use crate::{ metrics::NetworkMetrics, protocols::Protocols, types::{ Cid, Frame, Pid, Sid, STREAM_ID_OFFSET1, STREAM_ID_OFFSET2, VELOREN_MAGIC_NUMBER, VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION, }, }; use futures::{ channel::{mpsc, oneshot}, join, sink::SinkExt, stream::StreamExt, FutureExt, }; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::*; pub(crate) struct Channel { cid: Cid, c2w_frame_r: Option>, read_stop_receiver: Option>, } impl Channel { pub fn new(cid: u64) -> (Self, mpsc::UnboundedSender, oneshot::Sender<()>) { let (c2w_frame_s, c2w_frame_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (read_stop_sender, read_stop_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); ( Self { cid, c2w_frame_r: Some(c2w_frame_r), read_stop_receiver: Some(read_stop_receiver), }, c2w_frame_s, read_stop_sender, ) } pub async fn run( mut self, protocol: Protocols, mut w2c_cid_frame_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Cid, Frame)>, mut leftover_cid_frame: Vec<(Cid, Frame)>, ) { let c2w_frame_r = self.c2w_frame_r.take().unwrap(); let read_stop_receiver = self.read_stop_receiver.take().unwrap(); //reapply leftovers from handshake let cnt = leftover_cid_frame.len(); trace!(?self.cid, ?cnt, "reapplying leftovers"); for cid_frame in leftover_cid_frame.drain(..) { w2c_cid_frame_s.send(cid_frame).await.unwrap(); } trace!(?self.cid, ?cnt, "all leftovers reapplied"); trace!(?self.cid, "start up channel"); match protocol { Protocols::Tcp(tcp) => { futures::join!( tcp.read_from_wire(self.cid, &mut w2c_cid_frame_s, read_stop_receiver), tcp.write_to_wire(self.cid, c2w_frame_r), ); }, Protocols::Udp(udp) => { futures::join!( udp.read_from_wire(self.cid, &mut w2c_cid_frame_s, read_stop_receiver), udp.write_to_wire(self.cid, c2w_frame_r), ); }, } trace!(?self.cid, "shut down channel"); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Handshake { cid: Cid, local_pid: Pid, secret: u128, init_handshake: bool, metrics: Arc, } impl Handshake { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] const WRONG_NUMBER: &'static [u8] = "Handshake does not contain the magic number requiered by \ veloren server.\nWe are not sure if you are a valid \ veloren client.\nClosing the connection" .as_bytes(); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] const WRONG_VERSION: &'static str = "Handshake does contain a correct magic number, but \ invalid version.\nWe don't know how to communicate with \ you.\nClosing the connection"; pub fn new( cid: u64, local_pid: Pid, secret: u128, metrics: Arc, init_handshake: bool, ) -> Self { Self { cid, local_pid, secret, metrics, init_handshake, } } pub async fn setup( self, protocol: &Protocols, ) -> Result<(Pid, Sid, u128, Vec<(Cid, Frame)>), ()> { let (c2w_frame_s, c2w_frame_r) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let (mut w2c_cid_frame_s, mut w2c_cid_frame_r) = mpsc::unbounded::<(Cid, Frame)>(); let (read_stop_sender, read_stop_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); let handler_future = self.frame_handler(&mut w2c_cid_frame_r, c2w_frame_s, read_stop_sender); let res = match protocol { Protocols::Tcp(tcp) => { (join! { tcp.read_from_wire(self.cid, &mut w2c_cid_frame_s, read_stop_receiver), tcp.write_to_wire(self.cid, c2w_frame_r).fuse(), handler_future, }) .2 }, Protocols::Udp(udp) => { (join! { udp.read_from_wire(self.cid, &mut w2c_cid_frame_s, read_stop_receiver), udp.write_to_wire(self.cid, c2w_frame_r), handler_future, }) .2 }, }; #[allow(clippy::unit_arg)] match res { Ok(res) => { let mut leftover_frames = vec![]; while let Ok(Some(cid_frame)) = w2c_cid_frame_r.try_next() { leftover_frames.push(cid_frame); } let cnt = leftover_frames.len(); if cnt > 0 { debug!