///run with /// ```bash /// (cd network/examples/network-speed && RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --profile=debuginfo -Z unstable-options -- --trace=error --protocol=tcp --mode=server) /// (cd network/examples/network-speed && RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --profile=debuginfo -Z unstable-options -- --trace=error --protocol=tcp --mode=client) /// ``` use clap::{Arg, Command}; use prometheus::Registry; use prometheus_hyper::Server; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc, thread, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use tracing::*; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; use veloren_network::{ConnectAddr, ListenAddr, Message, Network, Pid, Promises}; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] enum Msg { Ping { id: u64, data: Vec }, Pong { id: u64, data: Vec }, } /// This utility tests the speed of veloren network by creating a client that /// opens a stream and pipes as many messages through it as possible. fn main() { let matches = Command::new("Veloren Speed Test Utility") .version("0.1.0") .author("Marcel Märtens ") .about("Runs speedtests regarding different parameter to benchmark veloren-network") .arg( Arg::new("mode") .short('m') .long("mode") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(["server", "client", "both"]) .default_value("both") .help( "choose whether you want to start the server or client or both needed for \ this program", ), ) .arg( Arg::new("port") .short('p') .long("port") .takes_value(true) .default_value("52000") .help("port to listen on"), ) .arg( Arg::new("ip") .long("ip") .takes_value(true) .default_value("") .help("ip to listen and connect to"), ) .arg( Arg::new("protocol") .long("protocol") .takes_value(true) .default_value("tcp") .possible_values(["tcp", "udp", "mpsc"]) .help( "underlying protocol used for this test, mpsc can only combined with mode=both", ), ) .arg( Arg::new("trace") .short('t') .long("trace") .takes_value(true) .default_value("warn") .possible_values(["trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"]) .help("set trace level, not this has a performance impact!"), ) .get_matches(); let trace = matches.value_of("trace").unwrap(); let filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env() .add_directive(trace.parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("network_speed=debug".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("veloren_network::participant=trace".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("veloren_network::protocol=trace".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("veloren_network::scheduler=trace".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("veloren_network::api=trace".parse().unwrap()) /* .add_directive("veloren_network::participant=debug".parse().unwrap()).add_directive("veloren_network::api=debug".parse().unwrap())*/; tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_max_level(Level::ERROR) .with_env_filter(filter) .init(); let port: u16 = matches.value_of("port").unwrap().parse().unwrap(); let ip: &str = matches.value_of("ip").unwrap(); let addresses = match matches.value_of("protocol") { Some("tcp") => ( ListenAddr::Tcp(format!("{}:{}", ip, port).parse().unwrap()), ConnectAddr::Tcp(format!("{}:{}", ip, port).parse().unwrap()), ), Some("udp") => ( ListenAddr::Udp(format!("{}:{}", ip, port).parse().unwrap()), ConnectAddr::Udp(format!("{}:{}", ip, port).parse().unwrap()), ), _ => panic!("invalid mode, run --help!"), }; let mut background = None; let runtime = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap()); match matches.value_of("mode") { Some("server") => server(addresses.0, Arc::clone(&runtime)), Some("client") => client(addresses.1, Arc::clone(&runtime)), Some("both") => { let s = addresses.0; let runtime2 = Arc::clone(&runtime); background = Some(thread::spawn(|| server(s, runtime2))); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); //start client after server client(addresses.1, Arc::clone(&runtime)); }, _ => panic!("Invalid mode, run --help!"), }; if let Some(background) = background { background.join().unwrap(); } } fn server(address: ListenAddr, runtime: Arc) { let registry = Arc::new(Registry::new()); let mut server = Network::new_with_registry(Pid::new(), &runtime, ®istry); runtime.spawn(Server::run( Arc::clone(®istry), SocketAddr::from(([0; 4], 59112)), futures_util::future::pending(), )); runtime.block_on(server.listen(address)).unwrap(); loop { info!("----"); info!("Waiting for participant to connect"); let mut p1 = runtime.block_on(server.connected()).unwrap(); //remote representation of p1 let mut s1 = runtime.block_on(p1.opened()).unwrap(); //remote representation of s1 runtime.block_on(async { let mut last = Instant::now(); let mut id = 0u64; while let Ok(_msg) = s1.recv_raw().await { id += 1; if id.rem_euclid(1000000) == 0 { let new = Instant::now(); let diff = new.duration_since(last); last = new; println!("Recv 1.000.000 took {}", diff.as_millis()); } } info!("Other stream was closed"); }); } } fn client(address: ConnectAddr, runtime: Arc) { let registry = Arc::new(Registry::new()); let client = Network::new_with_registry(Pid::new(), &runtime, ®istry); runtime.spawn(Server::run( Arc::clone(®istry), SocketAddr::from(([0; 4], 59111)), futures_util::future::pending(), )); let p1 = runtime.block_on(client.connect(address)).unwrap(); //remote representation of p1 let s1 = runtime .block_on(p1.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0)) .unwrap(); //remote representation of s1 let mut last = Instant::now(); let mut id = 0u64; let raw_msg = Message::serialize( &Msg::Ping { id, data: vec![0; 1000], }, s1.params(), ); loop { s1.send_raw(&raw_msg).unwrap(); id += 1; if id.rem_euclid(1000000) == 0 { let new = Instant::now(); let diff = new.duration_since(last); last = new; println!("Send 1.000.000 took {}", diff.as_millis()); } if id > 2000000 { println!("Stop"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); break; } } drop(s1); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); info!("Closing participant"); runtime.block_on(p1.disconnect()).unwrap(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); info!("DROPPING! client"); drop(client); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); }