // cannot be used, or there is insufficient quantity, adds input and // number of materials needed to unsatisfied requirements. handle_requirement( &mut slot_claims, &mut unsatisfied_requirements, inv, &self.material.0, self.material.1, core::iter::once(material_slot), ); if let Some((modifier_input, modifier_amount)) = &self.modifier { // TODO: Better way to get slot to use that ensures this requirement fails if no // slot provided? handle_requirement( &mut slot_claims, &mut unsatisfied_requirements, inv, modifier_input, *modifier_amount, core::iter::once(modifier_slot.unwrap_or(InvSlotId::new(0, 0))), ); } self.additional_inputs .iter() .enumerate() .for_each(|(i, (input, amount))| { // Gets all slots provided for this input by the frontend let input_slots = slots .iter() .filter_map(|(j, slot)| if i as u32 == *j { Some(slot) } else { None }) .copied(); // Checks if requirement is met, and if not marks it as unsatisfied handle_requirement( &mut slot_claims, &mut unsatisfied_requirements, inv, input, *amount, input_slots, ); }); // If there are no unsatisfied requirements, create the items produced by the // recipe in the necessary quantity and remove the items that the recipe // consumes if unsatisfied_requirements.is_empty() { for (slot, to_remove) in slot_claims.iter() { for _ in 0..*to_remove { let _ = inv .take(*slot, ability_map, msm) .expect("Expected item to exist in the inventory"); } } let crafted_item = self.item_output(ability_map, msm); Ok(vec![crafted_item]) } else { Err(unsatisfied_requirements) } } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] /// Determine whether the inventory contains the additional ingredients for /// a component recipe. If it does, return a vec of inventory slots that /// contain the ingredients needed, whose positions correspond to particular /// recipe are missing. pub fn inventory_contains_additional_ingredients<'a>( &self, inv: &'a Inventory, ) -> Result, Vec<(&RecipeInput, u32)>> { inventory_contains_ingredients( self.additional_inputs .iter() .map(|(input, amount)| (input, *amount)), inv, ) } pub fn item_output(&self, ability_map: &AbilityMap, msm: &MaterialStatManifest) -> Item { match &self.output { ComponentOutput::ItemComponents { item: item_def, components, } => { let components = components .iter() .map(|item_def| { Item::new_from_item_base( ItemBase::Simple(Arc::clone(item_def)), Vec::new(), ability_map, msm, ) }) .collect::>(); Item::new_from_item_base( ItemBase::Simple(Arc::clone(item_def)), components, ability_map, msm, ) }, } } pub fn inputs(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator { pub struct ComponentRecipeInputsIterator<'a> { material: Option<&'a (RecipeInput, u32)>, modifier: Option<&'a (RecipeInput, u32)>, additional_inputs: std::slice::Iter<'a, (RecipeInput, u32)>, } impl<'a> Iterator for ComponentRecipeInputsIterator<'a> { type Item = &'a (RecipeInput, u32); fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a (RecipeInput, u32)> { self.material .take() .or_else(|| self.modifier.take()) .or_else(|| } } impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a ComponentRecipe { type IntoIter = ComponentRecipeInputsIterator<'a>; type Item = &'a (RecipeInput, u32); fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { ComponentRecipeInputsIterator { material: Some(&self.material), modifier: self.modifier.as_ref(), additional_inputs: self.additional_inputs.as_slice().iter(), } } } impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for ComponentRecipeInputsIterator<'a> { fn len(&self) -> usize { self.material.is_some() as usize + self.modifier.is_some() as usize + self.additional_inputs.len() } } self.into_iter().map(|(recipe, amount)| (recipe, *amount)) } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize)] struct RawComponentRecipe { output: RawComponentOutput, /// String refers to an item definition id material: (String, u32), /// String refers to an item definition id modifier: Option<(String, u32)>, additional_inputs: Vec<(RawRecipeInput, u32)>, craft_sprite: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum ComponentOutput { // TODO: Don't store list of components here in case we ever want components in future to have // state to them (e.g. a component having sub-components) ItemComponents { item: Arc, components: Vec>, }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum RawComponentOutput { /// Creates the primary component of a modular tool. Assumes that the /// material used is the only component in the item. ToolPrimaryComponent { toolkind: ToolKind, item: String }, } impl assets::Compound for ComponentRecipeBook { fn load(cache: assets::AnyCache, specifier: &str) -> Result { #[inline] fn create_recipe_key(raw_recipe: &RawComponentRecipe) -> ComponentKey { match &raw_recipe.output { RawComponentOutput::ToolPrimaryComponent { toolkind, item: _ } => { let material = String::from(&raw_recipe.material.0); let modifier = raw_recipe .modifier .as_ref() .map(|(modifier, _amount)| String::from(modifier)); ComponentKey { toolkind: *toolkind, material, modifier, } }, } } #[inline] fn load_recipe(raw_recipe: &RawComponentRecipe) -> Result { let output = match &raw_recipe.output { RawComponentOutput::ToolPrimaryComponent { toolkind: _, item } => { let item = Arc::::load_cloned(item)?; let components = vec![Arc::::load_cloned(&raw_recipe.material.0)?]; ComponentOutput::ItemComponents { item, components } }, }; let material = ( RecipeInput::Item(Arc::::load_cloned(&raw_recipe.material.0)?), raw_recipe.material.1, ); let modifier = if let Some((modifier, amount)) = &raw_recipe.modifier { let modifier = Arc::::load_cloned(modifier)?; Some((RecipeInput::Item(modifier), *amount)) } else { None }; let additional_inputs = raw_recipe .additional_inputs .iter() .map(|(input, amount)| input.load_recipe_input().map(|input| (input, *amount))) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(ComponentRecipe { output, material, modifier, additional_inputs, craft_sprite: raw_recipe.craft_sprite, }) } let raw = cache.load::(specifier)?.cloned(); let recipes = raw .0 .iter() .map(|raw_recipe| { load_recipe(raw_recipe).map(|recipe| (create_recipe_key(raw_recipe), recipe)) }) .collect::>()?; Ok(ComponentRecipeBook { recipes }) } } pub fn default_recipe_book() -> AssetHandle { RecipeBook::load_expect("common.recipe_book") } pub fn default_component_recipe_book() -> AssetHandle { ComponentRecipeBook::load_expect("common.component_recipe_book") }