(?self.cid, ?cnt, "Some additional frames got already transfered, piping them to the bparticipant as leftover_frames"); } Ok((res.0, res.1, res.2, leftover_frames)) }, Err(e) => Err(e), } } async fn frame_handler( &self, w2c_cid_frame_r: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Cid, Frame)>, mut c2w_frame_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender, _read_stop_sender: oneshot::Sender<()>, ) -> Result<(Pid, Sid, u128), ()> { const ERR_S: &str = "Got A Raw Message, these are usually Debug Messages indicating that \ something went wrong on network layer and connection will be closed"; let mut pid_string = "".to_string(); let cid_string = self.cid.to_string(); if self.init_handshake { self.send_handshake(&mut c2w_frame_s).await; } match { Some(( _, Frame::Handshake { magic_number, version, }, )) => { trace!(?magic_number, ?version, "recv handshake"); self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&["", &cid_string, "Handshake"]) .inc(); if magic_number != VELOREN_MAGIC_NUMBER { error!(?magic_number, "connection with invalid magic_number"); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { self.metrics .frames_out_total .with_label_values(&["", &cid_string, "Raw"]) .inc(); debug!("sending client instructions before killing"); c2w_frame_s .send(Frame::Raw(Self::WRONG_NUMBER.to_vec())) .await .unwrap(); c2w_frame_s.send(Frame::Shutdown).await.unwrap(); } return Err(()); } if version != VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION { error!(?version, "connection with wrong network version"); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { debug!("sending client instructions before killing"); self.metrics .frames_out_total .with_label_values(&["", &cid_string, "Raw"]) .inc(); c2w_frame_s .send(Frame::Raw( format!( "{} Our Version: {:?}\nYour Version: {:?}\nClosing the \ connection", Self::WRONG_VERSION, VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION, version, ) .as_bytes() .to_vec(), )) .await .unwrap(); c2w_frame_s.send(Frame::Shutdown {}).await.unwrap(); } return Err(()); } debug!("handshake completed"); if self.init_handshake { self.send_init(&mut c2w_frame_s, &pid_string).await; } else { self.send_handshake(&mut c2w_frame_s).await; } }, Some((_, Frame::Shutdown)) => { info!("shutdown signal received"); self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, "Shutdown"]) .inc(); return Err(()); }, Some((_, Frame::Raw(bytes))) => { self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, "Raw"]) .inc(); match std::str::from_utf8(bytes.as_slice()) { Ok(string) => error!(?string, ERR_S), _ => error!(?bytes, ERR_S), } return Err(()); }, Some((_, frame)) => { self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, frame.get_string()]) .inc(); return Err(()); }, None => return Err(()), }; match { Some((_, Frame::Init { pid, secret })) => { debug!(?pid, "Participant send their ID"); pid_string = pid.to_string(); self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, "ParticipantId"]) .inc(); let stream_id_offset = if self.init_handshake { STREAM_ID_OFFSET1 } else { self.send_init(&mut c2w_frame_s, &pid_string).await; STREAM_ID_OFFSET2 }; info!(?pid, "this Handshake is now configured!"); Ok((pid, stream_id_offset, secret)) }, Some((_, Frame::Shutdown)) => { info!("shutdown signal received"); self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, "Shutdown"]) .inc(); Err(()) }, Some((_, Frame::Raw(bytes))) => { self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, "Raw"]) .inc(); match std::str::from_utf8(bytes.as_slice()) { Ok(string) => error!(?string, ERR_S), _ => error!(?bytes, ERR_S), } Err(()) }, Some((_, frame)) => { self.metrics .frames_in_total .with_label_values(&[&pid_string, &cid_string, frame.get_string()]) .inc(); Err(()) }, None => Err(()), } } async fn send_handshake(&self, c2w_frame_s: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender) { self.metrics .frames_out_total .with_label_values(&["", &self.cid.to_string(), "Handshake"]) .inc(); c2w_frame_s .send(Frame::Handshake { magic_number: VELOREN_MAGIC_NUMBER, version: VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION, }) .await .unwrap(); } async fn send_init(&self, c2w_frame_s: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, pid_string: &str) { self.metrics .frames_out_total .with_label_values(&[pid_string, &self.cid.to_string(), "ParticipantId"]) .inc(); c2w_frame_s .send(Frame::Init { pid: self.local_pid, secret: self.secret, }) .await .unwrap(); } }