#version 420 core #include #define LIGHTING_TYPE LIGHTING_TYPE_REFLECTION #define LIGHTING_REFLECTION_KIND LIGHTING_REFLECTION_KIND_GLOSSY #define LIGHTING_TRANSPORT_MODE LIGHTING_TRANSPORT_MODE_IMPORTANCE #define LIGHTING_DISTRIBUTION_SCHEME LIGHTING_DISTRIBUTION_SCHEME_MICROFACET #define LIGHTING_DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING_DISTRIBUTION_BECKMANN #include #include #include layout(location = 0) in vec4 inst_mat0; layout(location = 1) in vec4 inst_mat1; layout(location = 2) in vec4 inst_mat2; layout(location = 3) in vec4 inst_mat3; // TODO: is there a better way to pack the various vertex attributes? // TODO: ori is unused layout(location = 4) in uint inst_pos_ori; layout(location = 5) in uint inst_vert_page; // NOTE: this could fit in less bits // TODO: do we need this many bits for light and glow? layout(location = 6) in float inst_light; layout(location = 7) in float inst_glow; layout(location = 8) in float model_wind_sway; // NOTE: this only varies per model layout(location = 9) in float model_z_scale; // NOTE: this only varies per model layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform utexture2D t_sprite_verts; layout(set = 0, binding = 13) uniform sampler s_sprite_verts; layout (std140, set = 2, binding = 0) uniform u_terrain_locals { vec3 model_offs; float load_time; ivec4 atlas_offs; }; // TODO: consider grouping into vec4's layout(location = 0) out vec3 f_pos; layout(location = 1) flat out vec3 f_norm; layout(location = 2) flat out float f_select; layout(location = 3) out vec2 f_uv_pos; layout(location = 4) out vec2 f_inst_light; const float SCALE = 1.0 / 11.0; const float SCALE_FACTOR = pow(SCALE, 1.3) * 0.2; const int EXTRA_NEG_Z = 32768; const int VERT_EXTRA_NEG_Z = 128; const int VERT_PAGE_SIZE = 256; //const int VERT_PAGE_SIZE = 256; void main() { // Matrix to transform this sprite instance from model space to chunk space mat4 inst_mat; inst_mat[0] = inst_mat0; inst_mat[1] = inst_mat1; inst_mat[2] = inst_mat2; inst_mat[3] = inst_mat3; // Worldpos of the chunk that this sprite is in vec3 chunk_offs = model_offs - focus_off.xyz; f_inst_light = vec2(inst_light, inst_glow); // Index of the vertex data in the 1D vertex texture int vertex_index = int(gl_VertexIndex % VERT_PAGE_SIZE + inst_vert_page); const int WIDTH = 16384; // TODO: temp ivec2 tex_coords = ivec2(vertex_index % WIDTH, vertex_index / WIDTH); uvec2 pos_atlas_pos_norm_ao = texelFetch(usampler2D(t_sprite_verts, s_sprite_verts), tex_coords, 0).xy; uint v_pos_norm = pos_atlas_pos_norm_ao.x; uint v_atlas_pos = pos_atlas_pos_norm_ao.y; // Expand the model vertex position bits into float values vec3 v_pos = vec3(ivec3((uvec3(v_pos_norm) >> uvec3(0, 8, 16)) & uvec3(0xFu, 0xFu, 0x0FFFu)) - ivec3(0, 0, VERT_EXTRA_NEG_Z)); // Transform into chunk space and scale f_pos = (inst_mat * vec4(v_pos, 1.0)).xyz; // Transform info world space f_pos += chunk_offs; // Terrain 'pop-in' effect f_pos.z -= 250.0 * (1.0 - min(1.0001 - 0.02 / pow(tick.x - load_time, 10.0), 1.0)); // Wind sway effect f_pos += model_wind_sway * vec3( sin(tick.x * 1.5 + f_pos.y * 0.1) * sin(tick.x * 0.35), sin(tick.x * 1.5 + f_pos.x * 0.1) * sin(tick.x * 0.25), 0.0 // NOTE: could potentially replace `v_pos.z * model_z_scale` with a calculation using `inst_chunk_pos` from below //) * pow(abs(v_pos.z * model_z_scale), 1.3) * SCALE_FACTOR; ) * v_pos.z * model_z_scale * SCALE_FACTOR; // Determine normal vec3 norm = (inst_mat[(v_pos_norm >> 30u) & 3u].xyz); f_norm = mix(-norm, norm, v_pos_norm >> 29u & 1u); // Expand atlas tex coords to floats // NOTE: Could defer to fragment shader if we are vert heavy f_uv_pos = vec2((uvec2(v_atlas_pos) >> uvec2(0, 16)) & uvec2(0xFFFFu, 0xFFFFu));; // Position of the sprite block in the chunk // Used solely for highlighting the selected sprite vec3 inst_chunk_pos = vec3(ivec3((uvec3(inst_pos_ori) >> uvec3(0, 6, 12)) & uvec3(0x3Fu, 0x3Fu, 0xFFFFu)) - ivec3(0, 0, EXTRA_NEG_Z)); // Select glowing vec3 sprite_pos = inst_chunk_pos + chunk_offs; f_light = (select_pos.w > 0 && select_pos.xyz == sprite_pos) ? 1.0 : 0.0; gl_Position = all_mat * vec4(f_pos, 1); }