use crate::{ hud::{BarNumbers, CrosshairType, Intro, ShortcutNumbers, XpBar}, render::AaMode, ui::ScaleMode, window::KeyMouse, }; use directories::ProjectDirs; use glutin::{MouseButton, VirtualKeyCode}; use log::warn; use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{fs, io::prelude::*, path::PathBuf}; /// `ControlSettings` contains keybindings. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct ControlSettings { pub primary: KeyMouse, pub secondary: KeyMouse, pub toggle_cursor: KeyMouse, pub escape: KeyMouse, pub enter: KeyMouse, pub command: KeyMouse, pub move_forward: KeyMouse, pub move_left: KeyMouse, pub move_back: KeyMouse, pub move_right: KeyMouse, pub jump: KeyMouse, pub sit: KeyMouse, pub glide: KeyMouse, pub climb: KeyMouse, pub climb_down: KeyMouse, pub wall_leap: KeyMouse, pub mount: KeyMouse, pub map: KeyMouse, pub bag: KeyMouse, pub quest_log: KeyMouse, pub character_window: KeyMouse, pub social: KeyMouse, pub spellbook: KeyMouse, pub settings: KeyMouse, pub help: KeyMouse, pub toggle_interface: KeyMouse, pub toggle_debug: KeyMouse, pub fullscreen: KeyMouse, pub screenshot: KeyMouse, pub toggle_ingame_ui: KeyMouse, pub roll: KeyMouse, pub respawn: KeyMouse, pub interact: KeyMouse, } impl Default for ControlSettings { fn default() -> Self { Self { primary: KeyMouse::Mouse(MouseButton::Left), secondary: KeyMouse::Mouse(MouseButton::Right), toggle_cursor: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::Tab), escape: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::Escape), enter: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::Return), command: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::Slash), move_forward: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::W), move_left: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::A), move_back: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::S), move_right: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::D), jump: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::Space), sit: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::K), glide: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::LShift), climb: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::Space), climb_down: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::LControl), wall_leap: KeyMouse::Mouse(MouseButton::Middle), mount: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F), map: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::M), bag: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::B), quest_log: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::L), character_window: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::C), social: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::O), spellbook: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::P), settings: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::N), help: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F1), toggle_interface: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F2), toggle_debug: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F3), fullscreen: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F11), screenshot: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F4), toggle_ingame_ui: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::F6), roll: KeyMouse::Mouse(MouseButton::Middle), respawn: KeyMouse::Mouse(MouseButton::Left), interact: KeyMouse::Key(VirtualKeyCode::E), } } } /// `GameplaySettings` contains sensitivity and gameplay options. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct GameplaySettings { pub pan_sensitivity: u32, pub zoom_sensitivity: u32, pub zoom_inversion: bool, pub crosshair_transp: f32, pub chat_transp: f32, pub crosshair_type: CrosshairType, pub intro_show: Intro, pub xp_bar: XpBar, pub shortcut_numbers: ShortcutNumbers, pub bar_numbers: BarNumbers, pub ui_scale: ScaleMode, } impl Default for GameplaySettings { fn default() -> Self { Self { pan_sensitivity: 100, zoom_sensitivity: 100, zoom_inversion: false, crosshair_transp: 0.6, chat_transp: 0.4, crosshair_type: CrosshairType::Round, intro_show: Intro::Show, xp_bar: XpBar::OnGain, shortcut_numbers: ShortcutNumbers::On, bar_numbers: BarNumbers::Off, ui_scale: ScaleMode::RelativeToWindow([1920.0, 1080.0].into()), } } } /// `NetworkingSettings` stores server and networking settings. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct NetworkingSettings { pub username: String, pub password: String, pub servers: Vec, pub default_server: usize, } impl Default for NetworkingSettings { fn default() -> Self { Self { username: "Username".to_string(), password: String::default(), servers: vec!["".to_string()], default_server: 0, } } } /// `Log` stores the name to the log file. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct Log { pub file: PathBuf, } impl Default for Log { fn default() -> Self { Self { file: "voxygen.log".into(), } } } /// `GraphicsSettings` contains settings related to framerate and in-game visuals. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct GraphicsSettings { pub view_distance: u32, pub max_fps: u32, pub fov: u16, pub aa_mode: AaMode, } impl Default for GraphicsSettings { fn default() -> Self { Self { view_distance: 5, max_fps: 60, fov: 75, aa_mode: AaMode::Fxaa, } } } /// `AudioSettings` controls the volume of different audio subsystems and which /// device is used. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct AudioSettings { pub master_volume: f32, pub music_volume: f32, pub sfx_volume: f32, /// Audio Device that Voxygen will use to play audio. pub audio_device: Option, pub audio_on: bool, } impl Default for AudioSettings { fn default() -> Self { Self { master_volume: 1.0, music_volume: 0.4, sfx_volume: 0.6, audio_device: None, audio_on: true, } } } /// `Settings` contains everything that can be configured in the settings.ron file. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct Settings { pub controls: ControlSettings, pub gameplay: GameplaySettings, pub networking: NetworkingSettings, pub log: Log, pub graphics: GraphicsSettings, pub audio: AudioSettings, pub show_disclaimer: bool, pub send_logon_commands: bool, // TODO: Remove at a later date, for dev testing pub logon_commands: Vec, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Settings { controls: ControlSettings::default(), gameplay: GameplaySettings::default(), networking: NetworkingSettings::default(), log: Log::default(), graphics: GraphicsSettings::default(), audio: AudioSettings::default(), show_disclaimer: true, send_logon_commands: false, logon_commands: Vec::new(), } } } impl Settings { pub fn load() -> Self { let path = Settings::get_settings_path(); if let Ok(file) = fs::File::open(&path) { match ron::de::from_reader(file) { Ok(s) => return s, Err(e) => { log::warn!("Failed to parse setting file! Fallback to default. {}", e); // Rename the corrupted settings file let mut new_path = path.to_owned(); new_path.pop(); new_path.push("settings.invalid.ron"); if let Err(err) = std::fs::rename(path, new_path) { log::warn!("Failed to rename settings file. {}", err); } } } } // This is reached if either: // - The file can't be opened (presumably it doesn't exist) // - Or there was an error parsing the file let default_settings = Self::default(); default_settings.save_to_file_warn(); default_settings } pub fn save_to_file_warn(&self) { if let Err(err) = self.save_to_file() { warn!("Failed to save settings: {:?}", err); } } pub fn save_to_file(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> { let path = Settings::get_settings_path(); if let Some(dir) = path.parent() { fs::create_dir_all(dir)?; } let mut config_file = fs::File::create(path)?; let s: &str = &ron::ser::to_string_pretty(self, ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default()).unwrap(); config_file.write_all(s.as_bytes()).unwrap(); Ok(()) } fn get_settings_path() -> PathBuf { if let Some(val) = std::env::var_os("VOXYGEN_CONFIG") { let settings = PathBuf::from(val).join("settings.ron"); if settings.exists() || settings.parent().map(|x| x.exists()).unwrap_or(false) { return settings; } log::warn!("VOXYGEN_CONFIG points to invalid path."); } let proj_dirs = ProjectDirs::from("net", "veloren", "voxygen") .expect("System's $HOME directory path not found!"); proj_dirs .config_dir() .join("settings") .with_extension("ron") } }